MEDITATION: A GROWING CULT See Editorial Page CZ rP 5k t .~ A4&1or :43 1 atly CLOUDY High-33 Low-25 Chance of light showers, snow or sleet. Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVIII, No. 1 0 1ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1968 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Fund ( Willow By ROGER RAPOPORT Editor The University's largest clas- sified military research under- taking, Project MICHIGAN is about to take a $1 million cut in funding that is prompting a 40, per cent cut back in activities and displacement of 25 of the project's 100 employees. And the cut could of go deeper next year. Eutbacks Hit Russians RunA The battlefield surveillance pro- ject, which was funded at $2.5 million dollars for the Feb. 1, 1967 to Feb. 1, 1968 period has been renewed for another year by the defense department. However, Project Director Wil- lis E. Groves of Willow Run Labs said that the government is not giving any money for the project during the Feb. 1, 1968 to June ictivity 30, 1968 period. The five-month fund cut-off amounts to about $1 million on the basis of last year's funding. It is part of a gen- eral 20 per cent cut in Defense Department-sponsored university research this year. The cut is largely the result of the rising cost of the Viet Nam war. In order to keep the project running, University officials have decided to "spread out" some of the $2.5 million funded last year to pay for the five-month drought this year. This has meant that the pro- gram is working under a 40 per cent cutback during the Nov. 1, 1967-June 30, 1968 period. '..rovPC asai ornment ox tic- U.S. ,Il Peace P ueblo .eject Plea Crisis Berkeley Protesters Held for Conspiracy By DAVID DUBOFF yesterday in Sproul Plaza on the ial hav advisedh d ialshaveadviedhmn additional Five leaders of the Berkeley Berkeley campus. Among the approprigtions are expected after anti-draft movement appeared in speakers were former student body June 30 when the government sets Alameda County, Calif. Superior president Bettina Aptheker and a new budget for the next fiscal Court yesterday on charges of con- Robert Sheer, managing editor of year. AN spiring to violate state laws dur- Ramparts. But he predicts the new project ing "Stop-the-Draft Week" last The whereabouts of Segal and budget will;besubstantially be- October. Cannon are unknown, although low the $2.5 million level. "What The Alameda County Grand warrants have been issued for their with the fiscal situation because Jury returned indictments against arrest, acording to Orlando Ortiz, of the war; I anticipate that our the five and two other persons News Editor of the Student Coin- wl e oseal Wednesday following an investiga- munications Network, an indepen-owr for next year. It quite liky tion of demonstrations at the Oak- dent news service with offices in could be cut in half - to about land Induction Center Oct. 16-21. several campuses around the coun- $1.25 million." All seven were indicted for ten try. "overt acts" of tresspass, disturb Bail for the seven was fixed The $1 million fund cutback "oetat"o resas itr so far amounts to about 9 per the peace and obstruct the police, Wednesday at $5,000 each.e of Wlowns total$11 8r accodingto n aricl in he Di- ~-~-~--cent of Willow Run's total $1181 according to an article in the Dai- Imillion budget. Over $9 million ly Californian, student newspaper T of the work is classified projects. at the University of California at M SU T o O K Total employment at Willow Runjes Berkeley. has dropped from abot 600flat Goldberg Demands SKorea Release 1p Soviet Move To Block Debate Fails; Security Council Reconvenes Today UNITED NATIONS (f) - The United States told the Security Council yesterday that it is essential to peace that steps be taken to assure the release of the USS Pueblo and its crew by North Korea. But the Soviet Union championed North Korea and rejected the U.S. plea. After a heated U.S.-Soviet exchange, the council presi- dent, Ambassador Agha Shahi of Pakistan, adjourned the meeting until 10:3C a.m. today. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg told the 15 nation coun- cil convened in urgent session at President Johnson's request that "the existing situation can not be allowed to stand. It must be corrected," Gold- President Johnson Explai 'WE AIM AT BOYS: -Associated Press ns His Korea Policy Michael Koeneke 1 N (WN 5t -.. 'r 5'WNqp~.. L . n z - .' W ' k iMWW Wtindetlvsoan berg said. Both Goldberg and Johnson- the president in a statement on Conspiracy a Felony fall to a current 575, Groves esti- just before the council met- Although the acts themselves L iberaized mated. clear that the United States are misdemeanors, conspiracy to J Displaced Employes still seeking a diplomatic sol pun ishabley tothree ye iCoed Polic thhbn e llothe crisis creatd when pnsalbyupt hreyars ite 25 technical and non-tech- state prison, Alameda County Dis-a icwy nical employees displaced by thedn I nicaandmitsycrewdisp83cMondayth trict ttney F. Frank Coakley By LYNNE KILLIN Project Michigan cutback have By WALLACE IMM EN is hard for most people to say discount subscription price. "One The Soviet Union served r found jobs in other University no'." she said. "But enthusiasm is third of the money goes to our that it would support North research units or in outside in- In a one-week cram course, always the key." company, another third pays for rea's case in the council de tional Communications Director soon adopt a liberalized policy dustry. former Nashville waitress learned The saleswomen carry official the subscription and the rest I Platn D. Morozov, the S for Students for a Democratic on allowing pregnant women to He explained that the pr t to "talk like a student and wear ates s adhete Society; Terry Cannon, a member remain in school., According to H xlie httepoetminiskirt without showing tooicrdnalcopeewtapascgt.Sh sid he as ledy eeaeaseftdinn of the Student Non-violent Co- Dean of Students Milton Dik has in general been cutting back much." seal to show the clients, along with made "well over $1,000 in six der attempt to block cc icer- on newer tasks. "Some tasks we . a list of about 50 magazines which weeks of selling." debate. The councl voted I ordinating Committee and editor son, the University will now had just starte on were termin- One of a team of saleswomen have promotion contracts with "Once in a while I get chased 3 to put the issue on its ag orditing Commiteand "e-"treat each case on its own ad js stateas wer ern- who recently left the campus area, their company. Most are monthlies out right away and [ always walk Hungary and Algeria joinec ment"; Frank Bardacke, a grad- merits." the fund cut last fall," Groves ex- she says she moves to a new col- with small circulations out on the Casanovas," she ex- Russians in the no'vote. uate student and teaching asso- Under the old policy both mar- plained lege town every two weeks to sell "Any magazine they mention we plains. "Most of the time I can date in political science at Ber- ried and unwed coeds were ex- Te Amagazine subscriptions on com- were told to write up for a three make at least one sale in an apart- See earlier story, Page 3 keley and Reese Erlich, a junior pected to leave school after 412 ieoArm intopouredct Hn mission. The former waitress, who or five year subscription. It's ment." in political science. months of pregnancy. Now a wo- $70 Proj asked not to be identified, said she an how effective the order "The company is very careful Morozov accused the U Erlich was suspended several man can continue classes if her IGAN since it began in 1953. answered advertisement offering a card can be," she said. "Buyers about federal laws," she added. States of committing aggre months ago for taking part in physician permits. Funding has averaged $4 million glamorous job with plenty of travel think the sale is final housin for us against North Korea by sen sit-ins protesting on-campus re- Unwed pregnant students iving and says her job is "exhausting "If they frown, we offer to make whey arrmnge toa new town and the Pueblo into the terri cruiing y Dw Chmicl Co- iannupalker athe6 pastni196ear crutng by Dow Chemical Coi- in university housing may be per- but very lucrative." it a one-year instead. If they're a company matron makes sure waters of that country. . pany and the Central Intelligence mitted to stay in the dorms, Pioneer Techniques She attepnded a spe~cial courseitaone-yarintead.f they'rea coman yatrnamak"Wehsue uwsats of that icte y. 7 ~-',-,i. .,.-',.-..-.i o.n ~ WeT have H-is attitude indicated a S radio made was ution forth ship night. notice Ko- bate. oviet ear- uncil 2 to, enda. d the nited ssion iding tdrial oviet Agency. said Dickerson. This will depend Project MICHIGAN has pion- Also indicted were Bob Mandel, on the attitudes of the girl and eered'many techniques in battle- Steve Hamilton and Mike Smith, her roommates. field surveillance a number of all former Berkeley students. A policy of informing parents which are currently being used Bardacke, Erlich, Mandel, Ham- of all students under 21 who be- in Viet Nam. ilton and Smith turned them- came pregnant has already been Groves explained that the selves in at the Sheriff's office in cancelled project was especially hard-hit Oakland Thursday morning. Women at the University here by the defense cuts because it. is Attempt to Create Fear are permitted to attend classes involved with exploratory re- Speaking at a rally earlier in the throughout their entire pregn- search. "Generally exploration re- day Bardacke charged that the ancy. search takes the heaviest kind of indictment was an attempt to The University's policy of in- cut when there is fund shortage," quell militant anti-war demon- forming the parents of unwed. he said. strations and create fear, accord- women of their daughters' pregn- Vice-President for Researcn A. ing to the Daily Californian ar- ancies is unclear. Health Service Geoffrey Norman was out of town ticle. Director John Wyman, s a i d and unavailable for comment on Bardacke was quoted as saying, Health Service will notify par- the cutback. However he had said "Our only response should be that ents of their daughter's condition. earlier this week, "The world - we continue to do our anti-war However several Health Service and the rUniversity - need so work, step it up, and make the doctors said that this policy was' many highly skilled people today' next 'Stop-the-Draft Week bigger not enforced. One doctor explain- I doubt there will be any trouble and better. ed that students would not trust in finding other assignments for A rally in support of the de- Health Service if they informed those who might be affected by fendants was also held at noon I parents of pregnancy. program curtailments." C- interested in one, i start a piton in high-pressure sales techniques for two or three others," she in Miami and was sworn to secrecy added. about her training. "They taught She said what she calls "studeht us to rush into a room when the rate" is actually three times the door is opened, explain we are ex- change students, and start asking questions right away about college " life. They told us to ask to sit down and act so excited that we can't sit still." / They were told to have their *7{j ' hair done every other day -and to wear miniskirts and patterned hose. "We obviously aim for the boys." she noted. Convinced by Ann Arbor citizens "After the ice is broken we have that the Housing Commission's to become more polite and ask if proposed 200 public housing they will vote for us in our selling apartments should be dispersed contest." The vote comes from the more widely, city officials have purchase of a magazine subscrip- begun looking for additional land tion and the more expensive it is, -and the first place they've gone the more "points" the seller can is to the University. accumulate. Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher had "After a good friendly talk it 3romised at a public housing hear- FROM GETTYSBURG TO WYOMING: i!we're an iny :u P. . lvc " "Nv to buy our own meals, but we get I big power veto on any .concrete refunds for the rest of our ex- proposal from the United States. penses, so I get to bank a lot of Goldberg produced maps in the my profits.,E council chamber to demonstrate - the U.S. contention that the Pu- eblo was in international waters when it was seized., "It is imperative that the Se- curity Council act with the great- est urgency and effectiveness," H usin g = Goldberg said in his appeal for r I 0 11S 1R council action. "The existing situation cannot ing Monday to ask President Rob- be allowed to stand. It must be ben W. Fleming if the University corrected and the council must might provide land for some of face up to its responsibility to the low-rent units, so he brought see it corrected," he said. up the subject at a three hour He indicated that this course meeting Thursday between city was preferable "to other courses and University officials. which the UN charter reserves to University representatives, in- member states." :luding Vice-President and Chief He did not amplify, but the Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pier- charter specifies that UN mem- pont, and James F. Brinkerhoff, ber countries can take action on Director of Plant Extension, said their own when they consider their at the meeting that they sympa- defenses at stake. thize with the city's dilemma, Morozov said he "wasn't very but argued that pressing needs for much interested" in Goldberg's exclusively academic construction "visual aids," and, "I certainly Imake it almost impossible to con- did not find him convincing." sider selling land to the city. He said he knew Goldberg, in "If you ask if there is any land his demonstration, "would not the University can give for any show us the coordinates where purposes but its own, the answer is this military vessel of the United no," one official told Hulcher. States . . . was when it intruded, Interacting Responsibilities into the waters" of North Korea. However, he confessed, "My own view is that universities in towns like this have interacting respon- TT sbilities. We should look very SH A To Picket closely at what we do." "Councilmen argued that since Local Landlord students are largely responsible for the critical shortage of low- Picketing of Apartments Lim- cost housing, the University should ited's rental office will begin to- help the city provide more. Cur- day in protest of the refusal by rent Housing Commission plans the firm to accept the University's would allow poor students to apply eight-month lease.. for the low-rent, federally-spon- The executive board of the sored public housing units. Graduate Assembly agreed in an "The extreme emergency in! emergency meeting last night to low-cost housing results from the endorse the picketing of Apart-{ presence of the University," one ments Limited, GA president Stu- Charter Not To Accept 'U' Lease By DAVID SPURR Charter Realty, yesterday told t representative of Student Hous- ing Association (SHA) that Char- ter did not intend to use the Uni- versity's new eight month lease. Several Ann Arbor landlords, however, have recently agreed to adopt the lease. These include University Towers, Herbert Wick- ersham, Ron West of Madison Management and Huron Towers. Donald E. Van Curler of Royal Dutch Apartments will use the University lease, but only on a twelve-month basis. "We havenever discussed the possibility of an eight-month lease," said Hilbert Beyer, rental manager for Charter. SHA sent Charter a copy of the new lease last week. Hasn't Considered Beyer said that John Stegeman, owner of Charter, also had not considered the lease. "We've been very happy with the lease we're using," Beyer com- mented, "and will stick with the 12-month lease. I can't see any problems that students have had with our lease." In the past Char- ter has not used University leases but has used their own lease forms. The University Towers manage- tnent and Wickersham have used the old University lease on an eight-month basis in the past. A representative from Huron Tow- ers said that although his firm prefers its own lease, the new eight-month lease may be used with a 20 percent increase in rent. Ron West of Madison Manage- ment said his rental increase would be 25 percent. Pressure on Charter Asked whether the projected vacancies in Ann Arbor apart- ments might put pressure on Charter to change its lease pol- icy, Beyer told SHA Chairman Mike Koeneke, '68, "We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. I don't think we'd ever react under presure." Beyer said he was unsure what affect student consumer pressure such as the boycott now be- ing promoted against Apartments Limited would have on the mar- ket. He said "over 50 per cent" of Charter's units have already been rented for next fall. Beyer said he has received "suc- cessful response from students to our apartments." Asked whether many students had complained about the twelve-month lease, he said, "They make a choice when they first rent with us on wheth- er they want a twelve month lease. If they didn't like the lease, they'd rent from somebody else." SGC passed a resolution Thurs- day unanimously endorsing the SHA-SRU in their efforts to im- Rockets, Sawmill Aid in Education By JIM NEUBACHER Last of a Two-Part Series On a 12-foot square plot of a small farm in Gettysburg, Pa., lies a five-ton monument marking the birthplace of the Rev. John Monteith, one of the University's founders and its first president. Late last year, University of- ficials located the birthplace of Monteith and obtained ver- bal consent from the farm's owner to erect the marker. Un- fortunately, the owner died a week later, leaving the ques- tion of consent up in the air. University officials sought out the new owner of the pro- perty, Mrs. Virginia Lee Red- ding, who readily consented to the project and even decided to deed the land to the Univer- sity. name implies; a site from which to launch rockets - nothing more. There is noth- ing there but 202 acres of prime forest located on the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Lake Superior, the northern- most part of Michigan. The land is devoid of facilities and equipment of any sort, much to the frustration of the aero- space research department of the engineering college. The site was obtained by the University about five years ago as a gift from Calumet and Hecla Copper Company, which have extensive land holdings in the western part of the Up- per Peninsula. Little was done with the site until the summer of 1964. At that time, the Ar- my Signal Corps, looking for a launching site near the center of the North American conti- 3-to-5 man facility on the sire from which to conduct further experiments. "All we've been able to get since then are occasional drib- bles," said Harold F. Allen of the engineering college, a re- search engineer in tho Univer- sity's Aerospace High Altitude Laboratory. Allen has watched sadly as requests for funds (:o finaiice launchings have been rejected time and again. "We've parked an old van up there just to have someplace to go when it gets cold," he said. Allem point- ed out that, because of the lack of facilities, equipment and storage, all cracking and launching materials for each shot must be assembled and dismantled each time a trip is made to the site. Allen said that dlevelcpment city councilman charged. "It is art Katz said. the largest employer of low-in- The picketing was organized by come persons and its students Student Housing Association and compete in the priv.ate housing Student Rental Union (SHA- market. SRU) at a tactical meeting yester- Fnircit, Prohm ui dav. Ti will fnm in front of the ,. _.