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January 25, 1968 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-25

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rtclUvest'By German, Student I



ing will be held on Monday, March 11,
1968, in Hill Auditorium at 3:00 p.m.
The Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs has urged deans and faculty to
co-operate in permitting student par-
ticipation, by dismissing classes, with
the exception of clinics, labs, and
other meetings not readily resched-
uled, after 12:00 noon. An announce-
ment will be made where students and
faculty may pick up tickets for re-
served seating in Hill Auditorium.

News Analysis
BERLIN (CPS) - The Paradox
of being a "radical student" is
that you have to belong to a
university which almost automa-
tically make you un-radical. At
the same time, the university is
considered the ideal place to "ra-
dicalize" others.
This paradox has been especial-
ly numbing in Germany, whose
public is still going through a
"thank God we're not extremists
any more" stage. Most people are
scared to death of radicalism on
the right or left, including most
of the faculty in even the most
"progressive" universities.
Until recently, the students
thought the Free University of
Berlin would be a good compro-
mise. The teachers were young
and internationally recruited, the
students were shrewd and there
was plenty of money. But it wasn't
good enough.
Just over two months ago 2,000
Free University students met to
begin a "Critical University," to
fill what they called the "political
vacuum" in German student life
and to get out of the "radical
student" paradox.
'Concrete Utopia'
The Critical University is a
"concrete utopia to give continu-
ing and relevant political instruc-
tion," according to the :University
of Hamburg student newpaper.
So the 'Critical University is
really a politically-oriented Free
University. Professors are invited
into classes as participants rather

than lecturers. The students con-
trol the curriculum and content.
Courses have names like "History
of Revolution" and "Advertising
and Educational Reform." There
are no degrees, and the students
contribute what they can to help
keep it going.
The critical students meet in un-
used buildings of the "regular"
universities. They are represented
overall by a group called "Allge-
meine Studentenausschuss" or
"Asta." Asta is a fairly recent
left-wing student union that be-
gan at the Free University, and its
chief job is to strongarm the var-
ious state treasuries into giving
money to Germany's six Critical
Universities. They plan on the
traditional state commitment to
education, and are successful be-
cause they represent a significant
and vocal number of students.
The Critical University of Ber-
lin didn't so much grow out of
a desire for student power as a
desire to make radicals - the
paradox once again. It wasn't that
the established German univer-
sities had too much power --- no
one interested in politics took
them too seriously - but that
radicals can't grow in a seedbed
of liberalism.
Fundamental Changes
The Hamburg prospectus for its
Critical University says in part:
" . . . here is a chance to make
fundamental changes i n t h e
h i t h e r t o futureless knowledge
market of the Establishment."
ket is OK as long as it's anti-
That is to say, the knowledge mar-

&adicals I
Establishment. The Critical Uni-
versity is dedicated to breaking
the government monopoly on
The issues confronting the Ger-
man radicals are much the same
as those in America: the over-
riding concern is the rise of the
military-industral complex. To
investigate the burgeoning power
of the Generals in Germany, the
CU in Hamburg recently invited
"Der Spiegel" military editor Carl-
Gideon von Claer to a "class" and
mercilessly pumped him for infor-
mation on the structure of Ger-
many's Armed Forces and their
covert and overt relations with
German businessmen.
The Critical University seems to
be more an anarchist organiza-
tion than any kind of hard-line
socialist or communist one. Cer-
tainly there are communists in it,
and everyone says he's a socialist,
but there is more a commitment
to "general revolution" than to
something like the specific over-
throw of Germany's government.
This may be because even com-
munist West Germans can't stom-
ach Walter Ulbright - East Ger-
many's Party boss.
The idea of the Critical or
Counter - University has been
adopted in some form in Berlin,
Munster, Frankfurt, Hamburg,
Mainz and Heidelberg in Ger-
many, as well as in Amsterdam
and London. The idea is sure to
blossom in other European cities,
and is therefore certain to guar-
antee broad-based "student pow-
er" all over this continent.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding


Publication and by2 p.m. Friday VITA, representatives daiy in room
for Saturday and Sunday. General 3524 to give info., answer questions,
Notices may be published a maxi- on appts. needed. Showing the movie,
mum of two times on request; Day "While I Run This Race" at 4:00 to-
Calendar items appear once onlyI day, Thurs., Jan. 25, In room 231 An-
Student organization notices are no' gell Hall.
accepted for publication. For more Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
information call 764-9270. interviewing for MAT program, Feb. 1,
________at International Inn, Detroit, 5440 Cass
THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 Ave. Any interested students may con-
tact Prof. Robert J. Mahr at the Inn
or write immediately to the Univer-
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- lanta, Ga. 30322.
roar - "Management of Managers No.
48"1:North Campus Commons, 8:15 Current Position Openings received
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. by General Division by mail and
Real Estate Institute I - Morning phone, Call 764-7460 for further infor-
SesoMichigan Union, 9:00 a.m. to miain
Session, iSinai Hospital of Detroit - Employ-
Writer in Residence: Irving Howe. ment Supervisor, BS Bus. Ad., Person-
Lecture: American Studies 498 Class, nel or In dust. Mgmt. plus 1 yr. high
Aud. A, Angell Hall, 2:00 p.m. Open t vol. interviewing exper. and insurance
all fraternity members: Discussion admin. pref.
with Howe at ATO House 1415 Cam- Askenazy Construction Company,
with Hwe, atHou e,1 1Detroit, M ich. - Civil Engr., office
bridge, 7:00 p.m. and field work with gnrl. contractor
Center for Russian and East Euro- on Indust., instit,, and heavy construc-
pean Studies and the Departmentrof tion.
Economics - Dr. Raymundas L. Ray- M & T Chemicals, East Chicago, Il.h
atskas, University of Vilnius, USSR, -Sr. Chemical Process Engr., BSChE
"Mathematical Methods in Soviet plus5-10 yrs. manuf. exper., dept. head
Economic Planning": Room 1, Econ- position. Jr. Chemical Process Engr.,
omics Building,2:10 p.m. BSChE plus 0-5 yrs. exper., dev. new
chem. processes.
IST Ocean Engineering Seminar City of Portage, Michigan - Director
STre .Ae mtMngr of Public Works-City Engr., registered
Series - F. Ames Smith, Manager, CE, degree, and exper, in municipal
Drilling and Completion Div., EssoCEderan exr.i mucpl
Production Research Company, will construction an dmaintenance of pub-
give the fourth seminar, entitled "Off- lic works.
shore Petroleum Production: Chal- Regional Educational Laboratory
lenesh and P potu itiesrodftn: hlv-Clearinghouse, Durham, North Carolina
ing Industry," Thurs., Jan. 25, at 2:30 -National Teaching Feowships, for
p.m. in the Main Lecture Hail of the spring semester, late Jan. early Feb.
Chrysler Center for Continuing Engi- 1968.
neerng Eucaton.Coin-Share, Midwest area openings-
neering Education. Time sharing computer centers in Ann
Physical Chem. Seminar & ACS Col- Arbor, Chicago, and Minneapolis, and
loquium - Dr. Gilda Harris, Physics soon in Cleveland. Sales Representa-
Dept., Pomona College, "Crystal Field sales exper. is desirable.
Calculations on Ferric Iron in Heme Citys ofpeFlinteicabl.-AtBlg
Envirnments,"' 12F0rChem Bldg.,4:0 City of Flint, Mich. - Asst. Bldg.
Serv. Mgr., institutional management
Cinema Guild - "Mein Kampf" area degree. Auditor, degree, no exper.
Architecture Auditorium, 7:00 and City Planning Asst., A & D degree.
9:05 p.m. Civil Engr., degree. Airport Manager,
_:___pm.maintenance CE degree. Director of
i School of Nursing. MA in Nursing Ed,
ing and Biostatistics - Prof. Brice Pbi elhNrigSprio n
Carnahan, Departments of Chemical Director, MA degrees. Systems Ana-
Engineering and Biostatistics, Thejlyst, math degree plus 3 yrs. program-
University of Michigan, "An Introduc- m gsing.
tion to Digital Computers and the W ashington State - Hydraulic En-
MAD Language": Nat. Sc. Aud., 7:30 gineer, Dept. of Water Resources, CE
degree plus 2 yrs. exper. in this field.
t Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis,
Chemistry Colloquium - Dr. M. Mo. - Pckg. Engr., BS in E, Chem.
Pomerantz, Case Institute of Technol- plus 2 yrs., Mktg. Res. Anal., Adv. de-
ogy, "Photochemistry of Several Arene gree in mktg. econ. plus 2 yrs. Nutri-
Dienes," 1300 Chem. Bldg., 8:00 pm. tional Biochemist, PhD plus 2-5 yrs.
Internal Auditor, exper. plus BA, St.
General Notices Organic Chemist, MA plus 5-7 yrs.
West Springfield Public Library,
Colloquia in Philosophy - Professor Mass. - Librarian openings for Head
Herbert Morris, School of Law, UCLA, of Suburban Library and several chil-
"Persons and Punishment," in Audi- dren's librarians, one head of dept.
torium D, Mason Hall, Fri., Jan. 26, New Castle County, Delaware - Ur-
4:00 p.m. For further information: call ban Planners, several levels, BA/MA
Mrs. Ann Desautels, 4-6285. degrees, no exper. or 2-4 yrs.
Connecticut Civil Service, Employ-
French Lecture - Prof. Edouard ment Counselor Trainee, degree with
Morot-Sir, Conseiller culturel et Rep- psec. in voc. guid., psych., soc. or
resentant des Universites Francaises couns.
aux Etats-un's, "La Vie philosophique County of San Bernardino, Calif. -
en France: Jean-Paul Sartre et Pere Child Welfare Worker in Adoption
Teilhard de Chardin," (in French) Services, Public health Social Worker,
Jan. 26, Rackham Amphitheatre, 4:10 Mental Health Counselor, all req. MSW
p.m. degree, 1-2 yrs. exper.
Local Real Estate Organization -
Regents' Meeting: February 16. Com- Social Director, pool, baseball, ping
munications for consideration at this pong, parties, help with rentals, and
meeting must be in the President's show models. Put out 1-2 page news-
hands no later than Feb. 1. paper also. M or F., exper, in related
areas preferred.
Inauguration of Robben W. Fleming International Harvester Co., Lansing,
The inauguration of President Flem- Mich. - Zone Credit Representative,

Man, 2 openings, college grad major in
Bus. Ad., Acctg., or Econ. pref. exper.
Travel 6-7 night per ma.
Indicom, Waterford Township School
District, Pontiac, Mich. - Program-
mer, pref. exper., teaching cert. desired
Librarian, degree in Libr. Sci. or exer.
Local School System - Child Psy-
chologist, infant div. measurement and
assessment, MA. Developmental Psy-
cho-linguistics service, work in homes;
of 3-12 mo. infants in disadvantaged
families. MA needed. Experience nec-
Deadline for summer application to
work with federal government is Feb.
1, 1968, applic. at S.P.S.
Summer Placement Service, 212 S.A.B.,
Lower Leve.l
Jan. 24:
Jan. 26:
Davey Tree Expert Company, Kent,
Ohio. 10 am. 5 p.m. Forestry, tree sur-
gery and some lan iscape work.
128-H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make Interview Appointments at
Room 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg. un-
less otherwise specified,
Feb. 1:
Public Service of Canada
Cummins Engine Company
Eastman Kodak Company
Eaton Yale & Towne Inc.
General Motors Corp.
Harbison-Walker Refractories Co.
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing
North American Rockwell Corp.
Autonetics Div.
Columbus Div.
Los Angeles Div.
Rocketdyne Div.
Space Div.
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Worthington Corp.
U.S. Gov't.-NASA

weekend of Feb. 2-4
at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat House
23333 Schoolcraft, DETROIT
For college men--7:00 P.M. Friday till 2:00 P.M. Sunday
talks--discussions--guitar lessons---good food-rest
You are invited-.Free will offering
For information and/or reservation
Cal 535-9563

Have you always wanted a rice paper temple rubbing?
Just to refresh your memory, these are thin sheets of white rice
paper that have been laid against carvings on temples in Thailand,
and then rubbed with chalk to make a lasting impression of the fig-
ures. These are guaranteed to liven up even the dullest apartments.
While you're at it, why not complement your garbage by throwing it
in attractive wicker waste baskets from Hong Kong and China-so
pretty you'll hate to contaminate them. If you like to be distinctive,
we have delightful incense, in both stick and pellet form, to lend an
exotic atmosphere to any joint.
Nothing to wear? A Mexican serape jacket will go with almost
anything. If you have been looking for distinctive earrings, your search
is over-we have hundreds of earrings from all over the world.
THE MEDINA--A pretty good place to have a cup of coffee


Open from 9:45 till 5:30, Monday through Friday (usually)

__ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _


-save hours, use your time more efficiently
-learn to read 3 to 10 times faster than you do now
-improve your comprehension and increase your
enjoyment of reading material
Bring -a book to a live demonstration of the
reading skills which will be taught in a
GUARANTEED course offered this semester.

a _
:.. ...a.. - ._.. _ .g

Sunday, January 28
8:00-Hill Auditorium


Tickets: $1.00-students
$1.50 non-students
of Union Desk & Fishbowl

3 ; _ - -

....... .......... ------

Last demonstrations this week, Tues. and Thurs., Jan. 23 & 25
7:30 P.M. at Bell Tower Inn, 300 S. Thayer St., across from Burton Tower.
MAY 9-JUNE20--6 weeks . . . . . . . $205
MAY 20-AUGUST 19-13 weeks . . . . . $230
JUNE 27-AUGUST 25-8 weeks . . . . . . $250
ALL FLIGHTS: Detroit-London-Detroit
Wednesday, JANUARY 31, 7:00 P.M.
coffee, films, information
S8:00 P.M.


- - - --- ft-I =t

$6 to $14
original $12 to $26

"Idon't have
two years'experience.
I have one year twice.

~ ----

$6 to $9
original $12 to $16

$3 to $9
original $8 to $16

Some people get experience
in a job.
Other people get older.
There's a big difference. And
it all depends on where you
work, and with whom you
work. You can start some
place that has all the proper
systems engineering creden-
tials - significant contracts,
modern physical plant, and
the usual fringe benefits --
and find yourself a couple of
years later, just a couple of
years behind,
Or, you can come to a place
like MITRE and get experi-
ence. And grow. We have the
credentials, of course. (We
happen to think they're the
best.) But we have something
more. An attitude. We want
you to get the best systems
experience in the business.
We want to share what we
know with you, want you to
absorb it as fast as you can.
The quicker you grasp things,
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The more experience you get,
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And that's to our mutual
Here's the kind of experience
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MITRE is pioneering in the
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complex information, sensor,
command, control and com-
munications systems for the
United Stdtes Government.
Our assignments include
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air traffic control and high
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We'd like you to know more
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About what we do, how we
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like to talk with you.

$5 to $12
original $9 to $19

Dress & Casual COATS
$28 to $38
original $45 to $65

$26 to $48 $14 to $38
original $40 to $80 origi"-! $23 to $55


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