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January 26, 1968 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-26

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Wolverine leers Faceoff
Against Gophers Tonight

Michigan Netminder Stops Flying Pucks
Flying Airplanes Next On His Horizon

Michigan's hockey team takesa
on Minnesota tonight at 9 p.m. inr
the spacious, not - so - confining
confines of Williams Arena in
The roominess of the rink suits
the Gophers perfectly, allowing
them plenty of space to roam
Coach Al Renfrew, who has
had the opportunity to view the
Minnesotans in action three times
against his own team, appraises
them as "excellent skaters. And
they are fast, too."
The Wolverines dropped the
initial meeting with the Gophers
in the Big Ten tournament title
game in Minneapolis, 3-1. They
then turned the tables and:
greeted Minnesota with 3-2 and
7-6 defeats in Ann Arbor.
Minnesota coach Glen Sonmor
views the two game series this
weekend as another in his series:
of must-wins. The Gophers held
down the WCHA cellar all alone
last season in Sonmor's rookie ef-
fort. This year he has whipped
them into contending form. j

if we are going to win both
games," acknowledges Sonmor.
"Michigan has a great goaltender
in (Jim) Keough."
A combination of Keough and
good skating by the Wolverines
beat the Gophers in the Ann Ar-
bor series. The Wolverines kept
up with the slick-skating North-
men early in both games and
didn't allow them any advantage.
While the Gophers were sweep-
ing MSU last weekend, Michigan
took a breather in blasting West-
ern Ontario twice.
The intervening weekend gave
Minnesota's Bill Klatt the chance
to take the WCHA scoring lead
with 18 points. Klatt, a member of
the flying front line with center
Gary Gambucci and wing Chuck
Norby, heads a list of seven Go-1
phers in the top 10 WCHA scorers.
Minnesota has occasion to play
some defense though, and spear-
heading their efforts is senior
Dick Paradise. In two seasons of
WCHA play, Paradise has put to-
gether an incomparable record of
penalties. He added to that rec-


burly defenseman will be ready
for more action tomorrow night.
The Wolverines head into the,
series with their share of aches
and pains. Don Deeks was unable
to make the trip and will be out
of the lineup for the second
straight weekend. Dave Perri:l is
still bothered by a bad back and
iay be a doubtful starter.
The Michigan-Minnesota ,eries
is one of the longest and most bit-
ter hockey rivalries going. And the
series with the Gophers is the
only one where the Wolverines
have a losing record. This week-
end Michigan has a chance to
close the gap and pass Minnesota!
in the WCHA standings.

Eight-year-old Jimmy Keough
straggled out to the street, stick
in hand with the intent of joiningj
his older brother in the all-Cana-
dian game of ball hockey. He was
faced, however, with a harsh
ultimatum, "play goalie or don't
No healthy young Canadian is
going to pass up ball hockey
game, even if he has to play goal.
Thus Jim Keough began his car-
eer as a goalie.
Later the same year the goal-
tender for his brother's team fail-
ed to show up for a game and
Keough was immediately recruited
for the local team. This team
which included ,Bart Crashly and
Gary Marsh, both members of the
Detroit Red Wing organization,
became known as one of the finest
midget division (16 years old and
under) hockey clubs ever by the
time Keough was 15.
Whip Junior Wings
This claim was substantiated
when the young Toronto boys
whipped the 17 and 18 year-old
Junior Red Wings 6-2.
Keough, today a relaxed and
confident individual, has given
the Wolverines some of the finest
net minding anyone has seen in
Ann Arbor for quite a while.
Teammate C r a i g Malcolmson
rates him as "the finest goal-
tender in the WCHA.'
Coach Al Renfrew has publicly,
called the easy-going netminder,
"cocky" and his teammates often
kid him about it. But if Keough
sees himself as a proficient goal
tender he is not the only one.
At the age of 13 Keough receiv-
ed a phone call from Chicago
Black Hawk general manager,
Tommy Ivan. "When Ivan called
and told me he was interested in
me I was on cloud nine," recalls
The young goal tender was acti-
vated by the St. Catharine Black


Hawks, Chicago's Junior A Team, ( has been his biggest disappoint-
at only 16. There he played as mrent. He's developed close rela-
the number one goalie succeed- tionships with a nucleus of the
ing Roger Crozier of Red Wings, team. "There's no question that
and before him, Denis DeJordy his confidence in himself car-
currently the number one goalie ries over to the rest of us," com-
of the Black Hawks. ments a teammate.


The Minnesotans swept a pair ord two weeks ago when a fisti-
from Michigan State last week- cuff started between him and
end to run their league record to Wolverine Jerry Hartman.-
8-4, enough to rank them fourth Paradise Lost,
behind North Dakota (9-2-1), Appropriately enough, Para-
Denver (9-3), and Michigan Tech dise was booted out of last Sat-
(5-2). Michigan trails Minnesota urday night's MSU game for
with a 3-3 league record. fighting and must sit out tonight's
"We'll have to be at our best game under league rules. The

Big Shoes to Fill There are two aspects of hockey
Keough was the first-string here, however, that really bother
goalie for a club which had be- Keough; the coliseum and the of-
come known for having the best ficiating. "The hockey team here
goaltending in Junior A hockey. is the only team that has been
"Those were awfully 'big shoes left in the cold," he quips. "I'd
to fill, and I didn't quite measure hate to be a spectator in that
up.'' place.''
Presently, Keough, who is a bus- Keough is more outspoken in
messvadministration major, would his criticism of the officiating in
like very much to play pro hock- the WCHA. "It is the worst of-
ey, and at the moment is on ficiating I've seen since I was a;
Chicago's college protected list, kid."
Keough rates Canadian Junior Sleeps
A play well above that of the Pressure is one of the most re-
WCHA. "We have a few teams nowned factors in goalkeeping.
that could beat some junior Keough, however, handles it very
teams," he relates, "but on the well. "I can't see any aierence
whole, Junior A is much better." in him at all the night before a
The accomplishments of some game. He always sleeps well," dis-
of his former teammates would closes his roommate.
bear him out. These include Ken The only time when he feels!
Hodge. and Fred Stanfield, both it much is late in the game.
of the Boston Bruins -and cur- "When it gets close at the end,
rently in the National Hockey and especially in overtime, the'l
League's top scorers, and Black pressure is phenomenal. You may
Hawks Dennis Hull and Doug have had a fine game up to then,
Jarrett. but if you miss one, at that
Keough almost never came to stage, you're a bum."
Michigan. The ace goaltender re- Keough enjoys a busy night.j
-ceived scholarship offers from "Standing around in the net is!
Denver and Michigan Tech, but for the birds. I'd much rather stop
none from Michigan. Fortunately, 40 shots in a game than 20."
former Wolverine forward Bob To Keough, however, warmupi
Baird met his older brother at can be the worst part of a hockey
a wedding and the next day,
IKeoughdreceived a call from Ren-
That call paid off well for Ren-
frew, and Keough profited too.
"I would've hated the cold weather
up at Houghton (home of Mich-
igan Tech)," says Keough. "In
fact, I'd like to play pro hockey
out on the coast if I could."
Keough has enjoyed his hockey
career at Michigan, despite the
lack of a winner, which he says
no Ts 1 T4";

game. "If there's one think I hate,"
he complains, "it's a teammate,
who during practice, skates in
and sends a shot flying past my
head from 20 feet out."
Flying planes, however, and
flying pucks are two different
things. He has a deep love for
airplanes and rockets. "When I
finish playing hockey, I'd like to
fly for a commercial airline,"

Goalie Jim Keough

week down at Cape Kennedy had
to be the biggest thrill of my
life," chimes Keough. "I'm crazy
about rockets."
Keough's favorite relaxation is
skiing. "I love skiing," he says,
"I just wish I had more time to do
it." If he turns pro, his skiing
career will have to come to an
end. "It the Black Hawks have an
investment in me, they have a

says Keough. r i g h t to protect it," admits
He spent last summer work- Keough.
ing for the Chrysler Space Divis- He is quite willing to make that
ion in New Orleans. "Spending a sacrifice.

l' Thinclads in Western Trial

When Michigan track coach
Don Canham says he might have
a pretty good team, you had bet-
ter believe him. With 19 years of
experience behind him, he is not
prone to overstatement.
I think we'll have a pretty good
squad this spring. We're definite-
ly going to be much better than
last year," he ' smiles when asked
about Michigan's chances for the
p coming season.
That might not seem too im-
pressive when you realize that the
Wolverines finished fifth in the
conference indoor championships
last winter, but it looks a lot bet-
ter with the tracksters' fast-clos-
ing third-place finish in the out-
door meet.
Back For More
Two of Michigan's three de-
fending Big Ten champions re-
turn for the 1968 campaign, plus
most of the nucleus from the '67
Both Clarence Martin, who set
a new Big Ten mark with a 6'9"
high jump effort, and Bob
Thomas, '67 discus champ, will
be back to bolster Wolverine
hopes for the 1968 crown.
Rich Hunt, who took the high
jump title as a sophomore in 1966,
will also return. With Gary
Knickerbocker, indoor runner-up
last winter and fifth-place fin-
isher in outdoor competition,
Hunt and Martin give the Wol-
verines great depth in that event.
Great depth in most events and
a fine group of sophomores should
combine to give Michigan one of
the strongest track and field
teams in- the Big Ten.
Record Next?
Especially notable is the re-
turn of the two-mile relay team,
which ripped off .a 7:27.0 per-
formance, a bare .6 of a second
off the world indoor mark, over
the Christmas break. The group-
Ron Kutschinski, Tom Kearney,
Alex McDonald, and Paul Arm-
strong - should break the rec-
ord if they get onto a good track.
The pole vault, middle dis-
tances, and distance events
should be other strong points of
the indoor season.
With three men who have each

USC's Seagrei

UCLA's Lacey Jumps Teai
By The Associated Press 'to New York yesterday after mis-
NEW YORK-Bob Seagren of sing two practices following crit-
Southern California pole vaulted ical statements by Coach John
17'4%" last night, breaking his Wooden.

Tom 'Kearney, Alex McDonald,
preparations for an assault on th
held by Villanova. The crew tur'
Senior Bowl Invitational meet lat
cleared 15 feet, the Wolverines
should gather a pile of points in
the pole vault. Matti Kilpelainen,
who took fifth place in the 1967
outdoor. championships, leads the
contingent, and is backed up by
junior Carl Watkins and sopho-
more Ron Shortt.
Alex McDonald, the team's cap-
tain, leads a fine crew of middle
distance men. McDonald holds
Michigan varsity records in the
660 and 880 yard runs, and took
fourth place in both the indoor
600 and outdoor 660 events last
Junior Kutschinski, who fin-
ished third in both the indoor and
outdoor half miles, should be one
of the Wolverines' most consist-
ent point-getters.
Relays First
The thinclads get their first
taste of competition tomorrow
'when they travel to Kalamazoo
for the Western Michigan Relays.
Viewed by many as a preliminary

own world indoor record.
Seagren's record breaker came
on his third and final attempt atI
the height. He had previouslyI
cleared 16'8" and 17'14" on his
first tries.
His first two attempts at 17'44"
saw him clear the bar only to!
knock if off coming down. On the
last attempt, he was over with!
room to spare.
ers (from left) Paul Armstrong, A 21-year-old junior, Seagren
and Ron Kutschinski, during broke his own record of 17'3" set
e indoor world record of 7:26.4, last year.
ned in a 7:27.0 clocking in the Falling out along the way wereI
e in December. Villanova's Vince Bizzarro, who
meet, it does not compar~e with beat Seagren less than two weeks'
ago and Heinfried Angel of West
later meets for quality of conpe- Germany who beat him in the
IWorld University Games in Tokyo
But the meet does give the last summer.
team a chance to analyze its own * * ,
strengths and weaknesses before LOS ANGELES-UCLA basket-
the big meets which come up in ball starter Edgar Lacey failed to

Efforts to reach the 6'6" senior
so far have failed, a UCLA spokes-
man said. He lives off campus, has
no telephone and did not attend
Wednesday classes.
With Lacey out, Mike Lynn,
joins Lew Alcindor and Co., on
the first team for games against
Holy Cross today and Boston Col-
lege tomorrow. Alcindor was re-
ported still suffering from some
double vision in his left eye as a
result of an Jan. 12 injury.
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This Weekend in Sports
Hockey-Michigan at Minnesota
BasketbalI-Ohio State Frosh at Events Building, 12 noon
Basketball-Ohio State at Events Building, 2:15 p.M.
Wrestling-Purdue at Events Building, following basketball
Swimming-Purdue at Mann Pool, 1 p.m.
Indoor Track-Michigan at Western Michigan Open
Hockey-Michigan at Minnesota

- Y


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