0 PACE FOURWDDDAJL.4,12 THE SUMM R MICHIGAN :DAILY WED1VE SDAY, JULY .14, 1926 Publication in the Bulletin is donsltructive notice to all members of the University. Co py received] at the office o1f the Summer Session until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mi. Saturday).- Volume VI WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1926 Number 202 Graduate School: After Saturday, July 17, and until the middle of September the dean will be out of town. Students wishing conference should call at the office before the eighteenth any morning betweeni 10:30 and 12:00, or Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, July 1-1 or 15, between 3:00 and 4:00. Alfred H. Lloyd. August Senilors--School of Education: All students who expectI (o complete the requirements for graduation from the School of Education at the eanl of the present Summer Session wili kindly note the list posted on the Bulletin board in T1appani Hall. Any person expecting a degree fromt the School of Education whose name does not appear on said list shotild> t the lecorderi immediately. Office hours: 1.0: 30-12 A. M., 2:30-3: 30 1P. M. Gretchen Klrug, Recorder, Phi Delta Kappa Ilusiness IMcetig: There will be an important business meeting of Phi Delta Kappa, Thurs- day, July 1.5 at4 P. Md. Room 109 Tappan 1-all. Elections of members for summer initiation will be made. A full attendance of the chapter is urged. Hlerold C. Bunt, President lygiene and 1Puh1ice Health Courses: Public Hlealith Nirses who will be were but 6 weeks can secure only six hours credit, for t he.ulmmer. Will students in this course therefore kindly niotify the Recorder of the School otfLEducation immediately as to the length of time they will .att end. This is necessary for correct records. r Gtretchen Krug,Recorder. Excursion 'So. 4: MAichigan State Prison, Ja ckson, including cell block, dining rooms, in- dustrial departments, and guard room, will bo visitedl the morning of Sat- urday, July 1?. (Note change in (lte t(fronm previous announcement.) After luncheon in Jlackson as --uests of the Consumers Power Company, the electric power and gas plants of the Company will be inspected undler expertt guidance. Party meets at S~:35 a. m. Saturday, July 17, at Interurban Station, 116 Nest. HuronSre. Please leave namres in Summer Session Office, Room 8 University H-all, by Friday t p. im. to insure adequate special car service. Total expense $1.84. Afternoon tour is optional. Students may return after Prison tour or immediately after Iunchieon. (,-ir service back to Ann Arbor hourly. Carlton Wells, Director of Excursions. Tickets for Observatory 'Tig'hts: : Tickets for Visitors' Nights at the Observatory may be secured at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 8, University Hall, beginning today. i T. E. R~ankini. up the varied interests represented LA PAZ, B~olivia.-The president ae- (luring the summer session.s cepted thre resignation of the cabinet The parlors of B~arbour gymnasium but has requested the ministers to coi- are open from 9 to 5 o'clock daily. tinue to cooperate until reorganization Women are urged to make the par- is completed. Flours their headquarters while on the- campus. Patronize Daily Advertisers.- Adv. ~OMN'SLEAGUE IVING SERIES orPCILTEASi S E g Beginning T hiursda y, July 1 .7, the !Women's league committees, which have been serving tea for the past two weeks, are having special teas. On this (late the women students and fac-I ulty members of the University School of MVusic and The Player's will be en- tell ained. On July 22 the women stu- denlts of the School of Education anid department of physical education are invited. July 27 has been set aside for the graduate students and wives of the graduate faculty; JTuiy 29, for the students and faculty of the medical andl public health 'schools and for nurses: August 3, for foreign women; and August 5 for those enrolled in lib- rary methods.S Although these days have been set aside for special teas, the committee wishes it uudlerst ood that all other$ summer school students are also in- vited. This is merely an effort to link' ---- 1 BOOK BARGAINS MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily H R'S UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE i .1 West Wired Lending Library MAYNARD STREE'T THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT The Torrents of Spring - Hiemingway r"v." "~l~"l~lll,/l./l.Illi J.I".lJ1l,/Yl.I.l1l./,/l./l./l././llllJ.R! ti .ti its Cauol -AD I better acquainted = kwith the best things of life 41 fir'K I I r l ;, cl { cl 1111 i tl ill I tt,! 4 ;ti ' ti ti ti i1 ! { t i i POSITIVELY LAST TIMVES rTODA) Y 2:00- - 3:34 - 7 :21) - 9:00 (Cool ~I A Comedy Mystery- ,nett Defies 1Your' Deflitioi! B Also big adIded bill NARY ROBERTS INFEHART .'WHIN S. ---reece; is rapidly t akinug alway the c:arpet anrd rull industry fromn Turkey, cdue to fthe e xodtus of (;reek rug weavers by the thousanids from Turkey to ~i WIr fathorland. It is Ls- timnatod that f, rreece has c, a pt ured IC per cent of the ern g-making burin, << formerly cont rolled by Turkey. INore bu]ild ings sar, in' erect l I IL Ge r11many now than tor sonic time. G A~RIC K N ats. t-a..4d~:rx' SECOLND AND) FItiAl, WVlll t THE GARR ICK COMPANY Thc Riot of Fun and Laughter "The hFanily Upstairs" i ir ,t Timii i DI ' TYPEWRITING PROMPTlY AND NEFATLY vDONE 10' N c els D. M rril 1 ZNickArcade# Fht'tiypewrite-r and I 51 ioi evStore Dining oom 01 0Flast WXashington S' I~ ' OI e () Hink from HIill Audito rium ti 1 -tii ". v 2,k Namol"I Thursday "EFYF'S LOVER" I Sunday-"TH E IUIN3IAK ER?' s :ss .r r.. r.,r. u.rrrrrrrr. .,rr: ..rrrrrrrsrrrr~. rrrr. ^.rrriisrr, NOW PLAYING RICHARD In the Speedy Comedy ccSay It Again"s O eitadeil Feature .. .--- ----- -- r GARDEN SAND LAKE PARK PLAN DANCING 'I - 1* 1 C 0 Z Y uER 'rU,,ATRt '1. "Y/./... .1 6Y.^1 °d1119...o/1 '.s1o.o11 ==..Y TODAY- LAST TIMES - TODAY .rHIEA dramatic story of love and war, vibantwith tears, -uN AI)D1T1ON- C W~EDY-~F1HTL (~III RT---NE W WI[1AMsl;AS T R a VD40 0 0 L i it cl lll i 1 1 ti ti ti NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY. Featuring the Famous Orchestra- "THE BR-lEEZE BLOWERS" A JEAN GOC1LDKETTE UNIT Novelty Nite Every Friday Matinee Sunday Beginjantl, ' oinorriN Peter 13. Kyne'; "RUSTING FOR (CUPID1" With George t'Bxri Also FELIX-BIG (4 Al F FOX INEWS -Schledle- 2:00 and 3:34) 'toe, :?5c, 35c 7 :30 and 9:4) toe, 35c, 50c Coed Roads all the way viamSaline and Clinton Sunday "THE BRIDE OF THE STORM" r..r. r ., ,r ~+ .rrrrrrrr. r. .rr. - rrr. . rr. . .rrrrr, crr. +rr *OWN"" /f/$40401.