0,14 fir4tgau : Bad-t Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS d: .^.{^ XE"a4' TODAY AND TOMORROW . . . by WA LTER LIPPMANN LBJ Cheats the Democratic Process V Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLYN MIEGEL Time for Change: Administration's Position Regarding P.A. 379 ICE.-PRESIDENT Wilbur K. Pierpont's decision to ask the Regents to appeal an adverse court ruling on PA 379 is an- other in a series of bizarre indiscretions in the University's handling of its em- ploye relations problems. The University's continued refusal to recognize the right of employes to par- ticipate in collective bargaining is a clear indication that its anti-labor poli- cies did not depart with Harlan Hatcher. It seems inconsistent that President Fleming, a former labor mediator him- self, has not ended the legal battle which the University has futily fought for two years. ARGUING THAT they are merely trying to preserve the University's "con- stitutional autonomy," two successive ad- ministrations have obscured the real rea- sons for their stand against collective bargaining. The alleged threat to the University autonomy is an administra- tive guise. The threat simply doesn't exist. As Judge William Agar Jr. of Washte- naw County Circuit Court aptly pointed out in his November decision, constitu- tionally granted autonomy of state in- stitutions of higher learning was, "not meant to exempt the boards and regents fromall laws passed by the Legislature." The University is not a totally self-gov- erning island in the State of Michigan and was never meant to be. Furthermore, the Administration's claim has no validity for the State Legis- lature has never succeeded in exercising abusive control over truly autonomous University operations. IF, INDEED, there is no threat to the University's constitutionally granted autonomy, why then does the University continue to fight PA 379? The logical answer is that the anti-labor bias of the Hatcher era still persists in the Fleming administration. Authorization to appeal the Univer- sity's case against PA 379 still needs the approval of the Regents. Unfortunately they have accepted Pierpont's past rec- ommendations. The opportunity still exists for the Re- gents to block Pierpont's request. Regent Gertrude Huebner has said, "It's impos- sible to avoid collective bargaining.. . Unions are entitled to their fair share. Collective bargaining may be difficult, it may be costly, but it's an important pro- cess and we ought to have it." The University should face the reality that the two-year-long court battle was the result of bad advice from key vice- presidents and that more bad advice won't make the problem disappear. This is an ideal opportunity for the Fleming administration to rectify a grievous error of the previous administration, and as- sume a newer, more progressive image. -STEVE NISSEN NEW YORK - In a free ana democratic society there are ways, not all of them lawless, of rigging the system and nullifying It. Thus, it is against the law to bribe the voters and to stuff the ballot boxes and to falsify the count. If the culprits are caught, they may be sent to prison. But there are more refined ways of cheating which are not illegal and indeed are regarded as ac- ceptable. They strike at the heart of the democratic process. One of the commonest of these devices is to ignore the strongest adversary in a controversy and to turn the argument of the de- bate against the least respectable and most vulnerable. We are witnessingsa prime ex- ample of this misuse of demo- cratic debate. The Johnson Dem- ocrats are trying to reduce the controversy over the war in Viet- nam to one between the most eminent of their supportersm - President Dwight Eisenhower, for example-and an assorted mixture of hippies, peaceniks, draft-card burners, pacifists, agents and sup- porters of Hanoi, Peking and Moscow, black-power Negroes and what not. IN A DEMOCRATIC society this is cheating. Its inner prin- ciple, the vital essence of democ- racy, is that government is con- trolled by free debate. For only by free debate can an agreed truth be found and an agreed course be detrmined. Onlytheebest can make this process work; only the best spokesman of every aspect of the case can make genuine the debate to find out what is true and what will be regarded as right. When, however, the government turns upon its weakest opponents and avoids engaging itself with its best opponents, it is destroying this process by which a free peo- ple ascertains what is true and agrees upon -what is right. By shifting the debate to what President Theodore Roosevelt call- ed "the lunatic fringe," the debate is destroyed. It is destroyed by pretending that the argument is not with Mike Mansfield, J. William Ful- bright, Thruston Morton, John Sherman Cooper, Mark Hatfield; not with generals like Matthew Ridgway, James Gavin and David Shoup; not with academic com- munities all over the country from Harvard to Berkeley; not with the great numbers of the clergy in all denominations. When the President of the United States talks as if his opponents at home were meerly "the placard car- riers," many of whom badly need a bath and a haircut, he is taking refuge from the heat of the de- bate. He is running away from the issues. IN WARTIME the favorite de- vice for evading and falsifying genuine debate is to exploit the soldier dead. If it can be made to appear that the critics of the war policy are dishonoring the dead, are ignoring and betraying the soldier dead, there can be little further argument. President Johnson has used this device several times, notably when conferring aposthumous decora- tion, and the implication of be- traying the dead is now extended to those who wish to fight the war differently than it is being fought and to those who, urging negotiation, are ready to nego- tiate on issues which the Admin- istration happens to reject as not negotiable., Gen. Eisenhower, who, when he was President, refused to wagehan American war in Vietnam, has lent his authority to this decep- tive device: "If any Republican or Democrat suggests that we pull out of Vietnam and turn our back on the more than 13,000 Americans who died in the cause of freedom there ..." THIS IS ONE of those resound- ing remarks which not only begs the issue of debate but seeks to destroy it. So if it is taken serious- ly as a considered statement of Gen. Eisenhower's Vietnam policy, it means that, contrary to the Manila Declaration, American forces can never leave Vietnam. In World For it can never be certain, not to end allv even altogether probable, that the we were go cause of freedom is secure. of peace adr If this cannot be said, almost authority o anyone at almost any time can Stalin's Ru claim that we have turned our America. In backs on the soldier dead. Quite were going clearly the rhetoric is so inflated United Nali that no statesman in office can, in sion could fact, live with it. Vietnamese P7 - ~'PEA(E FEELER? I (OUU' H4AVE 5WO12l IT War II we were going war. In World War II ing to usher in an era ministered by the triple of Churchill's Britain, issia and Roosevelt's n the Korean war we to show that with the Aons at work aggres- be stopped. In the war we are establish- _ ,: ; ; , ;,, ' .' ' ; _ : . o;' '' r. , a Y s .i . ',r, . ;" ' ditional surrender and without the symbols of victory, is a betrayal of the 13,000 soldier dead. The general should alsoravoid the trap laid by the war party in this country. This to tell the people to believe that the Amer- ican forces must stay in Viet- nam until what is, in fact, the impossible has been achieved - namely, that there is in Saigon an anti-Communist, anti-Chinese, pro-American, independent gover- nment which can stand on its own feet without the help of American forces. That is what the Johnson policy demands for an American agreement to a negot- iated settlement, and if the Re- publicans have any sense of the practical realities, including the results of the 1968 election, they will not fall into this trap. FOR WE CAN TAKE it as one of the certainties in this highly complex situation that no negotia- tion which has the prospect of leading to a lasting result can omit the pledge we first made at Manila: that at some time and under some conditions, the Amer- ican forces will be withdrawn from the continent of Asia. A negotiation whichi mplies that they will remain indefinitely on that continent is, one might say by definition, a victory that can be only a temporary truce. For the peasant revolution in Asia, which is led by Communists, is named by simple patriots who will never for long accept the pres- ence of rich, excessively armed Western white men on the con- tinent within walking distance of other Asian countries. Gen. Eisenhower should not foreclose, by a rhetorical device, the opportunity of the Republican Party to dow hat he, himself, did when he was President: to ne- gotiate an honorable end of an inconclusive war. If Gen. Eisen- d hower does foreclose this op- portunity, he may well deliver the Presidency for another four years to Lyndon Johnson. it 0 WAS' A SNAKE :' This kind of inflation of our objectives beyond the practical realities has been an American practice in almost all of the wars of this century. And because we could not live up to the rhetoric, it could always be said that we had turned our back on the sold- ier dead. ing and protecting self-govern- ment in South Vietnam and con- taining Communist China for the future. Gen. Eisenhower should take thought carefully before he com- mits himself and his party and the country to the idea that a negotiated peace, without uncon- A (C) 1968, The Washington Post Co. i FEIFFER Bursley Beats the Clock M Y PREAH HA5 ALLUAYM KR)1 TO HAVE THE BAT A PATH 1T0 tMq tDOOR A IAOUS& TRAP WUORLU AIL2 ' .A MOUSE (RAP $6ST- FOGOTTEM, 6S PEIA L W PUCA&Lis 6 C-M. OF X41'5 EAc EUR EFFORT ( ATA &VISo2l( MOUSE ( TR~APS. TRAP BUILT A HOV$6 TO HIPS V Dift. Publii AW3 THlE WOORL P TH6 POWR OF HIS TOAP AQJP TH6 WLD1 BEAT A PATH To MY DOOR. AID U- HYSELF TiAp AS GOOD As HIS TRA PS// 4 Uf M " WANT A BUTTON! I want a but- ton!" a student chirped at Bursley Hall's hours-visitation teach-in Mon- day night. The button was one of those blue SGC ones with gold letters spelling out that catchy slogan, "Let the Students Decide." Yes indeed, Bursley Hall is finally getting a share of some of the action. Upstairs in the West Bursley Lounge (just about as luxurious as the latest hotel) students-mostly freshmen- were treated to a glimpse of the SGC brass. There was oft-quoted President Bruce Kahn, long-haired grad Tom West erdale ("When Johnny Feldkamp and I both came on campus . ."), bearded Andy Quinn, blond-banged E. 0. Knowles, and more. A few Bursley girls even dressed up specially for the occasion in red, laced boots, army jackets, and watches - especially watches - on wrists, arms, and even dangling, from ears to symbolize their own catchy new phrase: "Hour Pow- er." A festive air of familiarity per- vaded the hall. " OW I THINK it's great that people know we're out here!" one Bursley coed commented about the "beyond- their - wildest - dreams" phenomenon of "Student Power Comes to Bursley." When asked why they had come to the teach-in, a shrug almost visibly swept the crowd. One student unwit- tingly became a spokesman when she drawled, "I don't know, I just want to see what's going to happen." The student speakers were there with their verbal weapons: "The Ad- ministration has been playing games," Kahn said, playing his own role of good old Kahn with mass-movement strategies; E. O. Knowles with his "It's not forcive action, just people getting together." sity Investigator Harold Swoverland, the vice president's and housing di- rector Feldkamp's silent eyes and ears, made the event official when he in- toned, "Any gathering of students- football games, basketball, sit-ins- you'll find me there." But some people weren't there for games After the meeting some stu- dents went up to Kahn and Co. in small scattered groups and began asking questions, real questions-not just ones that are only saying "Man, look at me-I'm with you, I'm with everybody!" Instead, some students even asked: "I'm for abolishing women's curfews, but is this the only way of doing it? Can't we compromise somehow?" And Kahn answered . . . "I wish it didn't have to be this way (forcive action) at this University; but that's the way things work, that's the way things get done.... You can't always compromise your ideals, sometimes it becomes just so odious-you can't." NEVERTHELESS, one student who hadn't been so sure of student power tactics before, after listening to Kahn spoke quietly, thoughtfully, with the burdening depression of un- certainty: "I just can't convince my- self that there is no other way. . . . Maybe I'm wrong, probably I am ... I really don't know. I just wish them luck." EVEN BURSLEY has at last had some action; it has been initiated into the games that student power leaders and University administrators know how to play so well. Isolationism is at an end-a new era is opening for Bursley. Bursley is entering the worid of the University, and with this entrance will come the burden for m-, .-. r Pv ivnci , .h 1Pi , oinnc c and _- ,htuiHaIIaSpndkat4 Letters: Chairman Views Course in Negro. History To the Editor: MISSCONNYE Hunt's letter in The Daily of Dec. 7, 1967, contained an unexpected attack on me and the History Depart- ment for not instituting a course in Negro history. Preliminary de- tails of the course have been worked out, she says; recent sur- veys have revealed a student de- mand for it, and several qualified professors have offered to teach it. To the best of my knowledge none of these statements is true, and even if they all were they would not bear on the chief ques- tions about creating such a course. One question is whether Negro history should be taught. We have no course in the history of the American Indians, or Jews, or any other minority; why then of the Negroes? Their role in, and con- tributions to, American society should be emphasized in, any course in United States history that is worth its salt. But to single them out for special treat- ment in the curriculum, it may be argued, is to perpetuate emphasis on their separateness at just the time when their assimilation is the crucial problem before the rub. The graduateaeducation of Negroes is so poor, at least in his- tory, that well qualified Ph.D.'s are virtually unobtainable--a fact that is a disgrace to our educa- tional system but still a fact. We must apply the same standards of training and scholarship and teaching ability to everyone who joins us; if we lowered our stand- ards for a Negro, the students would suffer and he would feel himself, quite rightly, a second- class academic citizen. One remedy is to give special training, in good graduate schools, to promising Negroes who seek an academic career; and the Depart- ment is actively exploring what it can contribute to this end. Such a contribution will in the long run be much more significant than any course could be. But to wait for the long run requires patience, which these days is in short supply. -W. B. Willcox, Chairman Department of History Now, Howe To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to your article in The Daily (Jan. 13) about Mr. aware of this criticism and of its justification. And so, in planning Mr. Howe's visit we have made every effort to improve the pro- gram in this respect. One of our primary goals has been to, plan the program with the writer-in-residence rather than for him. Andweahave been very fortunate in that Mr. Howe has been extremely cooperative, and has taken an active part in shap- ing this year's program. For us, this has been one of the most gratifying aspects of working on Writer-in-Residence this year. MR. HOWE'S VISIT has been made possible by the joint sup- port of many student groups and organizations including The Daily, SGC, Panhel, IFC, UAC, individ- ual dorms and the Residential College, as well as individual fac- All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. ulty departments. Our hope is Wrong Answer To the Editor: RECENTLY, I have been con- cerned with the nation-wide protests against the Selective Service System. My current draft deferment runs out this April when I receive my engineering degree. Therefore, no one could be more concerned than I am about the draft. On Jan. 13, I read an article In The Daily which included a quote by one of these protesters that seems to embody therecent trend toward lawlessness. "He said ral- lies are insufficient and people must take risks. 'I mean staking your job, your future, by putting yourself in the same position as Spock and Coffin. Go out in the community and break the law if you feel you have to.' " To me, this is so far from being right that I have written this letter to ask that it be exposed as the wrong answer. I FIRMLY believe in the right to dissent. History is full of dis- senters and they have been healthy for our government by posing constant questions. But, these defiant protesters have car- law to further their cause. Brtk any law to gain recognition. But, where does law breaking start? With a little law like trespassing at a draft board? Perhaps turning your draft card in would be an- other law they could get away with. The only trouble is, where do they draw the line? How many more laws would be tempting to break? Right here, is the place to check a situation that is on the way out to control. I believe full prosecution of anyone breaking any law would show protestors that their way is wrong. Our country was founded on basic rights, freedoms, and laws which respect all its citizens. We should move to defend these laws with all means provided for in these laws. We should respect all laws, big and small, and obey" them. Our legal system provides for orderly ways of changing our laws. These are the only ways we should tolerate. This is the best thing our government, be it city, state, or federal, can do. If our legal systems defend our laws by maintaining proper respect for them through the full prosecution of wrong-doers, we can honestly sav we a edoing all we can to I I