.*...xe^.. ::......::.....*. ..%r~4?..:":*i:r....S. ..1 .. . . . . . .... . . . . . ....... ... ...,...... . ....... , Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE HARDER THEY FALL .. . Turning Of f With Bob McB By John Lottier . Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE Romney's Budget Message: Proving the Oratory Hollow STATE RESPONSIBILITY has been one of the major themes of the, short lived Romney presidential campaign. Michigan's ambitious, transient Governor has preached from Utah to New Hamp- shire that the direction of important so- cial welfare and -educational programs must be shifted from the federal bu- reaucracy in Washington to the state capitals. There they will supposedly be administered in a more efficient and democratic fashion. But Romney's skimpy $1.3 billion budget proposal makes abundantly clear the hollowness of his campaign oratory The governor's budget message fails to go even half-way in meeting the pressing needs of the state. Consequently local goVernments will be forced to turn to the federal government for assistance. And in this the year of the Vietnamese and posssibly a new Korean War, no money will likely be forthcoming. In a state where last summer almost every major city experienced some de- gree of racial conflict, Romney could recommend only a beefed-up State Police force and a substantial hike in the state Civil Rights Commission budget. For social welfare programs, Romney urged an additional $30 million over last year, $25 million of which will go toward just maintaining the existing level of services. The additional $5 million will be absorbed by the state Medicaid pro- gram, an item Romney willfully under- appropiiated for last year. Romney failed to bring forth a single imaginative program which might begin to deal with the tension in the state's urban ghettos. FOR ELEMENTARY and secondary ed- ucation, the new budget suggests a long overdue hike in the student aid for- mula. However, the appropriation is in- sufficient to bail out the overburdened local school boards which are faced with more budgets and more vigorous demands for higher teacher salaries. For the state's eleven state universities and colleges, Romney asked an increase of $24.5 million, with a $5.6 million in- crease for the University. Since every major state university raised tuition last fall Romney apparently feels he can get away with another year of inadequate appropriations. But faculty salaries must go up sharply after last year or the Uni- versity and the state must face the pros- pect of losing their best professors and highly trained personnel. Another tui- tion hike to obtain the necessary rev- enue is currently unthinkable. In a year of great need in elementary and secondary education and social serv- ices, higher education was far down on the list of priorities. But Romney's budget has met none of the priorities adequately. ROMNEY HAS quite simply built a budget on an inadequate revenue base. The money isn't there and the gov.- erno- is neither concerned nor politically courageous enough to seek another tax increase For him not to have asked for a higher tax rate schedule for the new income tax last year was an incredibly short-sighted act. Romney succeeded in reforming Mich- igan's tax structure, but his myopic tax plan has failed miserably to provide rev- enues for necessary state services. -MARK LEVIN BOB McBRIDE turns me right off. (as if th For two years now, WJBK-TV, De- later for a troit's TV2, has utilized the FCC prero- work" of t gative of sandwiching in a two minute Romney-C editorial between Jac LeGoff's news tion-byi commentary and Jerry Hodak's weath- grant bec er(?) report. McBride was chosen to fill (i.e. an " the slot and since then, the viewer has funds wou been veritably pummeled every day with purposes). that station's proto-fascist viewpoint. McBride has urged the federal govern- IN THE ment to clamp down on the war protest- pushing t ers, claiming that in their dissent and len, a "go resistance those Americans opposed to the derstands war are destroying the very fabric of our ple." Allen "democratic society." He has urged the the New I Detroit Police Department's acceptance of McBride the Stoner rifle-which shoots a dum- the epiton dum-like pellet capable of ripping open society; h a man's leg from the calf to the hip or of power tearing off an arm-as a method of riot losing it, control, hopefully to preclude future re- For him bellions, or at least, to stop them before He doesn' they spread. nam (or F For the past month he has, almost supports t daily, taken Detroit's militant black na- tect his po tionalist Rev. Albert Cleage to task, first of violent for advocating the separation of the races supports t 'Lost, Stolen' ey were ever integrated), and attempting to destroy the "good he New Detroit Committee-the avanagh blue ribbon delega- refusing to accept a $100,000 ause of the strings attached overseer" to ascertain that the ld not be utilized for "political" MEANTIME McBride has been o ascendancy the Rev. Roy Al- od responsible Negro" who un- the problems of "all the peo- n acepted a similar grant from Detroit Committee. , then, has become for me my of all that is wrong in our ze finds himself in a position and is desperately afraid of no matter what the cost., nthe world is a bed of roses. t have to fight a war in Viet- Korea) and so he emphatically he nation's war effort to pro- osition. He hasn't been a victim racial discrimination and so he he oppressiveness of our society by trying to strengthen its strangehold on power. He will not be shot at by the new Stoner riffle for resisting the power structure, so he advocates its use against those who might. In short, he is living in what Rev. Cleage calls his own little "dream world" - he doesn't understand the full implications of his "alternatives" - he doesn't realize that his power-oppressive "contingency plans" are at best short- range stopgaps that .solve nothing while serving only to increase the dimensions of the crises that face us. McBRIDE is a victim of the same neb- ulous but ubiquitous forces that Johnson operates with, the same forces that the whole power-conscious system uses. For example, if things are not going well in Vietnam the only alternative must be to throw in more men; to add more fire-power. If our fighting forces are "spread too thin" Johnson can call up the reserves (i.e. yesterday's move), and give a chauvinistic "rally around the flag, boys" cry. There is no negotiation - if thing are ride going badly for Johnson and the army, their bargaining position is bad - if things are going well for them, why ne- gotiate? There is no going back. Domestically we see the very same thing. Even the token progress of the 1964-5 civil rights legislation has not continued since riots have become the "American way" the last few summers. Instead of really working for viable al- ternatives, the system thrives on Martin Luther King's "dream world" impossibili- ties while at the same time building up on munitions, teaching the national guard "riot-control tactics," buying ar- mored cars (tanks), and putting in the order for Stoner rifles. Our violent so- ciety grows progressively more violent. And if our leaders are able to continue their present militaristic policies both at home and abroad, there is no going back. And through it all, good o1' Bob Mc- Bride sits there flashing his leering smile at the viewer: This has been our TV2 editorial. That's what we think. What do YOU think? I think it stinks. 0 . Power for Bursley or Bus(t) TrVHE EFFORTS OF Bursley students to obtain adequate bus service through legitimate, administration channels is a good example of how student power is forced on students by the administration, not radical activists. Most Bursley residents are freshmen wno were assigned to North Campus housing by the University. Their isolation from the central campus area is only aggravated by a woefully inadequate bus schedule: on Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday buses run only every half- hour; on week nights bus service is dis- continued at 12:45 (although the UGLI is open until 2 a.M.); on Friday buses stop running after 1:30, and on Saturday the last bus is at 1:45.1 Since the beginning of September, Bursley students have been attempting to improve the bus service. Eschewing the pressure tactics of student power, they have been working through "proper channels," beginning with petitions in the second week of September expressing "extreme dissatisfaction" with the bus. Bursley Vice-President Howard Rontal has met at least once a week with ad- ministrators in an attempt to improve this service. As usual, the administration accepted these petitions "happily," gave the prob- lem "careful consideration," "collected data on the question," and one by one made a few appreciated but utterly in- sufficient improvements. Originally bus- es ran only every half-hour Saturday af- ternoon and evening. Now they run every 15 minutes Saturday evening. Bus service used to discontinue at women's curfew; now it stops 45 minutes later on week nights, 30 minutes later on Friday nights, and 15 minutes later Saturday nights. AFTER FOUR months, Bursley students are still unhappy with the service. At last Monday's teach-in, their dissatisfac- tion came to a head. Pressure tactics were propcsed: sit-ins, "walk-through's." Evi- dently, this is becoming their only re- course. The University's failure to give the transportation services set-up a thorough overhaul and come up with The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press 'Service.. Fal and winter subscription rate: $4.50 per term by carrier ($5 by mail); $8.00 for regular academic school truly adequate service in the face of sev- eral months of patient student efforts to "reason together" with the University has dictated a more militant course. Once again, the University has proven its owrn worst enemy. By destroying any basis in fact for the contentions of stu- dent moderates that major reforms can be effected through "channels," the Uni- versity has given the student-power ad- vocates a free hand. As Bursley's bus problems become the latest in a series of failures to deal with the administra- tion, the appeal of student power argu- ments gains added weight. THIS AFTERNOON, Bursley's trans- portation committee is meeting with Assistant H o u s i n g Director Richard Hughes, Transportation Service Manager John Ellsworth, and Bursley Director Gerald Burkhouse. The committee will be asking for 15 minute bus service Satur- day and Sunday, all-night service Fri- days and Saturdays, and the extension of week night service to fifteen minutes af- ter the UGLI closes. If Bursley's idealism is defeated again, student power will be the only remaining alternative. Hopefully the administration will not force students to make this de- cision. -ALISON SYMROSKI It's Official IGNORED IN ALL this furor over the hydrogen bombs lost off the coast of Greenland and the seizing of the Pueblo by the North Koreans, is the diplomatic recognition by this country of the Greek military junta sans King- Constantine. This is far from surprising because in the nine months since the military coup ended a semblance of parliamentalry government in the ancestral home of democracy, this nation been exceedingly prodigal to its NATO partner. This country never made more than a semblance of halting the arms ship- ments which help keep theu ltra right- wing coup in power and in the President's balance of payments speech this month he explicitly listed Greece as the one continental country still on-limits for American tourists. It is the same old story that America is always ready to find any pretext to By WALTER SHAPIRO IT'S BEEN A bad week for Amer- ican military defense para- phernalia. Here it is only Friday morning and already we have lost four hydrogen bombs and a super- secret intelligence ship. If this trend continues unabated over the weekend there is strong suspicion that come Monday Midland, Mich- igan, may also have disappeared. Such apparent carelessness by the military can certainly be justi- fied by anyone well acquainted with the rigors of Cold War de- fense strategy. Since our policy planners have the responsibility for so many military toys, it is quite understandable that now and again they might misplace a few playthings. Consequently, constructive dis- cussion must focus on all the H- bombs and intelligence ships that the Defense Department hasn't lost this week. This is especially important because high Pentagon officials reveal that this week's losses represent less than 1 per cent of our total defense equip- ment. And as that proverbial Pen- tagon spokesman must have said yesterday, "In how many busi- nesses can you maintain better than 99 per cent effectiveness? WITH THE NATION mobilizing to meet the affront to our na- tional honor an indeterminate number of miles off the coast of North Korea, it is irresistible and quite emotionally salutory to con- centrate for a few moments on the almost blackhumor aspects of those four little 1.5 megaton nu- clear devices located somewhere on or under the ice off northern Greenland. The success of dogsled teams and helicopters working in tandem in already locating some "pieces of weapon associated hardware" indicates that in the face of ad- versity it is possible to breech the gap between C.P. Snow's Two Cul- tures. Even Two Cultures as dis- tinct as Sergeant Preston of the Yukon and Clark Clifford. While such a contingency has been resolutely dismissed by the Air Force's indefatigable team of optimists, many non-governmental observers believe it is quite possi- ble that the hydrogen bombs may already be wedged between the ice above and the ice below. If this is indeed the case, the Air Force may be able to dispense with courts martial for the next six months by merely threatening to place all troublemakers on ice- chopping duty in northern Green- land. Never has the stiff-upper lip quality of the defense establish- ment been more clearly indicated than by the revelation that "al- though the possibility of a nuclear explosion was ruled out, the Air Force, if only for political and psychological reasons, was intent on 'recovering the weapons.m This reference to the realm of the psychological conjures up memories of the elaborate public relations ploys used by the Gov- ernment to allay fears when four other H-bombs were inconvenient- ly disposed in waters of Spain for almost three months in 1966. At a time when the Govern- ment's sincerity is being questioned daily, there would be something invigorating in watching Angier Biddle Duke bob merrily amid the ice floes as he proves conclusively that the water's radiation count is "well below that considered hazardous even on prolonged con- tact." AS FORMER AMBASSADOR Duke frantically treads in 30 below zero water to ward off frostbite, we will re'luctantly turn our at- tention to both the serious and semi-serious aspects of the latest developments in our ever-expand- ing Asian embroglio. With the commencement of each new global crisis, one is struck by the uncanny ability of most of those on Capitol Hill to make Lyn- don Johnson and his Administra- tion appear to be the voices of moderation. Our "with-it" Secretary of State's declaration, "My strong advice to the North Koreans is to cool it," sounds almost timid when compared to Senator Tom Dodd's bellicose demand that North Korea be told in "the bluntest terms" that if the Pueblo and its crew is not returned in 24 hours our naval forces would be instructed to seize all North Korean vessels found on the high seas. Congress'scontrol over policy- now miniscule in terms of Viet- nam-will border on the non-ex- istent in this new Korean crisis. For not only can the President forget about now outmoded de- clarations of war, but he is also not obligated to parallel the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. All Johnson must do is announce that the 50,000 troops we have kept in Korean since 1953 ceased cease- firing. THE PARALLEL of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution provides an ideal point for examining a few of the serious and far from funny implications of the seizure of the Pueblo. Recent revelations by the Sen- ate Foreign Relations- Committee indicate that most, if not all, of the Government's explanation of the incident was invented in Washing- ton to speed the passage of pre- written Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Furthermore, the Government's much heralded credibility gap- less politely known as lying-in- dicates that the administration's account of what happened Tues- day in the Sea of Japan may be scarcely more accurate than North Korea's transcript of the confes- sion of Pueblo captain Lloyd Bucher. As apparently many in and out of the administration have visions of our re-initiating the Korean anity War to cry of "Remember the Pueblo," one feels almost like a sec- ond grade teacher in pointing out that 1968 is neither 1812 nor 1898. Any act of reprisal as a result of the Pueblo incident will be un- doubtedly reflect the massive na- tional inferiority complex which has constantly debilitated our re- lations with smaller nations. For we continually fail to rec- ornize that as pre-eminently the world's strongest nation, our sec- urity is at best minimally affected by what happens in small and distant lands. Consequently our status as a great power and our military credibility will be in no way im- paired if we wait patiently and calmly for Korea to return the Pueblo. Any military response on our part can only lower even further the confidence of the rest of the world in the prudence of our judgment. YET THE SEIZURE of the Pueblo must be viewed in the con- text of the growing American created conflagration in Asia. For when viewed from the perspective Letters to the Editor *i ... the waters are always stirred" of Korea, it is not that unjusti- fied that they would be acutely sensitive to any violations-or near violations-of their territorial waters at a time when our Viet- nam policy seems to be turning into one pledged to roll back Asian communism. An ominous indication of our intentions in this area is provided by our attempt to link the attack with an alleged assassination at- tempt from North Korea against General Park of South Korea. Add to this yesterday's mobilization of the Air Force Reserves and you have a credible case that we are seriously considering fighting al- leged North Korean "expansion- ism." It is important to note that North Korea's unique position in the Communist world diametric- aly conflicts with Dean Rusk's "yellow peril" rationale for our presence in Southeast Asia. Since 1966 North Korea has been effec- tively pursuing a militant-but in- dependent-foreign policy free from the control of either China or Russia. While justifiably hostile to the United States, North Korea is far from a pawn of Chinese fanatics. MILITARY MEASURES would never be justified over the seizure of 83 men and a ship which con- ceivably may have violated ter- ritorial waters. But it is exceed- ingly bellicose and irresponsible for this nation to even discuss military reprisals before all inter- ,n,, -;, r ii nn anr-i -a 4 "Why then this restlessness?" Telegrams To the Editor: THE FEDERAL government has just indicted seven students at the University of California as leaders of the December 4th "Stop the Draft" week there. The charge is conspiracy (punishable by ten years imprisonment). Frank Bar- dacke, Steve Hamilton and five others are now in jail with bail set at $5,000 each.n, Today a rally of support for these students will be held in Berkeley, where statements from campuses throughout the nation will be read. Individuals and (es- pecially) organizations opposing the government's campaign to eliminate dissent and resistance should send telegrams to Berkeley this morning. It is important that a forceful national response to the conspiracy indictment be manifest at the rally (3 p.m. our time). Send telegrams of "Sup- port for Indicted Students" in care of the StudentCommunica- tions Network, 2700 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, California. -David Robbins Cartoon; To the Editor: I WAS SORRY to see the Los Angeles Times' cartoon on Jim Garrison appear in the Sunday is- sue of the Daily. The depiction of Garrison as a drunken crackpot and the comparison with Joe Mc- Carthy's anti-communist investi- gations is biased and prejudicial. Garrison says he has discovered a conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy, which would refute the findings of the Waren Commission. He is confident enough of his evidence to charge two men, one of whom, Clay Shaw, is scheduled for trial next month. Several government ag e nc ie s, NBC, CBS, and many newspapers have engaged in a strong campaign to discredit Garrison's investiga- tion, labelling him a "kook." THIS IS contrary to the ideals and traditions of this country, among them the right to a fair and impartial trial, and the as- sumption of innocence until guilt is proven. If Garrison is indeed wrong, then surely his case will not hold up in a court of law. But if he is right, then his accusations strike at the very heart of Amer- ica. Why has the Daily taken part in this "smear" campaign, rather than remaining impartial until Garrison's case has been tried in ,--1 Vietnam. In my opinion it should be stressed that whereas U.S. youths are drafted at age 17 or 18, the South Vietnamese legisla- ture has again refused to pass a new draft law lowering the draft age to 18. And that while so-call- ed "draft dodgers" are jailed in the U.S., or otherwise hounded and maltreated, one of the major rackets going on in Saigon is the sale of falsified birth certificates so that-as remarked in the 'Com- mentary of Marshall Windmiller" -"some Vietnames never reach the age of 20 years" which is the draft age in Saigon. The reason is simple and clear: neither the Vietnamese young men, nor their elders, want to fight; and this for reasons either that they have nothing to fight for in a regime headed by corrupt puppets, or that they will not fight on the side of the U.S. in- vadersor both - since it is one and the same thing to fight on the side of Thieu-Ky or Johnson- Westmoreland. In contrast, and by the admis- sions of our own military author- ities in Vietnam,' boys as young as 12, and girls, and women, and even old people are fighting on- the side of the DRV-and these are South Vietnamese, also. not just the North. -Claire Adler Vitality To the Editor: JN RESPONSE to Neil Shister's article of Jan. 19, "About Flem- ing and His University": Mr. Shister perceives and de- scribes well the "mediocracy" around which many students on this campus build their lives. How- ever, I believe it is neither accu- rate nor fair to say that such a condition is a direct consequence of the University. To find "It," or what Antiochians refer to as "the Thing" is not dependent on loca- tion, it is rather dependent on the seeker : "The person who makes it here makes it on his own." Isn't this the case in every aspect of life, not only the uni- versity existence? In all proba- bility, those who have made it, or who have found it would have done so. no matter where they were situated. Granted, certain environments are more conducive than others to growth, but if one compares life here to that of most other colleges and universities, he would find that this environment appears quite favorable. "IF VITALITY cannot be in- stilled here, ithis likely doomed forever. . . What we need now is not a crisis manager but a *i _: .. I