SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY PAGE THREE N - . E AND WRITERS C YC LOPS' E YE : by Joseph Au s1imder. ! Harper andii BrothIters, New York. Amid a shower of praises for his first volume of poems, ''Sunrise Trumpets'', J1oseph Auslandler has come out with a second volume. His first was devoted entirely to lyrics and in some respects is superior to this new volume in which he has at- I cinpt ed to prove that he can do other kinds of verse. Buttlhe has more or less proven it. Th'le most striking part of his work} is the clever manner in which he rhyt hmically manipulates words, which, after all, is about the only me-1 chlinmcal standard by which one canj judge modern poetry. Mr. Auslandera mnight be (called a master of words. I tt while he has conisistent lvmanl- tainiet this cleverness, lie has not done so at the expense of the real purpose of poetry-the recreation andj the arousinug of the b~asic emiotions of;i mnan. 'There is an emnotional depth to his poems which is spirited and thrill- ing. One is forced to suffer as he reads-and to cry when the burden becomes too gtreat for a human heart. The poem which gives the volume its title is the story of a dream in. which the writer is force d to suffer All the Horror and heartbreaks o~f the' amnimal world through the Cyclops' Eve in his heart. It is decidedlly an appropriate title for the volumne for that is just what it is-suffering andI tears, horror and futility garnished with a bit of love; enclosed between two cloth covers. The first poemn in the book, "Steel," caised quiite a sensation when it first' appeared in The American Mercury some time ago. If it should bring comment from no one else, a mill1 owner should feel impelled to say something, for it brings out the awful- ness of working in a stee'l mill trying to direct overpowering forces which1 which was "pink trying to be purple." "The Mauve Dec~ade" will appeal to few readers over forty. It is mainly for that group which has grown upf since 1900 and therefore Noes not cher- ish the tiratitions and institutions of: the goodi old days of the 1890's. 'For 'Mr 1. Beer has little reverence for thrig fetishes of the closing years of the nineteenthI cent ury. Especially severe is he, and justifiably so, with the conventional moralities of late- Vietorianismn as imanifested in Am-j e'ri Ca.F Disecting these thoughts and dreams Barrie rof youth, he uses his lively ability of comparison and analysis to mneca- scionsly show the reader that th{,y- w vould he his htoughts too, if he hew had the power to think as skillfully, moulded and yet as versatile thoughts as the author. Thus the reader who is at least partially able-minded is in- evitably led ito a train of thought of his own. "'The IHarvest of Youth'' is almost e ntirely personal with here and there, particillarly among; his earlier poems vwr s war 'Writing, World Must ait For Works'. Classified Ads FOR SALE Ar Tuhe first essay in the hook deals alli ('X ra aeous obseorvat ion whaich i ith this mneddlesomne tendency of the ;'lcrosses his imuaginlative pa1th and only femininae reformners, whose literary o1ne poem which is purely narrative, spokeswoman. was Louisa May Alcott. Edward Davison is continlually im This lady (lid not even take her own li'(esseC(IWith the intangibility of the doctrines very seriously; for she Ifuiturei, which, I suppose0, is one of the characterized her writings as "'moral universal phenomena of youth. Next, iap for the young.'' The chapter i in portance to being the critical in- ends With the retelling of the famousi t.erpi'etation of the author's mind old :st ory of howi the Olga Nethersole whvlich I have mentioned, ''The H-arvest prodluctionl of Sappho was so bitterly of Youth'' is a recording of his op~posed onl the stage. I thoughts and an attempt to visualize Anecdcotes till the book; stories o)f! the inmpression which they will pro- O7scar \Wilde andl Boss ('roker. of duce when the harvest of Youth has F raaiicec\Villa id and the Dalton gang, become a harvest of Life --a "'Prospect of Go vernor Altgel d and Elean ora1o Retriospect'', as is the title of one Duase. of his poems. its style is plished and lucid: it '' er1feetioni of form is c'omb~ined deals withIi the so Ct of thing coiiven_ with the usual depth of thought'' is ItonaI hi stories in variably neglect 0110 of the tly- leaf eulogies. WVithI tho cultit re of the 'people and tiimeiity. I b~roach an object ion and. pca Ph%\work of am usinig, yet illsig niti -I I am bo01( enough to infer, an improve- *.i F I i FOR. SALH-De Kalb baby grand, al- WANTED ost new. Owner lea ving will sell \\ANTEi'.l--La~w student for position at $3 95. Call 5572 in the after- ini title and trust business. Address( noon. 14-15-16 603 Industrial Bank B~uilding, Flint l_____________________ Michigan. tf.~ WVATERMAN GVT OPEN LOST ! Waterman gymnasium will bei REW''ARD for watch left in the Uni-! open at all hours of the clay forI versty ibrary, July 2. Finder the whole period of the SummerI please notify Catherine E. Grind- session. Any male student may ley. 724 East University Ave. Dil i.~©o fh a--- - ,- - - 7+ 21146 15-16-17i Re O the W t t d lockers are available now for any who desire them. Over 200 of the lockers are already taken. canit. evk nt s which wake up the life of the in t~ligent niinority. tOne of our long-forgotten authors ' olicc slid, ''T'he goidness ot gold is, tried by ife, the gci idnless of wonmen by gold, antod goodw-lessof in en hy the ordeal if Iwoiell." lIAR'1V, E,'i'OF YOUTH: by Edward Ita ,iS'i. r, l r t td Ret liei's, Neil Yorki. ($2.00). "The Ila rves I of Youthi"' depicts tihe chiiilo 'Io ayoung liiiillode'rn miind during cotllege ad1thefive or six wari is inim ed ia 1tel ibrca ft er. Ed- wardtDvion s ll Eglish critic and poet. Th is ImIighit be termt'i Icritical ploetry tin aluthor's criticism of him- self and hmis s11 l'iUid i gs. Here is the abidinig interom of Dalvisonl's poems; heo thinks : as a b("gilinet' inllife'. Iundie' that appeal to warms weather appetites. H ave you tried them ? Luinch IRoomn 338 Maynard St. 111ent . I Would r'athieir terrm it the usual per'fection of form c'ombined ' wit])i an unusual dept of thought. Th~we is a beauty of form, ha rmny, andI ef lression. which is a prierequisit e cat publishable poetry. lPnt it is the thought, the subjec't chosen, which oni, most impressive ; at least to those who thave enitored, or are justt etig the poi'tion of life with which D~avi- son1 p loemsl1deal. "The H arvest of Youth'' is as good a description as could lbe affixed to this hook. Ed ward Davison, lookinug back at yotithi from the thr'eshold of nianhood, reaps and stores the mental pi'oducts of youth. It is helpful. inatur'alanid uiider'stanida ble. -W. 1. IMotor car license plates for IKan- ' s: gai's in 1927 'vit h im'son11511anid bl ute, th e co lo r's of the 1 ~ ive risit y a' Vns s BOBBING A SPECIALTY HARRY HARPER 13AIBER F'or appointments call 9616t BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels Arcade Sir' .1aa isBar''ie, Ino ted playwxright anid creatco' of ''Petern,"i ''is writing dl l n r;t i v ri h y -t i a (t his lnO e lw( N ot'ks w ill not hi re- leased unut il iIt en his death. This de- spite the faatl that publishers and pr'oducer"sa ra clamroing for copy. Scientifically ,t'e. ted 4and prepared foods 5:00--10:30 Special Sunday Luncheon 600 E.. Libe~rty Phone 9215 Patrornizo Da;ily Ai ertisers. -- A(I.j for a small fan that gives a big breeze. $12.50 for a nine W inch fan that swings from side to side and freshens a whole . room. Lar'yer fans at a k range of prices. \~But all G-E Fans-andl that means quality. THE DETROIT EISON COMPANY Main at William Nights, Sundays, Holidays, 8396 Phone 4226 ini the end must "get" concei'is the death of 'For' ten years of a nd heave W\orked And after Ten years of night hiours each, one. Thle story Steve, Nwho abldomlinal heft muilch for that. shifts, fourteen i°' _---__ .7 1 ---. . t' -,-------------~--..-------~---- Th~le Bessemers burn your nerves up, bleach Re'bellion out of your hones ; and laiughter rticked clean out of your guts be- comes Mlore ile,,ad than yest erday's feet' moving to yesterday's drums.. And so they called biroi 'Dummy' It. is said that Ann(, Parrishi fre-E 11welit hy arises ill the midd~le ot the. iii .,ihttLo reccordl her inslirations in tile for m of an addition to her uext book. This may account for the sombreness and 1.)e depressing harts of "Thes Vcretirinil Bachelor."c FHEil AUVE DECADE: by Thomas Beer. Alfred K{nopf, iNew York. "They laid .Jesse Jamies in his grave andl Dante Gabriel Rossetti died n mdiately." Thus ).-Ins Tliomnas Beer's account of the ten years in American history I wwiw - - wM..rrr rrrrwwar.rir i i CHUBB HOUSE [Has served students satisfactorily since 1 899 under tihe same management. ,Alltwelcome. r t j (({ t a f i 1 r I j { v i . I 5 Z E-,p L auto May Not Be Practicable 11 THE SUMMER MICHIGlA.-o4.N IDAILY IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SUMMER. SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW TAKEN ON THE CAMPUS AND AT. THE DAILY OFFICE b,-it t id cCa o f «U1Iversal language va ()d1ciic. Lf ,aotid idle Ages IncC'e Levc I e u. ac, scholars and C < )iaLt"s 1"(1;'.a i piarts of the cIil 1iz, ci ' oci col .LI carr'y on thir cn vr. Icon- 1-11!'"'. Until recently, IMFrun i-f ormcc d the same: ;service toty )l itnCV 1)4,1. It is 1now pro- phcysie) :hz 1 E tish will be the lI1crjlmtxc~zxl ilanguage of the fu tutre. [But im aowhile there is a good deal of confusion, and ambassadors from distant countries must frequent- ly rely on interpreters. Therefore, it is fortunate for the hungry trav- eler that the menus of restaurants everywhere still employ French.. And it is fortunate, too, that if he wish to ascend to a higher floor of a building in any of the great cities of the world, the single wvord OTIS will, bring him directions for reach- ing the elevator. if Thw Palazzo del Campidoglio, Rome, is built on one of the ivcn hills 4i Rome and at present houses the AILnic p~litV - tl e (i ' A i)f oine'. The original building on this site was a tel Ii'P .! r Jupiter inl the Roman era, the construction being' stai ed hiTarquin the Elder and completed by'Iarquin tihicproud. IL, r g the Empire of Virellius and Vespastano it was burned tht mc~ne and was reconstructed by Domitien. In the Middle A gc.5 :t s= rvco jas t,,tmple to consecrate the Poets of'thie time. fuji prcemn building was erected by Michel Angelo oni the ifthaninbulng and it contains an Otis Elevator. Local Subscription Out-of-Town $1.50 - 2.00 o T I S EB L E V A T 0 R Offices in 11l Principal Cities of the World AN Y 1 p_____________________________________________________