PAGE Two 14P t22tinwr men are striving to make it an artis-, . tic thing. Can any art exist underI t~tI~ ~ U t I such foolish restrictions? He is pre-~ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE tending that there is one subject whichM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ;the movies can not treat frankly and SME SESO; rtflPublished every morning except Mondayy-jl(u 1hteeSa during the University Surnmet Session by j note of falsity. A sensible person can the Board' in Control of Student P'ublica- hrl e wyteVlsedati tions. adysewyth osedati any holier than our other laws nor The Associated Press is exclusively en-I wvhy it should be anly more important titled to the use for republication of all ne wsl dispatches credited to it or not otherwise to teach respect for this one than itM credited in this paper and the local news pub- o h ThusatIo'. fished herein, is for any o h 'husatnt,. THE SUMMER MICI-1XAN DAIT '' FRIIDAY, SJULY 16, 1926 .v. ., . .. ,, Entered at the Ann A\rbor , ichicaii1, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,; $2. 00. Offices:IPress Btuilding, 1 ayna;-d Street,! Ann Arbor, Michigan. C'oimunications, if signed as evidence of good faith, .v ill be published in The SummerDalathedsrio ofheEtr. -I signed commnunications will receive no con- siderationi. The signature may be omitted in! publication if tdesired by the writer, The Summiuer D~aily does not necessarily eidorse the sentiments expre-.sed in the cominunica- EDITORIALSt'A FV - ~Telephonte 492'. MANAGING EDITOR MANNING HOUSEWORTH Chairmian, Editorial Board...Ege ne 11, i ntekunnst City Editor. .............. William R. Brcyer Music and 1)1 am )a.. ,.....XV illiam C Lucasj Womnan's Editor..,.........Julia Ruth Brown Night Editors Wilton A. Simpson TIheodore I torrberger Paul J. Kern Frederick Shillito Douglas Doubleday Assistants AVAIANT VTE3>{ I ?It has al-xyavs been a problem in the country to interest the voter. In Iowa a movement is on foot to compel citizens to cast a ballot--in California the more muild means 01 edu # Lion is to b(.emeplloyed. Citizens must be induced to rote,' and because of this fact an association for adult. education" has been formed in the Golden state: Its aims were fully exp~lained by Leon J1. Richard- son, direct or of the extension division of the University of California, when i li said: "Althoug-h interest ed in all phases of adualt educlation, the first stopl of the association will be in t he soeci and poit iical field. The Am- erican people hav \e shownt a :=insular lack: of intex-est d tring; recedit years ini qu estio0ns t hat e ffect thbe nation's Music And Drama Illay K. lnilel in University hall audi-; toiiti, at s o'clock. TOMORROW{I(1 ?NIGH'T: Last per- louii~e of IA. N. ililues "Belinthda" by The Play ers. iii Sarah C'aswell Au- Igel hall at11 S' ~.34 o'clock. "Nememlber the critic's calling Is the finest in te world, It is som~etimnes a little galling I tWhien, with lips p~olitely curled Anrd withi supercilious smirk, You are told to your face That the critic has no pliace Among important things. I tell you, it's an art, Th'las has springs In the heart Of Zall press-a~g cts. t (Willia l dlogies to Macha Guitryx, alrd I tiiler it H eti(sfon. T' F C1(''L'UY CONCIAN' Thle l'aculity Concert Wednesday cx ching in Hill Iaiudito0riurn was not a- ble for twvo things, a splenidid tpcl'toi- GRAHAM'S Special Tables of Books of Interest' to Educators At Both Ends of the Diagonal GARRICK Nighits - a5C to $s.50 Mlats. \Ved.Sat. 250, 50C, 75C. SI CON1) AND FINAl, 'WEEK THE GARRICK CPMPANY PR n'ssNrS The Riot of Fun and Laughter "The Family Upstairs" ! West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT The Siliver Stallion - James Branch Cabell TYPEWRITING PROMPTLY AND NE ATLY DONE Ai~iI 7 Nicels 0. D Morurill 17r Arcade The Typew~riter and Stationery Store n. r , , -... .- - f{f fj1 N, i i .j MpW .3 - Gail Lyons George T. McKean Thaddleus Vasiclewsli 11 >rri . ierdling BUSINESS STA FFl Telephone l1214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation..................enneth lI Lven Advertising .................Eranci- Nom-'iist Assistants Edward Solomon WX'illiam F C- k FRID)AY, JULY 16, 1926 Night Editor - W i. 11. TOCKWELL THlE NA G T1' SESOUI 'The sesq uicen ten nia., that e labor- ate exposition w bict cminnem1orates the 150th~ anniversary of the signing of tIhe I eclari ion of indepenldence is, opeti to visitors on Sunday. Th is isM ,,act'ehigious; Presbyterians and Luth- evans > have already been ordered to stay away from the wicked place anid, iMethodists ale 1now consi derntg aitat, actin- It seens that the sig1ning- of the" Dleclaration of IWdIepcictcl'e w;as sucth anlii1n'odly act that good Christ ianns counot ii a eitisiler2'celebratIing it oil a Sunday. aninumre 1t111n1flte , can revere Gorge Washington, for he c rossed in to Tr enton on a,( 'hristmnas i've antdd e fe-iit ed ithe 1Bnitis il Indtiidefil- ed the g r'at. Clhur'cli holiday. Much things are the blots in histor 'v. and A-vill remiain so for ,ill t ime. Thel(,thze worlon mztnii.wo works six days a w ,eefl kanid on the seventh has a challce to go to( a world e'xposi- tion, and Se collecte'dlfor' hint thilll rthat lie would never otherwise have a cbl uce lto e. tis anm iunspea'~!kable ('rime; arin1d th' plate xvbielhaffords: hll)ithis opportiiiunity should Ib' boy- If welfare. We hteed to couilet'a ctprec- in knee of B rahmns sonata., and the jurtice, bias, andalcrlity by the c1111 eapeaanice in Ann Arbor o ar t[-to fcet hnigadac t ill, who has been too long abset I caal attitude." tfromn these parts.,,11r. 1-Itill sang the The sponmsors of t his miovemient hope aniili ar aria. ''Eni tu'' fromt the 'er- to b~ring abiout greater eo-operation (Ii opera "The Ataskod Ball,'' with amflong the public schools, the univer-I style symtpathietic to it,, floridl vocal pit y, anid the public 1libr'ary.f gytnn as tics, exhibiting a voice warm,. California is on the right track,[ and flawless in tone qtuantity, and ('it izens can only he iiiado to realize i'actes of a range am] power1 lithaiwo -heir re'sponsibilities th rough educa- I l ad not heretofore suspe tad ed.II was ton Instruction along social and pol- more interesting hoxwever in the less itial lines will insure -an ineroase in lo-t-vura numrbers of his program. es- the numbers goitng to the polls. Adult Ia'ecially in the last group which in- !(iltication will be a state-wide e'xper'i- !cluided two recital favorites. "M1em- i tent, and its course will be welt worth' ory'' by Densinore, andl 'Aspiration," watching. Let other states follow I ti buted by the progratm to Cox, al-j 'alifornia's valiatit attempt to make; thlough as we remember it the corn- bte I 'nited States safe tor the mnasses. lposer ac knowledIges his inidebtedness4 - - -- ------ to Schuman n's '''ligia," or poem with- a EDIORIALCOMMAENT 11has long been in the repetoire of' John EDITORa Charles Thomas. Mrs. :Marian Struble Freeman and WI#'I B R'AS - 'SU A L irs MNaudle Okkelberg gave a distin- Nexw Yoirk World ) }gu ishaed if somnewhat frigid perfot'm- lI ra gori I to ibtheI al ,' el tia i'l eat- an cc of the Sonata, A tmajor, Brahms. / /// / , /j /// 1, 1 I ,(strophe. Mr Al. \\ilhut', S-- cr''arof tte VN 9 i 0 ol as follorws ' All klrrn tpreentutionss5against -teb a 'isasterr ete Itnkl'nand t he mlattecr had been eai''ftly con-y sioTleiby tht' 1 tt ieati of (Adaume wTih l(Il d tte 0opiniioni ofthe lbest ' expots5in lhp country.> I(annot say whet her he maga zines were ct~ipil e with lightriiti oiiduct- wis, hblt I ca ika tat i sofar as t~tiox 4-i theya eveIs well protected :igittt 5(11hazards as wxas 1htm1 a1iitvposible' 1It i'- dilmcult to -P atvith Imtlegnc ref =11 AeNiil% ubnsenow ~as this, 'lb2" "hloh' Iine'-isia wi'cek, as 'all l~no~rx Il pccalton.buswere a hen.'' 'i ei'ri tat',d(lieSnot h luow %vilther I hie 111. IllIJ imi~iiiipelie iioi' Ig>w (111101 O-. , ct say tIwih lht ( William In glis) IDet roilt teater secetus o be sat urat - ' el withi the idea of thle lower-towvn oi(,dy in which Tipper-town buisiness mneon)persut- the hand of his all-too- prttti cal stE-nograplier. In this cate- g ory was Miss Bonstelle's '"The Bride'' of a fewx weeks ago. Now it is "The Family 1"p~st airs'' at tlhe, Garrick, and tsonie extenut''The Fall Guy'', an- al bet' of''Aliss- Bonnie's'' proluctions. Itt Saturaltionisem to agree with the I)Oi t public. fies. I arrived at the (;i'ii - k a full halfI-hour before :show Ii lii anil sat in thte second row from tih' back of the balconmy: not the usual iritics' seat to lie sure, but atn added ph 'astire aiftet' const anmt association withl the oirchestra elite. Thme whole spirit of 'Thie Famcily t Upstairs" is forcasted by the inscrip- t in'"God Bless Ouir Hoe" on t ho family placard of the Itellers, who need( it. Viva lil as Mrs. llci - ler, the grey-haired mother of the kit chien, mor ie than tidles over the ab- sence of Ainn1Harditng, the Garrick Comnaly's leading lady, who is taking a fotrtnight off. This middle-agedE comedienne carries the play through its entire three acts, with the help of Try this new number on your Notebook Parker Pens In Black and Gold $2.75 ($3.50 with larger point and rolled Gold Band) A 14XKGOLD POINT, extra-flex- I2.ible-a Pen witharolled GOLD CLIP or rolled GOLD RING-END, at the price of pens with nickel clips. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. Parker Pen S in Black so Gld r zs,35.Sad$ Now enjoy all-day shaving comfort N O matter how sensitive your skin, it will find all-day comfort in Williams Aqua Velva--the new, scien- tific after-shaving liquid. A few drops keep the skin all day velvety smooth just as Williams Shaving Cream leaves a ~ it. Big 5-oz. bottle 50c. At all dealers', FO0R B ET T ER S HA V ING- WILLIAM S ( ot'l eft h} all good 1)eo1) le 11 t.lle ,;r1ht7.11}E h«r~f'-; 13im he Should -,o ztito i rildilig or to 4ta lance at the nearest lake ot'to a lnuivie or'4a Iiac5lal Igamne; butt such a thing 41- an eduicational exhiblit shloild never e nter hlis' I boug;his.. The resoilul on !iy these bodies will 1nndotilbtedlV have ia good llad 'wholIe- sonicaffteet ,for Atm er'ican ipeCil0('are wont to look to t heir religions lead- ershiipI fori giiittce in all sorts of piroblems such ;as this, and1( it is safe to sax' that1101ne of those Atmericans1 who planim('i to part i'ipiite it the lyuttlav teclelirat ion iof their coumtntr'y will do so now, if their sects omder theom different . Broad-inimded 'lijist- i~inty 41'1)ne as thisiert'aiinly deserves t'e ('o-oletion lll idthe Clii oimii'tdui- t itiliof lIehowhole country. HYP~OCRITE WXill IH. 1I laxs. i-za r iof' iioviedilit, has issued a hole hutl apgaint t Il'()- (ltia'ers I uk i tkl~iitr121s "'ofzany d rink-- ing scenes, ntinufa(-tlte 0o' sale (if liqt- cat) be left out wit hout ruoi ning the sltry. Nothii rntiti t' lie sown that wilt tendl to proinot e even the sligiht-; est disrespect for the Ptrohibltiolawhix. HoIu Chlie Cli-'(hapldin cen ithrow pier(' in otlier peolliI' faces: 11clieteovie thinI Canl blackjack. Liil cri rob: lts~ c'all be cult ; umnen can gaiih' ctuibc'w- lianas cait seduce the niiatly hlwroes itnto their tdelis mto trture I heat tlowlyx'to ifhey can shovie thme lieioino off a cliff; 511 cidie, iomi c ide, fr'a tricide a iii a debasinrg crime may be shown itte mtovies. But the, poor ()Ili1 gra11dmiot P- er can't drink ia glass (if beer as a tonic because it will shiow disrespect for the lawv. Is Mr. Hays afraid of the anti-sa- loon forces?' At least hle is ttnakiiig himself America's greatest hypocrite.i What nonsense is that ruling of his? Mr, Hlays would keep the movies theG the li-vN e reas xwelI p rotn'e ias Nwas humnlml Possdte' Lie the tdoctot' Iwhio assumres the famnily thiat, while the' Tv -int idIthI.-e 'aI intiwas a suc-; r lt',\Wilbutr tells us Ibis plant the ati'la-Itx'ord it sAey and tte 'jtl it aphica n';lthatit xWas nmt thi Iast xvordI it sa tlyx. IlInrkeitto Imihn a little laei 1'1l e~ ere ta rp:'Said Ithe arsenal piropiert y xvas nort a~ total loss as t('i'e were several 1i ndergm'oind -stiatches oIf gotod acting on the part ofF inti.a aijliesOthat are still iltact'' Willie, thme pool-room son without a 0III oPrv ordis, alIt houghthmtle sur'- l b ; Mlr. Heldlet', the doubtful father1 m< tar ;a-ines w rc as weltlipro- who t akeis turnts with his wife at boss- i-ctot I as ca> Itmnina 1 posilhI ,''they 1i m g the famtily, and finally wins out; aor eImt ihtas'.xelli t i'(-t i'd as time un- anid Louisa, the stenographer daugh-C dt rgroti d tan izines, xv Iiicli st u(' terc, who we anid her tmother hope will t , ay, r t'c til, ii'sit0iP---------soumeday'finud a husband. When this lBi oe'rt t i - t s enot exhaust thegra vttsesbotietoak list of t fa' r: iei tx5 m('(ilsistenci- 1)1pace, Mrs. I-eller, that ardetnt wielder Alskestv~t Ix Ii '1hit t icc i'oinarding otficer ofa Ithe inother ttngue, ''Bawls thingsC at 1 - I )etm ark