ESTABLISHED 1922 ol P ,*ixntmrr 4L ie q. 6FAu 4Iaitj ASSOCIATED PRESS 8 E "i t 'FI VOL. XVII. No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1926 I FRENCH VETERANS P O E T g I NTDE B T S E T T L E M E N T A E I A O D E S R F S MUSIC AND DRAMA I 41 Review, by 'William m LIas I It, is easy to take things fr gr'anted. HOW the Plave L' timan age a prodil oll1 TO TA.KE ANY P"AlRI IN of the stalidat'd set by the last three> I)IMo'-Ns uAT14LN oferinigs with hardly six days of re~- hearsal1 antd that limnited by four' regu- HERRICK IN DIGN A.NT larpeifoitaces a week s littleshort of amazing. Wee thet ir'pe rforina ne s Proposed Parade Instult To aiiwrlemlsolc ha shaky, the dialogue a trifles People, Is OpInhloit Of untcrtain, tihe scenery shoddy, it Wright AIImasador I asily be excused. Butt there are nonte of these things. This week's offering,' (By Associated Press) 'j weetheart" '. is a case inl point. It' PARIS, July S.---There will he no()ever a play demanided anl impeccable participation by Americans in the1 performancec this cha rutlog litt le piece "protest parade'" to be staged by vet- d foes. They call it a vi torian idyll, erarns of the French army on Sunday aind it. is all of that. A jarring note tn opposition to ratificatiotn of the Atn- anid the mood so ca ieft 1 ly creat ed is erica l debt settlemtent with France. shattered. It is at silo plc play, but The association of American Volun- 1 adver'sely dlifficult to perbfom. teers in the French army, 1914 tol9l'11 The scetne opens to atlnosllhere has definitely declined to have any l)athedl in the freshtness of1yothtl part in the demonstration. Yesterday !tempered by that seemingly quaint the American Volunteers announced =Vict orian grace and( matnner'ism. Tlhe their intentions of being represented !cur'tailt falls on a scene equtally chartt- at the Alan Seeger monument in h lo ig, tmellow autumnal. It was the Bef-etate unis to receive a wreath happy faculty of the players to less from the French vet erans association reflect than exttde this variance of as it marched past.I mood which coot ribut ed so largely to The American ambassador, B~yron E. Herrick, has taken a strong stand O , against the action of the French' vet-r erans, characterizing the plrop~osed , T n Cl. 1 ,nd parade as all insult directed against ] 7 the United States arid par~iciption Ilold DG egWrees by Americus in such a demonstrationc as also tantamount to treason. liro success ot their liert'orttla tl(e. IAtttv Loomis i5spslentdidl:is theW c0- quettish young lady tantalizintgly it- di ffercnt. to her earnest lover., t ut it is tn her suhbdued aceting utnt te sec- ond( scene where aged5souse fortt y years shte inicl ines to tinIe scort i tnenital itneilories of hter' you th that we felt Jl iSS Loomttis to he lpetrfect beyontd the estl of 01cotmtplaint. In the same taiter Robert Il end- ersott intth e role of lHarryw Spread-l brow is incomparable as the elderly, some what disillu0sionted lover., who, thottgh tile tables ate cttriouslIy turnr- ed, i, isll e ery omuclhthe lover. At the risk of 't'atpiltg his acting inltte last scene att aited proport iont that Wvere Sli ghtly less that) Batrry I10)ic, excusing t he('01 nagc and (Ithe i titph cation. Warr'len Parker does exeel lent w orlk ill the role of tho' gai'dttet', tetytpical1 ('amic ttettiai conttidantte of the Victor'-; tall 'olttedIy. 11 is appe~.a rantce for a cutrtaint-call last night called forth a voltume of' applaulse that. would have satisfied a p~rim~a dolna. All itn all, yott nay gathler, w'e hets" 15' is 1n0t a had shiow, CAMPBELL SHOWS HOPE[ FOR DRAMA lIxlire ,IrTTisnT Ietined By t roess%'or In _Aflernoon tLetre On4th Natee lit 1Draina USES O'NEIL PLAY That atnyotne app)reciain titt(, torasla-. tiv peIosition) of t'xplessiotttstt today oils hope for the future of the drama! wastOv, contclutsiotn of Prtof.t). .13. C'ampba.ll in ltis leeture 'Hxpt'esston- ittii in thte 1Dramta"' lelivaredt estorlaa a ft F-moo0I. lt':ri01)istO exists todIay I rotigit- olut thte realin of art, being foundn in painting atd seculptttte as well as lit- 'at ore, t is theu antithesis of tttt- proassiotttstt-its ('fld beitng to appeal, Maine Picks Own Alumnus To Take Place Of Little 'Pite iti~ersit a' ofMai. asjs T )wttia t'sdtt hniversit V (Ineha fjs preieant ofthardist isthe. first alutottIUS to hteadltthe mailte utiversity. DEAN I{RAUS LEAVES Leaving this afternoon, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Summer session willI travel to the Vniver- sity geology camnp in central Kxentucky.,'awhere he will remain for the week-end, returning tol Ann Arbor Monday, July 12. Next week [Dean Kraus will visit the University enlgitteer~s at ('ailp Davis, on Diouglas Lake in M ichigatn. ! ( ( j f j is LECTURE, IS UNABLE TO BE PRESENT TO PRICE FIVE CEINTS SINAI TELLS HOW UNIVERSITY HELPS OUT-STATE MEDICS MANY LEAVE TOf l ON NIA GARA TRIP RADIO TALKS FAIL Joint (Commtittee O(hi I41CH ea' lth ll I"utJetjoutt-P For Ben liif ()f All lic alt Botlic' ?'"Ogl of tine most ioe'st'exipel'i- fPart T ' ) (P Epec-ted O{)n1Excursion Imetits5 exlt' atternlted ll Public 1To Falls By Interurban And Health l toeat it)l is h ,itig 4sl Onsr( 'Steamier by thle Joint ('ommflIc, en Public Healtll,''spid 1 tic. NSla>Departmnent WILL RETURN MONDAY Of Pttblie health, UiN e('lily of Michi- - gait, in a I .ctttre ill the Di tiata Iaudi- toriunm at four o'clock tort av. Dr. (%. Abiout 60) tniv'ersity students and ~,S mls h ceu' etlLc' mtemblers of the faculty wvill leave this pi unable to be present. a ftecrnoon1 for the longest ex curtsion of Tlio coin mlitt a. raizdo he Sumller sessionthle Itrip) to the' initiative O'f0 the Mlichigan State Niagara Falls, which will lhe mode this Medical Socie1Y ty, an it is buased on thte Iweek end. The party will leave the belief that the best re-sults ill Public intttrurb~an stationi o1n the corner of Health implrovemnent could be obtained State and Packard streets at 3:15, LI)rough close coo lerat101 eten h and take the boat from D~etroit. to Mledical Society and thte University l3uffalo, where they 'will arrive Satur - of Michigan. It is also closely as-so- (lay morning.i ciatedl with the Michigan Department Ini a letter announcing its decision not to particip~ate the associationt of American volutnteer's declared: "We feel ourselves obliged to retire before the aggressive spirit. even injurious wording, of the posters you have put1 uip by the thousands throughout! France. The heading, Washington. Calvary of Victors, is an insult to our soldiers who came over to fight for France. The l etteyr contained an admonition to the lcadlers of the demonstration "be not ill advised. Your friends in America, who are trtyintg to utderstantlj thte situation, are rallying to your sup-j port. WVe who suffered w~ith you dur- ing the war, who grew strong in love and wisdom through those trials, are by your side, and we must carry thej same burden ns you, our brotherr carry. Hencee we dare offer this ad- vice." Ambassador Herrick is much re- lieved over the action of the American Volunteers. He has protested to Pre-; nticr Brianid and others in authority against the denonstrationl as original- ly designed. This contemplated the draping of the statue of Washingtonj in black, the hanging of crepe on the entrance to the American emtbassy, and the playing of a funeral dirge over the dead of Franco-Amnericanl friend- ship. G Holders of oh'grcs enrolle d intthie S' mtZnenr t esson Iumtber I2,accord- ing to a report issued yesteriday. This figure, w hich is n0w 39 per (c(elt of t he total registration, Itas tle reaserd yearly fromt 21 per tent int 1921. ' Txwo studenlts hold font' degr'ees eac'I, 11 hold three degrees, I SO hold two, antd the r+ itatttlrr, 1050, bold on' eac'h. Tbhis mnakes a(Jta of 1 196 for the ttuntber of (degr Ees he ld. Tho majority ol 'the, total niumber of degr'ee",is held 'a sltud ents5 inthet grad(luatec schtool, nIe:e'ssarlily, 92:3 ba-- lng in tils ,schtoo L Scitool of 1,1,hc,,- tion s tudet'ts have a total ad' 175, >>>edi- 3 cal schlool 1 39, lit erary' school 13o anld on down to 12 i n thle entgineering school. Nvine hiunodred t en aof theliegr'ees are bachelor of arts, 247 bachelor of >c i- -en't>e, 1 23Imast er'of arts, ,t;i mass -r Iof science,. 22 bachelor of p hi losoplily and, a great many itave les than 11) holders. In advnciing to 39 pet' cent this year, the total numbelt'r o.f degree hold - er's itncreased 2 pe cenit over last G year. In 1924 it was '15 per' cent, :31 per cent int:1923 and 24 per cent: in 1922, flflhIflfhJ 111I1 Vimfl mI Air Camup Has 130 Boys In Second Groupl 01W hundred t dl IIti)'bay"s froln IDetrlo it and Ild ant anrirl{made upttithe 5 t'can :~ tse-ction of 1the Fresh Air ('amp, wvhich beginstts1his afI 'ton. Tiht. Iaovs, ii ft)'oit and l30 from I Ia tlt l'amrok. pasithtbrough Ann ArIbor at nootn todia yto beginI their two weeks of' camnp lift' at Patterl'5( n ake,M t welty''-tfiva n' les northw'aest. Thte fi rst sact itt. w lile eided Wed- tto'salat'a vas a comapltte success ac -I cottling to Egbertt IL Isb~ell, '271L, supt- c(itil etaIillI. Onte hiundrted antd t welty l bov:' tfr1om Ia'1t'oit1, ,aeks(Iltantd Ann ',%!-))or' spealt h11eir 1 t)wo weeksat the ct nta withoul~t a sillgle st.rtiouts illness tat aa'aid,tt. Mosquito bites, sun- burn'is anda sore toes mado' til the r 'eater part, of the casualties who re- portetd tat Dr.IKliskern. '26 e.ver' mtornttin-: aft 'Irbreakfast. 0ne boy f.rolt) Attn Arb~or too0k hisj The party will spend~ Saturday and of Health, Detroit College of Medicine Sun'day at the Falls, where it willj and Surgery, Michigan Tuberculosis have the opportunity of taking all the Association State Nurses Association, side trips and seeinig all of the speciall anid other similar organizations. Ac- fet.'aur'es of)te reiona. Tw o theI corditig to Dr. Sinai, this is the first trips that through the Cave of thel time that the Mledical Professionr as a WVinds and the trip on the Maid of the whole has odefinitely beome interestedl Mlist, traditional feature of the b'alls, in health education. 'will be madec at special rates. Believing that health t.ducation can While there, also the party will Ihest be ct.nvecyed by the spoke'n tongue, have the chance to) go thbrough the the commtittee has arrangedl a nunmber Niagara Falls Power compi~any, onel of of lectures for public delivery, Uinder the largest in the world, arid will also the Pr'ogram worked out, any society lbt. shown the company's miniatture 'or group in Michigan may ap~ply to tile model of the Falls, which can be so University for a lecturer oIn any health mlani pulat ed as to show the results (If; subject they wish treated. A prom- 'water diversion on1 the Niagara river.' I ent doctoir or one who lhas detinite The group will leave for home at 1 knowledlge on the subj('ct waxill then ablout 6 o'clock Sunday evening. ar- 6 e sent to them at the applointedoltim~e. riv'ing in Ann Arbor' at 11:15 Monday ''The Goitre Probliemt,'" "Child morning. The excursiont will be tinder Hygiene," "Contagious Diseases,'' thte ditrec'tion of Russel J. Hussey of "Public Health Nursing." and "The tiht geology department. Relation of Teeth to Health," ar'e r ---amlong the suibje-cts commonly chosen, nnninumiThis system of education is pr'ovintg B IVDNTI' ~'~ -~1 '~very successful, Dr. Sinai believes. No bVW~tIl WILL JIVI II For Yanke Ships; U P[ON TR lflILl (By Assoaiatedl Press) NEW YORK, July 8.-There is noj "12-mile limnit," preventing seizure beyond that poinit for Anierican shilps, according to a decision of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, made public today. The decision reversed a finding in the United States District Court of the District of Connecticut, which had sustained exceptionis to a Government libel filed against the Am- er'ican rum runner Underwriter. The Underwriter was seized be- yond the 12-mile limit, a fact on which one of the exceptiouns was based. "An American ship on1 the high seas retains her allegiance to the United. States," the decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals recorded. "It is quite well recognized that every nation has the right to bind its own subjects to its own laws in every place." Qu Or eather~a'\d --Prophesies Showers or Thunder- stortus Today, Cooler 'tonight. t f Prof. Roy WV. Cowde'oet(f t he Rhet- coric depa rtmnlit will s pendolt he on fyear leave of absence granted him studying in England and the continent. l .ie flanis to remin int Ltlodon for a p- p~roximnately onte half of hiis tinge Spenit abroad; study ini the British Museumt will tlccttlpy a goodcI parttof his timeO while in the English. ca pit ol. From Lolndon Profesisor Cowden will go oil to) the conthintt visiting espec- ially Fr'anct. and It aly. I le will re- fturn't to the tlniyet'sit '' (f Michigan in tile fall of 1927. Back To Old Gods MEXICO CITYlJuly .-(A.P.) -- Floods have brought houdreds ot' In- dians to the sacred shinot(f Guad- alupe where they have knelt in water waist deep to pray tol the ancient rain god of the Aztecs and to the Christian God to preserve tltenmtf'om disaster. Franc Goes Lower PARIS, Jiuly S.--(A.IP ) -Aft.tra slight, recovery' frotn 'uesadays slumnp,j the French franc today sa gged heavily'i tt. a new low record of 39.01 to the dlol- lar oil news, that the Bank of' France statement would show an increase in circulation of nearly a billion francs. o th hoca'x' aof the spirit'' raitheth~ ltian cma'-'made radioalo caad sot tinp tin' '"''at'of tile'fle'sh.''It is a:means'altottg his tcntpawle, ttoila' grca e }LW HD N1rb h edro IHfie ucne}guo l,,t>tictt oy's lilay stoepitnto the ntind of the princoi- raent t) cctll tttnale. to sx'aint antd oxtly pali char'act ert' P roIfessor C 'aunpbell us - r t en ' trtiued home tnon-sxwimmer ts. On M(ay Associated Press) setttd. All cha ra ctersls Iides t.'eIto ''''a'etitig (If the tifth1 of July the' NEW YORK, July S.--The dead of cenltral ote are lint types or forces. boy's a'Ot t'taitil 110guets fronm all the ; Itt.'5I;sill sleep beneath the water Ont' knoa ws110o1hinig abolut thtemlas pert- >u t'iouldi n Ia ko's at Ian Independence tonight. sonal itia's; all is sacrificed for I teI lay ctlra t ialt The submarine that rested on the celltrlImtintd whti ch is eq ti vtlent to I 'l' suma't tr i ay'a' rece'nt ly an - floor oIf the ocean off Block Island for lb a' mind1 of the r'eader. flolt(I t tat'forsole 't imelOneitt wo'ek, ' more than nine months was wharfed Ex prt.'ssiont sm 1s nothing mor1 te thian it h~s beeun definitely set for Wedesday, ; into dry doick at Brooklyn navy yard the st rt's,,ea us( of psychology, Proa- Ju ly It.A tt t toa'r of t110'ihaes, c'hoasenl tooday. The touching ceremony itark- fesstr(i' a mahell w'aent on to say', anttl for their all- around campl usa'fittness. ed thet. endl of her 135 mile journey, is t her'efore peaculiarly su itedI to tis 'will coawilto It)n.tlt iO~r Tuesd~y' night which was delayed when she grounded dran ma Stage' dt.vices enable the'-a ld seli ta s ott the caaintlL all dany on a reef in the East River yesterday. a oatietca' to get into c lso' undletrst and \Vwlxdticstlav Tl 'sIlstden)t ibudget of; A ttew silk flag was posted to the in g xwithi the leadintg character in a $ 1,;()(, nt'~twll' ao-thirds comtplet e, is' toll of the mast that haid been fitted to var or:easy way. Prof. Campbell quoted'cxpea'tedto boa) a'fille'tlby Iiia lit) umm' er bar hitered bridge. All l'anks stoood frotn 'The Adding Machine" "'e''l Sc.' hoaal cootrlibu11t iont at atItenitioni. The r'elatives of the [mpe0'ror Jones'', and several othem' - -- ------- -deacoolinlgled with a small cr'owdl p lays to) 01)1phiasize thie pot enHatl it ies trn that had been permitted to enter the of t1h5isnovenwtet 'Tile h':perot'I t 00TINLyd. At a sgnlthe fagwas low- Jon es', fom' example, owes its power- ('creal at half mnast. ful ap~peall ta) exprlessioinism;th leatm'i- 11 B TDT[( lfI mnmedliat ely the c.eremony was over, adevices inthe lt'setonditl ofelna ble fljLL BEdl i! U LVD SOON divers went below the 34 feet of tile Nt.g ro's struggle 'aithlprtitntit ive wate'r in the clock and adjusted blocks. feat' to ittoldt' autdience 'spellboud. Getpmswr sttUupn u 't.' beat ing of tile tomlto.)1, the xweirdI W ' ''tsrci'riI o yI1~theoaterumis wee dcst. upn u sceer' at''nditt tiw(n'c1t'ltof chaatr' l Itast lrt A. C. Paok tht or )tk onl theadt- arto~d i 0 llseveto utt t ' ati Itti~itttoth lca pistailie v luolli IAs if in a theatre wh ere the cur- aroun h~ntall'srvtet put o ttadra tw tiltwent downward, inistead those in tnc tottI thle lac'k ma n's mind. starte'd inIlItiediat ely. Th'cotr c Ittconlulin Prt' Capbel e- avichwaslt't 't.('ttt)' 'cjuies the navy yard saw slowly i'evealed to01 Incnldn rf atpeld-wh~i'111)ch s lt renftl' eqirshel lC'1th laey wih she had c~a t'etl that expressiontism has the wr twecopeedfrinpcio po''e' to hrng tto' (I a t t ts f ll r xttint six m othtls. ,w ro ght. The large S-51 on the con- r'ealisations. Because (If its utique e southeast c'orntet' (f thte main riigtowl andt the lrconin tsera appeal, this mns of studying person- s1t'Ot~ct''i 'i5er'e tht' atloit ion is to'lgh anesttecoigtwr al plsychl'ogy has brought the modern lecl~IUt~ twl ei )11 3 a ~ael'vtI ut xworldi and thte thleatre into cl11t'(ose l)- shipos,~ciliibil a tesit. ia thn Fw4"4o't A naw'1 BH.SSfL~s.---More than 100 sis over 200 lectures were o'alledl for, an~d since that t ime the numlber has bleen) steadlily increasing. High School Groups andl Parent To'acher's Asso- ciat ions are amnig those wxho mo1(st frequently mnake useC of the lectures. Mother's and Teacher's Clubs follow closely biehind. Manyoi'ganlizationis call for wvhole series of talks to) be de- livered perioodically on various sub- jects. "This mnethiod of health educationt is mnuch more efficient than any other evel' attemnptedl," stateod Dr. Sinai. "Eoducation by means o~f the news- p~aper, the movies, and the radio can- nlot be vaei'y effective. Such articles as those of DoctorII Evans, in the daily nlewspapeirs arc ver'y gtoodl, butt many of the newsplapers reports (If medical conivcnt ions and the like are wrvIittenl by r'epotersl' 'who havel' 101technical knowledlge (of the subject and so cant- ntiQpresen5.)Lt thie omater'ial in its most helpful form. With ratdio lec ture,, c:ompel)tit ion is toco keen. W1hen by Imer'ely turnling a little knolb, a listener can tunte in on jazz and lively music, the ordinar'y radio fan will not listen to) a medical lecture for fifteentinl- utes. Lectures dielivereodinl their home towat nmake mlore of an jul press ion." i IWHAT'S GOING ON 1'rceT "aa n thi' Columnamust be le t te aox at the D'aily office 1) o jat ca for' t tttaX~ir1)(st~.el'ae'tre4 00 o'clack pr-ceding theCalay' of issue. l ' i.l i' i ( I' , tllrnO1. otemal as ohe 1poeS"''aL 'at t 'I '''-'''''' hieatintg phint;lV ill be cbontaii nko in the {additiont. Foreign Students It 'will pr'ov'ide extra floor spaco' for W1ill gave Pic i lie atitdlinmg of pal'celpost. 'Phishas been11badly 11(1:010(1for l' 5eal v t'al (ils I Il0 amid it, is hoipeod that the nexv All foreign students inth ie Summiler' ( buildintgxwiii be co lltpla tloe fair thIt Sessioin ofItho' .TIniversity are invited ('bhristmas Holidlay rushL xvhich ltas al- toi a pic.nic by IDi' and Mi's. JaynelOs 13a wa ys intthet past faountholdl(( builod- Davis, fr'om :1toit)5o'clock Satut'day ijig illadlt 110' a fter'noonIl Jully 10. It is de.s~iable thtat - - a ,ll it tdtitts wahio wish) to att eld shouild L :ONDlON.- - More than 1,000,000 tonis c~all Miss Hazel Dobson, telephone of coal have been importedl since the .t518, betweent 7 and 10 o'clock F~ri- coal str'ike' bo'gan, rnostly front the clay evening. United States. many of them transchannel anod t.oast- '' ----- ---- wise, are held in Antw erp waiting;a'Today cargoes because of the doc'kers' strike 2:00---Excursion No. _, starts to for higher wages. Niagara Falls and vicinity to) retur'n _____________________________ _ _ __ _ _ July 12. I' :90--I1lustI'ated lecture "Soe BAEBL SCORES a Greek Landscapes, With Their Liter- ary and H'istorical Associations" by !American League prof. John G. -V itter in Natural Sci- 'Boston 7,, Detroit i ence auditorium. Philadelphia 'l, Chicago 7 S :4)0-Infor'uii enter'tainmen~it by ie ICleveland 6, New Ydork 1 faculty oIf the physics dlepartmentt. 1National League for tile advanced students (If the ode- IPhiladelphia 10, Pittsburgh 6 par'tmnent in the old Phys ics build- ,, .