PAGE FOUL THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL.Y a.a wr w a aTiA st I J!L - iL - * SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1926 ~ 3132y" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the B~ulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University." Copy received at the office of the Slimmer Session until 3 :30 p). m. (11 :30 a. in. Saturday). Volume VI SUND)AY, JULY 11, 1926 NumbIer 04) Graduate School: After Saturday, July 17, and until the middle of September the dean will be out of town. Students wishing conference should call at the office before the eighteenth any morning between 10:30 and 12:00, or Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, July 14 or 15, between 3:00 and 4:00. Alfred H-. Lloyd. Landscape Design : Courses 101 and 102 will meet on Monday, July 19 and 26 but not July. 12. Aubrey Tealdi. Women's League: Committees of the Women's League are serving tea daily from 3:30 to 5:00 i Barbour Gymnasium. All women on the campus are cordially invited. Grace Richards. Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Weekly luncheon of Phi Delta Kappa will be held 'Tuesday, July 13, at 12 noon, at the Lantern Shop, corner of South University and Willard. Dean Kraus of the Summer Session will speak. All menmbers of the faculty, of any chapter, are urged to attend. Physics: The course in Relativity and Cosmic Physics by Dr. C. St. John, Physi- cist at the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory will be given during the second haNi of the Summer Session, the lectures beginning next week. The course may be elected for one hour credlit by those who have had work in Atomic Structure or Spectral Series or their equivalent. That a suitable hour may be chosen for the lectures it is requested that those wishing to attend this course leave their names at the clerk's 'office in the New :Physics Building at their earliest convenience. The hour for the lecture will be announced later. iH. X .Randall, Womn'! Educational Club: Miss Mabel C. Bragg, Assistant Superintendent of Public Schools, New- ton, Massachusetts, will tell a series of children's stories at the WomeaR's Educational Club, 86 Tappan, Monday evening, July 12, at 7 :15. Ethel Wooden, Publicity Chaalrman. French 19": French Bibliography will meet as announced in Room 302, South Wing, Monday July 12 at 3 o'clock. Books dealing with modern F rench literature will be considered as well as those treating with contemporary French history and p)olitics. W. A. M'tcLaughtlin. Reed The Dai11ly "Classified" Columns CWill Head Naval Aviation Bureau; EdadPIanrpoesro ronuisa h Msahsts I stitte f Tehnoogyhasjustbee aponedasstn4eceay fIh navy in hare ofaviaion AlumniNotes " Alumni in the Territory of Hawaii and especially in Honolulu have or- ganized another local University of Michigan Alumni Club. Meeting atI the Young Hotel in Honolulu on Janu- ary 21, 1926, they elected a board of31 governors, with Wade Warren Thayer, '95, '96L as president, and Harold [louvener, '24D, as treasurer. Paul Buckley, '45L, Assistant Secre- tary of the University, was guest of honor, at the meeting. He presented a keenly interesting talk on the (1 -I velopment and growth of the Univer- sity. The club instructed Mr. Buckley to carry back the "Aloha Nui" of the club) to the President and the Alumni A ssociation. :Michigan Alumni in South Amei ca are not discouraged by distance. Ber- niard Beckwith, '21E, in a letter to the office of the (general Association in Ann Arbor, asks any Michigan men in southern South America to correspond with himl, cio General Elec tric, Aven- ida de Mayo, 560, Buenos Aires, Ar-I gentina.j university' of Michigan Clubs are now organized in the lairs of five of {Starting Today I) r --ti Cit aRL(5..t A RENAUD HOFFMAN PicTufuzaflot wm, CHA~LEf EMMETT MAMM tARGUERITE ' DE LA MOTTE 6. HENRY S. WALHALL A0AP-TATIO# BY JAhMES J. TYNMAN BASED UPON M tEjqE SUGGESTED BY OOSDRT M ISIN A foId" erĀ° I ' I ALSO "FIGHTING HEARTS" AND FOX NEWS I ,i .,Lfl~iazi s 51 ac t ,rival.. tutflnka 1.10, MnmrrIrrIafayette, (Chicago, Minneapolis, and I M ISE TO HERE a Mdi so a e atv l m i g o p . ( he Madison, W isconsin club has jutt ON GOOD WILL R[fA been organized recently.r OGg t rcoming to the United States for a like (By Associated Press) object. WASHIMITON, July 10.--The ide~aI of Ame rican university students going CAMBRID)GE MASS.-Dr. Herbert J.I abroad, especially to Europe, for a Spinden Harvard archaeologist is quite sunmner tour, is to have anl Oriental skeptical about inscriptions in Spok- counterp~art. tine purporting to describe a terrific One hundred Japanese students will battle between Norsemen and Indians reach Pcfc Coast c ti hi season in 1010 A.D. In no case previous has Pacficcitesan inscription found in western states for a brief sojourn, as the first step inl wiiha 1 its p~romnoters expect to be anl in-wihtoexetscunyesad fluencec for mutual good-will between the two countries. The program calls STAMFORD 'BRIDGE. --- The comi- for an annual interchange. of students, binked Oxford-Cambridge team defeat- the Americans going to the Island ed Princeton and Cornell in theirj kingdom to gain clearer understand-- track and field meet here, winning ing of that country, and the Japanese seven of the twelve events. OK BARGAINS LE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKSj A ". IT A~1 0.0"," .- " 1'/, I ll , ll ll -rrrr ,rr~rrr..0rrrrrrr.rr.r rrrrrr.,//.11/Y. :%/l./11/.~ll..//.kr 4 I STARTING TODAY RICHARD I In the Speedy Comedy "Say It Again" Keith Vaudeville Feature 4I LC RAE I I TODAY AND MONDAY BUCK JONES in "The Fighting Buckaroo" Tuesday- "The Lo it World" Rival. the beauty of the .Scaret 7a,(Ula~c N r v~k ItRes aReplacn andOvr-seInkaTrerel {ompte wthUcaspates on , venI ter -o ee t1 hrllo ItsetRneofyopnarenac yOold Penw en hsnecr- lThouspeta n isyu d pcerr inwththaord mfiseeril it, bned singufl jewel-Smoothpo25t.ardsoiento santdblack-tis.n are AnOcomlpenthcastey, or eegunteestheofldprllon dor-25 yerp' nyu Aujetaldgofdfenyounters. tepc inurand ge with ty. cea ta cq uiredteispeedma chpear-$.5 actrawndwihGenorldc. merclNitValLnedwi , smaraketips weDual rnteeLad Duofold in for 25 eafrs' uW thrin orhe.,. )OS BRO Radio Stara From Station KEBH. Chicago IS. . BOC LLOYD HAMILTON COMEDY New Aesop Fable Cartoon MID-SUMMER SA Other Features i t1/"./1./JJ./.+ti"/.%:Y'Y.r Yl.IJJYtJI "./y '. "rC/./,Y '/.rC/Jllll./JYJ./' ''. .r /\ i " / Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Adi~tions Daily r llll./1././1111111.I1./.11111111111J./././ 1./Jl~./.iif:/.Ill1./"./lll./. sir/ Iw/ /~A/~ /~~ / II ~ / /~~ /A/ // /~ /a/~ /~ /s/M/ /a/ / IM /i ' UNIVERSITY AHR'S OOKSTORE 0 I t ^' \i f (! ' I 1 "rI.B 4RC74D' -s - wmmw--amop I --- -- - GASPS! CREEPS! THRILLS! LAUGHS! and then S HUVD Startil 1 1 _.__. _ ___..___._r._._..__. .____.v._._ e_._. .___._._. ci 5YLVA N GARDEN SAND LAKE ..-".,.. . ..s....w.. .-..f,,.,,.."..,,.,,.. , .. I, t ti ti- vo Syr kMAZEMENT ! ASTONISH IllE ing Today i D ERS! IMENT ! orld's, Most j ssful Plot citement 1 Comedy, I 41 A 'w, The Wi S ucce of Ex( w. I PARK PLAN DANCING M ys tery ' Drama wr I NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY. Featuring the Famous Orchestra- "THE BREEZE BLOWERS" A JEAN GOLDKETTE UNIT Mary .Roberts Rinehart Sand AveryHopwood, From'die stage play pro'duced by Wagetnhals andKemper. NOTE If you like "The Bat" please do not divulge thme solution of the plot to friends. Their pleasure depends upon your keeping the secret. Also do not enter the theatre after the picture has start- edi. Come at the beginning only. Novelty Nite Every Friday Matinee Sunday Good Roads all the way via Saline and Clinton rrrrrrrrrrr errr--- --.--.. . ._ _ _.-------- . _..-~----.- .d. , _ _---..