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January 19, 1968 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-01-19

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U.S., Soviet

Union Agree

Congress to Delay

On Non-Proliferation Pact

GENEVA, () - The United;
0,States and the Soviet Union
jointly submitted to the nations of
the world yesterday a complete
draft for a treaty to stop the
spread of nuclear weapons.
The draft, a milestone in five
years of hard East-West bargain-
ing, was sent to the 17 nation
* disarmament conference by its
American and Soviet co-chairmen.
The men, Adrian S. Fisher of
the United States and Alexei A.
Roshchin of the Soviet Union,
reached final agreement Wednes-
day night on an article dealing.
with control procedures, the most

disputed point in their backstage The new draft also met some
bargaining. of the other objections raised by
A previous American - Soviet industrialized non-nuclear nations'
draft published Aug. 24 left ar- which feared the treaty might ob-
ticle 3 blank because of Russian struct their economic development.
insistence that the International! ostvChne
Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA - Positive Change
should be the only body respon- Officials of the West German
sible for verifying compliance with ! government in Bonn said the
the treaty. draft "contains a large number
The final compromise version of positive changes that take Into
met demands by West Germany account the reservations express-
nd T.l that the Euronean ed by non-nuclear nations."

anu aly Ult ae LVul
Atomic Energy Organization -
EURATON - a body linked with
the European Common Market,
also could have a role in control-
ling the treaty.

State Dept. Rebuffs
USSR on Cambodia

In Brussels, a special meeting
of the North Atlantic council
thanked the United States for its
efforts to get agreement on a
treaty draft. One authoritative
source said Roger Seydoux, French
President Charles de Gaulle's rep-
resentative on the council, ex-
pressed his personal appreciation
of U.S. efforts but emphasized
that France did not intend to
sign the treaty.
In Washington, President John-
son said he was "most heartened"
to learn that the Soviet Union
joined the United States in sub-
mitting the treaty, which he ex--
pressed belief history would look
upon "as a landmark in the effort
of mankind to avoid nuclear dis-
aster while insuring that all will
benefit from the peaceful uses of
nuclear energy.",
'Major Achievement'

--Associated Press
ADRIAN S. FISHER, left, of the United States and Alexei A. Roshchin of the Soviet Union met be-
fore a Geneva conference yesterday at which they presented a new draft treaty to halt the spread
of nuclear weapons.

States has told the Soviet Union
to direct its warnings against vio-
lations of Cambodian territory to
North Vietnam and the Viet Cong
guerrillas-and not to the United
The diplomatic rebuff was ad-
ministered by the veteran ambas-
sador at large, Averell Harriman,
last Friday in an oral exchange of
protests at the State Department
with the Soviet embassasy's charge
d'afaires, Yuri N. Tcherniakov.
In making this known yesterday
State Department press officer
Robert J. McCloskey was circum-
spect about a news conference
statement made by U.N. Secretary-
General U Thant in New York.
Bomb Halt
Thant said there could be no
OVietnam peace talks unless the
bombing of North Vietnam is halt-
ed, but Hanoi is not likely to agree
to halt the fighting in the South
because it would be a military dis-
Thant also expressed the belief
hat Hanoi is not likely to agree
o an immediate ceasefire even
if the halt to the bombing pro-
duces negotiations.
Thant expressed his views at a
news conference, where he de-
clined direct comment on Presi-
dent Johnson's Vietnam statement
in his State of the Union message
Wednesday night.
Johnson stressed top priority for
a cease-fire as the first order of
business for U.S.-Hanoi negotia-
'Juvenile' Approach
The secretary-general criticized
what he described as a "juvenile"
and "simplistic" approach to the
complex problem of Vietnam. Un-
der that kind of approach, he said,
the war was blamed wholly on
Communist aggression from the
North or military aggresion by the
United States.

He issued also a strong plea for
respect for the neutrality of Cam-
bodia, saying that this is essential
to world peace.
He made clear his views were
based on public statements recent-
ly by officials of the Hanoi regime
and not on private information or
sources in North Vietnam.
Thant stressed these points on
Vietnam, which dominated the
questioning at the news confer-
'Militarily Disadvantageous'
-North Vietnam is not likely to
take any reciprocal action to a
cessation in the U.S. bombing be-
cause Hanoi would find it "mili-
tary disadvantageous" to do so.
He said North Vietnamese forces
in the South are far outmatched
in numbers by the United States
and South Vietnam.
-He remains convinced that a
stop to the bombing will produce
meaningful talks within three to
four weeks, but added that a cease-
fire agreement would be difficult
to negotiate because it would con-
stitute an open admission by Ha-
noi that it had a predominant role
in South Vietnam.
-U.S.-Hanoi talks should be
aimed at reconvening the 1954
Geneva conference because that is
where "we have to pick up the
Nationalistic Issue
Thant has said previously that
he believes the Vietnam war is
primarily one involving nation-
alistic issues and not a contest be-
tween Communists and anti-Com-
"It is my conviction," he said
in regard to Cambodia, "that it
would be in the interests of peace
for all states and all authorities,
in particular the members of the
Geneva conference, to continue to
respect the status of neutrality of
the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Japanese Students Riot Over
Arrival of U.S. Nuclear Ship

WASHINGTON (A)-Congress is 1
going to work promptly on most1
of President Johnson's program1
to improve the balance of pay-
ments-but it still is in no hurry1
to grapple with a tax increase. 1
Before any tax decision is made,
the economy forces now in the;
saddle in the House want a long,I
detailed look at the new budget.
Johnson described his budgetI
Wednesday night as a tight one,I
with the $10.4 billion spending in-
crease limited almost entirely to;
rising Vietnam costs and uncon-,
trollable items like interest anda
pension payments.
Ways and Means
The House Ways and Means
Committee will go ahead with a
scheduled hearing Monday at
which Secretary of the Treasury
Henry H. Fowler, Budget Director
Charles L. Schultze and Federal
Reserve Chairman William C.
Martin will once again plead the
case for a 10 per cent income tax
But then the committee again
will set the tax bill aside. This
time it takes up instead, Chair-
man Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.)
said, the balance of payments
package. The tax measure will be
considered again after the budget
becomes available - by Jan. 29
unless Congress grants more time.
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana said Senate
prospects for the measure are
fairly good-if it passes the House
Strengthe'n Dollar
Johnson, in his State of the
Union message Wednesday, avoid-
ed specific recommendations on
several major items in his pro-
gram to strengthen the dollar by
stemming the outflow of capital
and of U.S. funds spent by tour-
ists abroad.
Ways and Means Committee
sources said the administration
had submitted various alternate
suggestions and would leave it to
the committee to work out legis-
lation behind closed doors.
One major question to be settled
is whether there will be a tax on
travelers leaving the United States
and if so what exceptions may
be allowed-for example, for stu-
dents, teachers or those with rela-
tives abroad. There is considerable
opposition in Congress to . any
travel tax.
. Restrict Official Travel
By way of setting an example
for the public, Johnson ordered
all federal agencies yesterday to
cut official travel outside the
United States to "the minimum
consistent with orderly conduct of
the government's business."
Johnson also directed the'State
Department to reduce the num-
ber of its overseas employes by 10
per cent, and to make accom-

panying reductions in the num-
ber of foreigners employed by
U.S. embassies and misisons.
Vietnam was exempted from
the directive, which Budget Direc-
tor -Schultze said will affect about
25,000 American civilians, 9,000
military personnel and 30,000 to
35,000 foreign nationals.
Johnson recommended lifting
the requirement that the Treasury
maintain a 25 per cent gold cover
on Federal Reserve notes in cir-
culation, and this was promised
quick consideration in the House
Banking Committee by Chairman
Wright Patman (D-Tex.) who
supports it.
The move would free nearly $11
billion in gold to meet foreign
claims and head off any run on
the dollar - which Johnson has
pledged will'not be devalued.
Respond to
Crime Issue
WASHINGTON (M)-f all the
wide ranging domestic legislation
proposed by President Johnson in
his State of the Union message,
anticrime measures struck the
most responsive chord among
members of Congress.
Except for a child health pro-
gram and some additional con-
sumer protection measures, most
of the President's recommenda-
tions were not new.
However, Johnson called for a
stepped-up Job training program
for the hard-core unemployed, a
tripling of funds for rehabilitating
city slums, and a major expansion
of housing construction for low-
and middle-income families.
Although he left many details
to be filled in later, Johnson ap-
peared to be banking on channel-
ing more of the resources of pri-
vate industry into the manpower
and housing programs.
Economy Demands
Republican leaders were quick
to say that this is the course they
have been urging, but the money
outlays the President called for
may run afoul of GOP economy
In his address to Congress
Wednesday night, Johnson drew
his heaviest applause when he
said, "The American people have
had enough of rising crime and
This reflects reports from mem-
bers returning for the new ses-
sion that the people back home
are more concerned about crime
than any other issue, with the pos-
sible exception of the Vietnam

prima T/finictnr T.7 rnle2 Xlilcnt

Prime ministert iaroU WiVison
of Britain sent the Geneva con- SASEBO, Japan (ma) - About
ference a telegram saying, "Early 700 leftist students protesting the
conclusion of this treaty will not imminent arrival of the nuclear
only constitute a major arms powered U.S. aircraft carrier En-G
achievement, it should also open terprise were beaten off yesterday
the way to further progress in the in an attack on a police barricade

field of disarmament."
The main threat the treaty is
designed to meet is the acquisition
of atomic and hydrogen weapons
by industrialized nations which
already have a nuclear potential.
These include West Germany, In-
dia, Israel, Sweden, Japan, Italy,
Egypt, South Africa, Switzerlagd
and Canada.
Chain Reaction
The United States and the So-
viet Union have long been agreed
that if any new nation acquired
nuclear weapons this might cause
a chain reaction leading to an
uncontrollable nuclear arms race
throughout the world.
Under article 1 of the treaty,
nuclear weapon states undertake
not to pass on their weapons or
weapons knowhow to any non-
nuclear weapon state.
Under article 2, the non-nuclear
weapon states undertake not to
acquire or manufacture such
After 25 years, an international
conference is to decide whether
the existing lineup of nuclear
weapon countries should be main-}
tained indefinitely.

at the main entrance to Sasebo
naval base.
Three policemen and 69 studentsI
were injured and 15 students were
arrested. Despite their losses, the
students promised to come back
today when the 75,000-ton Enter-
prise arrives at Sasebo.
Anti-Enterprise demonstrations
also broke out in Tokyo, Yoko-
hama and at Sapporo on the;
northernmost island of Hokkaido.
The only trouble was in Tokyo,
where 300 students began throw-
ing stones and milk bottles at.
police blocking the way to the
U.S. Embassay. Tokyo police ar-
rested 105 students.
The students at Sasebo tried to
cross a bridge at the entrance of
the U.S. naval base. They were
met by 1,800 helmeted police. The
students began throwing rocks and
police dispersed them with tear
gas and water from hire hoses.
Most citizens of Sasebo, a city
of 250,000, remained indifferent.
But groups for and against the
nuclear carrier's visit competed
for attention with loudspeakers,
posters, handbills and motor-
cades. Merchants and others,

whose business depends on the f namese war and runs contraryj
presence of the Navy, were criti- to the nation's policy of renounc-
cal of the demonstrations. ing nuclear weapons.
With Japanese government ap- No violence was reported in the
proval, the Enterprise will stay demonstrations at Yokohama and
about five days to provide rest Sapporo.
for her 4,300 man crew and take In Yokohama, about 3,500 la-
on supplies. bor unionists and students at a
Japan's left-wing minority in- rally adopted protest resolutions
sists the coming of the Enter- addressed to the Japanese and
prise involves Japan in the Viet- U.S. governments.
World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Two urban-
oriented Republican governors ac-
F cused President Johnson yester-
day of failing to set national prior-
ities but said they would support
the President's call for higher
taxes to meet domestic needs.
Govs. John H. Ghafee of Rhode
Island and Daniel J. Evans of
Washington differed with their
party's congressional leadership
and with a majority of seven GOP
governors participating in a tele-
phonic news conference, who
stressed spending cuts over higher
"I'm personally not afraid of a
tax increase." said Chafee, chair-

man of the Republican Governors
Association. If all of the domestic
programs in President Johnson's
proposed $186 billion budget are
necessary, Evans said, "then I
think we have to face squarely the
need for a tax increase."
* * -
HAVANA-The Cuban Interior
Ministry belatedly announced yes-
terday it shot down a small plane
and captured it§ ex-paratrooper
U.S. pilot Dec. 29 after he dropped
some arms over central Cuba.
The pilot was identified as
Everett Jackson, 27, of Los An-
geles, who had been living in
Miami Fla. The ministry said he
admitted trying "to infiltrate na-
tional territory."


Jobs Abroad Guaranteed
BRUSSELS: The Int'l Student
Information Service, non-profit,
today announced that 1,000
ABROAD are available to
young people 171 t6 40, Year-
Round and Summer. The new
34 page JOBS ABROAD maga-
zine is packed with on-the-spot-
photos, stories and information
about your JOB ABROAD.
Applications are enclosed.
PAY-TRAVEL. For your copy
send $1.00 AIRMAIL to: ISIS,
133 Rue - H6tel des Monnaies,
Brussels 6, Belgium.


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