PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MC IAN DAILYN FRIDAY, JULY 9. 1926 41 I 0 O4 lmtrthe people, through an effort to es-J -______ '1 i cape boredom, to become thoroughly f M i 4 i I ganfl W' acquainted with all governmental pol- M U S K O' ICALNWSAPRiFTestw. Monthlies and weeklies are toAN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN vanish-each province is to have only At~ SUMMER SESSION oeppradta iie osxpg R A M Published ev ery itooining ex.iept \ionday,01 ae n ht iie osxpg during the '.7niersit Summer Sesio b es. All organs of enlightment. and the hoard in Contr ol of Student Poublica- imaginaition are to 1)e suppressed. ~-- tions. - The newspaper plays a vital part in "THlE SUN" The Associated Press is exclusively eti- the life of any advanced nation to- A ri'Pew, by William IngIts. titled to the use for repuoblicationt of all news. dispatches credited to it or not other wise day, ye't Italy is to be robbed of ,this'Msin ndWrrnPah credited in this pper and lhe local 1W"' rx broadeninglleinfluence.d TheenItlarian fished herein. bodnn nlec, TeMla rmk ut neeigo twt hias always been gifted with a stronger ak qutanenigoitwh Entered at the A\nn Arbor, M itlizai,= iimagination his very nature de- The Players this week. "Thle Sun" anti postoftice as second class matter. Subscription lay carrier, io by mnailnaflds the colorful. H-arnessing the !''Sweethearts"' illustrated the value of Off.ces Press Muini.~aval dstr I ano1eiinle'flfeti repression as an element of art hetterI I~rdn,,Ann Arbor, Michigan. Italy, eveni though inidividIualism is at' than Anything whi h we have seenI Comttm icati o s, if incd as eviueuce of ;~eol lotetnt since :'ark Tai' Joan of Arc. We good faith, will be published in the Su'unmer Junst when personality will assert Tai' a oIc Daily at the discretion of the Editor. -Jn- i ol'n llnraetepes sa xs didn't feel in at smirking miotod. We signed coniniiiiatio 05 will receive. not con - sideration,.fThe signatirre may lie orn,'led ill to y. The tr'atlegy of the wh'lole situa1-k wanted something with some ineam1 publication if desired by the writer The ingt Summer Du)aly does not nce:ssarilv endorse tion is tilt'great admiirat ion p~rofess- jg;,oetig to give uts that deep- tescflli~iitits exite'sedi in the cornrmnnLll CA ed 1}y the Kingdomnfor its dictator, er enjoyment which is not destroyed 101.even in this latest instance. The Tml- by the overture and the lady who EF' OR, L% 1, 'l'A FF p, ro views the cut iii the size of the, otTers us a ride home.. We were more 'f'elephcrne I.).>., ewspape'rs as the chairacter istic tbai satisfied: we saw some tppto- MANAGING EhIITOR stroke of a ann jus. Joun alism, it he- priate acting. MANNING H-OUSEWORTI-I lieves is inl its present state mierely ''T.he Sun''" aliost missed its mark. Chairal osd Li e1 tkt~, a sea ntlal ons xast e of pa per. I 1 To-± It lakes Some lnn tes for thiiis play city Editor.............illiatnil. BThey r ore very sarcastically bewails the tact 1 0of Galsworthy's or John Drinkwator's Music and ) lani.......... W4illiatti c.I1 ucas that Italianus will be freed fromt the!X -0'' to reach its fee lilig unless the I GRAAMS special Tables of Books ot Interest' to )Educators GRAHAM'S At Both Enuds of the Diagonal r .. . . . 1 Y MICHIGAN PINS tFOUNTAIN PENS I ALARM CLOCKS HALLERS STATE STREET JEWELERS . ,1 r 1 WON _ff Ir ' r+ WXoman's Editor ............,J iota oKniu , 'it Night Editors Wilton A. Simtpsotn Thrdorc 1 forfiter f Paul J. Kern Frederick fSillitA Douglas Doubleday Assistants Gail Lyons [haiddl \\ 'asirev\sl~i George T. McKan Ntorri, ZwctI~ling SusInESS SrA FF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD C'irculat ion....................KcimnethIi I1;ixcli Advertising.................. Frantcis Nor, is Assistants Edward Solomon William F. 3xts shackles of thel petty. Fromi Na ples acudi once is soufficiently r"eady fOr tF to 'Purin joirria lists welcome the re-! which this ottoxv asl't after "'Sweet- turn to the "'sini ple life''. Wit h the' hearts"' had beent alvertisetlias (emand for liberty in so dortman t a 'q"catitti' respIectale." a ph rase which '1 sal. it seems as thlough reformt will ;expressed ''Sweetheart'' onlvIpart iallyI 3he late in coming. and "The Sun'' not at all. "Wtell doge" , [In attempting to revivxe the glories' or ''finished'' scarcely apply to the of ancient Romle. Mulssolini has sue- vivid symbolism of the settintgteat- .ceeded in settinig u niai immense nin-I ed for ''The Su." WVe iimmediatel v it arvyiachine, IHis lal est venture isj realized the presence of War on the bit contra diet orx' It is a matter of! Right and P ea ce on thele eft , and great doubt blow 'It( expects to rein- frightened love in the center. A for- I (armnat , the spirit of Ronme in to a peo-' erish burst of red and a calml glow 1)1lehbere ft ofint ereour ise with) the, lel1te, anmd Tb liGirl 's n orbid black world and divorced from art and liteor-'. dress were what did it. Insttead of aItnlre, elusive det ails, there was simply ani __________ impression, which got us aftter we FIDlAY, JU[LY 9, 1926 "If l~enocracv 1is5so ootl a school axxvoke from thle oxpec tat ion of sunnyii for training peopIle to be intel lige ztt 'Sweethearts." Night Edit or---iTI LO. H Oi l HEGLit' and responisible, how d slos it http1enI Possession counts, even in love; " " ' tnat w.. hDav'oe s, 1111101 had taer, imd esjte iilly' after var, when a ''life, TrllE ('II'ME'N'fS LIBR~ARY' i('nt ?" 'Jaint's HI.Tuf'ts. .Men and women,.is memibers o1' a - social oi'der have ever' been too prone - - to disparage that which lies w ithin hei im edi te [vi onm nt. and toV over- evaluate that which is exo ic or distant from them. (A LL AU X'S PRO)POSALS A very striking examuple of this 4ii I iladlelphl ia Public ILedge) truism of human naturle was recently J1ospeh ( ailIlax one againi st ads; exhibited onr this campus. The Daily' before the Frencl Pa rl amenI xit h a recently printed a front page article plan fot' the in uncial -aI aton of ther, telling of a very ancient andi rare Vol- couitntri'v The ito hrates Of the next fewxy nine added to thne U'niversity of 'Texas,(ays will sowxvwhe her France is library. The hook in quest ion was of raty 10 submit to thle ncessaryv maj-1 general interest to inani--a 1524 edi- or operation. The pol itical fate of the; tion of the "I 'osnog'a phy'' of Pet us 'ai li x plait and of r h-, riaid- 'ai- A1) iI ntis, h It timtilitl ion wil mioiint a'ilv The read ers of this artiicIe were_ hanrg int the a lance. consciously or tuncontscionsy, imbt ued Thle scheme ( 'ail lao x priesets i5 withi a cei'ta i res pect. for t he Te'xas' ,,omiid. It xva s workedot 0 by a (cot- l ihrary;: and mtanyunttdotibtedl y ques- niiitteco of banklinig lxl tt s, anud iighlt' tion themselves about t heirI'owni Ii- havo erlit,,t 11efore lie cuttrtry any brary in Anti Arbzor with somewhat tite during the last Thre years. its of a condescension. WhatI has the p h'oides for sl Iizaiot of the fraci U niversityv of Mlichigan t) sitow con- and~ returnitoI the gobf basis in thIire parable to such a voluime as this' t ag s. It alls for - (xerial ilions What has been done -oi' is being of allit iona taxes It lays down as a carried onl at the present tintec--int the basis for settlement o the war debts, line of book collecting here is Ann There is noiting pail i larly novel in \rbor'. the schemne. 'The questioni has been adteqjtat ely No nowvpolem tcotfronts the answered by Drm. Ratntdolphi G. Adams Frr 'ich governmet.t It is now as it custodian of' the Clements library, has beett fot' years5 a question of o-j who purely as a mnatter of fact com- 'taiing fronm I arliamt it teu power toI piled a list of the etditions of Apianus put a financial plant into it'ffct. This which the latter library tnoxw houses. is the rock upon which all French According to Dr. Adams the Clemnts' Cabinets conie to grief. library has not only the 1524 Apianus! The French governent can scarce-1 of which the t,niversity of Texas 1y hope to gain all the poxer it asks; boasts btt also coptjies of 12 oler ed for. Neither, just at present, does itions. t hero semitiay great. chance t hat1 Among the 12 editions of Apianus the ' xvar-debt settIletnents with Arer-' mentioned above Is a~ copy of Apian- leca and Enghand will be ratified. Call- us, Isogoge publishedl in 1521---a Vol- faux does not even ask fot' an u-ad ume not inc'hildedlinisomte lof the forl- outtriatifiation.ilt u I Ihils about 'cer- most (co)11ection s in America . Andi of t ain rai'ai catitons which we are seek- even grea