PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGfAN DATT .Y SATUTRDAY. JULY 3. 19 - --.- -. -. -- --..a'- *.'~4 U A.' *S.. 8*.7}U 1llR*.'----U 1J, w Three Are Killed As Fast Train Is Wrecked By Derailed Freighit, Twenty a ---- -. Twenty Univ, dents are spent: troit factories Idus trial resear4 Christian Asso+ University Students Take The Battle Creek chapter of the As- cupation, the Boxer rebellion, the Part In Detroit R sac ru s sociation has charge of all arrange- Moro country of the Philippines, the Resea ch g oupsments and Colonel James H. Reeves, Mexican border, and in the World ~1 general staftf, Washington, D. C., will war, in which he organized and corn- ursity of Michigan stU-I that all reserve officers on active duty be the principal speaker at the meet. 1 manded the 353 Infantry. ding the summer in De- can participate in the convention ses- He graduated from the United States After the war he was decorated with as members of the in- dos All members of the Reservet Military academy at West Point inj the Distinguished Service cross and ch group of the StudentI Officers association are eligible to at- 11892 and has served in the Spanish the Distinguished Service medal for iciation. Four of them 1 tend and are urged to be present. American war, the Cuban army of oc- his service during the period. are foreign students, working along- side American labor in American in- dustries. The group, which is headed by Arnold G. Anderson, '27, chairman. will meet once a week to discuss in- dustrial and general factory condi- tions and is planning a two-day con- ference at the end of the summer. The industrial research group is a lart of the nation-wide movement to acquaint college men with actual con- ditions by getting them factory jobs in their vacations and guiding them in interpreting what they find iu their Jobs. I BOO r.... K BARGAINS MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You, Additions Daily 'ME. HR'S OOKSTORE r i Three railroadl men (ied and miany others, including passengers, were injured when the crack sumimer specal ta in of tho New Haven road. "The Cal)e(Codder,'" crashedl into al wrecked freight train at the Great Swamp. Near Kingston, It. 1. The illstrationl shows the passenger loco- motive lving in the swamp, where it was thrown by the force of the im- pact. RESERVEOFICERS WILL I_ __________ .~t MEECHTBATLEN PINS t What promises to be the largest I FOUNTAIN PENS gathering of Reserve Officers hold in ; AA MCO S the state of Mlichigan since the World War will be held at Battle Creek Jul 9! and 10 when the fifth annual fteRsreOfcrs~ H A LL.E R' S tion of the United States will be held D T E T there. Colonel Raymond Sheldon, STATEST E T commanding officer at Camp Custer J EWELERS has arranged a training program so~ l,"l.J~~/r+-1/f."Ir+ AUI-TCVfP, l MA b r LAST TIMES TODAY - I _ i' d 1 1 is i 1 !' 1, !' 1 1 e 1 ,t ! i j DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . -11 P~ublica tion inl he Bull1et i is cou 5)mctiivc' not ice to all miemfbers of the U'niversity. Copy received at the otlice of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. in. (11: 3a. ill. ratio-dad I olumie 'VI SATFURDIAY, JULY 3, l(R-6 Numbiler 194 Men's Educational Cl1ub.: The Men's Educational Club will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday July 6, at 7 pI. in. at the Michigan Union. Phi Delta Kappa Luncheon: Weekly luncheon of Phi D~elta Kappa will be held Tuesday, July 6, at 12 noon, at the Lantern:')hop, corne'r of South University and Willard. All members are urged to attend. Hlerold C. Hunt, President. Graduate Students: Students who have made any changes in election.s as submitted should call at the office of the Graduate School, Room 1014 Angell Hall, to make proper chan,_es on their electron cardis. This concerns the dropping of courses, adding of new course., or substituting one course for another. All changes must be reported by SAturday noon, July 3 .do ne~w elections may be made or cou rses dropped af tr this date. Ruth A. Rouse, IRecorder. E2xcurs1in No. 4: Ford River llouge trip, including coke ovens, r'ailway repair shops, un- loading docks, blast furnaces, 1ordson Tiractur Plant, etc. will occur Wednes- day, July 7, at 1 o'clock. Thle party will leave in a special auto bus in front of Angell H-all. (Please note change iii starting place and timne.) Round rip tickets must be pur '-ed in advance at the Summer Session Office, Room 8S University Hlail, price -'r 1.2.x. The party is limited to thirty students. ( artnti Wells, D~irector of Excursions. Sauder' CnoeLivery On te H ron lve" atFoo ofCedar St. Special Day Rates Saturdav, Sunday, Monday Last Time Tonight! Rachel Crothers' Smart ComedyIAEP"SN W LE Celebrate the Fourth with this bright farce ! Next Week: "Sweethearts" 10 BENFFT WOMEN'S BUILD)ING. He Mad Y on, £0 r A Warnei c Usual CECIL B. DeMILLE'S avw+rix le Thrones Totter With His Kisses 11 enjoy the Comic Romance of an Innocent Abroad. With Suave and Sophisticated ." AMMIL" WLL !r rasw Pr urt ion t lU I 11 * )VE TOY S . I ALSO REEPS " A CMEADY added bill of Short Features, too. &T 1.7n A WILLARD LOUIS as the King who believes in the Legs of all Nations. .A SUNDAY "THE VOLGA BOATMAN"1 *The Show of a Thousand Laughs* WARNE B RO DUCT - ----- I I VPENCILS pcn 1 t . Lrworld FjOR the student or prof., th super b VE~NS~ out-rivals. all for per fect p-lici1 work. 17 blac k degres-3 copying. Ameri'raiiLeadl New Yk I I k I i i 3 I : The Players of the University of Michigan Every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8:3t ' nir Caswvell mel Hal Keith Vaudeville Feature ALSO Tyler Mason "The Southern Breeze" Other Big Added. Features SUNDAY--"Memory Laiie"--With Eleanor Boardmnan NOW WUERTH NOWj 1 The Lakes are near at hand if you drive a CHET'S Drive Yourself A I a U ARk] 000 Car Co. WI LLIA ANFOK p - su s, JOHNSTOWN FLO 01)p Without a D~oubt the Greatest D~ramia of All Tine-You Will Be Amazed Every Minute- its Simply Wonderful. -Also- "FIGHTING HEARTS" And Fox News Starting Sunday "THE PEOPLE VS. NANCY PRESTON" I Low as 12c per mile, including gas, oil and insurance FIRST AND WASHINGTON 2151621516 I i