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January 26, 1968 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-26

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See Editorial Page


Ink 11


Warmer, occasio"ai

Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC Supports,

Boycott LBJ




Of Apartments Limited CA


By STUART GANNES accumulated the largest number;
Last night SGC unanimously 'of complaints from students.
endorsed the Student Housing As- SGC voted to support SHA-
sociation and the Student Rental SRU's "consumer pressure" efforts;
Union (SHA-SRU) in their efforts, to influence landlords to accept
to implement the University's the "eight-month"' lease, indi-
"eight-month" lease. cating the support of the students
The motion was brought before for apartment rental reforms.
SGC because of the repeated com- Mark Schreiber, '69, SRU chair-
plaints from students that man- man, said "The unanimous sup-
agers have "constantly taken port of SGC (and Grad Assembly
above normal profits through ex- and Engineerig Council) for pro-
horbitant rents and the twelve- gressive housing should serve
month lease." !notice to Apartments Limited of
SHA-SRU have concentrated the students' determination to
their efforts on Apartments Lim- secure an eight-month lease."
ited which has refused to use Pressure is currently being
the "eight-month" lease and has placed on Apartments Limited to
Fleming Can See NO
Legal Bar to Boycott

accept the University's "eight- IL IL 0
1 month" ,ease.' howe 1.vr thej uU ;

; vald.e tu ee, ,ne organi
ization, which represents the lar-
gest single group of landlords has
refused to accept the rental re-
forms proposed by SHA-SRU.
Bruce Kahn, '68 President of

North Korea

SGC informed the council last
night that he had received a, com- C alls For
munication from Richard Cutler,
vice-president for student affairs ! T T fl A11

to the affect that the Regents willI
review driving regulations at their
next meeting and that until that
time, the Student Vehicle Bureau
would exist only nominally and
have to depend upon voluntary
registration of vehicles by stu-
"It seems as if they are finally
giving up" Kahn said. He added
"It'seems that by waiting until the
Regents meet to make an official'
change they will be giving up
Previously Cutler has not rec-
ognized SGC's decisions concern-

U .. Apology

University President Robben W.
Fleming said yesterday Student
Housing Association's proposed
boycott of Apartments Limited
was legal under federal law. Flem-
ing, a former labor mediator, said
he knew of no Michigan law pro-
hibiting it.
Fleming, comparing the plan
to unionized labor tactics, added
that two factors will govern the
students' success in the boycott:
the extent to which students will
support it, and how much mutual
support city landlords will give
each other.
Prof. Thomas Kauper of the
law school said that "off-hand"
he knew of no Michigan statute
Uphold SHA
The Engineering Council voted
unanimously last night to en-
dorse Student Housing Associa-
tion-Student Rental Union in ap-
plying "consumer pressure" on
landlords to accept the new Uni-
versity "eight month" lease.
Mark Schreiber, '69 SRU chair-
man, spoke to the council before
they voted, and explained a plan
to single out Apartments Limit-
ed for a student boycott.
"Ann Arbor apartment owners
have constantly reaped above
normal profits," said Schreiber,
"and Apartments Limited is the
largest and the worst of them."
The resolution urged "students,
faculty, and staff to lend their,
support in using consumer pres-
sure 'in achieving acceptance of
the eight month lease."
Schreiber explained that a gen-
eral rent strike would be "un-
feasible at this time," and that
lowering rental prices could be
achieved after landlords, one by
one, were forced into accepting
the new lease.
Council member Chris Bloch,
0 '69E, at first criticized the plan
for being "a broad endorsement
with no strings attached . . . I
don't think boycotting just one
landlord will do any good."
Schreiber explained, however,
that Engineering Council would
have two members on a committee
organizing the plan, and that:
competition would force other
landlords into accepting the lease-
after one had adopted it.
Eugene A. De Fouw, '70E, trea-
surer of Engineering Council, citedf
problems he had had in renting
from Apartments Limited for two

f l
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7 1y.

against such a boycott, but ex- ing driving regulations, and has
plained that activities like "sub- tried to maintain the established
version and picketing" could pos- rdtomnamhesabshd
sibly ad picetin uldtpos- policy of strictly enforced driving
sbylead to a court injunction.reuainfoudrgdats
Kauper cited, however, the stu- regulations for undergraduates.
dents' "right to communicate." In other actions, SGC accepted
udents'"rightousomng scatn-a petition by Eric Chester, grad
Student Housing Association- and, Karen Daenzer of Voice to
Student Rental Union continued place two referendums on the bal-
to gain student support in its lot for the next elections.
campaign to force acceptance of
vr eigh-moth" The referendums will state:
lease, by Apartmnets Limited and 1"Shall the Uversity cease all
other Ann Arbor landlords, classified research." and "Shall
SApartmentsLimited refused to the University cease being a mem-
use tenseearly this week ber institution of the Institute of
However, a Detroit law firm has Defense Analysis."
put forth several minor legal ob- Daenzer argued that since clas-
jections to the lease. sified research was of the utmost
The firm of Friedman, Meyersconcern for all students that the
and Keyes, lawyers for Mrs. Louis administration should be aware
Jaffe and Mr. Oscar Hertz, own- of student sentiment, to be voiced
ers of several Ann Arbor apart- in the referendum.
ment buildings, outlined three SGC also moved last night to co-
major objections to the new lease, sponsor a Draft Teach-in next


By The Associated Press
North Korea responded to a
U.S. call for immediate release of
the USS Pueblo and its crew by
demanding an American apology
and severe punishment for those
it said committed criminal acts
against North Korea.
This was shown in a transcript
released by the State Department
yesterday of the exchange be-
tween U.S. and North Korean
representatives at Panmunjom
Wednesday in the wake of the
Red seizure of the Navy intelli-
gence vessel.
In another statement, North
Korea said this morning the'
crewmen of the United States spy
ship Pueblo "must be punished by
law." It also said it is "fully pre-
pared" to cope with any attack
by the United States and would
"deal a hundred fold, thousand
fold retaliation."
The statement did not indicate
whether the NortheKoreans
planned to put the. Pueblo crew
on trial or would demand pun-
ishment of them as a conditions
of their release.
Another American soldier was
killed early yesterday by "hostile
fire" during a sweep for North'
Korean infiltrators, the Army re-

tPanmunjom Sea
"'''"" SEOUL !
ot ,' JAI

0 100



U.S. To Demand
Action on Pueblo

United States asked the Security
Council last night to meet in ur-
gent session and bring about "the
immediate restitution" of the cap-
tured USS Pueblo and its crew of
83 from Communist North Korea.
The request came after Presi-
dent Johnson 'alled up 14,600 re-
servists for active duty. The ie-
servists now being called can be
retrained in uniform for 24!
There are 372 fighter and trans-
port planes in the various units,
which is the number Johnson
asked for.
A National Guard spokesman
said the air guard units are ready
for immediate movement. The
units have been brought up to

Captain Bucher, to international
waters where the United States
said North Korean gunboats made
the seizure Monday.
The North Koreans also re-
buffed efforts by the United
States at Panmunjom, the old
U.N. Korean peace site, to free
the ship and crew. The United
Nations no longer. has anything to
do with the sporadic Panmunjom
Viet cong

rk 4
0 i 1



THE DOTTED LINE on the map indicates the approximate route
of the U.S. carrier Enterprise which cruised toward North Korea
in the wake of North Korea's seizure of the Pueblo, which was
taken to the port of Wonsan (cross).
65 'U' Professors

Hertz and Jaffee have already r 'eD.12Oi opeionw iLii
Second U.S. Death
agreed to accept the new lease if Guild House, Inter-Faith Council He was the second United
ing clarify the lease's meaning on other motion which endorsed the I sehsoldiildntn nV ietn a mT ru ce
ofiil rmOf-ap' os adteWsea Fudto.A-states oldircile n the curentn
the points raised by their lawy- idea that SGC incorporate with
ers. Off - Campus housing will other draft counseling services in unuccessful siato By MARTIN MIRSCHMAN 'I don't frankly, expect the,
issue a statement regarding this Ann Arbor to form one unified and PtaonPedtChun ste A group of 65 University pro- American government or the
today. centralized counseling service was Park by a group of 31 Communist fessors have called on "all the Vietnamese government to pay
Mike Koeneke, '68, SHA chair also passed. infiltrators Sunday night. belligerent parties" in the Viet- much immediate attention to the
man, said, "The University lawy- In a final action, SGC approved irs ean killed nam war "to extend the coming petition," said Murphey. Its pur-
masi,"h nvriylw- InafnlatoSCapoe n action Wednesday night. lunar new year cease-fire indefin-1 pose is "to strengthen the posit-
ers went over the new lease before election procedures for the Con- American soldiers, meanwhile, itely and to start peace negotia- 01 of the South Vietnamese in-
itwas released, and found no stitutional Convention next March, ildtoNrhKrasdrn
lglcomplications. Lawyers here A plan to have 51 delegates pro- illdtoNrhKrasdrn tions." tellectuals," he added.
legal t eight separate shooting incidents iInsa petition released yesterday The group has also mailed re-
feelthatd thenew obections are portionately representing each col- Thursday and Friday in the Unit- the professors announced support quests for further support to pro-
not valid.Legaly quest e fege in the University was ap- ed States sector of the Korean fessors at "at least 65 universities
these are strictly a matter of proved. front and its immediate neighbor- hre and abroad;" according to
hood, the spokesman said. iProf. Alexander Eckstein, director
The Off-Campus Housing Bur- The South Korean casualties of the Center for Chinese Studies.
Tau s u r r e n t 1yconsidermg rose sharply overnight as spoIadi'-"I hope there will be quite a
quesions"tregardigke elease, rshootings with Communist remn- bit of response from the other
according to its spokesmen, but-
h t indicated that it will be nants continued, universities," Eckstein said. It will
ha ng d in any way. t.tXwlebe32 Killed have the value of "furthering con-
The counter-espionage coera- tarts with the universities. This
In other developments, Student tions center reported that 32 kind of vehicle could be used for
Government Council announced South Koreans, including eight future action."
its final plans to picket and ap- B Fcivilians, were killed as of this Murphey said that he did not
ply consumer pressures on A- morning and 42 others were expect a response from Rusk.
partments Limited tomorrow. University of Michigan Presi- wounded. The cumulative effect may, in
SGC Coordinating Vice-Presi- dent Robben W. Fleming asked South Korean Foreign Minister the end, even get through to him,"
dent Paul Milgrom, '70, is organ- yesterday that no tax be imposed; Choi Kyu, hah meanwihle de- he added.
izing a picket line to march from on foreign travel by students, ' nounced Communist seizure of Small Increments
ten a.m. to five p.m. tomorrow at teachers, and researchers. the U. S. intelligence ship Pueblo "Unfortunately, all one can do
the Apartments Limited office on In a telegram to President and called it a "serious threat" is to produce small increments of
Church St. "We encourage every-
C"gJohnson, Fleming said that a to the security of South Korea change," said Prof. Albert Feuer-
one to take part in the picketing, number of University programs and the Far East. werker, of the history depart-
he said. and research studies involve trav- Some South Korean intelli- ment. "We can only count on
Charter Realty, who has not yetI
new las e el abroad. These programs, he gence sources said seizure of the every small bit to influence public:
said, "are part of our effort to Pueblo, the new clashes along the sentiment." he added.
sentatives from SHA today after meet needs specified in the In- buffer zone and Sunday's attempt South Vietnam has announced
cancelling the meeting scheduled ternational Education Act," which by a North Korean assassination!I that a 36-hour truce for the lunar
yesterday. President Johnson has supported team to kill high officials in new year will begi Monday. The
inetherpast.nSeoulawerelpartgof anneffortht
Dahlman Apartments, which has in the past. Seoul were part of an effort to Vietcong have announced a six-
iused the University lease in the A tax on travel, which has been test how the United States would Alexander Eckstein day truce beginning today.
past, said today the firm would' proposed as one possible means react to stepped up Communist The idea for the petition came
continue to use the old leases. The of combatting the balance of pay- activity in Korea. for a similar statemnt made rec- at a meeting of a Vietnam study
old leases, however, are no longer ments deficit, "would be a burden Rodong Shinmoon, organ of the ently by 65 professors at South group of the Ann Arbor Ameri-
considered the University lease, a on students, teachers, and re- North Korean Communist Party, Vietnamese universities. cans for Democratic Action, ac-
spokesman for the Bureau of Off- I searchers, and might cause col- called its seizure of the Pueblo on The petition of the Univesrity cording to Eckstein and Murphey.
Campus Housing said. He added leges and universities to curtail , Jan. 23 a "proper self defense professors has been wired to Sec- The petition states: "The com-
I that if they were used, they their efforts toward overseas un- measure" and warned if there is a retary of State Dean Rusk, ac- plex differences between the of-
would have to be regarded as derstanding," Fleming said in his repetition of "provocations" it will cording to Prof. Rhoads Murphey ficial positions require subtle
private leases. I telegram. "sternly punish the aggressors." of the geography department. solutions that can only be reach-

100 er cent levels in manningF orti
and equipment in recent months.
Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg
flew to the UN from Washington SAIGON (A-With a Viet,Cong
conferences with President John- cease fire only hours away, Com-
son to ask UN intervention in an munist troops attacked two United
effort to persuade the Korean ' States division headquarters and
captors to give up the ship and an airfield early this morning.
crew. The action came shortly after
Want Early Session an ambush on a Marine truck
After presenting the request for convoy 17 miles northeast of em-
a meeting to the council's Janu- battled Khe Sanh. United States
ary president, Ambassador Agha headquarters reported eight Ma-
Shahi of Pakistan. Goldberg said{ rines were killed in the ambushF
the United States wanted a ses-, and 44 were wounded. Three North
sion at 10:30 a.m. EST today Vietnamese were counted
But even before Goldberg nad, Just after midnight. Communist
shuttled here from Washington, mortarmen shelled the An-Khe
he had telephoned Shahi and base camp and airfield in the cen-
ret General U Thant fI tral highlands, headquarters of the
President Johnson's wish ton United States 1st Air Cavalry.
sort to the United Nations and a They also hit 3rd Marine Division
peaceable end of the incident in- heals ht 3rd Mai in
volving the U.S. intelligence ship headquarters at Phu Ba in the
northern sector of South Vietnam
in the Sea of Japan off North and the camp Holloway airfield
Krea b that Pleiku in the central highlands.
In a letter to the council prs- yesterday afternoon, North
ident, Goldberg said: "I request Vietnamese trops staged the con-
an urgent meeting of the Security voytamb stos thfCamp
Council to consider the grave Carrol alo g route9norte ost st
threat to peace which has been highway that links allied bases
brought about by a series of in- tha inks alim bases
creasingly dangerous and aggres- in the northeast sector to em
sive military actions by North battl Kh San in the ar north
Korean authorities.
Immediate Restoration Several convoys have been am-
He told newsmen later that the bushed along the route, the most
primary aim of the United States recent two weeks ago when 15
in calling a meeting of the coun- Marines were killed in the same
cil is to effect immediate restora- area.
tion of the ship and crew, led by Shelling died down in the crit-
ical Khe Sanh areas as the hour
approached for a cease fire called
by the Communists to mark Tet,
't <the lunar new year.
s>3 At An Khe, 250 miles northeast
of Sagon, Communist demolition
experts, under cover of a mortar
arrage, cut wire perimeter fence,
h, slipped in and blew up several
aircraft. The attackers were driven
off by small arms and machine
Sgun fire.
:"g The United States Command in
Saigon said seven enemy were
killed and one suspect detained.
United States losses were put at
two killed, 11 wounded. A spokes-
man said damage to the installa-
I tion and aircraft was moderate.
Fifty miles to the west at Plei
ku, enemy gunners slammed sev-
eral mortar rounds into the Camp
Holloway airfield, home of an
Army aviation group that has
helicopters and light fixed wing
Pueblo Capt. Bucher aircraft.
Regents May Hear
Recruiting Proposal
By DAN SHARE Fleming said: "I think it is a
Psd'eming constructive, thoughtful idea. But
President Robben F 1 gI think it has some problems,
t promised to bring a Voice propo- particularly in its compulsory as-
sal concerning recruiting on cam- pect."
pus before the Regents, possibly at, Fleming said that until a de-
;their February meeting. The a-cison is made, he will ask any
nouncement came at a meeting controversial recruiters to partic-
with Voice political party yester- .ate in a ublic forum He In-
day afternoon. dicated that he would tell these
The proposal asks that all com- , companies he thought it would
panies using the University Place- be in their self-interest to partici
iman nfira n +,il rpi fnnnx i M r.4, . , ....i n,+ n rvrh

Land and the 'U': Expansion, Utilization

First of a Two-Part Series)
In 1841 the University of Michigan stood on
a square plot of forty acres, lined with trees
and crisscrossed by dirt paths. It was necessary
for all the students to enter the campus through
a hole in the fence that surrounded it-a hole big
enough to let the students in, but not big enough
to allow any of the cows grazing on the grassy
campus to get out.
Today, those forty acres form the hub of a
dynamic, ever-expanding campus, consisting of
over 2,400 acres in the Ann Arbor area with a

growth and expansion right up to 1966, has be-
come an expensive process of piece by piece
purchase in a cutthroat market.
An interesting example of the process of land
purchase by the University can be seen in the
methodical manner in which the University has
sought the land located at Tappan and Hill
Streets, between the School of Business Admin-
istration and East Quad.
The University has bought each piece of land
individually as it has become available, planning
eventually to control the complete block.
Planners have tentatively marked the aiea at

ed after long deliberations and
drawn-out negotiations.
'Suitable Atmosphere'
"It is imperative to create a
suitable atmosphere for such an
open-hearted discussion between
the belligerent parties and above
all to save thousands of people
from death and suffering while' a
peaceful settlement is b e i n g
"We appeal to all the belligerent
parties to extend indefinitely the
Tet (lunar new year) cease-fire
and to negotiate immediately a
peaceful settlement."
At least one University profes-
sor did noteagree with the action
of the petitioners. "When my
country is in a state of war," the

.. ...{ } ::

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