SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1926 SupplementaryDirectory List Following is a list containing the names, addresses, home towns and telephone numbers of all those students wh'o enrolled in the University of Michigan Summer session after tihe regular Summer Directory was com- piled. Farmer, John A. Ed. Saginaw, Mich. Fernald, Harold T. Ed. 1023 Oakland Laconia, N. H. 5917 Fernald, Langdon Ed 1023 Oakland Laconia, N. H. 5917 Finster, Ethel B. Grad. Biol. Sta. Foster, Marion B. 1004 Olivia Boston, Mass. 3718 Fiske, James E. Grad. Ypsilanti Ypsilanti, Mich. Futz, Everett L. Ed. S. Division Saginaw 4442 Fuhrman, Bessie B. 7t10 Haven St. Decatur, Mich 5663 Fleishman, Norman A. 1325 Viashtenaw Highland Park, Mich. Gabriel, Miriam B. Grad. 417 S. Division Detroit, Mich. Grant, Gertrude M. Biol. Sta. D~etroit, Mich. Gembis, Joe G. 304 E. Madison Viksburg, Mich. 5977 Gillham, Esther A. Grad 1414 Washtenaw Toledo, Ohio 3218 Goodhew, Lily E. 316 S. Observatory Ann Arbor 3503 Gordon, Luria E. 433 Maynard Armstrong Mills, Ohio Gorham, W. C. Grad. Biol. Sta. New York City Gunderson, Oscar M. 915 Sybil St. Eagle Grove, Iowa 9023 Hadly, Helen A. Grad 1236 Washtenawv Philadelphia, Pa. 2-1071 Haekstra, Raymond Grad. 209 S. State Midland Park, N. J. 7782 Haflin, Arnold P. Grad 733 E. U. Saginaw, Mich. 9235 Hall, Lucille J. Grad Biol. Sta. Wichita, Kan. Haley, Earl D. 1408 Washtenaw Madison, Wis. Hamilton, Eva M. 202 Glen Ave Detroit, Mich. 5560 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY PAGE THREE I VIAOTUTCMAY Classified Ads LOST ' OT a npt CHIC160 TRUST CMPH LOST-Lady'swhitefethtnPis, TO AINAO LAICE PRIlE 1 WANTEDl burgh hat box. Reward. Box 1073 _____WANTED--Law student for position V Announcemetnthase and trust business. Address!I LOST-Red fountain pen-purple end Anoneenhsbeen made of the 603 Industrial Ban uidn, 1ln on cap. Lost between Library and! uultinilprize of the Chicago Michigan. tf. + Hill Auditorium or on N. Universi-, Trust company to a student for aI i ty. Call 4779 after 8 p. mn. Reward.,L on lrnethesis on some some commercial topic.; FOR RENT-One three room and one Fornc Wagner. 131 The subject this year is "Business four room gurnished flat. Price re- Development and the Modern Trust IO asonable. 324 E. Jefferson. 12-13-141I FOR SALE Company," and the prize is $2,500. ET MIROSOE. ih FORD COUTPE, Early 192L5. Fox wheel Besides this award, which is made hT-VI--IROCPS i- . lock, speedometer and bumper com-. every three years, there is an annual IgnBooia upl oCre plete. $160 cash. Phone 21624. W'iilliam andI Second Streets. award of the same nature which car-' Call between 5 o'clock and 7:30. ries with ita prize of $300 for first 11-12-13j 13-14 place and of $200 for second. The con- testants must submit their work to the' ROOM l WANTE'JHD !FOR SALE-Dc Kalb baby grandl, al- judges in the anual monograph p~rize IROM . l. most new. Owner leaving will sell j ROOM WAN before Aug. 31 of this year and the wnslrero ih bt at $395. Call 5572 in the after- award will be made sometime before small apar'tmenit. Call 97r41. 12-13 noon. 14-15-16 Dec. 1, while the theses in the trien -_______________________ nial contest must be in to the judges 'OTCPNAEN oehgnre before June 1, 1927. 4cently has celebrated its harvest-flower SFurther information on both con- LOST-Bronze headed bag containingI day. On this occasion imitation cello- tests may be secured from the contest check book and purse. Lost on loid flowers were sold in the city by? department of the Chicago Trust corn-I Campus. Reward. Tel. 4956. 14 young girls, students and boy scouts.j panry.i tional relations, constitutional amend-DRG OAS xnents, and the relation of the Shep- Ipard-Towner act to federal aid andIii SUSPEND PUBLICATION Because of the U'niversity holi- day on Monday, July 5, The Daily will suspend publication on thatf slay. Publication will be resum- ed in the issue of July 7. IDel Prete Cobllegiat e Shop Buy~s Aniy Llght Colored ADLER TAILORED Othr u ItsSial riannu laik V &. ur au t301,MU .JA. UIY, V U Twaist, Adolph B. 1001 F. Huron Saginaw, Mich. 7798I ,Harper, Frederich R. Grad. 300 N. Ingalls Helena, Mont. 7417 Hasely, Ruth J. Grad. Biol. Sta. Indianapolis, Ind. __________ Herbst, Mary L. Grad. 1302 Washtenaw Terrace Ann Arbor 4454 An effective remedy for ridding Herrman, Anna M. K. 2008 Washtenaw Mt. Vernou, N. Y. 9774 poiultry~ of tapeworms has been an- Hetherington, Hugh Wnm. Grad, 1012 Forest Ave Deniver Colo. nounced by Doctors Beecher and War- Hochhalter, Ferdinand Grad Eureka, So. Dakota ren of the department of veterinary} Hiltner, Waynes Law - 700 Oxford Canton, Ohio science at the University of Wiscon- Hinsey, Edith C. 516 E. Madison Ottumwa, Iowa 4326 sin. Homne, Dora R. 1520 S. U. Pittsburgh, Pa. Hogan, David Lee 730 Oakland Ave. Linden, Mich. ~~u~ See It Before A_ RR IRIC cNew York j W~omen 11l -old' stale-wide citizenship school to be con- NIGH{TS =ct 1r ducted in Michigan, the first having MASnWedadngtuR oll- 2-o eter Mleet At Lansing been held at the University oif Mich- An adnGA R oI l OPtr igan n 1924. By' arrangement with A. H. Woods presents (By Associated Press) There w ill he courses on Interna- " THE ESKIMO LANSING, July 2.- Citizenship, its obligations and its opportunities, is the ='11[11(11lllll111111 lll111111111lt1111111111i1lllllI purpose ~~back of the joint sc1o tobe-} en Voters and Michigan State college. = FREEM A1LXNS July 19-23 on the college campus ait I East Lansing. It will be the second R o i West Wind lending libraryEatWsigo MAYNARD STREET= 809EatW sigo1 THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT (One Block from Hill Auditorium) - COED-Olive Deane H-ornel. H EADQUARTERS Swimming Supplies Bathing Caps, 15c to $1.00 Swimming Rings Bathing Slippers-Full Assortment of Colors and Sizes CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO. for Fall Wear I 21YasIEprec I e r t I1 at iet llol soutli University Ann Arbor i 1 CAN 1) SODA i r 1 Summer time demands clean, fresh clothes. White Swan's station in the Press Building makes it convenient. Economical, also. un~a*Obuvcb %ervicci FIRST METHODIST CHURCH .Abrt~Epfirtpat TIiurdl Stat an 1~ahintou tret- ~Division and Catherine Streets REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, Pastor "DONALD TI'MERMAN, MARGAARET H. STIAIR I FTIF~i1h SUNDAY AF'TER TRINITY Associate Directors of Student Activities F 10 :30 -- Pastor's subjects: "Christian Citizenship." 800 A. M.-Holy Communion. 1 ::00-I'1.45-Student Class at Wesley Hall. H. C. Coffmnan and Donald Timmernman, leaders. Sumnmer School students 11:00 A. M.--Holy Communion and sermon. especially invited. 6:00--Wesleyan Guild meeting at WVesley Hall. Sherman Richards, 1eader. 4:00 P. M.-Open house at Harris hal. 7:00 --Openi house.f ! FIRST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CONGI> GATIONAI Huron St., East UNITARIAN CHURCH ; CHURCH R. Edward Sayles, Minister I HeerA.Jmiisr State Street at HuronlE nxMicel r Stuadnt. CMinierI SIDNEY S. ROBINS, :Mnister University Pastor Studet MinsterJanet Beroth " Director Religious Education 10:45- -Morning worship. "Life's 10:45--Rev. John W. Niven of Rteciprocity." Sermon by 10:45 A. 11. London, England, will Mr. Sayler. "T~fHOS PkINE ANDii'IHE AMERICAN REVOLUTION"f preach. w 5:30- -Student supper and chat. 1:0TeSuetBbeCas"Where liberty is not, there is my country."1 Mr. Mitchell will leadI dis- meets in the church audi- I "'The world h--, my country, and to be good is my religion." Patriotism Today3?" torium. Professor Stevens, -Thomnas Paine.s 8: 00-Motion picture service. teache. IIRanger of the Big Pines." 6 Dial 21816 White Swan Laundry Co. ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLEANERS Catholic Students' Chapel i Wiiam1111 and Thompson Sunday Masses 8:30 and 10:00 o'clock Rev. Michael P. Bourke Chaplain FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Streets M~ERLE H. ANDERSON, Minister LEWIS C. REIMANN AIRS. NELLIE B. CAD WELL Secretaries for Student Work Offices, Lane Hail 9 :30-Church School. 10:45- -Morning woarship> with sermon by Dr. Anderson on: "The Christ We Forget" 5:30-Young People's Social Hour. 6:30-Young People's Society Meeting. First Church of Christ Scientist 409 South Division St. Subject of next Sunday's sermon: "God:'