THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY THURDAY JUY 1, 126 HE SMME MIH~cN DILYPAGE THREE nlnnnrI of salt to the workers. Many bar- BnnvSTRnET R[ORDTS berry roots left in the ground are v capable of producing new plants, but LPDEAliberal application of salt or kerosene OIN TH90 iwi kill these roots. lRetail business was retarded dur- I Raymond To Visit ing early July by the holidays and which reacted upon wholesale trade, Texas University also, according to Bradstreet's report of July 10. Cotton propects were hurt; prof. William 0. Raymond, of the by report of wide d(amag'e lby insects and corn was reported backward due to csool weather and late planting in " Del Prete Colleirbite 4hop" some pa rts. June unilding showed a small 'il-, crease over May but. the first six' months of the year were exceeded in building by the first half of the Bargain Day comes but vear 1925. Woolen prices for the spring of 1927 andI tire prices receiv- once a year, so we feel as e(I cuts. Future buying was light, retailers though we can well afford being disposed to await further crop to offer you some real buys. developments and price reductions. AD effort to stimulate trade was seen in the action of the woolen mills in announeing price reductions forAlSut spring, 1927. AlrUt The security markets have been modcxeratel3y active, with average prices 1 sho wing strength. French francs and 1/ O~,FF Italian lire made nrew low records for all. Gasoline production and con- sumlption made a new high record in Adler Clothes May, more than a billion gallons were produced. 11ank clearings of leading cities showeda loss of 8.2 per cent over the Straw HF!ats preceding week which was a full weekt as comparedl to the holiday week. The holiday week of this year showed an of increase in bank clearin~gs 8.7 per cent 2 0 7 ve hes me w e o hep ecdn over~~~B thn thSuitesf h peedn ARRANGE TO RID FARMS Bahn Sut IN NORTH OF 09AOBRIJ 10/0-/ EA AST1.\ lN(1. July 14.-B-farberry eradiction will go forward in seven 21 Years' ExperienCe of the northbern counties of the lower _ -- - penlinsula, acedi'diiig to the announce-' ment of Walter F. Rerry, in charge ot the government and state work of eradication.I-. Barbrerry bushes are numerous and widespread in that part of Michigan, ;Ar. Rteddy said, and the territory will!I ~ ~ Liet have to be inspected almost foot byI English department, will leave Anna Arbor the early part of next week for Austin, Texas, where he will be a visiting professor of English literaz- ture at the University of Texas during their second summer semester which starts July 22. He will conduct two courses in Vic- torian literature during the six weeks; term of the Texas university and will be back in Ann Arbor for the opening of the regular fall session of the Uni- versity. P'atroniize Daily Advertisers. Adv. rWest Wind Lending Library MAYNARD SRE THE LATEST BOOKS for I ItN Braw~.ny Matn - J -imles Ste\ ens TYPEWRITING S PROAIPTIY AND N1HATLY DONEF 0 . D. Morrill 17 Nikl The Typewriter and Stationery Store r I Aus1~: U 3U Classified Ads ' FOR SALE!E FOR SALE-De Kalb baby grand, al- most new. Owner leaving, will sell1 at $3195. Gall 5572. 21-22-23 LOST LOST-Small jet brooch with braided hair in center. Valued as keep- sake. Reward. Dial 4358. 22-23L MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALLER' S STATE STREET JEWELERS rrrrrrrrrr, i DANCE TO Phil Diamond and His Eight of Diamonds At the University's Faivorite Pavilioni Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights WHITMORE LAKE #1 *1 I .I^' ~ .---SU C 0 Z Y UERTu C TODAY-Thru-SATURDAY Peter B. Kyne's " Rustling for Cupid " A vivid drama of Love and Strife-of Hate and Justice~ which Love Soothes all Sorrowis--Heals X11I Wounds -B1ut Seeing is Believing. WITH GEORGE O'BRIEN and ANITA S TEWART 4 AIn ti ti 4s --4 I A LSO FEIX B3IG GAMNI FOX NE;~ SUNDAY-" THE BRIDE OF THE STORM" M foot to obia ill conmplete freedom from the rust mothering and breeding pl an t. The counties in which the work will be (lone this summer are Leelenaw, Eitnet. Grand TPraverse, Cheboygan, Ienzje,' Antim and Presque Isle. From four to six men will make up} the teaims goinig into these coun- ties.j Arrangenients are also being made for the shipmuent of several carloads rI _ 11 Bargain Day SPECIALS Lutz's ! I 0 1 Entire Stock of Beautiful, Fine Hand Tailored SUITS All New Patterns Many Imported Fabrics 1/3 rrOff Van Heusen Collars New Styles 40c Two for 75c Irish Linen Golf Caps including Merton Air Cooled $1.95 Entire Stock New Spring Neckwear Values to $2.00 95c Sealpax Twin Button Athletic Union Suits $1.15 Choice of Any Felt Hat in the Store. Values to $8.00 ii $3.85 Irinki Other Items Not Liste~d. LUTZ Clothing Store (D Iowntown) l i I I