ESTABLISHED 1922 0, 4 r # u mmr 4hi au Abr 4:D a tj ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE VOL. XVII. No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1926 VOL. AVII. No. 23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1926 PRICF I E NT'vi l'TS~r va P-41 N 1 0 MORE EXPLOSIONS AVERTED THROUGH WORK OF MARINES: PICKED SOLDIERS EXTINGUISH FIRE THREATENING MORE BUJILDINGtS DISCOVER NEW FIRE Major General Legendre, Commander Of Marine Corps, Arrives On SceneI i (. 1i x i i rI r Attendance At Ball Games Is T5 CLLCE Affected By Golf Popularity D (By Associated Press) has partially demagnetized profession- DETROIT, July 14.-There are sev- al baseball. Golf is spoken of as a eral theories among sport followers prime cause of the diversion of much tendance at professional ball games, have been equally or more responsible.f the consensus generally being that the "As ownership of automobiles is ex- vE LE E A tee and green have lured many thous- tended, the baseball fan of other years ' WITH RESULTS OF CAM ands from grandstand and bleachers. bundles the family into the car and1 Not only golf but tennis, automobil-. .i..htMl, WOMEN'S LEAGUE PLANS TO HOLD SERIES OF PARTIES In an effort to help individual !women to complete their first down payment on life member- ship pledges, the Women's Lea- gue is planning a series of so- called 'vanishing parties'. At these affairs not more than eight will be present, each paying 50 cents to the hostess who invites them. The seven guests each en- tertain five guests in turn. In this way the number of guests decreases while the number of functions increases, until the last affair rill a o n l n - PROFESSOR |CtANNO'T LAW Relieves Ti IBJECTS Of lOOK'S TALIK SAYS LEGISLATION SOLVE DIVORCE PROBLEMS IS NOT LAX "" -J b +fra, , IZ U~i1 1 ilgand other recreations are credited .with having converted rabid fans into occasional ones. One Detroit sport- ing authority put it this way: "It is the movement toward indi- vidual participation in recreation that DOVER, New Jersey, July 14.-The (BPAPoPaflPrssrITIOH sheer courage of 100 picked marines! under Captain A. P. Lewis, todayI s CAMP averted another possible series of ex- I plosions at the navy's devastated arsenal at Lake Denmark. President Does Not See Anyone And When fire was discovered in a Stays in Seclusion For wrecked storehouse in the northern Entire Day section of the arsenal waste land, near ____y_ buildings filled with high explosives,E the marine swept in and ran a line of EXECUTIVE RESTS hose from a small lake a quarter of a mile away. Surrounded by tons of (By Associated Press) seeks the country. The baseball park thus loses a customer. Others go to the Links. Tennis has intrigued the interest of young America in late years and the courts of Detroit are busy every day during the baseball season. There is a large group of baseball lovers which prefers amateur to pro- fessional games. If you don't believe this, go to Belle Isle or Northwestern Field any fair Sunday and see the crowds that surround the several dia- monds at these two play centers. Scattered everywhere through the city are other diamonds with similar crowds. "Individual participation rather than passive observance of the other fellow seems to prevail. It is a phase of the sport cycle." AIrYT H YPIf f J I I , E I l 1925 TOTAL PASSED Bailey. '21, Personably Collects More Than One Hundred Dollars i i e C. explosives, the devil dogs succeeded PAUL SMITH'S, New York, July 14. II LAI LAU U1 dL1IU 1! in extinguishing the flames before they -Visitors appeared at the summer could spread. The marines are from White House today but no attempt was the sixth regiment, brought here from made to see President Coolidge and Quantico and each was selected for the seclusion of White Pine camp re- his expertness in some line of salvage mained unbroken. or rescue work. Joseph P. Punulty, secretary to Jackson Prison Industries Will Be Even while they were engaged in President Wilson, motored to the exe- Tlsited in Fifth University extinguishing the fire an explosion was cutive offices and paid his respects to Tril Of Series heard in a section of the arsenal Secretary Sanders. further north. Captain Lewis pro- Another visitor was former Repre- CHARTER INTERURBANS nounced it as that of a 16 inch shell. I sentative Homer P. Snyder, Republi- One of the storehouses close to the can, of Oneida county, New York. The burning storehouse number five was day was one of the pleasantest since Summer students who take the fifth filled for the most part with 16 inch the arrival of the President in the University excursion, which goes to shells. Others contained shells Adirondacks one week ago, and after Jackson prison Saturday, will see an ranging in size from five to sixteen a fishing trip in the early morning, example of the modern penitentiary inches. he spent the time in quiet. inchs. e spnt he tme n quet.system. The various prison industries Major General Legendre, comman- Putting out on Lake Osgood in a F yse T vious r der of the marine corps, arrived at the guide boat for nearly three hours in will all be visited. scene today, He paid high tribute the morning, the President added to Prisoners are employed canning both to the marines who lost their his fishing laurels by catching a three food which is produced on prison lives and to those who now are In pound pike. He then returned to the farms, stone-cutting for monuments, charge of the rescue and salvage work, camp to turn his attention to routine making reed furniture, automobile Their names will be placed on the hon- government business. ming red furitre autmbie or roll of the marine corps, he said. The American flag was raised above icense plates, tinware and binder The number of victims still stood the summer White House today on a twine, The modern idea, authorities at 21 today but further human frag-,new 30 foot flagpole, President state, is to provide the prisoner with ments were recovered and carried over Coolidge attending the setting up of an occupation which he follows when to identification experts who arrived the pole and the raising of the flag. he is released. from Washington to aid in attempts to At Washington, Mr. Coolidge had the Students in economics, sociology, discover how many are missing and flag on a standard beside his desk at business administration and engineer- who were, killed. No official an- !all times and it was in continuance of ing will find the trip especially inter- nouncement was made as to the num- this custom that he had the flagpole esting, Carlton F. Wells, director of' her of missing. put, up in front of the leading cabin excursions, stated. Women students Twenty-four of the injured remained , and office at White Pine camp. There also may make the entire trip through in Dover and Morristown hospitals was no ceremony attending the rais- the prison. Last year for the first and all are reported doing well. Fing, but all hats went off as the flag time this arrangement was made. The Red Cross through T. R. Buch- soared aloft. After lunch as guests of the Con- anan, assistant national director of The afternoon Mr. Coolidge spent on sumer's Power company, members of disaster relief, announced that con- ( the porch of his main cabin, reading the party will visit the electric power tributions approximatig $18,000 had and later going over the mail. Mrs. plants of this company. Power is sup- been redeemed for relief of absolute Coolidge in addition to spending much lied from Jackson by high-voltage need of the refugees and that all would ; time with him during the day went transmission lines to many state dis- be cared for. for a canoe ride on Lake Osgood. tricts. Bay City, Saginaw, Flint, The time of the first great explosion Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rap- was fixed at 5:27 by civilian clerks. OSTIA, Italy.-Premler Mussolini ids, Muskegon, Manistee, Cadillac and A clock on the side of a building aboard the dreadnought Conte di Alma are in this extensive district. facing the naval department was found Cavour, reviewed Italy's battle fleet, The gas plant will also be inspected. stopped at that moment, consisting of 50 warships. The special interurban cars char- tered will leave Ann Arbor at 8:35 . . - a IL *1 uSaturday morning. Those planning on Three hundred and sixty-four dol- lars were collected in the annual sum- F mer school TagD ay for the University Fresh Air camp, held yesterday. Al- though this fell short of the total hoped for officials of the Student (hristian Association, in charge of the drive, expressed themselves as pleased at the result, It was nearly fifty Sdollars more than was obtained in aj similar Tag Day last summer. Larger indiviual gifts from friends will as- sure the camp of a full and successful season, according to Homer H. Graf- ton, business manager Thirteen boys from the section now in camp came to Ann Arbor to sell tags. They arrived Tuesday evening and were the guests of the Majestic theatre at a moving-picture Tuesdayt night. They stayed at Lane Hall forI the night and sallied forth in thel morning to greet the students on their way to eight o'clocks with galvanized iron pails and handfuls of vari-colored r tags. Their trip to Ann Arbor was the prize for being the most orderly and clean of the twelve tents of boysI now in camp. Frank Bailey. '21, was in charge ofn the boys and came in with' his tent.! He personally collected over a hund-1 red dollars during the day. Mr. Iailey, now a toacher in the Winnet ka,E Illinois, schools, was director of the1 camp in 1922 and has been a leader att intervals for six years. Other leaders who accompanied the boys were FredI Sturmer, '26, former business manager of the Gargoyle, campus humor maga-c zine, Douglas Whittemore, '27, a{ former member of the Union opera ause Of Increase chorus, and Howard Jackson. '29. Other Michigan men now in camp are Paul Kniskern, '27M, camp doctor, John Galley, '26, G. A. MacKenzie, '28, Ciarles Ballard, '28, Clair Catherman, '26, W. J. McNiff, Grad, Byron 0. Hughes, '29, and Louis Gunderman, '29. Egbert Isbell, '27L, former Var- sity two miler, is camp superintendent. Visitors are, say S. C. A. officials, cordially invited to visit the camp at any time and learn at first hand of the wort being done there. It Is twenty- five miles northwest of Ann Arbor and is reached by a side road two miles west of Pinckney. Health Record During June Is t r I { i , I E C G f' I {; i i I a will nave only Uone guestL Divorces Is Women's besides the hostess. Emancipation That hope of solving the divorce problem lies outside of legislation was PL SCOMPLETEthe view expressed by Prof. Evans Holbrook of the Law school in his lec- tureyesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Prof. Halbrook's Prfeso >lirook title was "'The Divorce Problem" "Legislation will never bring about Parking Provisions Made For Large fewer divorces,"Profeor Holbrook Crowds Of Visitors Expected stated. "Various legal devices have For Bargain 1)it) been tried and, in my opinion, legisla- tion has failed. The problem should be attacked from fhe other end. It must be the parties who get married who make the mistake. Steps must Gala-Bargain Day descends upon be taken to educate prospective Ann Arbor this morning for the third spouses concerning the state they are successive year bringing with it an to enter." almost unanimous support from mer- Professor Holbrook traced the his- chants in the city. The firing of 12 tory of divorce from an early period, giant torpedoes at 8:30 o'clock this stating that some form of martial dis- morning officially starts the day's ac- solution has existed in all forms of tivities. The start of the afternoon society. The facility with which a and evening program will be an- marriage could be annulled seemed to nounced by similar salutes at 1::30 increase with the lowering standards and 6:30 o'clock. of civilization, he explained. "Records Thruogh cooperation with the city exist of easy divorces in the Bible police the time limits for parking in times, and in Greek and Roman law," the business sections have been re- Professor Holbrook declared. "and a moved, The Washtenaw Gas Co. build- change in attitude toward the question ing, Chamber of Commerce building was first made when marriage became and Zion Lutheran church offer a church sacrement." The speaker special parking space and the mer- followed the progress of marriage to chants have left their automobiles at the present time, it now being a civil homne in order to leave more space on contract regulated by the state with a the streets. view to the welfare of society. One feature of the day which has "The rate of divorce is increasing been awaited with particular anxiety in the United States far out of pro- by young men and women is the offer portion with the increase in popula- of free marriage certificates made by tion. According to recent and reliable Claramon Pray. figures one marriage in 15 ends with Many bands have been engaged to a divorce. These divorces may be play at various downtown points. One called, perhaps, marriage failures. of these points is the automobile ex- Some authorities believe that these hibit at the North side of the County failures result because the parties of building. Many of the latest models (the marriage knew they could be di- of motors will be on display at this vorced. place. "The danger at present is in the in- The latest models of automobiles creasing facility in which marital ties will be shown on the north side of the can be and are being loosed. No laxity County building and an orchestra will in laws can be the cause of this, for entertain visitors at this place. Cir- the law is actually becoming more cuses are to be put on in the afternoon strict." Professor Holbrook denied and evening and a band will play at that such conditions as those which each presentation. exist in Reno are of great significance, showing that the divorce rate is as BTSY I flOUH lTYhigh in Jackson, Mich., as in Reno. The big cause of the increasing di- vorce rate of the last 50 years was Ay assigned by Professor Holbrook to the TT social, political and economic emanci- pation of women. Certain western Tables may be reserved for groups states which were early to grant equal who wish to hold private parties at suffrage and hence other freedoms the Betsy Barbour bridge party by showed an earlier increase in divorce calling Jane Gibson at the Betsy Bar- rate, the records indicate. bour House, it was announced today. As evidence of the failure of legisla- The party will be held from 2:30 to 5 tion, Professor Holbrook cited the o'clock Saturday afternoon. Anl ad-state of South Carolina, which allows mission fee of 50 cents will be charged no divorces at all. which will go to the benefit of the Some of the devices designed to de- Woman's League Building fund. crease the number of divorces are Four prizes will be awarded. A measures which increase the difficult' first, second, and booby prize will be of re-marriage and measures which awarded according to skill in the would delay hasty marriages. I re- game, while the winner of a fourth gard to the first type, Professor 1-lol- prize will be determined by the draw- brook showed that the numbersofn r- ing of numbers. The prizes will be marriages among divorced persons is 'donated by Wahr's, Graham's and not greater than the number among Slater's book stores and Foster's Art persons ho have lost their spouses shop. through more natural causes. From 1910 to 1923, the death rate BUENOS AIRES.--Juan Veletta, an rom all causes per 100,000 of popu- Argentinian, and Augusto Flores, a lation decreased from 1496.2 to 1230.1. Peruvian, began Sunday a pedestrian _a______s_______.2 _____1 trip to New York. They expect to -----T-make it in 22 months. BASEBALL SCORES American LeaguetOUr'WtherM an New York 7, Detroit 6 (12 in- nings) St. Louis-Philadelphia (rain) Cleveland-Boston (wet grounds National League Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 2 F Boston 6, Chicago 4 New York 12, Pittsburgh 8 New York 5, Pittsburgh 2 ' Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 1 Expects unsettled and probably warm- er weather today. i Reported Good HIealt h of students for the month1 Nientists Mate I-osswouty Of Second Period of Glaciers Scientists are quoted as stating and this is given as the explanation that this summer may be the last real of the predicted cold weather. Some summer for many years in a recent is- scientists have declared that the ocean waters are gradually cooling and sue of the New York World which re- eventually the land areas of the world printed from the Westminister Gaz- will feel the effects of the cold waters. ette, London. The theory held by Many scientists were cited as in- these scientists is that another ice dorsing the statements as to the com- age is about to commence. I ing ice age. These include Dr. Rutger The English' paper declares, "This Sernander of the University of Up- summer may be the last worthy of the sale, Sweden; Helmut Gans of Switz- name." With the passing of the per- erland, Rolf Northagen of Norway and iod of maximum sun spots in the next Gunner Ertman of Stockholm. Sir two years the sun's powet' will decline Napier Shaw, the only British' expert with resulting lower temperatures and quoted, admits cautiously that the revolutionary changes in the life on measurements of the solar radiation our planets." during the last few years indicate Among the changes predicted are "radiation has been less and less each a fall of five degrees in the average year, but, of course, there is a possi- temperature, movement of the polar bility that this is due to progressive ice cap further south to beset Atlantic improvement in the method of measur- steamer routes with icebergs and a ing." much later spring, affecting the pro- { Due to the present cool summer duction and cost of food. It is pre- many explanations of the cold weather dicted that the wheat-growing belt are being forwarded by scientists and will have to move much nearer the others. Within the memory of many, equator, seriously hurting the pros- the summer thus far is the coolest that perity of the United States. they have experienced. Crops in the The period of maximum sun spots middle west are in general far behind will be passed in the next two years their normal growing season. taking the trip have been requested to leave their names in room 8, Univer- sity hall before 6 o'clock Friday night. " Belinda " Will R G.on A n -oa of June was, in general, better than in the years 1925 and 1924, accord- ing to the report for that month of Or. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health service. The prevalence of measles at that time, however, greatly increased the number of hos- A. A. Milue's comedy "Belinda" will jlital cases. be presented by The Players at 8:30 The number of dispensary calls for o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An FJune were 1,000 in 1926, as against gell hall. 1,121 in 1925, and 2,645 in 1924. The Frances Horine, who appeared as irumber of prescriptions filled forl Frances Sylvester in "Expressing Wil- 'fune were 63, as against 178 in 1925, lie" two weeks ago, will take the title and 213 in 1924. X-ray examinations j r I c ,IT 1 r f E ! l I role in "Belinda," which Ethel Barry- more created in New York and Irene, Vanbrugh in London. Warren Parker is Harold Baxter, the statistician, andj Amy Loomis appears as the maid. I The role of Devenish will be altern- ated, William Bishop portraying it to- night and Richard Woellhaf, who took part in the Tuesday performance, playing Saturday night. ran 24 for June, 1926, and 43 and 48 for 1925 and 1924, respectively. Op- erations during the month of June totaled 14 for this year as against 15, for 1925, and 20 for 1924. The number of hospital patients, however, increased from 9 in 1924 andl 6 in 1925 to 22 in 1926 for the month of June. The number of contagiousj diseases increased in like proportionk l ,f 1 . ;) , ) ) --~and both were due to the prevalence BUENOS AIRES.-The Latin-Ameri- of measles. A slight increase in the can Union, presided over by Alfredo F number of colds, as compared to last Palacios of Argentina, has written to year, was also shown. President Alvear requesting cancella- - -------- (, tion of the Paraguayan debt which re--PHILADTELPIHIA. -- An injunction sulted from a war made by Paraguay aimed to close the Sesqui-Centennial against Argentina, Brazil and Uru- exposition on Sundays was sought in guay. Common Pleas court today. I