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Partly cloudy, little chance
of urecipitation
Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
North Korean Patrol Vessels
intelligence ship Pueblo was se
$y four North Korean pa
boats Monday night despite
calls for help.
The Defense Department
ported last night that the Pu
asked for aid when she was bE
boarded by North Korean sai
-but did not say whether
help was sent.
Japan's Kyodo news serf
quoting a North Korean bro
cast, said today that commu
navy ships attacked the U.S.
telligence ship Pueblo yester
and "killed and wounded sev
crewmen of the intruding1
It was the first mention of
talities aboard the vessel.
Hours after the incident, w:
U.S. Intelligence Ship
U.S. the White House described as "a chairman of the Senate Foreign
ized very serious situation," it was re- Relations Committee, said the
trol ported that the huge nuclear car- incident is very serious "if, as
her rier Enterprise was headed for reported, the ship was on the high
the Sea of Japan for possible seas."
re- emergency duty. The United States asked the
eblo The Enterprise left Sasebo, Ja- Soviet Union to deliver an ur-
eing pan, Monday night and was head- gent request to North Korea for
lors ed for the Vietnam area when the immediate release of the ship
any ordered to turn around, these re- and its 83 man crew.
ports said. The carrier, accom- The Pentagon said nothing
panied by the nuclear frigate about casualties or shooting when
vice, Truxton, was off the southwest it announced surrender of the
ad- coast of Japan at the time. 935 ton Pueblo to North Korean
nist Four of the 8$' Americans patrol boats near midnight Mon-
in- abroad the U.S. naval intelligence day.
'day gathering ship were wounded, one The U.S. statement said the in-
critically. ; cident occurred in internationalj
U.S. The Pentagon said the Pueblo, waters about 25 miles off North
armed with only two light ma- Korea.
Housing Boycott
8-lton Li Lease Cowtroversy Aimed
At Apartmnents Ltd., Campus Realtor
A boycott of a major Ann Arbor realty firm may be in the offing
in the wake of yesterday's refusal by Apartments Limited to accept
the University's new eight-month lease.
In a meeting with leaders of Student Housing Association and
Student Rental Union, Richard Barnhill, spokesman for Apartments
Limited said his firm would not use the new University rental
agreement which would exempt students from subletting their apart-
ments in the summer.
Spokesmen for SHA-SRU confirmed last night a "campaign for
acceptance of the eight-month lease" was in planning.
The student leaders said the boycott would be initiated against
Apartments Limited or Campus Management, another local rental
firm, if they don't accept the eight-month lease.
Barnhill said last night he !
knew of no boycott. He added A i
chine guns, was captured without
it firing a shot.
Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-Ark.),
Craig Sees Explosions'
In China, American City
The spectre of race riots in
American cities and nuclear
q bombing in China were highlight-
ed in a speech by state Senator
Roger Craig, (D-Dearborn) to an
open meeting of the Young Dem-
ocrats last night.
"The central city is going to
explode and the state legislature
is talking about open-housing,"
'~ Craig said to a sparse but en-
thusiastic audience. Craig does
not think open-housing will pass.
'jIf you are going to destroy the
Negro community, it will cost
Thai? Project
At Cornell
Cornell University's board of
trustees has voted to eliminate all
ties with the Cornell Aeronautical
Laboratory which helps to design
counterinsurgency programs in
The Cornell Lab performs sim-
ilar function to the University's
Defense Department supported
Willow Run Laboratories.
The trustees acted on a recom-
mendation of a committee that
the association be discontinued.
The committee gave three rea-
sons: the lack of significant
p educational and research inter-
action between the university and
the laboratory, the need to pro-
vide the laboratory with an ef-
fective independent board of dir-
ectors, and the overlap and po-
tential conflict betWeeh the labor-
atory's increasing overseas re-
search projects and the univer-
sity's expanding program of in-
ternational studies.
The, committee said that "in-
ternational scholars can only
work effectively if it is clear to
everyone, and most particularly
to the people in the countries in-
volved, that their goal is pure
scholarship. Hence, a defense-
orientated laboratory applied re-
search program operated under
Cornell's name constitutes a ser-
ious threat to the viability of
these Cornell programs."-
money," he said. "Hitler talked
about Jews as vandals and he had
a law a little stronger than the
stop-and-frisk law we are con-
sidering. Hitler had stop-and-kill.
"With increased skill," Craig
continued, "we can kill hundreds
of Negroes. We'll win because we
outnumber them 10-1. However,
racial warfare would cost us our
world leadership and our national
"If we don't get to addressing
ourselves to the problems," he
said, "the country could go up
like a tinderbox."
"Legislators look for simple so-
lutions that don't cost money,"
Craig said. "There are few, liber-
als who work for meaningful re-
Craig painted a dismal picture
of the Vietnam conflict."I see
the Cambodia border incidents
leading to escalation, then an in-
vasion of North Vietnam, a coun-
ter-thrust by the Chinese, and
finally the use of nuclear wea-
He called the war "immoral"
but "a symptom of our times."
"We don't give a damn about
foreign policy because we don't
see the relationship between Viet-
nam and tuition rates at the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
"We talk about making the
world safe for democracy," Craig
said. "But we support dictators in
Portugal and Spain and today we
recognized the junta in Greece."
Craig has been working in the
legislature for liberalization of
the state marijuana laws. He
hopes to change language per-
taining to marijuana in the Crim-
inal Court Bill now being revised.
"Laws should be based on fact,"
Craig said. "Marijuana has no
business in the same law as her-
oin. We have no medical testi-
mony that it is ahy worse than
Craig noticed that complaints
from the white middle class about
stringent marijuana laws &re
comparatively recent. . "There
were no complaints when Puerto
Ricans and Negro jazzmen were
thrown in jail."
Joking about his possible mari-
juana law before ' the speech,
Craig said, "My bill wouldn't le-
galize marijuana. It would make
it mandatory."
The Defense Department said
the Pueblo, armed with two ma-
chine guns, reported "she had
not used any weapons" before be-
coming the first U.S. naval ves-
sel to surrender at sea since the
Civil War.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
termed the North Korean action
a matter of "utmost gravity."
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana said it
seemed to be "a .clear violation of
international law."
'Spy Ship'
The Pentagon's description of
the Pueblo as an "intelligence col-
lection auxiliary ship" is a eup-
hemism for spy ship - a term
used by the North Korean radio
in accusing the Pueblo of viola-
ting North Korean waters to car-
ry out hostile activities.
The mission of an intelligence
collection ship is to listen in on
radio messages and detect radar
positions - a mission which is
generally not acknowledge by
U.S. authorities.
The Pueblo is the second such
ship to get into trouble within a
year. The 11,000 ton Liberty was
shot up by Israeli planes and
torpedo boats about 15 miles of
Egypt's Sinai peninsula June 8,
losing 34 of her 297 man crew.
Pueblo Surrounded
According to the Pentagon
announcement, the Pueblo "was
surrounded by North Korean pa-
trol boats and boarded by an arm-
ed party in international waters
in the sea of Japan."
It said the U.S. government
"acted immediately to establish
contact with North Korea through
the Soviet Union." This country
has no diplomatic representation
in North Korea, although it does
deal with North Korea, represen-
tatives at Panmunjom in South
Korea from time to time.
President Johnson was awak-
ened at 2 a.m. and told about the
Pueblo's seizure. He discussed the
situation at breakfast with
Democratic congressional leaders.
Korean Accusations
At the State Department, press
officer Robert J. McCloskey told
newsmen he was "saying cate-
gorically that the ship was out-
side the 12 mile limit which North
Korea claims as its territorial
McCloskey denied the Pueblo
was acting in a provocative man-
ner, as charged by the North
He said no deadline had been
set for a reply to this country's
reouest throug h the Soviets that
the vcssel and crew be released.
"But the sooner the better," he
-Associated Press
THE U.S.S. PUEBLO, a U.S. Navy intelligence ship, was successfully boarded and captured by North
Korean sailors about 25 miles off the North Korean coast on Monday night, despite her calls for
help. The ship with a crew of 83 men, was taken to Wonsan, North Korea.
Groups Investigate Privacy
that "if legal action is warrant-
ed," it could be 'expected.
Dwane Lighthammer of Cam-
pus Management told The Daily
he "wouldn't rule out" the pos-s
sibility of seeking an injunction
against a boycott.
Mark Schreiber, '69, chairman
of SRU, said a motion will be
presented to Student Govern-
:nent Council tomorrow night,
asking that the body give its full
Ltd. Refuses
New Lease
The opening round in the cur-
rent controversy over the Uni-
support to the program. 'versity's "eight-month" lease took
A publicity campaign urging place yesterday in the brand-new
the students to refrain from sign- office of Apartments Limited on
ing any apartment leases will be- Church St. at South University.
gin next week. If the apartment ' There officials of Apartment
firms refuse to accept SHA-SRU'sILimited told representatives of
demands, a boycott against ' Student Housing Association that
Apartment Limited or Campus they will not use the "eight-
Management will be initiated. month" lease form.
Present plans for the boycott Richard Barnhill, one of Apart-
include picket lines. Members of ments ?imited's managers, indi-
SHA-SRU will also visit the ten- . cated that there was no objection
ants of boycotted apartments and to the new eight-month clause ex-
ask them to distribute SHA-SRU cept that it "would have a bad
leaflets to any prospective ten- psychological effect on those stu-
Nature of Students'
Ever since the University com-
plied with a subpoena from the
House Un-American Activities
Committee and submitted the
membership lists of three Univer-
sity political groups to the Com-
mittee in August 1966, there has
been a growing concern over the
nature of the records of a stu-
dent and over their uses.
Last spring a committee com-
posed of James Lawler, assistant
director of Student Organizations,
and two students compiled a doc-
ument which would have defined
the position of the University
with respect to student records.
Student Government Council
and Graduate Assembly, however,
refused to accept the "Lawler Re-
port" largely because it gave wide'
discretionary powers to the Vice-
President for Student Affairs.
This action left a vacuum
which several University groups,
have begun to fill:
® The Civil Liberties Board of
the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs has under-
taken to establish certain criteria
for the nature and use of student
and faculty records.
* SGC and GA have estab-
lished a joint committee to in-.
vestigate the record keeping pol-
icy and over-all operation of the
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, the Uni-
versity's employment service for
students and alumni.
* Lawler has moved to re-acti-
vate his committee for the pur-
pose of reviewing last year's re-'
The precise nature of the stu-
dent's record is one of the major,
considerations of the various
groups undertaking the investiga-
tion. At present, the "records" of
a student are-scattered, seeming-
ly haphazardly. around the Uni-
One of the major depositories
for student records is the Office
of Student Affairs. It was t.hrough
that office that the membership
lists of political organizations
were available when subpoenaed
by HUAC in 1966, though Lawler
says that such records are now
maintained only at the request
of the student.
The OSA files still provide a
considerable dossier on a Univer-
sity student. They contain every-
thing from demographic data like'
address and sex to a wide range
of material including marital
status, religion, aptitude test re-
sults, financial records and state-
ments from residence halls coun-
OSA is by no means the only
place where student's records are
maintained. There are records in'
the counseling offices of the indi-
vidual colleges, in the Office of
Financial Aids, in the Bureau of
Appointments and, in somc cases,
in the individual departments.
Several investigators have voiced
the hope that their work would
eventually lead to the consolida-
tion of these records.
The other problem coiecruing
student records involves the ques-
tion of access to them. At pres-
ent, OSA will provide potential
employers and other colleges and
universities with much of the in-
formation in their files, without
notifying the student.
Access to academic counseling
records is reportedly a simple
matter for faculty members, al-
though the University will pro-E
vide outside organizations with a
transcript only on the request of
the student.
A special sub-committee of the
Civil Liberties Board has met only
once, but initial indications are
that it will call for a tightening
of controls on the dissemination'
of records, as well as recommend-
ing restrictions on their content.
Although established in Sep-
tember, the committee formed to
study the Bureau of Appoint-
ments was only able to begin
meeting with Bureau Director
Evart W. Ardis two weeks ago.
The investigation of the bureau
will center around two main is-
ants who inspect the apartments.
Spokesmen for SHA-SRU said
that Apartments Limited and
Campus Management are the most
vulnerable firms to such a mass
campaign. They explained that
both firms are composed of many
separate apartment owners, whose
Fifty residents of the Ann
Arbor Trust Co.'s apartment in
the University Plaza Building
presented a petition to their
resident manager demanding
that the apartment firm ac-
cept the University's new eight-
month lease.
Spokesman for the group,
David Deyoe, '70, said the peti-
tion has now spread to neigh-
boring buildings F o x c r a f t,
Packard Plaza and Athena
financial operations are more
-autonomus than managers be-
longing to other firms. Thus, the
owners would be subject to im-
mediate affects and would not be
able to weather an extended boy-
SHA-SRU hopes that if such a
boycott is necessary, it will force
other firms to accept the Univer-
sity's new lease.
SHA-SRU's action was prompt-
ed by reports of the large num-
ber of apartments left vacant
last September, and SGC's pre-
' diction that there will be even
more vacancies next year.
Barnhill denied that there were
vacancies. He commented, "Even
if there is a problem, it is a
temporary situation and should
be corrected in the next two
Student leaders base their fig-
ures on the amount of students
expected to be "available" for
apartment living next fall, as
compared to the number of sen-
iors now living in apartments who
will be gone next year.
dents who would have to sign up
for a full twelve months."
The University's lease may be
used for either eight-month or
twelve-month contracts.
The managers agreed to try to
set up a meeting between-the stu-
dent group and some of the apart-
ment owners later this week, after
SHA Chairman Michael Koeneke.
'69 BusAd, pointed out that "if
the students are to take any ac-
tion, it will have to be very soon."
Barnhill said that the decision
of whether or not to offer an
eight-month option had already
been made by the individual
apartment owners. One-fourth of
Apartments Limited 550 units are
offering option of leasing for eight
months at 25 per cent increase.
The meeting was held at the
request of Koeneke and Mark
Schreiber, '69, chairman of Stu-
dent Rental Union.
Both Schreiber and Koeneke
are members of Student Govern-
ment Council. SGC vice-presi-
dents Michael Davis, grad., and
Paul Milgrom, '70, also attended.
Barnhill listed three objections
to the University lease.
-Parents who sign leases for
their minor children would only
be responsible for their child's
share of the rent under the new
-A withdrawal clause provides
that students may cancel the new
lease if recommended to with-
draw by University Health Serv-
-The new lease would allow
students to cancel it at any time
up to 60 days before occupancy
by forfeiting one month's rent.
Barnhill said that "it all comes
down to what the owner sees: a
financial loss."
Koeneke is not satisfied with
Barnhill's claim that the owners
of the building make the deci-
sions. He said, "it seems to me
like they're just passing the
Ann Arbor Operations Vital
To Educational Television
When National Educational
Te evision started out in 1953. its
founders sought a location for a
headquarters that would be well-
suited for light manufacturing yet
have an academic atmosphere.
They chose Ann Arbor.
In the intervening years of
growth that have led to NET's
status as a major force in modern
television programming, the net-
work found it necessary to move'
its administrative and program-
ming offices to New York. NET.
however, has kept a major part of
its operation in Ann Arbor.
The fifty people on the staff of
NET--Ann Arbor share their
Packard Road offices with a wide
conglomerate of electronic master-
On Saturday and Sunday the
Howe Finds Students Intense, Varied'
machinery must keep company sues - whether unsolicited rec-
with itself in the low-slung, white ommendations are being placed in
cement fortress. The humans, for the files, and whether letters of
five days a week, use the gadgetry recommendation should be confi-
to handle all of NET's duplica- dential.
"The idea of a writer-in-resi-
dnce program has its merits,"
The campus has "an extraor-
dinary range of students, from
those who are extremely intellec-
Irving Howe, this year's writer-in-
residence, said. "It is better than completely blown," Howe said.
the one-shot lecture in that Some young people have adopted
through sustained contact, the stu- the attitude that using your mind
dents are exposed to a certain style is equivalent to being 'square.'"
of thought," Howe will be on campus until
At an interview in his East Jan. 29 and will speak on a variety
At a intrviw inhis astof topics, ranging from the New
Quadrangle suite, Howe expressed Left to Yiddish literature. The
surprise at the small influence of topics for discussion are "fine."
the "radical students on campus." Howe said. "They were arranged
"My impression is that the num- by me and I am prepared for all
ber of radical students is less than of them."
I originally thought. They are only Describing his suite in East
a small fringe of the studeht body Quad, Howe said the accommoda-
and haye thus far not penetrated tions were "quite pleasant." He is
very deeply into student life. How- staying in Presscott House, where
ever, student radicals play a role the women students of the Resi-
out of proportion to their num- 'pnf!i rntinap 'n. hrmca
tion, -"distribution and storage for
all American educational stations.
In duplicating video-tapes from
master originals, technicians in
the local office make use of 17
electronic manipulators to record
tapes at speeds up to 132 feet per
second. Howard Town, vice presi-
dent of NET Inc. and director
of engineering and distribution for
the Ann Arbor location, likens the
Tutorial Project Experiments
With More Academic Approach
The Lawler committee
yet to meet.
operation to "a multitude of mag- By RON -LANDSMAN one-to-one basis with children , experiment as well as old ones
netic Xerox machines." The University's Tutorial Proj- ranging from three to 17 years which linger on.
Also kept in Ann Arbor is "the ect is currently experimenting old One of the old problems is the
largest video tape library in the with an extension of its enrich- In the Mack program, teachers lack of male or Negro tutors. Only
world for television broadcast- ment programs to encompass a will refer students to the Tutorial about 30 per cent of the tutors are
ing." It is guarded from fire by more academic approach. The Project. Students will be referred males, according to Central Staff
two tons of ready carbon dioxide. project is being run at Mack ; to the Tutorial Project on the members, and the percentage of
The Ann Arbor service keep 8,000- Elementary School which has basis of specific academic or dis- Negroes is one tenth of that.
10,000 programs in constant cir-. many low-income, Negro stu- cipline problems they may have. Often the project gets students
culation, with titles ranging from dents. ' The greatest change in the who just can't be handled by
"Conversations with Eric Hoffer" Traditionally t u-t o r i n is Mack program is ha tutors illlitle co-ed tutor s, Miss Shapiro
to "Asparagus, Tip to Butt." thought of as an increase in the ma aw +,,t4, in las srther explained,
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