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June 12, 1926 - Image 1

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NAR 1,000 MiARKC
President Little Will Address MassE
Meeting Of Alumni Today In
Hill Auditorium

Report Shows League Drive Over Half Done
- -
-' f D :C k-I411'-




Literary College Seniors To Meet On
Diagonal Between Library and
Engineering Building

With representatives from 34
classes, the total registration of con-
vening alumni numbered over 900 at
9 o'clock this morning. The class of
'14 is the best represented with 49
alumni returning, the class of '96 isy
second with 47, and '06L is third with
44. Registration will continue throughii P r r r
t~ dc
oRegistration will continue through " r~t(atherine" lWill Be t i en By
today. Pr inu(tionl of Season
Yesterday, Reunion day, was com-
menced with the waffle breakfast'
served by the Advisory board of the TO PLAY FOR SIX WEEKS
V. W. C. A. At 10 o'clock the annual
meeting of alumnae discussed ithe Formal pernmision was granted
plans for pledging funds for the last week by lean Kraus of the Sum-
Women's League fund and heard the mer SesSiion andi Shirley Smith, Secre-
financial report of Mrs. W. D. Hender- I tary of the Lniversity, for a season ofc
son, executive secretary of the Alum- inin-er plays. to bepresented as a
nae council. At 12 o'clock a luncheon part of the scheduled entertainment
for alumnae was served at the Helen of the Summer School on every Tues-
Newberry residence. I day and 'fbursday evening in Saral
BandGivs Cocer Caswell Angell Hall. A new l)roduc--
mongte nigtve( ere tion will be offered each week for thei
concert presented by the Varsity band, first six week's of the Summer Ses-l
and a special opening of the Clements ion ,a id th epreed s will be donated4
library for alumni. Mr. R. G. Adams, to the proposed Women's League
custodian, gave a talk upon the Clin- building.
ton papers, illustrated with slides. nhe utions o be Aresne
This forning, a second waffle break- under the auspices otf the AlUniver
fast was served at Newberry hall and I 1u . Th lays f ver-
a breakfast for senior nurses was sity of ;Michigan, a group of those
t students who have done outstanding
giveni aitihe N urses dormitorLy. Start-'_.,


Architects Show Slides of Building
Xt feeting of Council for
Women Graduates
Announcing a total of $129,000 se-
cured in cash gifts and pledges since
March 1 when she took charge of the
campaign, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, ex-
ecutive secretary of the Alumnae
council, gave her report at the annual
Alumnae council meeting, yesterday
On March 1 of this year the fund
equalled one-half million with $313,000
paid in. This leaves approximately
$371,000 to complete the million dollar
anount which must be pledged by
.June, 1927.
Among the city groups, Ann Arbor
has subscribed the most with total
pledge of $20,000. Chicago, Detroit
and Grand Rapids follow, each prom-
ising $10,000. A stun of $5,000 has been
subscribed, each by Toledo, Kalama-
zoo and Lansing. The undergraduates
of 1925-26 have pledged $25,000.
Among the personal pledges, Mrs.
L. W. Oliphant, who formerly prom-
ised $300, increased her gift by $1,200
making a total of $1,500, Mrs. Ossip
Gabrilowitsch pledged $1,000 and Mrs.
0. E. Hunt pledged $500.
The plan to raise the last half mil-
lion is, first, to raise three million by
group pledges and, second, to raise
the remaining two million by special
gifts. Since May 1 the group pledges
came in at the rate of $1,000 a day,
and yesterday morning, $3,000 was
Allen B. Pond, '30A, and Irving K.
Pond, '79E, designers of the Union,
discussed plans for the prospective
Woman's League building. They il-
lustrated their talk with slides.

{OAssembling at their respective sta-
Otions at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing the senior classes in all schools
:ONV li Fand colleges in the University will
O ARCHITECTURAL march to Hill auditorium where they

(lasses Will Assemble At 7:45 O'clock
Monday Morning For Procession
To Ferry Field
At their last meeting as undergrad-
uates the seniors of all schools and
colleges of the University will as-
semble at 7:45 o'clock Monday morn-
ing for the beginning of the 82nd



Swillcelebrate the annual baccalaur- annual Commencement exercises
! eate ceremonies, at which President which will be held at Ferry Field.
' Clarence Cook Little will deliver the All seniors will meet at the same
's places as for the Baccalaureate exer-
, DEPARTIU E NT OF POLISH LANG. principal address.cises, with the exception that the mem-
CAGE AND LITERATURE President Little will take as the bers of the honor guard will meet at
ESTABLISHED text for his baccalaureate sermon the Alumni Memorial hall. Members of
statement of Mark that whosoever the faculties will assemble in the
ADVANCE TUITION would save his life shall lose it, but West Gallery of Alumni Memorial hall
Swhosoever shall lose his life, the same and deans, regents, ex-regents, and
will save it candidates for honorary degrees will
Man) ( hanges Made in Faculty, The members of the faculties, who m
I i meet in room B of the same building.
Fuller Granted Elta From will be seated on the stage, will as- The line of march will proceed direct-
Sociology Prize semble in the dressing rooms to the
ly down State street to Ferry field
"---rear of the stage at the same t ime as and will start at 8:00 o'clock. All
Regents of the University authorized the seniors and will wear academic participating are urged to be prompt
the receiving of bids for all construe- dress. A large portion of the ground as the procession will start on sched-
tion work on the new architectural 'Poor of the auditorium will be re- uled time.
building at their nmeeting last night. served for the seniors; but the reGa iet ac
The final plans have been completed mainder, and the two balconies, willbThe Gram Direts March
by Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the arch- be open to alumni and the general tion of Chief Marshal Professor L. M.
itectural college, working in conjunc- public. Gram and Assistant Marshal Professor
tion with the faculty of that college, Places to Assemble James H. Cissel, and will be led by
and actual construction work will be The places of meeting of the various the honor guard and members of the
started as soon as possible. The $900,- classes are as follows: Literary col- faculties. Admission to Ferry field
000 necessary for the building was ap- lege seniors will assemble on the main will be by ticket only and tickets may
Srop'riated by the legislature last year. diagonal walk between the Library be secure at the office of the secre-
The Regents also sanctioned another and the Engineering building; the Ed- of the University or by alumni at
raise in tuition, the second to take ef- ucation class will meet on the walk he office of the Alumni association.
feet next fall, when the amount which along the north side of the Physiology In case of rain the weather bureau
goes to the Health Service from each and Pharmacology building; and the storm flags will be placed beneath the
student was raised from six to ten engineers will meet. on the main diag- American flag on the flag d at
I dollars. The first increase was an ad- onal walk in the engineering court.F y doleasdeat
ditional four dollars from each stud- Architecture seniors will gather oi will fied dictcy th F ents
ent for the Union. the main diagonal within the engineer- proseed inttosFerdy Se,
A number of changes in the faculty ing arch, following the engineers, and awhere the exercises will be held in
wqre made at the meeting last night. MNedical school seniors will asseible vae th eises will edei
Dr. Henry Field, Mossley Travelling on the diagonal walk between the through the north doors while mem-
fellow of Ilarvard, was made assistant Chemistry building and the Library bers of the faculties and regents and
professor of internal medicine, Prof. the nurses will meet on the diag- those on the program will assemble in
lugo Thienie was made chairman of onal walk between the Chemistry the offices in the north end of the field
the department of romance languages, building and the Library immediately house.

Ing at 9 o'clock the faculty of the
Dental college kept open house and
will continue through today.
An alumni reception will be given at
122:15 today at Barbour gymnasium.
Those desiring to attend must secure
tickets from Alumni Registration
headquarters in the lobby of Angell
To Hold Mass Meeting
The Annual Alumni :Mass meeting,
to be held at 1:30 o'clock today in Hill
auditorium, will be addressed by
President Clarence Cook Little. A
short business meeting and enter-
tainment by various classes will also
be included. Tickets are obtainable on i
application at Alumni Registration
Adelia Chever, Alumnae, Helen
Newberry residence and Martha Cook
Alumnae associations will meet at
their respective houses at 4 o'clock
today. Alumni dinners will be served
by the College of Pharmacy and the
Architectural college at 6 o'clock to-
night, in Huron Hills Golf club and
the Union respectively.
Senate To Give Reception
The Varsity band will present a sec-
ond concert from 8 to 10 o'clock on
the campus. At 9 o'clock members
of the graduating class and alumnil
will be reecived by the University
senate in Barbour and Waterman
gymnasiums. Cards of admission
may be obtained at the office of the
Secretary of the University and from
the Secretary of the Alumni associa-
Prof. Emil Lorch of the Architec-
tural college and Mrs. Lorch will be
at home to members of the graduating
classes in architecture and their
friends at 4 o'clock tomorrow. At the
same time a Tea for alumnae and
senior nurses will be served at the
Nurses' dormitory by the local
Nurses' Alumnae association.
Announce Marriage
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Catherine Miller, '25,
to J. J. Walker, '24 on June 1 at Fort
Pierre, Fla. Miss Miller is a member
of Theta Phi Alpha sorority and
Walker is a member of Phi Sigma
Kappa fraternity.
Rome.-The abolition of local news
agencies operating in Rome and else-
where in Italy, which sell news on a
commercial basis, has been ordered by
the government.

work in dramatics during the past
"GreaI Catherine" is opener
The season will open on Tuesday,
June 22. with Bernard Shaw's farce in
four scenes,. "Gret Catherine", to be
preceded by Colin Campbell Clements'
light comedy, "Spring." "Great
Catherine" has already been played
for 10 performances in Ann Arbor, as
well as an additional 10 performances
on a tour throughout Ohio and Nlichi-
gan during the spring vacation.
For the second week Rachel
Crothers' modern comedy, "Express-
ing Willie" will be presented, anl the
other productions incluje W. S. Gil-'
bert's Victorian satire, "Sweethearts";
A. A. M illie's English comedy, "Be-
linda" \loliere's famnous burlesque,
"The Doctor In Spite of Himself";
and a new Roumanian melodrama,
"The laidue", by Colin Campbell
To Appear In Ypsilanti j
In addition to the Ann Arbor per-
formances each production will be'
presented in the Pease auditorium,
Ypsilanti,. on lMonday evenings under
the auspices of the University of :Mich-
igan Alumnae of Ypsilanti and also
for the benefit of the Women's League
building. All seats for the perform-
ances are reserved and will be placed
on sale at Wahr's and Slater's book-
stores during the summer. Individual
seats are priced at 50 and 75 cents,
while season tickets for the six pro-'



and Miss Margaret Man was appointed1

behind them.

assistant professor in the school of Seniors in the Law school will meet
SUNibrryscience.on the walk running east and west in
.I'IEstablish Polish Depa.rtwient front of the Library and will form to
' Following numerous requests from the west, while the Pharmacy class
SENDS STUUENTS IIPL Polish residents of Detroit, a new de- will meet on the same walk behind
__partment in Polish language and lit- the lawyers. The dental surgery
Donald B. Harden of Trinity college, erature will be established next year. graduates will assemble on the north
Cambridge and Aberdeen, will study Prof. Todeusz Mitani of the University and south walk in the rear of the
: archaeology for two years at Michi- ' of Gracow will be brought here as a north wing of University hail, and
gan as a fellow under the Common- lecturer in that department. Rawley the business administration seniors
wealth fund. ; Shiring, principal of the University will meet on the walk in front of the
The fund was endowed In 1918 by high school, was made supervisor of; Physiology and Pharmacology build-
the late Ms. Stephen V. Harknessy directed teaching and instruction, Ing. The graduates will gather on the
One of its purposes is to establish bet- while W. H. Ryan, principal of a St. east and west walk west of the Li-
Onter international undestandlng be- Louis, Mo., junior high school, was braray entrance.
twe eaatin ndt nie- aed as his successor. In case of rain the students will
Prof. William Hussey,.director of the proceed directly to Hill Auditorium
States. astronomy department, and H. J. Col- and assemble in the foyer. Seats will
liau were granted leaves of absence to be reserved for them until 10:50. The
allow them to install the Lamont tele- I seniors are warned, however, that it
LITERlAHY COLLEGE LEADS scope in South Africa. The Eita Krom must actually rain with no prospect of
IN NIBER OF GRADUATES prize in sociology was awarded to clearing, as mere sprinkle will not be
' Richard C. Fuller of Friendship, N. Y. considered rainy.

ductions in the 75-cent section are The Literary college will grad-
priced at $4.50 and are now on sale at uate the largest number of stu-
the office of the Alumnae Council in i dents of the various schools on
Alumni Memorial hall. the campus this year. It ha
granting 826 degrees, more than3
three times as many as the Grad-
fADEYBRG P INTEIgate School, which is second with
218. The Colleges of Engineer-,
ingland Architecture graduate1
179, the School of Education 117,
the College of Medicine 112 and$
Appointment of Richard Freyberg the Law School 105. Of the
as alumni secretary of the 1926 liter- smaller schools that of Dentistry j
ary class was announced yesterday. grants 86 degrees, Business Ad-
It was further made public that ministration 12 and Pharmacy
over $75,000 in policies for the 1926 7. Altogether 1662 students will
Literary Class Memorial have already receive their degrees at Co-
been underwritten. It was decided mencement Monday.
that $1,000 paid premiums should be
devoted to making payments on poli-
cies that might otherwise be allowed ROME.-Conversations are going on
to lapse. between Rome and Paris and Madrid
concerning Italy's position in a pos-
VILLACOUBLAY, FRANCE.-Capt. I sible reopening of the question of the
Georges Pelletier Doisy has started on status of Tangier, the special interna-
another attempt at a flight from Paris tional zone, some 140 miles square, in

University Organist Will Give
Recital Tomorrow Afternoon
Palmer Christian, University organ- commencement recital on June 20 at
ist, will give a special complimentary Proctor hall, Princeton university.
organ recital to returning alumni, sen- This will be the third time Mr. Chris-
ior students and the general public at #tian has played at Princeton within the
4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in last year.

Whyte Will Speak
Sir Alexander Frederick Whyte will
deliver the Commencement address.
Sir Whyte is former president of the
Incfan Legislative assembly and was
for eight years, from 1910 to 1918, a
member of the English parliament.
IHe served as a lieutenant in the Royal
Naval Volunteer Reserve during the
War and saw special service from
1914 to 1917. At the Peace conference
he was a special correspondent for the
London Daily News and later was one
of the founders and joint editor of the
New Europe. He visited the United
States in 1919 and a year later was
made President of the Indian Legis-
lative assembly, which position he held
until 1925.
Sir Whyte received an honorary de-
gree of LL.D. from Edinburgh, his
alma mater in 1924 and was knighted
in 1922. Three years later he was
made night Commander of the Star
of India.
The speaker is not newto Ann
Arbor audiences, having given two
lectures under the auspices of the his-
tory department this spring.
Will Award Degrees
After the address the honorary de-
gres will be awarded and the degrees
awarded to the seniors. When the
cremonies are over the diplomas will
be given out to the various classes in
the following places: education sen-
iors, room 102 Tappan hall; senior
engineeds and architects, room 263
West engineering building; senior
medical students, room 127, Medical
building; graduate nurses, Director's
I office, University hospital; senior Law
students, recorders office of the Law
school; Pharmacy graduates, room
250, Chemistry building; graduate
dental surgeons, secretary's office in
i the Dental College building; Business
Administration seniors, room 108
Tappan hall; Graduate school grad-
uates, room 1014 Angell hall.


} YY '.') it ;al!\ Ll vv aasva a v "e w ..- --

Hill auditorium. --
The program will include the fol- ARICA, CHILE.--General Lassiter,1
numbers:jAmerican chairman of the Tacna-
Arica plebiscitary commission, has in-
Jubilee Overture............... Weber troduced a resolution reported to de-
Prelude . . . ............... Corelli clare that a plebiscite is impossible in'
Chinciserie ................. Swinnen view of the alleged failure of the Chil-
Finale to Act II of "Madame cans to guarantee fair voting condi-
Butterfly" ................. Puccini tions.
I Chorale in A minor,..........Franck
Cantilene .................. McKinley LONDON.-Women peace crusaders
Scherzo ("Storm King" Symphony) are moving upon London from every
....................... Dickinson part of the British isles on June 19
Trumr ................Strauss{
Traumerei........----- r when they will gather in Hyde Park.
Rhapsody Catalene ............ Bonnet , Women speakers from 20 platforms
M- will demand peace.
' Mr. Christian will give the annual wildmndpae

to Tokio.

northwestern Morocco.

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