PAGEC FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DATT Y FRIDAY. JULY 2. 1926 THE UMMFlaMl-If }l~ lAM nr !"iL V YLI 1'P~A TL 9 1a9 t V DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Urges 'Normalcy' In Tacna-Arica I Publication in the Bulletin is c!onstructivec notice to all members of the University. Copy receivers at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. M. (11: 30 a. in. Saturday). V olumne TI FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1926 Numiber 193 L1en's E ducational CIlb: The Men's Educational Club will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday. July 6, at 7 p. mn. at the Michigan Union. Phi 1Delta Kappa Lunicheon: Weekly luncheon of Phi Delta Kappa will be held Tuesday, July 6, at 12 noon, at the lantern Shop, cor ner of South University and Willard. All members are urged to attend. Herold C. Hunt, President, GRADUATE STUD)ENTS Students who hiave made any changes in elections as submitted should call at the office of the Graduate School, Room 1014 Angell Hall, to make proper changes on their election cards. ' This concerns the dropping of courses, adding of new courses, or substituting one course for another. All changes must be reported by Saturday noon, July 3. No new elections may be made or courses dropped after this date. Ruth A. Rouse, :Recorder. )Excursion -No. 4: Ford River Rouge trip, including coke ovens, railway repair shops, un- loading docks, blast furnaces, Fordson Tractor Plant, etc. will occur Wednes- day, July 7, at. 1 o'clock. The party will leave in a special auto bus in front of Angell Hall. (Please note change in starting place and time.) Round ,rip tickets must be purclised in advance at the Summer Session Office. Room 8 University Hall, price $1.25. The party' is limited to thirty students. Carlton Wells, Director of Excursions. Stud nt D ncin i~ifox-trot, and one-step. A three-piece I orchestra furnishes the music.: Class OrganizedI The first class was held Tuesday night andl about 125 students attended, Social dancing classes for men and t nyliemr wmnthnmn women will be held from "r to 8 o'clock The present quota for girls is, there- every Tuesday and Thursday nights fore, filled, but there are places for a at Barbour gymnasium. At this tinie few more men. Tickets for the les- instruction will be given in the waltz, sons may be procured at the gym- nasium: six lessons for $1.50. kThose who already know how to dance but wish to brush up a little are also in- vited to take advantage of this oppor- tunity. Read. the Want Alds .1 BOOK BAINS I0 MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily W HR S BNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE +I-r rr rrrr a FELLOWSHIP Is GIVEN DR.1MMHAGURNSEYi Dr. Martha Guer nsey, ins~tructor of psychology of the university. has been awarded a fellowship under the Social Science research council, of which Wesley C. Mitchell, of Columbia Uni- versity, is chairman, and Dean Ed- mund E. Day of Mlichigan is treasurer. She will leave the second semester of next year to study on special problems of perception at the university of Fier- Over Sixty Make Auto Plant Trip The Highland Park plant of the fFord Motor company was visited Wedl-j fnesday afternoon by more than 601 Summer session students who took the university excursion to this point. Ca'rlton Wells, director of excursions, conducted the trip. The party saw one of the country's more famous industrial units, watch- ing the noted endless chain conveyer upon which each car is assembled Augustin Edwards is the leader off the Chilean delegation on the commnis- sion which has been striving for eleven months to settle the delicate Tacna-Arica pr'oblem. In a recent mianifesto Senor' Edwards called on the people of the contested area to forgt.~ their disputes and get back to peaceful and p~roductive normalcy. PORUCK FOUNDATION PLANSESSAY CONTEST !\Announcement ot a prizie of $5,00 for the best. adverse criticism of the b ook "Profits" by Wil lianm Trufant Foster and Waddell Catch ings has bee n made recently by the Pollack founda tion for Economic research at Newton, ?Massachusetts. Anyone isI eligible to compete and the criticisms Imust. be in by January 1, 1927. NI;HTrS MATS., Wed. and Saturda Ann Harding and GARRU B'y arrangemlent with A. "THE ESI jWest Wind Ler MAYNARD THE LATEST BOt COUNT liRUGA See It Before . New York 25C to ay - 25C-50c-75c Rollo Peters~ [CK CO. - k. It. W~oods pres.en! KIMO " nding, library ] STREET O0KS for RENT - thenxHecht } A R C 74 D, Ea AMU; EMtMY CtM1EP Cl AMK AR6GR Now Showing COME AND LAUGH He Made Thrones Totter With His Kisses Y on'l1 enjoy the Comic Romance ot an Innocent Abroad. With 'wav e and Sophisticated 9 m A f SMICHIGAN PINS s FOUNTAIN PENS SALARM CLOCKS SHALLER'S : STATE STREET JEWELERS lin. Dr. Guernsey recuive(1 her Ph.D. part by part. The motor-testing room, The hook deals with the piresent day in 122, nd as snce henbeenin-the gigantic power facilities, and manyl econiomic: conditions and infers that structing in the psychological labora- other features of the plant were in- the reason that there is not still great- spected.erpoprtisbcuetewrngG tory. In 192:, she received the Jeanmer prosenithai e beaug herworking- Solis prize wvhich is awarded an nual- Imncusnthv nuhmnyt ly for the best dioctorate thesis sub- The elasses in archery will be held purchase the products which ire onF mitted by a woman for' the doctor's on otdyad ensay afternoons thmak.Tebok ayetun degre. n aditon t he scentficat three o'clock. All those desiring ini nearly any public library. interests. Dr. Guernsey is well-known to take archery should see Miss Me- in Ann Arbor for her canmpus and lit- Corinick imm"ediately at her office inI erary interests. Ba rbour gymnasium. Professor Carter C. Goodrich. of t he -- economics depa'rtmienft, will also leave Thirteeni months of 28 dlays each,' the second semester of next year on a 8,11 extra, moth between June and JIuly, fellowship from the same foundation. and an eighth day added to Christmas j He will study' the labor movement in e. may be the new order of thef Typewriters Australia. calendar, if the plan now b~eing work- Typewriting -____ oout by at committee of the League, iegahn Jack Blott, assistant to Coach Wei- of Nitations should ever be adopted. Miegahn man with the Michigan line. is now in 0 0,M R LL Gerard, Ohio. for the summer. Read the 'W ant Ads1 7NcesAcd Lunches that appeal to warm weather appetites. I-ave you tried them? Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. e cc sl 111111(1 s si I i 4 r C 7 rr LOWLOSE] A Warner rat_ Pr , ,tmon ALSO "CREEPS"119A CMEADY Usual added bill of Short Features, too. RNAN TOYl WILLARD LOUIS as the King who believes in the Legs of all Nations. I SUNDAY CECIL B. THE VOLGTA BOATMAN " DeMILLE 'S I 011 0 V *The Showe of a Thousand Laughs* WMN\\V \\V \\i Ob\\ .. ... "' Educates" *A few drops . before school keeps the hair combed all *day. Refresh- " ing, pleasing.' shop, o'Or7he.. (Gloss-Comb). _THE ORIGINAL LIQUID HAIR DRESS POP" Real Men and Boys" M&U couponand lbc for gsewwx trial bottle. liomarayProdn "sos.. 6&U 1MeKziay~x.,Lis Ain*. 4d 0drb Keith Vaudeville Feature A LSO Tyler Mason "The Southern Breeze" I Other Big Added Features SUNDAY--"Memory Lane"-- With Eleanor BoardmnanI h ! I - wo DANCE BLUE LA TER N ghits Prices U I 4c, :35c9,50c \o V P i A f~ w s FO ISLAND LAKE HOLIDAY MATINEES SUNDAY and MONDAY 3 til 6 Evenings 8 til 12 Dick Young, piloting the BLUE LANTERN SPECIAL, demonstrates Aerial Stunting twice daily IRT H Playing Matinee 2:00=3:30) Prices 10c, toe, 35c Starring GEORGE O'BRIEN FLORENCE GILBERT JANET GAYNOR ANDERS RAND)OLF and P~AUL NICHIOLSON Breathiktss Heroism Hieartrending Suffering MIiracuilous Escapes and Adventure Rtealistically Depicted in a G~reat Dramia of History's Most Appalling';IDisaster', --Other Subjects- Comedy "PL~AYING. THE SWELL" FELIX CATS FOX NEWS ,I qui II FREE RIDES 11 I i F. i