PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by te Assistant to the Presdent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI FRIDAY. JUNE I, 1926 Nuier 151 Palmter (Christian it hiOrgan IRecita: Camplimentary to returning Alumni, Senior Students and to the gen- eral public, Palmer Christian, U1niversity Organist will give a special recital in H-ill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon at 4.15 as follows: Jubilee Overture (Weber 1786-1826) Prelude (Corelli 1653-17 13 Chin- ciserie (Swininen) Finale to Act. II "ladame Butterfly" (Puccini) Chorale in A minor (Franck) Cantilene (McKinley) Scherzo (Dickinson) Rhapsody Catalene (Bonnet) Traumnerei (Strauss). Charles A. Sink Secretary. Sumnter Session Hours of Registrationu: For the College of Literature. Science, and the Arts, including Library Methods,-in the Recorders Ofice niversity Hall, June IS and 19, 9 to 12 a. n. and 2 to 4 p. mi. ; Jui 21 and 22, 9 to 12 a. ni. and 2 to 5 p. Iin There- after 10i to 12 a. in. daily. For the Colleges of Engineering and Arch itecture- in West Engineering BDuilding. June 18, 19, 21, 22, 8 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. For the 'Medical School, in the Aledical Building. June 18, 19, 21, 22. 9 to 12 a. i. and 2 to 5 p).nm. For the College of Pharmacy,-in the Chemistry and Pharmacy Build- ing. June 18, 19, 21, 22. 9to 12 a. in. and 2 to 51.mi. For the School of Education, including Hygiene ani Public Health, Physical Education. and At hetic Coaching and Alninistration-in Tapan Halal. June 18. 19, 21. 22, 9 to 12 a. m and 2 to 4 p . i For the Law School (Courses begin Tuesday, June 1) June 11, 12, 14, Si to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. For the School of Business Aministration,--in Tappan Halal, Jtne 18, 19. 21. 22,9 to 12 a. in. and 2to 5 For the Graduate School-in Angell Hall--Ju'n 1, 19, 21 22, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 4 p. i. E, . IIKraus P'lants 1for Iaciattireat ad iCoimmnencement : All who expect to) take part in the exercises o Commencement week will please take note of the following schedule in order that there will be as little c'ofuisionl as possible in carrying out the program : Pne ualty is especially important as the processions will start on scheduled tine. IACCA LA I'tEA'fl>;--Suinday,. June 13, 11:00 A, A. WEATHER FAIR TrINE OF'ASS'LIIBJA-1:15 A. I. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY M1emilers of the Faculties in the dresing rooms scond and third floors of Hill Auditorium where they may robe. Enter by rear doors. Students of thle various schools and colleges, as follows:- LITERATURE, SCIE\CE and the ARTS on Mlain Diagonal walk be- tween Library and Engineering Buildings. ED)UCATION on walk North side of Physiol og and P harmacology Building. ENGINEERING on Main D iagonal walk in Eninering Court. ARC HITECTU RE on Alaini Diagonal calk in E^ngineering Arch ( behind Engineers). MEDICAL on diagonal walk bet ween Chemistry Building and Library. NURSES on dia gonal walk bet wen Chemist r Building andl Library behind Medics) LAW on East and West wal, Wst~ o the intersection i] fromt o Library. PH-ARMACY on East and West walk. West of the intersection in front of Library (blehind Law). D ENTAL SURG ERY on North and Souhi walk in rear of North wiig of University Hall BUSI NESS AAIlIN ISTRATrION on walk in [I.?t of Physiology an Pharmacology Building. GRHADlUATE on East anilt West walk West of Library entrance. WEATH ER RAINY A %prinh Ic will not be cos~ided rainy. It inust act uall irain with no prIopec(t of cearinig. Studnets wVill proceedl dirctly to Hill Auditorium. Seats will be re- served until 10: 50 A. Al. COMMNEMENTI - Monday, June 14, 9:00 )A A. WEATHER FAIR TD'IE F 0"ASSEMBLY-IA-7:45 A. A. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY Members of the Faculties ati ivi ed guests, in Alumni Memorial Hall- West Gallery second floor where they may robe. Rlegent s. x- Reget s, Deans and .umdidt es for 1Honorary Degrees, in Alumni Memorial Hall-Room B. Hlonor Guard, at. Alumni Memorial Hall. Students, at the sanme places as for Baccalaureate. LINE F II" AIWH--State Street. to erry Field. WEATHER RAINY Weat her Bureau storm flags will be hoisted beneath the American Flag on the campus flagstaff andI on the flagstaff at Ferry Field to indicate that the exercises have been transferred to Yost Field House. CHICAGO AUMNISTART SERYICEORGANIZATION' Promising to give counsel to Un-_____ versity graduates and students on bus-E mess and professional affairs, 332; E business and~ professional alumni of JE Chicago have organized for that pur- pose. 6"6B They agree, first, to give welcome to any Michigan student or graduate calling uponi them; second, to give j Playing such advice as they are able; and' third, to assist in getting work for the applicants. The list of names and addresses of these men, classified as A 40-1 to business, has been furnished to the Alumni association. DAI The suggestion for the Chicago ser- vice idea was made by Arthur E. Cur- tis, '11, at the first Triennial meeting in Detroit, last June. The Chicago ______ __________ delegation drew up the idea, adopted it, and presented it in a resolution to the Triennial. It is the hope that in time a Michigan student may go any- where in the world with the assurance wpilc me him.______________ ______ Students will proceed directly to the field hourse and enteir through the! North door. Members of the Faculties will enter thirough the north doors and takej their places on the platform in the field house. }Regents, ex-Regents, 1)eans 'nd ('Candidates for HIonorary degr'ees will assemble in the offices in the north endl of the field house. L. 31. Grat, Chief MarslhauI. . . ...._ ...._._ v _ . i CASH FOR YOUR SECOND-HAND TEXT0 itsoo Unemployment in Denmark con- tinned to decrease during the spring months, according to reports receivedI Alumni iIFriday a n c t IAN SSUNIVERSITY Tw BOOK STORE r - .............-.-........- Seniors I Saturday i IiltltlttitetItlttluuLAILitttttltittill till tttItill Ittt!UtttttttuauattxttauIIUIUIauKttlttttttIV- U F w w w Silllti!lf111111!ill/IilifliTllililii77117iittTi771i7tli1f:ilJiliiliTlt7it/ a 1:i:111/T1/If Ill/111i11111t1a: I Specials SoC 4~ . C'adies I A,' ~1 AI I *1 CECIL B. DE MILLE prefents C LeatriC Iet .iuuidesiltle IFeature LEA- a i f fl rt is i v[ r.. i. _i Gi r ( Parcel Posi AMailing Service. I ('OM IN' SUNDAY AMEENPOOLEThe Funnty Farce u~svERWILDERNESS WOMAN" I 71 5 N. University Place CLEVELAND D)ETRIOIT r NE IV IFINE SCHIEDULE (Starting Sitntday 3) SITNDiXY MAtTINEE First Show, 12:00) Second Show, 3:45 Stag~e Feature at 3:45 Dtoors Omen at 1:20l k'iery -Night 7 :20 and 9:00) Overtire Prompu~tly at 'l'lijs Exact Time i Week D~ay M1atinees at 2:00 and 3:34) / -v- *DE LUXE ICE CREA' for THE KIDDIES' PARTY TTwill be a real party with De Luxe. ' kiddies love this new ice cream cr tion. And it's so wholesome for i- folk-made exclusively of sweet cret cane sugar, whole milk, natural flavorii a tiny pinch (/4%) of gelatine-and fact packed to insure purity. It is truly a umph in quality. Your dealer has ti- -flavors-De Luxe Vanilla--De Luxe Chc j ~late-De Luxe Diced Pineapple. ..,Askc *Your Dead % Arctic Dairy Products Compan MICHIGAN 'M The rea- ittle ngs, :ort tri- hree oco- tier ly( .. ..A TODAY A TOMORR( F I 1 11 ND tNOW DW UTTE ISHOWING mI~NATt I M AE 1 f 1 n Aw w - w Ys *I I Also a Good Cnmedy C artoo .ci Newis . Orchestra Sunday-JACK HOLT' in "SEA HORSES" '4 11 N COLDKETTE'S FREEZE BLOWERS" Now at Sylvan Carden - SAND LAKE *minute drive on fine roads via Saline and Clinton NCINC nightly except Monday Matinee Sunday Ii2:)0TODAY & SATURDAY 7:0i MME. G LYNIS NEWEST SOUL Mm ATES ll'ithI AILEEN PRINGLE Diected by ,JACK CON IAY 3Iack Sennett's Comedy SPORT I 14WHISPERING IGHOTL ol WHISKERS LOCAL COMING SUNDAY Jchit Mc( ormick Presents COLLEEN MOORE "ELLA CINDEIRS" 1m'omt the Celebrated Comedy Strip Iry Williata Coniseinuant and Cliarles lIummb 4 I r.._,...- ............." -,ilr, . ~ti .rrrrr,. .rrrrrirrrrrrrsr, ,-r. rr. .rirrirr. sr-, cr , yr !fi fi fi ti fi ti fi Subscribe for The Summer Daily ti fi fi Fps"', PI