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January 05, 1968 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-05

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Committee Urges Anti-Riot Steps

Va Prfssri hsrfRi*sks Jail

FAIRFAX, Va. (CPS )-Bef ore deferment t li~ e had enjoyedl
last April, George Mason College since 196;.
professor James Shea had not Shea's lclbadrsoddt
been in contact with his draft his action ysnig i nte

LANSING RI)-Describing pres-
ent law as 'inadequate," a special
Michigan crime commission this
week recommended 25 steps aimed
at strengthening state laws dealing
with riots and organized crime.
Heading the list of suggestions
for legislative and administrative
action were recommendations to
deal with or head off racial dis-
orders like those which struck De-
troit and other Michigan cities
last July.
Reporting to Acting Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken, the 57-man com-
mission called for -allowance of
police wiretapping in cases involv-
ing organized crime or corrupt
public officials, immunity from
prosecution for witnesses and a
ban on military-type weapons
such as machine guns.
The* commission, made up of
lawyers, judges, professors, police-
men and civic leaders, and headed
by Michigan Republican National
Committeeman John B. Martin,

was named by Gov. George Rom-
ney in 1966 because of public con-
cern over rising crime statistics.
Milliken said he and Romney
would consider the proposals in
drawing up the administration's
own recommendations to be made
to the legislature this year.
Milliken, stopped short of say-
ing the Romney administration
would recommend exactly the
legislation the 40-page document
"Both the governor and I will
study commission's recommenda-
tions thoroughly before submit-
ting this administration's pro-
posals to the legislature," he said.
In dealing with riots, the com-
mission suggested, it would be
helpful for the news media to
"avoid giving extensive, contin-
uous and sensational coverage" to
racial extremists, either black or
"We urge the news media to
recognize that they have a public

responsibility to avoid giving ex- and temporarily impose controls
tensive, continuous and sensation- on traffic, public assembly, sale
al coverage to extremist state- of alcoholic beverages, weapons
ments by persons who represent a and inflammable material.
very small minority of the com- -Outlawing possession of Mo-
munity," the commission said. lotov cocktails and other incen-
It also suggested that although diaries.
much of Detroit's July riot was' Creating and expanding "ade-
spontaneous, "certain organized quately staffed, well-financed in-
elements" joined and expanded the telligence units" in metropolitan
rioting. police forces as an aid in detecting
'A salient reason that the De- and preventing activities of or-
troit disturbance exploded to tra- ganized elements who try to take
gic proportions was the lack of advantage of civil disorder.
adequate police intelligence of the _Sudplc-omnt ea
plans and intentions of these keytiondpasisecouintp ase -o
elements," the commission added. Lpolicempawork.l haeso
Anti-Riot Proposals -The recruitment of the high-
Proposals specifically dealing est caliber candidates from all ra-
with riot situations included: cial and national origins, with
-Outlawing interference with particular emphasis on efforts to
an on-duty fireman and making recruit from minority groups.
it a felony to do so with a dan- Thomsin a ieto
gerous weapon. 3Tecmiso a ieto
-Giving mayors, sheriffs andr the perennial legislative issue of
the state police director authority "So an Frs" - legislation
to proclaim states of emergency empowering policemen to search
suspicious persons for illegal
* p- -yeN weapons.
Iria tstate Sen. George Kuhn, (R-
I1, said last week in
a letter to Milliken that stop and
serious lawbreaking are still on the frisk legislation should be a top-
docket. Some have jumped bail priority item in the 1968 legisla-
and are on police wanted lists. turedopin
There have been 30 guilty pleasEaedopn
by persons charged with armed Police eavesdropping was sug-
looting, assaults and illegally car- gested only during investigations
rying weapons, 50 convictions after of organized criminal activity or
trial by jury, 10 acquittals and 6 corruption of public officials be-
dismisals.cause such cases present "an
dismssal. -overriding public consideration."
"E l e c t rvo i spevesdropng.p"

board for four years, and there was
little reason for him to worry
about being drafted.
He had everything going for
him-three children, a profession
as an educator with his Ph.D. cer-
ticate already on the wall, and his
age, 29.
He was in no danger from the
draf t.
Today Shea faces the strong
possibility of spending five yearsE
in prison for refusing to be in-
ducted into the armed services, not
to mention being fired from his
job. And he brought it all on him-;
self in order to clear up an in-
consistency in his life.
"At one point, I supported the
war in Vietnam," said Shea, whoser
father is a career military officerj
now serving in Vietnam. "But now
I'm seeking to become a radical
pacifist. I want to be free of all
commitments to violence and
punishment or retaliation of any
Shea started becoming a pacifist
in late 1966. By last April, his con-
victions were so strong that he
could no longer carry a draft card
"because the Selective Service Sys-
tem provides the manpower which
the military needs to kill human
beings." He felt it was inconsistent


3-A draf't ca rdi.lemied th~isI
card backtote oa, and inI
July was elssfe 1Aadde-
clared a delnqet.Hi ecla sifi-
cation wa.apeald drng August
anl emeand the local
board conrtr:inued sending hime new
draft cards whic he always
jpromptly nreturneCd.
Rf uses t
In mid-October, ShaVas or-t
'dered to report to Rich.mond, Va. ,
on Nov. 9 for inductin ito the
Army. .fe went toRCicmnd and!
participated in the inductinpro-
cess, but then re fused to taike the
oath that would hi ave made him
a member ofth armed services.
The full impactt of Shea's deci-
s ion not to coop~e rte with the
Selective Service Sy;stemi remains
unclear, He has filed a suit in
U.S. District Court in, Washington.
ID.C. chal.-!:i 'ging the Selective
Service regulatifons under which he
kwas reclassied. Thecourt, how-
ever, has ruled itlacks Jurisdiction
over the subject matter of the ca se.
The court also said it lacks the
jurisdiction to rule on Shea's re-
quest for an injunction to block
possible prosecution pending the'
outcome of the civil suit.
Shea's attorne, 1Robert Turtle,;
said he will appe al the District

ministration of George Mason Col-,
lege, which is run by the Univer-
sity of Virginia. In his motion fort
an injunction to block Shea's4
prosecution, Turtle said, "It seems
qieclear that should criminali
proceedings be brought against
Sha during the pendency of this
suit, the pressure for dismissing or
suspending Shea from his position
at the- -university will increase to
thec point at which the board ofj
t rustees will have no recourse but'
to sacrifice Shea on the alter of
public opinion."

Virginia administration endorses
academic freedom and will want
to leave the matter strictly to the
courts. But he, is somewhat wkorried
because George Mason is expand-
ing and nweeds money,
However, Shea thinks he has
strong faculty and student sup-
port. "'We have a very conserva-
tive student body, but the stu-
dents seem to be aware of the
importance preserving academic
freedom," he said. "AMany stu-
dents have said they disagree with
what I am doing, but they still

-Already, David D. Hudson, a1 don't think I should be fired."
senior at the college, has called Shea, who teaches ethics and
for Shea's resignation. Hudson philosophy, says he does not ad-
claims Shea is giving the college vocate in his classes that students
a bad reputation. So far, the ad- resist the draft. "But when social
ministration has taken no action questions about the draft and
against Shea, but a committee of questions about violence coime up,
five full professors has been named I make my opinions clear. In pri-
to advise Chancellor Lorin A. vate conversations, I feel free to
Thompson on what the college urge people to do what I think
should do if Shea is prosecuted, would be beneficial for them," he
Shea thinks the University of1 said.


...as Ri'ot Suspects Ai

By The Associated Press
More than 1,500 persons are still
awaiting trial on charges arising
from last July's riots in Detroit
and Newark.
The bulk of 4,200 arrested in De-
troit and 1,300 in Newark were ac-
cused of minor offenses such as
drunkenness or disorderly conduct,
With few exceptions, the courts
have disposed of these cases, usu-
ally by imposing fines or light jail
But with court dockets jammed,
the trials of 1,200 charged with
felonies in the Detroit disorder will
not even start until spring. Au-
thorities hope, but do not guaran-
tee, that court dockets will be clear
of these cases some time next
Of the Detroit defendants, 40
have been in jail since the rioting,
either unable to furnish high bail
or denied bail because of the
crimes with which they were
Most of these had other criminal
charges pending against them
when they were picked up during
the riot and further accused of
such offenses as arson or attempt-
ed murder.
Jay Noland, assistant Wayne
County prosecutor, said he hoped
that all pending trials could be
carried out within the next five or
six months because otherwise fur-
ther disorder this year might flood
the courts all over again.
"We had barely cleared out our
cases on the 1966 disturbances on
Detroit's East Side when our 1967
troubles struck,," Nolan com-

In Newark, grand juries indictedi
808 persons on felony charges
ranging from looting to murder.
More than 300, most of them un-
armed looters, later stood trial orI
were permitted to plead guilty on
the lesser charge of disorderly con-
The cases of 330 accused of more

for him to even recognize the 'Court decisions to the U. S. Court
draft, so he returned his draft of Appeals.
card to his local board, realizing Besides his court battle, Shea
he could be forfeiting the 3-A may face trouble from the ad-
Save $ $C$an Aut nuac

Cuban Gasoline Rationing
ShowsStrains on Soviet Aid
WASHINGTON (A:') - Fidel household goods imposed in 1962.
Castro's imposition of gasoline They said the long queues of
rationing is interpreted by spe- persons seeking gasoline ration-
cialists here as a new sign of ing cards suggests the Cubans
Soviet Union weariness at the might be skeptical of their govern-
burden of keeping Communist ment's ability to meet the ration
Cuba afloat, quotas.
Soviet aid in 1967 has been es- One observer said a crackdown
timated at $400 million. The figure on Cuba's petroleum consumption
has been rising since the Castro was indicated in December when
revolution took over Cuba early only one Soviet tanker reached
in 1959. Cuba, although December is one
Intelligence reports say Moscow of the months of heaviest petro-
has expressed in various ways its leum consumption because of op-
dismay at Castro's economic eration of Cuba's sugar cane mills.
policies and at declines in Cuba's The average was put at three to
agriultralprouctin. Inhisfour tankers a month.
agriculCtua rostedton. nehis Castro attributed, the need for
speechrCastdfromstrsduteoneed rationing to increased petroleum
forvinreasedofrm prodf uction.- consumption in Cuba in heavy
Cuseeosorticropaofsuar-asconstruction work, power plants
Cba's pedcoe nomi1mintay-.asand other activities. Experts here
beenpredctedin 168.agreed such uses have increased,
U.S. experts commented that but said Cuba's need for gasoline
the rationing plan for eight to 25 by passenger automobiles doubt-
gallons of gasoline a month may less has decreased sharply due to
be meaningless, since Cuba has cannibalizing of cars because of
been unable to supply ration lack of parts and inflow of new
quotas on food, clothing, and cars.

which includes listening in on
telephone conversations, would be
constitutional in light of recent
U.S. Supreme Court decisions, the
commission said.
The group said it read these
decisions "as invitation by the
Ecourt to legislatures to undertake
the' difficult business of drafting
an effective" yet constitutional

This was the cry that shook
the Buffalo streets last June.
For three days a miniature Hell
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Only after it was over, was the
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'electronic surveillance statute."
1 Appeal Evidence
The commission also urged
1extension of the right to app
1questions of admission of evide:
1to the prosecution as well as
Sdefense in criminal cases.
It also recommended that <
cult judges be authorized to gn
_immunity from prosecution to v
nesses essential to the obtain
of "a vitally important con-x
tion," on petition of the prosec
ing attorney.
e The commission also urged
Scensing of polygraph operators,
Ycensing and regulation of priv
spolice, establishment of yo-
Sservice bureaus to coordinate
local youth development servii
eand uniform reporting of crimi
justice statistics.
a Also suggested was a return
fa system of filling judicial vacs
Vcies by gubernatorial appointm
~rather than by election.

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