PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1926 Lu beck Observes Anniversary DAILY OFFICIAL BU LLET IN I Publicat ioi}intl WhI hll etili s rolstiru ti ye not ice to :-ll Imlembers of he tiniversity, C~opy roceived at the ofilierof the >Siulmer Session until 3:30 h. p. 1i: 30 a. m. Saturday). Volume TI WED)NESD)AY, JMIY7. 19.16 -Number 196, x r.~. 1 ~ r I F a Education BHl11s: Ali optional mneeting for inexperienced teachers wi]1 be held in Room 109 Tappan Hall at 7 o'clock Thursday morning, July s, in connection with my course in Edlucation B12tts, lMthods of teaching in high school. Wendell S. Brooks. Excursion So. 4: Ford River Rouge trip, ilui ding cii e ovens, railway repair shops, un- loading docks. blast furnaces, 1Cordson 'tractor Plant, etc. will occur Wednes- day, July 7, at 1 o'clock. T1he party will leave in a special auto bus in front of Angell Hall. (Please note change ill startinig place and time.) Round trip tickets must b(' pUrchscd inl advance at the Summer Session Office, Room S ITriversity Hall, price $125. The party is limited to thirty students. Carltoni Wells, D)ireetor of Excursions. Women's Educational Club: The Women's Educational (Club will hold a picnic for summer school women students Wednes&Lay ai-ternoon, July 7 at the fireplace near the islanld. Reservations may be ina de at Tappan Hall on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Those who wish to attend may meet at Barbour Gymnasium at 5 o'clock, or join the picnic at the fireplace. Ethel IWooden, Publicity Chairman. Niagara Falls Excursion: The Niagara Falls excursion., party will leave on special cars from the corner of State a Iid Packard Streel!s, at 3:15 P. m. Friday, July 9. A repre- sen tati ye of the Detroit and (' -vland( Navigation Comnpany will be in the Office of the Summ~rer S1"on oom sVUiversity Hall, Thursday afternoon, Julny s, from 2 to 5 to ,el1 t ickets for the trip, and arrange state room parties on the boat. It. C. Hussey. Bradstreet Says June Trade Good Retail trade throughout the United States expanded considerably d-uring the past week due to w4arme r,,weAther, vacation needls andl better cro p re- ports, according to Bradstreet's report of July 3. Automobile manufacturing slowed preparatory to the summer shut downs. There were 1,51:1 failu r-s reportedl in June, a decrease of four per cent over May but an increase of 9.5 per cent over June a year ago. Compari- sou of returns from various parts of he country show~ fewer failures in Thnarwsetso ulk.C the south, in the far west, andl in Ne*' tramnp of kniiight s of the middle cages an York City, thme appeara nce of kings of old ais its The June stouck market showed celebrat ed. The above photo gives a gl record sales for Junie. The whole t hrongli the st reet s gaily at ttired in co market was strong and active. Trhe ; it y. Rails s-truck a new average. Sterling exch ange; was the highiest in te'n years' CHARlOTTESVILLE> -. --,he home of wil( the 1+rench franic struck a new Thomnas Jefferson at M4onticello and low, the Jefferson family burial ground a short distance away was the shrine of I-Iltd I apilgrimage of hundreds Sunday and R(ctad the l yesterday. i many, once mnore resoundedl with the nd took on the pomp that. accompanied 70tt01 anniversary as a free city was limpse of. the procession that marched elcbraI ion of thme founding of the free ROME.-rPope Pius XI has set aside Aug. 1, the festival of "St. Peter in Chains," for Catholics throughout the 'world to seek divine aid against the strictures of the Mexican governmentI Iwhich affect the Catholic Church. - - -- TODAY -~ lOc * BUSTER KEATON uYn "SEVEN CHANCES"~ Also- rfli NMAD RUiSH- Thursday " The Rose Of Pari." IIBOOK BA w 1 LROINS MID-SUMMAER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily A41UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ¢, r- : r. The Ilayers UT t1he I unem t3 (ofU l-iganr Every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8:38 ",arsai i a wei ll A mellflaill THURSDAY NIGHT WV. S. Gilbet'fs Victorian Comedy "SWEE- THE ARTS" In the days of crinolines' and entlernen BIii'1' VvOMEN'S BIIII)ING. Ia w- Last Times Today F !. ftb I ...,.,... .,. .,..... ,.. ., .....r.. ( i t _____ ._.__._.._ __.._ __ ._____-_n..__ . .. ...._ II SYLVAN (xARDEN SAND LAKE P A R E,%- PA N NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY. Featuring the Famous Orchestra- "TH REEBLOWERS" A JEAN iGOLDKETTE UNIT Vovelty Nite Every (Friday Matinee Sunday Good Roads all the way via Saline and Clinton The Cinenmatic Triumph You Have Been waiting For WO®I1t PRODUCTION 5r L N ORE ..OT I, BERCO VC 'S WILL IAM BOYD VICTORVARCP4i> JULIA PAYE and TMEODORt IWSWOFFY f Of umodlerm Russia, romniamtic yet miore than a ronrince, mlda meoda-mati, yet vastly bigger / and finier thani mere muelodrama - a linumanm story of the love of a prnicess and itlpleblaul boatmanm, filled with . tragedy, appeal, humor, reimarkably gripping, oWt -jilmovin g, fascelinating absorbing. lIncom.- pairabliy the greatest tilm acliiei ciient of the decade. i Patronize Jhdly Advertisers.--: adv. Splecia~l leLuxse Added Holiday Program Tioo! a _ _. .. _._ _..._._ v _,_,._ . _. .n.__ -- _ .__-_ . _. _. . y.._. ... _e_ ._..... ,a... . -