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January 26, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-26

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t'cI 5 . . ... ... ... . ..n .' .../.. ...n n. :::,.,r:::..v....-:v::.. . . . . . .: d'>.::'iviiv::..,.. ..
PA N A M JETThe Daily Official Bulletin is an "The Economics of Water Quality rie Lauderbaugh, Biological Chemistry, provided. Territory open in Mich and
official publication of the Univer- Management of the Potomac Estuary," Thesis: "The Metabolism of 1,2-Dia- Ohio.
sity of Michigan for which The Rm. 229 West Engrg, 4:00 p.m. cylglycero-3-Phosphorylethanolamine," Ossining Recreation Commission,
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- on Fri., Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. in Room 6435 N.Y. - Supervisor of Activities, degree
June 1 1-A u st1 4 fal responsibility. Notices should be Cinema Guild - "Mein Kampf", Medical Science Bldg., Chairman: W. in phys. ed. or recreation.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 and E. M. Lands. City of Warren, Mich. - Accountant
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- 9:05 p.m. I, grad with major in acctg., know.
LOW GROUP RATES* fore 2 p.M. of the day preceding. ---- Doctoral Examination for: Robert costs, budgetary, and encumbrance
Publication and by 2 p.m. Friday "William Faulkner: A Reconsidera- Laurie Harvey, Aerospace Engineering, acctg.
for Saturday and Sunday. General tion," Lecture, Union Ballroom, 8:00 Thesis: "An Experimental and Theor-
Notices may be published a maxi- p.m. etical Investigation of Magnetically Summer Placement Service, 212 S.A.B.,
5 mum of two times on request; Day Balanced Arcs," on Fri., Jan. 26 at 3 Lower eve.
Calnda itms pper nceonl, Shoo ofMuic oncrt Umerp.m. in West Council Room, Rackham. Applications for summer work with
ncludes Rond Trip Fare New York- Sdent organization notices are not sity Symphony Orchestra, Josef Blatt, ; Chairman: A. M. Kunethe federaligovernment due Feb. 1, Appltc.
IncldesRoun Trp Fre Nw Yrk-accepte for publication. For moreI Conductor: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.____
London-New York via Pan Am Jet information cal 764-927. at S.P.S.
d enie a 'oiCes Doctoral Examination for: Donald 3n ervilwts:
Tax n ServiceFRIDAY, JANUARY 6 Ellis Milsten. Political Science, Thesis: Jan. 29:
Joint Judiciary Council announces "Canadian Peacekeeping Policy - A Camp Al-Gon-Quin, Mich. coed.
election of its new officers: Kenneth Meaningful Role for a Middle Power," camp. Takona, Mich. girls and Camp
Coil DOUG AITKEN Mogill, Chairman; Sandy Morter, vice- on Fri., Jan. 26 at 3 p.m. in Room 4609 Birkett, Day Camp, YM-YWCA of Ann
chairman; Carla Kish, secretary. Haven Hall. Chairman: I. L. Claude, Arbor. All three camps interview Jan,.
761-2372 ___ Jr. 29, 10-5. Couselors for all fields. Start-'
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- T C t P_., n J- ing age for Couns. Trainees is 17.
inar - "Management of Managers No. TV Center Programs: On Sun., Jan.
(only 12 seats left) 48": North Campus Commons, 8:15 28 the following programs produced by Jan. 31:
(olyFb~t~ll~ltCamp Tauga, Mich. Coed. Cabin
a.m. to 5:00 pa. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. the TV Center will have their initial IL~ltLIt
telecast in Detroit: Counselor, Riding Master and Cook.
.students, faculty, alumni, etc. Real Estate Institute I - Mornin" 11:00 a.m., WJBK-TV, Channel 2 -- CurentrPosition Openings received 10-5 hours interviewing.
Session, Michigan Union, 9:00 a.m. to6 "Green Poew and Black Power." A by GeneralI Dvision by mail andI Feb. 1 & 2:
look at the government's role in the phone, Call 764-7460 for further infor- Camp Tamarack, Fresh Air Society,
Writer in Residence: Irving Howe. advancement of civil rights through mation. 10-5, Counselors with specialty in wa-

Thieu Evades Talk.
Of Viet Corruption

Associated Press News Analysis

regime he headed as chief of

President Nguyen Van Thieu's state.
State of the Nation address yes- On the subject of peace propos-
terday, predictable in its call for als Thieu made no mention of a
North Vietnam to halt aggression campaign promise to send a let-
before negotiations may begin, ter to President Ho Chi Minh of
was more remarkable in what was North Vietnam proposing talks.
not said. Peace Proposals
With nearly three months be- Instead Thieu stressed a point
hind his administration, Thieu he and other government leaders
had nothing to report on the have been making in recent days
elmination of corruption, a sub- that discussions on peace propos-
ject mentioned in his inaugural als must be held "in the first
address Oct. 31 as "the major place, among the leaders of both
preoccupation of the government North and South Vietnam."
having high priority in the first Observers have viewed this line
months." as a rejection by Thieu's govern-
At that time Thieu said: ment of rumors that the United +o
"Eradication of corruption in States as well as the United Na-
the governmental machinery and tions and other third parties were
in the armed forces . . . has to be suggesting talks with the Viet
carried out with justice, impar- Cong's National Liberation Front.
tiality and in broad daylight." Foreign Minister Tran Van Do
The most pressing subject the said earlier this week that the gov-
president mentioned in the State ernment was taking the position
of the Nation speech was the "not to recognize the Liberation4
threat of inflation and the need Front, not to talk with it and
for economic stability, not to cooperate with in in a coall-


Lecture: Prof. Field's Journalism 536
Class, 1439 Mason, 11:00 am. Luncheon
Discussion at Guild House, Noon.
Student Relations Committee Meet-
ing, 3:00 p.m., 3529 SAB, open meeting.
Center for Russian and East Euro-
pean Studies Research Development
Seminar - Prof. Alfred G. Meyer, De-
partment of Political Science, The
University of Michigan, "The War
Scare of 1927": Commons Room, Lane
Hall, 3:00 p.m.
French Lecture - Prof. Edouard
Morot-Sir, Conseiller culturel et Rep-
resentant des Universites Francaises
aux Etats-un's. "La Vie philosophique
en France: Jean-Paul Sartre et Pere
Teilhard de Chardin," (in French)
Jan. 26, Rackham Amphitheatre, 4:10
Water Resources Seminar - Dr. Al-
len V. Kneese, Resource Economist and
Director of Environmental Quality
Program, Resources for the Future,

economic channels.
S 12:00 Noni, WWJ-TV, Channel 4 -
Education: Today and Tomorrow.
"The Counselor." Four educators re-
view the role of the counselor in the
elementary and secondary schools.
Medical School Glee Club - Musical
variety program, "On Call '68" Mon.,
Jan. 29, Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:00 p.m.
Regents' Meeting: February 16. Com-
municatious for consideration at this
meeting must be in the Presidlent's
hands no later than Feb. 1.
Martha Cook Building is receiving
applications for Fall 1968. Present
Sophomores may apply. There will also
be space for a limited number of pres-
ent Freshmen and Juniors. Please
telephone 769-3290 for an appointment.
Exan na twiots
Doctoral Examination for: Thelma Ma.

City of Wyoming, Mich. - Civil En-
gineer, water, sanitary,hstorisewer,
curb & gutter projects.
Special Education District of Wa-
bash, Wayne State, Hamilton and Ed-
wards Counties - Social Worker, MSW
Department of Mental Health, State
of Mich. - Northville State Hosp., BA
degrees for Indust. Therapy Shop Fore-
man, Recreation Director, 3 yrs. exper.
Staff Occupational Therapists. Activity
Therapists, 3 yrs. exper. req. Educa-
tional Occupational Therapist, MS de-
gree plus 3 yrs.
St. Paul Redevelopment Authority,
Minn. - Civil engineering grad, with
or without exper.
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Company, Milwaukee, Wis. - Teacher/
administrator for Div. of education
and field training. Mature person out
of school 10 yrs. or so.
Wallace Business Forms Inc., Detroit,
Mich. -' Sales representative, degree
req.. bus. acctg., or data processing
courses preferred. Exper. in some sales
area or business. Age 23 plus. Training

ter ront, arts & crafts, nature, drama
music,ttripping and unit supv. and
assistant, truck/bus driver and nurse.
Opportunities for Summer Employ-
ment: Further information at S.P.S.
Governmental Research Institute,
Summer Internship in Public Admin-
istration, Cleveland, Ohio. Applic.
deadline March 15.
Lufthansa Airlines, positions in Ger-



many, good German required, deadline
for applic. is Feb. 28.
River Basin Surveys, Lincoln, Ne-
braska. M or F. for cook, age 21-plus,!
on archeological crew.

'Sacrifices Needed'

tion government."


128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make Interview Appointments at
Room 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg. un-
less otherwise specified.
Feb. 2:j
Brunswick Corp.
Public Service of Canada
Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc.
Corning Glass Works
General Motors Corp.
Hydronautics, Inc.
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing
I Co.
North American Rockwell Corp.
Autonetics Div,
Columbus Div.
Los Angeles Div.
Rocketdyne Div.j
Space Div.
PPG Industries.
Vickers Inc.
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.
Research Center

"Sacrifices are needed if we are T 'Ony oei ed'
going to avoid devaluation of the Thieu, in a move aimed t re-
gingtoavi evaain othe stricting the participating parties
minute address, carried on na- in any future peace talks, said:
nd dIt seems to me that such a con-
tional television and radio. "Our erence naturally should include
most pressing need is to strive to only the governments of the coun-
bring a semblance of balance to tries closely involved in this war."
the budget."
teakidgtohefisTherefore, he said, "young stu-
Speaking to the first joint ses- dents will be allowed to finish their
sion of Congress since the formu- schooling, after which they will be
lation of the new government last inducted into the military service
SOctober, he said South Vietnam's to replace veterans already fight-
deficit in an overall budget of
some $80 million was expected to ing.
sIwsd He did not dwell on an austerity
be about $21.2 million, program, which, he said in his
Although the president termed inaugural address, "will be pro-
the imbalance "much too high," moted to reduce the glaring dif-
it was noted the deficit was in ap- ferences between the dangers and
proximately the same proportion privations on the front line as well
as the ,967 imbalance was to the as in the countryside and the
total budget under the military c blatant luxury of the cities."


Use Daily Classifieds



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