PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILV aaa M ra HIaaa All T 1 11 -I SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1968 r.. .r~r. Matmen Attempt Rebound Against Purdue By BILL McFALL For Michigan's wrestling team, the stage is set for history to re- peat itself. In 1966, Michigan had rolled up a string of 34 straight dual meet victories. But this suffered an ubrupt termination at the hands of a good Minnesota squad. The next week, on Jan. 29, pit- iful Purdue went home on the nil side of a 32-0 score as the} Wolverines began to pile up' another set of consecutive tri- umphs. Las~t Monday that same win streak was stopped at 21 byhnewly top-ranked Oklahoma for Michi- gan's second defeat in the last 57 starts. This afternoon Purdue is back, and the Wolverine wrestlers are ready to get another big string started in a big way. The Boilermakers bring a team that has been unimpressive in competition so far this season, losing to McMurray College, Northwestern, and Minnesota. They have had to spread their talent thinly among the weight divisions, at times forfeiting in certain classes. Besidertheir personnel problems, they were in East Lansing last night to face MSU. The Spartans have been ranked in the top five since the beginning of the sea- son, and Purdue will be feeling the effects of a tough schedule in the meet this afternoon. In a line,-upthat lacks overall strength as well as individual stars, Purdue has been using Kim Dries at heavyweight, Frank Spinka at 177, and Ken Gregory at 167. In the middle weights, 160 shows Ken Sproat, 152 has Larry Smith, and 145 finds Dan Keyler; while can get the ones who haven't the Boiler-makers fill two of the wrestled yet this year in a three lightweight divisions with match." Dick Kern at 137 and Larry Risk Sophomores Layne Hedrick and at 130. John Hellner are two who fit In 123, Purdue has forfeited so that category and are likely start-J far this season, resulting in an-- instant five-point lead for the IN THE BIG TEN: other team. I H I The bright spot is Frank Spinka at 177. who has won consistently in action thishseason Against N ort w es Northwestern, he beat highly- touted Seth Norton for Purdue's By The Associated Press only weight class win. CHICAGO - Big Ten basket- But this fact should strike no ball, hitting new attendance terror in the heart of Michigan's highs, will produce a sellout to- 177 man, Pete Cornell, since he night in the important invasion by; also beat Norton. Rick Mount - paced Purdue of; ers at 160 and 152, respectively. With those exceptions, Coach Cliff Keen will start almost the l same line-up that he has used in the first part of the season, 1 including Lou Hudson. Michigan's lone winner in last Monday's loss to the Sooners. The meet with Purdue will take place at the Events Building in- mediately following the Michigan- Ohio State basketball contest. The Salt Mind 0 .. b Rob Saltzstein, 4 . .. _. .. . tern Hosts Purdue light, there will be a five-game flurry of major college competit- ion today in the Chicago area. Besides the Purdue at North- western clash in Evanston, Ill., two other Big Ten teams will be A Few More Wolverine assistant Coach Rick Bay announced that several more than the minimum of nine Wol- verines would be dressed for the Soph Maravich Keeps Top In National Scoring Race match. "We want to; a chance," he how things go, give all the guys said, "We'll see and perhaps we Billboard NEW YORK (A) - Sophomore Pete Maravich, seeking to become the first Louisiana State player ever to lead the major-college, NHL Standings 1 East Division W L T Pts. GF GA Montreal 22 14 9 53 132 99 Boston 24 16 6 54 168 134 Toronto 22 15 8 52 134 .129 New York 21 15 8 50 130- 117 Chicago 20 14 12 52 134 129 Detroit 18 20 8 44 154 152 West Division Phila'diph 21 17 7 49 114 102 Minnesota 16 20 9 41 .108 136 Los Angeles 18 23 4 40 108 141 St. Louis 16 21 8 40 96 110 Pittsburgh 16 22 7 39 114 132 Oakland 10 27 10 30 93 132 Yesterday's Results No games scheduled. Today's Games Boston at Montreal Chicago at Toronto New York at St. Louis Philadelphia at Detroit, afternoon Los Angeles at Pittsburgh Oakland at Minnesota Tomorrow's Games Toronto at Chicago Oakland at New York Pittsburgh at Boston Detroit at Minnesota, afternoon Los Angeles at -Philadelphia basketball players in scoring, con- tinued to set the pace for the fifth consecutive week yesterday. Maravich has a 45-point aver- age, enabling him to hold a com- manding lead over runnerup Cal- vin Murphy of Niagara, who is averaging 39.4 points a game. Elvin Hayes of Houston, the star of last Saturday's dramatic 71- 69 victory over UCLA, is in third place with 32.9. He is followed by Bob Lanier of St. Bonaventure, 28.8 and Bob Portman, Creigh- ton, 28.6. (The figures compiled by National Collegiate Sports Serv- ices are through games of last Saturday.) The other individual leaders are Joe Allen of Bradley in field goal accuracy with a .685 mark, Larry Ward of Centenary, the best free throw marksman with .923 and Garfield Smith of Eastern Ken- tucky in rebounding with a 23.3 average. Team paceseters include UCLA on offense with a 97.5 point aver- 4ge, Tulsa in defense with 56.5 points and Tulane in free throw accuracy, .790. Northwestern's McGaw Hall. in non-conference action at the After last weekend's play, con- Chicago Stadium tonight. ference crowds averaged 9,614 for In a Stadium triple header, the first 18 league games. This Illinois takes on fast-moving No- represents 75 percent of field tre Dame and defending Big Ten house capacity, compared with co-champion Michigan State op- last, year when only 68 per cent poses Southern Illinois, last sea- of seats, were filled. son's NIT champ. The capacity throng in the 10,- The Evanston unveiling of 000-seat McGaw Hall is lured by Mount, touted Purdue sharp- both the appearance of Mount highl publicized hBoilermaker IIR I gui Northwestern's Wildcats to grab the undisputed Big Ten lead. () Saturday's only other confer- '. fCl~ ence contest, Ohio State's trip to Michigan for a regionally televis- CHICAGO () - Rick Mount, ed matinee, also has bearing on Purdue's heralded sophomore, will the jumbled conference race. get a chance to capture the indi- If Ohio State and Purdue both vidual scoring lead today in the triumph they will share the lead slowed-down Big Ten basketball with idle Iowa, currently match-rae ed with Northwestern atop the Mount and the current league standings at 3-1. scoring paceseter, Wisconsin's Joe Although conference activity is Franklin, both have been idled PRO ACTION: 76ers Outlast Royals Today's features at the Uni- versity Events Building will be a three-for-one affair, as sports afficionados will get a chance to see two basketball games and a wrestling meet without chang- ing their seats. Approximate starting times for each event are as follows: Fresh- man (versus Ohio State) at 12:00 noon. Varsity basketball (versus Ohio State) at 2:15 p.m. Wrestlers (versus Purdue) at 4:00 p.m., or immediately fol- lowing the basketball game. * * * Other sports action today finds the Wolverine swimmers hosting the Boilermakers from Purdue. This event will take place at Matt Mann Pool at 1:00 p.m. SPORTS NIGHT EDITOR: BILL McFALL shooter with a 27-point season average and second best in the Big Ten at 30.7, marks only the sixth McGaw Hall sellout in 16 seasons. Previous sellouts were brought by Kentucky twice; Cazzie Rus- sell ofbMichigan twice, and Wilt Chamberlain as a Kansas junior in 1957. Northwestern, which has fea- tured defense and particularly good rebounding, wil be trying to prevent Mount from getting first shots - which usually drill the nets. nis to Gain in's Franklin by the academic semester break since Jan. 16. But Mount, with a runner-up average of 30.7, will get a chance in tonight's important Purdue in- vasion of Northwestern to draw a bead on Franklin's conference top- ping average of 32.0. Franklin will be idle until Tues- Jay when Wisconsin jumps back into league action at Minnesota. Mount, who has shaken off ef- fects of an early season foot in- jury, set the conference season high of 40 points against Wiscon- sin Jan. 9. League statistics Thursday dis- closed Iowa's Sam Williams last weekend slipped from second to third place with a 28.5 average for 4 games, compared with 3 each played by Franklin and Mount. Ohio State's Bill Hosket re- mained fourth with 27.0 and also had the Big Ten's best rebound- ing average, 14.7, Dave Scholz of Illinois was fifth in scoring at Of Points, Candles .. . And English 123 "Always get to the point. You've got to get to the point. I always get to the point when I write so you can do it too. That's the only way to write, getting to the point, you know." I remember these words of wisdom, can't really forget them. Long ago when I was a freshman I heard them three days a week for fifteen consecutive weeks They were the first tidbits of knowledge I picked up in Ann Arbor. The course, of course, was English 123 - the ABC's of high powered writing so to speak. Every dumb freshman at this University has to take it. The bright boys can get out of it by sliding into honors. For these para- gons of scholastic virtue, the course of study is Homer in the morn- ing, Virgil in the afternoon and Socrates in the evening. They elect great books 191. But if your English verbal score falls somewhat on the shady side of 750 the University provides you with a diet of entirely dif- ferent calories. Like the draft, English 123 sucks up any bewildered- looking Lit school freshman and completely indoctrinates him into the system. The course is so popular that the University runs over forty sections of it simultaneously. Things are kept quite basic for the convenience of the flustered yearling by having each class meet at 8:00 a.m. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It's hard to mess up a schedule like this but invariably one or two of the rookies will forget and "sleep in by mistake." You would be amazed to see how many times this mistake actually occurred but, like I said, many of the kids in this course were veritable idiots and accidents do happen. Myself, I was lucky. For a roommate I had a former farmboy and he would always bounce out of bed at 5:30, except for Sunday when he would sleep in until 7:00. With him around I never missed it, thank goodness. Since I have a knack for getting to the point with real speed I graduated cum laude from the course. A former Yale man with dark glasses, black loafers and white socks prodded me on to fame. He used to sit on the desk, swing his legs around (like teaching fellows always do) and invoke the muse for me. It was easy to do well, and you too can have success if you follow these simple instructions: (1) Always get to the point and never write anything which is redundant. When you write an article never mention anything twice and get right into the nitty-gritty of it. If you can do this; that is, stick to the point and never write anything twice, you will avoid being redundant. This, in turn, will have the consequence of meaning you do not write anything twice and with practice you soon will not be writing anything twice and with practice you soon will not be writing anything twice which means you will not only have successfully avoided redundancy but you will also not be repeating yourself more than once. (2) Always identify the speaker immediately and don't ramble. The speaker should preferably be identified while you are in the act of getting to the point. For example, in the quotation of my first paragraph of this column you find the words of my English 123 teaching fellow. As for rambling, don't. It's bad to ramble because the body of your paper will then lack cohesiveness and no one will read it. While we are on the subject of writing, take a good look at a candlestick. You will notice that candlesticks come in two varieties, those that are beautiful and those that are ugly. My English 123 teaching fellow always lugged one of the two types into class with him and made us describe it. Of course, he was trying to expand our imaginations. What did the candlestick make us think of and all that? I think on the side he was picking up a masters in psychology but one day it reminded me of a football game You remember that day we beat Oregon State in the Rose Bowl, don't you? Mel Anthony ran for the roses three times and became the first player to ever rack up eighteen points in that game. I didn't know it at the time but that was when the abstract literary vein in me beginning to pop out. But enough of this, I want to get back to the evils of rambling around in your writing. Never ramble, after much practice mixed in along with tears and toils you will purge yourself, like what Stalin was so expert atof rambling. (3) Always have a conclusion and never leave the reader hanging in the air. gq By The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA - Hal Greer and Luke Jackson combined for 20 points in a third-period surge which fired the Philadelphia 76ers to a 123-113 victory over the Cin- cinnati Royals last night in a Na- tional B a s k e t b a 11 Association game. co' ..1 T u _ 118-112 decision over the Boston Celtics. Baylor, who had only 11 points in the first half, bounced back after the intermission to connect for 24 in the final two periods and led the Lakers to their first triumph in five meetings with Boston. E r "". t i SUNDAY, JANUARY 28-8:30 P.M. Lecture and Discussion with Professor Paul M. Minus, Jr. INTERCOMMUNION NOW? Professor Minus holds a B.A., B.D., M.A., and Ph.D from Yale University and studied for a year on a Fulbright Grant at the Catholic University of Louvain. He is presently Professor of Church His- tory, Methodist Theological School, Delaware, Ohio. Gabriel Richard Center 331 Thompson Street The Evening for 7:30 P.M. in St. lecture with the Lutheran Chapel, Christian Unity will begin at Mary's Chapel, followed by the. Rev. Alfred Scheips, University participating in the discussion. The 76ers led 58-56 at halftime 22.0 but after Greer and Jackson fin- PITTSBURGil-Art Heyman's Steve Howell of Ohio State made ished searing the nets in the third 31 points and 28 by Connie Hawk- the biggest scoring jump, from period, the Eastern Division lead- ins powere dthe Pittsburgh Pipers 10th to sixth with 21.7. ers were leading 85-69. over Minnesota 115-107 last night In team play, Ohio State has and into a first place tie with the best scoring record, averaging BOSTON - The surging Los the Muskies in the Eastern Divis- 94.3 points, and the top rebound- Angeles Lakers, sparked by a sec- ion of the American Basketball ing average of 53.0. ond-half scoring outburst by Association. Illinois is the defensive leader, Elgin Baylor, posted their fifth A crowd of 12,223, largest ever yielding an average of 59.0 which straight National Basketball As- to see a pro basketball game in is 12 points better than runner- sociation victory Friday night, a Pittsburgh, attended. up Michigan State's 71.0. CALEDONIAN AIRWAYS presents UNIVERSITY CHARTER FLIGHTS MASS MEETING MAY9-JUNE20-6weeks . . . . . . . . $205 MAY 20-AUGUST 19-13 weeks . . . . . . $230 JUNE 27-AUGUST 25-8 weeks $250 ALL FLIGHTS: Detroit-London-Detroit Wednesday, JANUARY 31, 7:00 P.M. MICHIGAN LEAGUE BALLROOM coffee, films, information OR CALL: JOSEPH MASON 761-2348 WILLIAM RAYMER 5-7 P.M. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily '3 Sunday, February 4-7:15-Multipurpose Room, UGLI Professor JOSEPH SITTLER, Systematic Theology University of Chicago, Divinity School, Presented in cooperation with the Lutheran Student Chapel, N.L.C. Office of Religious Affairs-2282 Student Activities Bldg. 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