PAGE FOUR THF. SUMMER MICH-IGAN DPAIT TTTP..CT1 d V TTTT.V 12 1 Q9,A +aaa - *vv ras ALA VAA'..AAlAA\LqJL.A IA.... A Li"IILSOiAt1, JULJI 15, 1b 0 i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the B3ul letin is constructive notice to all memb~ers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Surnmer Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday). Volume VI TUESDAY, JULY 13, 19.26 Number 1201 Graduate School: After Saturday, July 17, and until the middle of September the dean will be out of town. Students wishing conference should call at the office before the eighteenth any morning between 10:30 and 12:00, or Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, July 14 or 15, between 3:00 and 4:00. Alfred H. Lloyd. August Seniors -School of Education: All st udents who expect to complete the requirements for graduation from the School of Education at the eud of the present Sunmmer Session wili kindly note the list posted on the Bulletin board in Trappan Hall. Any person expecting a degree from the School of Education whose name does not appear on said list should see the Recorder immediately. Office hours: 10:30-12 A. M., 2:30-3:30 P. Al. Gretchen Krug, Recorder. Physics: Those interested in the course in Relativity and Cosmic Physics to be given by Dr. St. John, Physicist of the Mount Filson Solar Observatory, w~ill please meet Tuesday at 5 in Roorn 1041 New Physics Building. At this timle the most convenient hours for the lectures wilbe determined. HI. MLRandall. .Hen's Educational C'lub: The 'Men's Educational Club will mneet at 7 o'clock this evening at the Union. Professor TPhomas H. Reed will speak. Committee. Hlygienie and Public lhealth Courses : Public Health Nurses who wxill be here hut 6 weeks can secure only six hours credit for the summer. Will studlents in this course therefore kindly notify the Recorder of the School of Education immediately as to the length of time they will attend. This is necessary for correct records. G1retchen Krug,, Recorder. Excur.ion No. . Michigan State Prison, Jackson, including cell block, dining rooms, in-j dustrial departments, and guard room, will be visited the morning of Sat- urday, July 17. (Note change in date from previous announcement.) After luncheon i Jackson as guests of the Consumers Power Company, the electric power and gas plants of the Company will he inspected under expert guidance. Party' meets at 5:5 a. in. Sat urdav. July 17, at Interurban Stat ion, 116 West Huron Stroot. 1'leas lave names in) Summer Session Office, Room 8 U'niversity Hll, by Fridacy 6 p, m, to insure adquiate s pecial car service. Total expense $1.84. Afternoon tour is optional. Students may return after Prison tour or immediately after luncheon. Car service back to Ann Arbor hourly. Carltoni Wells, Dilrector of Excursions. Tickets for Observatory Ni ghts:: Tickets f~or Visitors' Nights at the Observatory may be secured at the Office of the Summer Session, Roomn 8, University Hall, beginning Wednesday, July 14. T. E. Rankin. Women's League: Committees of the Women's League are serving tea daily from 3:30 to 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. All women on the campus are cordially invited. Grace Richards. Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Weekly luncheon of Phi Delta Kappa will be held Tuesday, July 13, at 12 noon, at the Lantern Shop, corner of South University and Willard. Dean jKraus of the Summer Session will speak. All members of the Fraternity, of Iany chapter, are urged to attend. Hlerold Q. Hunt, President. 4 Patronize Daily Advertisers,- Adv. Subscribe for The Summer Daily. Freight Loadings I Show Slight Loss Loadings of revenue freight for the we-ek ended on June 19 totaled 1,043,- 721) cars, according to reports filed 1by the carriers with the car service I divis ion of the American Railway as- sociation. This figure was a decrease of over 16,000 cars compared with the preceding week, due to reductions, 1for the most part small, in the load- ings of all commodities with the ex- cep~tion of certain kinds of freight which showed slight increases. ,I ICompared with the corresponding 1week of last year, however, there was an increase of 59,137 car loadings. There was an increase of 140,174 cars over 1924. This is the fifth week this year that loadings of revenue freight have exceeded one million cars. All districts showed decreases in the total loadings of all commodities 'compared with the preceding week of this year except the Southern which showed an increase. Class 1 rail- roadls showed a smaller number of sur- ps freight cars available compared wit the opening months in June. t REED WIILL SPEAK BEFORE- lil'. 4EDIA'ATIO\,1L. CLUB The regular weekly meeting of the Men's Educational club B :)OK BARGAINS MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS +I Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily oA/A R' V UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE I West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT TIlh LIONS ;MKIN - Rafael Sabatini G AR RIcK N 5 to 1.50 25c, 50c, 5c. SE~COND AND FINAI. WEEK THE GARRICK COMPANY PRFSENTS The Riot of Fun and Laughter "The Family Upstairs" [Hdirst Time iii Ietroit 1 .. . . 3's/ elai M Ii '7.4di iil#/P / e I wllZ tie nelIU tis. eCveingIKat the Michigan U'nion. Professor Thomas Reed of the political sci- ence department of the [.lniver- s ity, will address the group of + - { ! l i . RAE 1 - Today and Wednesday f * WORLD"' - Admission 23 and ldc R AE' educators. I'AlPleonastic Gusy Etipped l1.uches that appeal to1 wxarm ' o :1thel' Hiave VOT tried appetites. them ? DANCE TO Phil Diamond and His Eight of Diamonds At the t 1iv trsitl \ Favorite Paiioni Evtery Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights WHITMORE LAKE Lun11ch Room 338 Maynard St. i '' E i i( f !( I '4 4t I 4 ti 4i ti ti .'4 4i * 4 r i4 t 4 4) 4ttt 4 4 r 4 Also Exclusive Arcade Added Features Policy 2:)-3:35 35c - 10c 7:25 -9:K Balcony, 35c IL Floor, S0c wih'CHILLS AND THRILLSMa41 LOTSA LAUGHS TOO - ° fs'' .r~~~ ././~lll./w"lll. "l./1,I". /lll Ol.+PlJ1.r "."/"Jlll./1"I ".v°./"J".I°././.I/1d; 7 E.",RC74 D } AMUSEMENT C107EP U AMN iRb Q Today and Wledn~esday i w rwrw . SIT'N DlY-"THIE RAI:1 A KEU"-ALL STARL CAST V IBy Nlary Rob~erts Rinehart and iAiery lHopwood NOTE' If' you like "The Bat" please do not divulge the solution of the plot to friends. Their pleas- ure dlepenids upon your keeping the secret. Also do not enter the theatre after the picture has started. Come at the beginning onily. iY.I1l,/. %'111. , Yytl, . 0 '. I '. , v. ' ", , / ' ' '. /. , / '. d,1. I 'll. / 'l, "l. I'. I '. /. / ". /'. /. I "l. I1.1. . I, J. y 'll. /. / 'l, / '. 'llllllll, / : t NOW PLAYING RICHAREO In the Speedy Comedy 1 4. 4 4 4 I 4i 4i 4t 4i -4 Regardless of Summer Temperature It Will Freeze You I Y "Say It Again" Keith Vaudeville Feature LOOS BROS. Radio Stars From Station KEBH, Chicago 4 LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY New Aesop Fable Cartoon The uncon- ditional and per- petual guarantee of service given with each Conklin Endura puts more words into a fountain pen than any- body will live to write. Conklin Endura, at $5 and $7, in red, black, mahogany; long or short; clip or ring cap. A wide variety of other Conklin pens amnd pencils, in rubber and all metals- priced as low as $1.00 for pencils and $2.50 for pents. Conklin quality in every one. THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. TOLEDO, OHIO Chicago San Francisco BoltaLg Other Features Ow. rrr, er.r rr:rr.rsoo ,..r: o r.rrioo~r. *\ I ' or. ", - -- - A Now] Playir DANCE ii Blue Lantern FsE ENDURDA_- lntnvo*ihoX(& PrrpatuafliyGuaranakcd Read the Want Ads - ISLAND LAKE Nightly except Monday Sunday Matinee, 3-6 Jean Goldkette' s Vagabonds I '4 '4 14 is '4 4 CNAftL~$ ~. ao A RENAVO HOFFMAN rICTURSuZATM f wm nCHAR~LES EMMETT MACKC. MARGUERITE OE~ LA MOTTE E. HENR#Y 8. WALTH ALL AOAPTATION SOV JAMES . YNAN 8&= Up" ST~et SUGGE S B OTMWFASG'io OwxW7L t RpttooNNn RENAUD H90FFM'AN ""., LM2WW rig4 i i t4 4i ALSO "FIGHTING HEARTS" AND FOX NEWS 4 4 - .-