F # u mmrr ESTABLISHED 1922 *irA :4Iai1li F A4SSOCIATED PRESS SEIVI(CE F x1ni V'STTT AT- I PT VOL, XVII. No 1'7 ANN ARBOR, M~ICHIGAN THURSltDAY, JULY 8, 1926 T3T')TP1T;'1 PRICE FIVE CENTS POLE-CONQUERING PLAIN RETURNS1 'me's Tennis! SuNDO/ALL rSPE_____________ RNCH COMMITTEW Oen55 ..Tourney F0TWillAFOTI ON MODERN TREND y TTBCKS RERENGER, B Conducted. EST RIVER FTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH /DjB1T SETLE Et~mhUwnesty'"10 rop en Ir ISNlOFTID I L31IL1 EXAMINATIONS WOULD. I PIE VENT MANY D)ISEASES (AUI(WA AV SEES LONGEVITY Pres~ent Aetiiity Is Centered Upon~ The Person~ And The Social Sign lficaltnec Public health today is u ndergoing; remarkable changes, acecording to Dr. John Sundw~all, professor of hygiene, and publ ic health and director of the division of hygiene, public health, and physic'al education, in his lecture to- day on '"The Modern Trend~ of Public Health Activities'' in the auditorium of the Natural Science buildling. Before the war, Dr. Sundwall ex- plained, public health activity cenlteredl its interest. upon environment. Today this interest has been shifted to the person. It is turning more and more to the social significance of those with whom it (lealIs. It is corning to con- centrate upon those age periods which have the greatest social significance because they embrace the people who contrib~ute most to the world. Dr. Sund wall placed this p~eriod as being from the age4s of twenty to fifty. Among the diseases which are re- sponsible for most of the deaths dur- ing this period. Dr. Sudwall named tuberculosis, pneumonia, and heart disea,:e. The first name(] is responsi- ble for more deaths than all other diseases combined. Dr. Sundwall sta =d that there is much human wastage in American life. In this country, people begin toI break down about the age of forty. The great problem in modern public health is to prevent, this condition. This can be dlone only in educating people in matters of the balanced diet,E in methods to prevent infection of the! teeth, and in the practece of daily physical exercise. :y tIIlIM3AN BOU0ILIILON SAYS AGRElEMlENT IS SABOTAGE t OF IN'ERESTS { GETS APPLAUSE '4iltomous Ass~aultIs Als~o Made Upon Expeuts' Report and Stabili- zation Schemes YARIS, lly 7. --A vigorous assault U poli the N~ashingi on debt settlement anad on Ambassadlor Ber 'uger, and a sharp attiacek on the experts' report. < id tihe government's stabilization scheme put the government on the die- fense in the debate on finance in the r la in er ot deputies today. M. 1"'ra ukIi n- Bouli llon, chairman of Slie foreigni relations committee of the chainmtr, dcl a red that the debt settle- ini 1'e -,"ar tennis classes. Entries for thiose Interested will be received at Barbour gym nasium, p~referably this week, in order that the tournament_ c'n begin the first part of next week, The courts at Palmer field are open from 7 o'clock in the morning to 4 ao'clock at night daily. A separate tournament for those ini tennis classes will be held the last two weeks of the summer session. Grand ltaijds Public Hlealth COMInmS- sitoner Is Fourth Speaker On ' .. . ' ; , s -' s v f , ,, "°b s.. p ' _ ... r r 3Yr .-. .. Q.,w > 1 i? is y 2( ,5 t . - ;t'l a_ , CAS \% r2 :K', . ' . . ? , , ti_ ,c t :r 'u i 5.5 S 5 .y,. , fr2 f 2 }s . t;EB3B FLO" GROUNDED ILL FATED S B)i IMTIE IN ROU'TE "O YARDS "IMPOSSIBLE" FEAT Great (C1ovoy elps Tow 'Naval ("rave t Of Submiergib~le's Large ! Crew BULLETIN Thle i i as floated at 9:1l. o'clock tonight anid her journey to the B~rooh- lymi Navy yards was resumed. (By Associated Press) New York, .Iuly 7.--Within sight of the goal set nine months ago, the ill- fated submarine S-51. today was re- claimed temporarily by the tide. ti f e r 1110e1 a niot111t ed to ''sabotage of the to the Brooklyn P'ronch inte rest s.''Ilie could not give EDO E ENXIEE ruddo lii! conihdonce to a government if rati- Williamsburgh ficat ion of the acecord were insisted j bridges and rema: tipotil, nd( he demanded that the gov- I As the fourth speaker on the sum- trl umre erniulent take advantage of the fact! mer progr'am of lectures given under awaited the aidc that the united States Senate debt the auspices of the division of hygiene The navy alrew funding mission had adjourned, to! apelfomteuin'r}d mrcnandi public health of the University, f What, according 'Dr. C. C. Slemnmons of Grand Rapids IatlerEllsberg, to a be>ttor informed American. It 1',at . Washington, h, was an impossible thing, he saidt, that will speak in the amphitheater of the Ihble. It has brow the worl should be offered rya spec- i Dental building at 4.00 o'clock this from its bed 22 f, i aiwlo of a people which had satisfied afternoon. Dar. Slemmons' subject, by six feet of sal ltself in resisting a common enemy, will be "Some Problems in MunicipalI submarine that p h('imig 'm'mi hed tunder the exac'tiotn of :~ -1,1 a r- The *Josepli iii Ford'' comes hom. Theb great m onoplane in w hit~h Commander Byrd mode his iihistorie Northi Pole flight returns to New York in the hold of a ship. [Hertz are t~vo views of t he histor-making plane as it is being 1 aii d. Abhove, t ho huge miaini plante enmerges from the hold. Below, thle fuselag e greets Newv York aga in. AMERICAN WOMANV MA Y BE NEX T B UL GARIANXQUEEN, SA YS BORIS ;1 aLI..Lvein rukl ite [navy yards, she rock lying between and Queenshoro linedl fast, almost eni- d,, while her convoy of the rising tide. dy has accomplished to Lieutenant Conm- some navy official. tad declared impossi- ,ght to the surface rathoins low, gripped nrd, thte hulk of the plunged to the floor er being rammied by nC steamer City of' *e members of the ed death and eight Fred last fall. rto the navy's feat tnee of the tow had [nds, after weather- herous currents and E '';111W01mi1inhas a diane,' to th' ECOME? te ueii of Bulgaria, if '-s'p~sss> es beautyt',gentle bir'thi.a st iint tn-t id° natture 'andl niodeltral ( l 11f <1r, Dr. SundwallI recommended thle 'Tho("iareIctilequtatlties d'Ic an11( Ilin practice of having a thorotigh physical a 'i~f' by' King Bor'is, the only tjaeh- examination each year. insurancelclo-veig inte ord 1"s statistics have proved that this is an j frictids say he has give'n tiplhope of effective method to prolong life. The finding a cotmlpanion for his hr-one belief was expressed that more careful among the Royalties of Europe, aid( attention to matters of health will (that his eye>s now a r'.- focunssed 00oil eventually prolong the span of lifel American girl. imimeasurably. Of intensely demooc rat ic andy; m nature, the thirity-two-year'-otldm' ul r GOING _ _N_- ;has lwaysheld knerit-n s i %, : N - -il--reard, -d-i ti-l""has al waysh i o'AT'S nXnis drica ii sor i thnverc N otices to appear in this column must that he would h ve iio otbject iontmo be left in the box at the Daily office provided for that purpose before 4:00 sharing his crown and hiappiness wvith o'clock preceding the day of issue, a. fair heart froni acr'oss the Atlantic.' H-e virtu ally has no Iii eons tof Ii-is 'I'4daY own, his country is tpoor, anid, there- 4;O0-Iecture "Soulc Problems in !fore, hieimust seek a wvife who pos-' Municipal Health Administratoin" i senses a corn pet ence of her owni. dental auditorium by Dr. C. C. S1cm-I His own civil list or salary from the! Mons. Govern ment is $22,500 I' the dlay. h'ERU~lN._ The G er'man subscriptioni list;, were oversu bscribed five minutes aftenrthirm opening yesterday in the is- s tic of $$3I0.000,000 Unilted Steel Works 'Com'porta tion iof C ontoany 6 1-2 per cent :gold btomids. HAVANA. The Carlos MLanuel do ('csttdes mnedalI forl extraordinary ser- vied-s t o Cubao has been conferred onl thte American aimbassador' Gen. Dine- H1. Cr'owder. 'its ally." M. Franklin- Boulillon was applaud- Od thrtoughout lis address iatIinies by " thre' itr ensof the ch'ainber. M. Itim wxvu, well favored at the be- ginning, antiis i' words caused great mitieasi hess on t he government bench. Btit tie cmithu stasmn in the chamber cool ed wvhen he gott to the capital levy, and the governument barometer rose sothiewbat at the close of the clay's dehbatf"s DUE FORLAUNDRY BIlldtingts and G;I otmnd.s Departmnent To4 Rem odel Roomring lHoujse For UnlversityWomen H ealth Administrationi.'' 1)m'. Slemnions has lomig been asso- ciatedl with the field of public health, amid in the opinion of Dr. John Sund- wxail, professor of hygiene and public health, he is one of the leading men in this typie of work in the country. At the present tinie he holds the posi- { I Rapids, and lie is also chaim'man of gled over a course plotted by the navi- the section on public health adminis- I gators of the Vestal, lead ship of the tration of the American Public Health convoy. At Executioner's Rock a civ- association. ilian pilot came aboard the towing and Dr. Slemmons' lecture, dealing as itI guiding tug, b)ut the Vestal drawing will with the problems faced by the muorexvater' than any vessel in the mummicipal health officer in the larger 'fleet, led the way under Hell-Cate citie's, will be of especial interest to brtuidge and dIrew the top cove shoals. public health tnur'ses and others idlenti- Thier'e the leail was taken fromto ie f ied with the public health and hygiemie .Vestal and1( the civilian pilot took up novemnmts in the large cities. the task of guiding the tow through This is the fifth lectunre that has the channel to the Brooklyn niavy- I c'n gi von undter the auspices of' the 'a rtds. division oif hygiene and public health! Within ten minutes a warning shout this summer, Miss Sally Lucas Jean canie from the bridge of the Vestal. of New York, Dr. Guy Kiefer of De-, All eyes were turned to the tow. The troit, and Dr. John Sundwall of this falcon was seen to drnive in among the University having given the others. ;pontoons. The flag omi the conning All of the lectures are open to the tower of the S-5i, barely discernible public and a large nunmber of students anmomng thic eight pontoons that gave and townspeople have attended every, her buoyancy, showed the submuersi- p~revious one. ble was drifting to starboard. T~Ile Next, week Dr. Ecdson will be here flag had been at half' nast upright for the entire week for the purpose of but she sudldently seemed to be tdrooils-deieii eiso etrso n e oosatraj~myo ,1 public health and hiygicene undcer the miiles thirough many dangers which auspices of this depart ment of the were thought to be the grea test perils 0f the ocean afte: the Savannah lit Rome. Only thni crew of 36 escap, ' bodies were recov( IThe anti-climax camne when guidai passed from its h ing terrific treach 20 STUDENTS EMPLOYED, !Additionis to tbe c-recrted to the Uni- versity lau ndmry will cost molre than $1 5,000, accordling to Mdwa rc C. Par - toni, supnerintentdet of the buildings mif a il totIn is departtm ent in an in- I evi'Xicxvyesitermday. Mr. Pardon also stat(A th iat betwxeeni $19,000 amid $20).000 is being expemidet il a cdistribution system iilri ioughioutt Univer'sit y build- ings, Mtime h of this work is of the cliarma tcm' of replacing fuses, which are now iriadequate,- Woritk has also been started by the di'part wnti on remodeling the PI'MChi hiottse inionider to make it a suitabIle r-'sidclec for the wvomnemi now re'siding in the A lurmi xi house,-'.lI e latter' build- ng hav~ing to bc' tor'ni dowvn to make wxlayfior a strect jThe buildings and( groundis depart- mecnt at the present time are employ- ig 307 meon in variouts occupations con nectetd with the Tliiiv ersity. The gmeatestiinumbmler of men e'mployed in any one occupation is at the laundtriy wher'e 71 meon are engaged. The jaui- . i i ,, ' l STATE OF MICHIGAN ISSUES 1925 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Financial statistics of the State of Michigan fcr the fiscal year' entdimng June 30), 1926, have been anntounced by the department of commuerce. Maintenance and operation of the general departments of Michigan amounted to $43,691,390, or $ 10.6:3 per caIpita. Primary school funds, ap- portioned to mnlor civil divisions of the State, make up $15,055,175 of this tiots ('(m1e next with 638. Among thosei amnoutit. The pre capita expenditures emIi tloyeti by the buildings antd grtounds s were $9.53 in 1924 antd $7.25 in 1918. (1(1partmeniit ai'e 20 studentts of the Unti- Pic service enterprises amiounited xersitV. :to $82,122; inter'est on debt, $4,219,940); anti permanent improvements, $31,- Excursion To Ford 676,192. Highway alpropriations N'were $27,915.618. The total payments Plant iDraws LVIUfl3 for all purposes were $79,609,644. gani, as wvell as those of thle pr-imnary school fund. Business amid nonbusimiesslic-e miade up 21.4 pen cent of the total r'evenue; buisi ness licenses con sis tinig c'hiefly of taxes and instirance comn- panies, and saltes tax on1 gasolene, and nonbusiness licenses comprising rtnctoi' vehicle taxes, atnd hunting and fishing f'ees. :Michigan's not inde'btedcness xvas $81,619,233, or $19.36 per capita. An itncrease of $1.44 over 1924 wvas dte c'hiefly to bond issues fcor highw~xay purposes. The assessed valuation of A ic'imgo u propierty'~ subject toi ad valorem t axa- tiomn was $6,536,601,622. State taxes levied were $24,61 0,750. The per capita amount was $5.99. MIENDOZA, Australia.--A condor, one of the huge birds of prey common to this regionl, is believed to have been resons)tiible for the death of a 2-year- old boy whose bones were found i-n tile foothills Sunday. BERLlN.--Former Chancellor FHans Lther has been appointed a member of the board of directors of the Ger- iman Federatad Railway'. Riven Rouge was the scene of the toutrith University excuirmsion xvhic-h was held yesterday aft ernoon. Leaving AniigellI hal11 at 1 o'clock in autfo busses, a large number of students took the oppitortumni ty ton visit the gigantic plon ttof ft'eFond Motcicom'nipany sit.- mated Ithere, Phc' excursion pam'ty inspetcted the. bltast. furmiaces, the ccke cvens, the power plant and the electmric furnaces, The F'ordsomn Tractor' company was also on the trip itinerary. -$16.04 per capita, in revenue receipts. Exclusive of permanent improvement expenditures, this was $17,952,409 ?mnore than the total paymntts of the year. Including the tcost of p~er'manenmt improvements, it was $13,663,733 less. -Theli additional amount was covered by proceeds of (debt obligationis. Property taxes represented 53.4 per cent of the amount, or $8.56 per capita. These figures include revenues and exp~enditures for the Michigan State College and the University of ?lic hi-