PACE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1926 PA(~E FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1926 r } DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN PU blicat iou in theBle iht in is vofist rucie i V ot ice to all membters of he U ni versity- Copy received at thle office of the summer Session unutil 3: 3o p, iin. 11 3oa. tn. Saturday) Voltiiie 1I11 '1?D Y, JULY T1, 19?6 Numbier 19:. Students whomIfa1st1nade a fly changes ill elections as submit ted should call at the office oft theC racll~at School, Itoomi 1014 Angell Hall, to make prioper changes on their electr:oni card's. This concerns the dropping of courses, adding oft inew 'ourses5, or subistitutting one course for another. All changes must he reporte(d by Saturday noon, J1uly 3. No new~ elections may be mfadle or coulrses dIropjwd after' this (late. ~itlh A. Ro(use,. Rectorder. Public Speaking 42s: Those students who have expressed their willingness to transfer to the two o'clock section, will meet in room 3209 A. 11. on Thursday at that hour. If there are any' more who can make the change, please do/so. Carl G. Brandt. UnivIersity 'Women: The Women's League will be at home to all women of the University, Thursday, July 1st, in Blarbour G(ymnasium. The hours are from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock in order t o enable w~omen to hear Mr. Randolph Adams. Any woman who has not recetived her invitation will please consider this as one, G~race Richards, Acting Dean of Women. Womuen's Educational Club: Tho Womien's Edluca'tional (:Club will hold a picnic for summer school women students Wednesday G.ftertiootn, July 7 at the fireplace near the island. Reservations may be made at Taippan Hall on Tuesday or Wednesday of next wee k. 'those who> wish to attend niay meet at Barbour Gymnasium at 5 o'clock, or :join the> picnic at the fireplace. Ethel Wtoodeu, Publicity Chairman. Arbiter Returns Kentuckians Hope National Park BOWi'LING GREEN, Ky., June 28- (A.P)-Many wonders may be brougl to light from the faintly lighted gro toes, caves and caverns of Mamnio Cave, once the federai government e To Establish least of the Mississippi. When a mini- mumi of 20,000 acres are given the gov- F'rom Ma moth Ca e einent, the region legally may he designated for national park par- 3 -tablishes it as a Rational park and pro- poses. Federal legislation has approv- 'lit vide~s meanis for extensive explora-' ed the project. ot- tions. Alax B . Nahmn, president of the Mwain- Alh Kentuckians hope to make it the' moth Cavne National Park Association, us- seconid national park in the nation is securing pptions on 70,000 acres. I. SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS and S tTUDENTS' SUPPLIES WA HR'S BOOKSTORE .....-~ C - - I \WillIiaminLass iter. =AL t or to Gcellral lPershing as Presidelnt I (.Cs of the Tacena-A rica Ilbsla3Coin- INf3MAN KERYI i inl, i iji Ihaded for hoi, itlh a - thBuTT]ERFLY'' imassof1do uintiitirv (datia after trei- 111 lotIsattr P gto . ltit IctCAMEBO COM EDY (lo'and Pe. .Ili: udeparture a wmio4. ecteiirPato iit 113 ;. HAVOC Witvh t0(,' 'B i' Patironize 1Dail}3 diertk'ers. -_ .tit. R E/ 'A ~ . . A PARIS, June 30.---Fraince will hot the world's leader in the air, just as Great 'Britain is p~rould of possessing a unique position oni the se-as, If the pew French National Aetronautic Propaganda Commiittee car ries Out its program me. KAkLAM'AZOO, Mijch .J Iune u Me ti t' tate fromn whichiilie triedl to rescue the famiily cat at maidnigh1t, Peter Azianic, -17 years old(, was killed at the top of a pole by coming in con- tact with a high tension power wire. G .R.GK Neuiw t NitHi'TS l i' ?4 A I a , W c . o t a u d y -, A n n H a r d ui g H O l Wo I e hc r s and GARRICK CO By arrangemenrtNvith A. iHa VWoods T-tt "THE ESKIMO" West 'Bed Lending Library MAYNARD 1'RI-ET THE LATE~ST BOOKS for RENT 'Two or 'llre rt>Cricc 1Aif, lixt tlei CU-NIFAND '14LAUGHl He Made Thrones Totter With His Kisses \ 01.1ll enjoy the Comic Romeut an ct oI ntio.ent Abroad. { I A IWcrnpr ro'_ Pr in tr~n ......., ,.. CREEPS" MPRMAID WILLARD L4OUIS CREE S CMEDYA-?theKingW ho I.~l.d 1bill of believes inl the Stu.), Featu~res, too, Leg's of all Nations. ________________ UNDAY- CECIL B 3 DMIL'1TH EVOLGA BOAT1MAN" rf 4 I 4 p F Al I L I I V N 0 'Iit Things fA Little Capital Will Do *The Show of a Thousand Laughs * WIAtRY4R+ W0'41$ I'OitJC T1 f'tit 4 'C. I. -J I Typewriters Typewriting Mimeographing 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nlckelo Arcade M ICHIGAN PINS' 'FOUNTAIN PENS t ALARM CLOCKS HALLERS tSTATE STREET £cryday correctness wth-,~ SEA ISLAND No mater whatc or where the occuon - sport, everyday, semi - formnal, or es* hmzr arM. shirts made of Sea band Im- Ported Broadcloth are infallibly correct. This popular., tuaiityhuntng is soft in Sfinsce n weave, and stut-Jy in service. .*foa.irSaaudai your cukehaberda4.~rr SE3A ISLAND MILIS, Inc.. New York, N.Y. .Read the Want Aids I lere Are a Fewv Things a I_ .ttle ( attl Will Do) For a Man: IT WILL J ustify his nmairying the woman oftis choice. Pguy the home hie has wanted tuow Educate his children-- Set him up in business fui himself- Help him maintain his self respect- Give him standing in his community- Take him to the interesting places of the earth- Give him pace of mind- Widen his horzon- Stand between him and charity whlen old age claims him=h Isn't any one of them reason enough for working, saving and investing? Together they ought to cure any case of laziness, indifference or lack of vision. Vaude viilIe F'eatutre ifThe Southern Breeze' Tyler Mason Other Big Added Featuresj SUNDAY--"Memory Lane"-- With Eleanor Boardman I I w -f SHOWVS r :00-3:30) s :30-b9:00t WILLIAM FOX SEE THE BURSTING DAM THAT COST THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS AND SWEPT A THRIVING CITY OFF THE MAP-THE PAUL REVERE STIRR~ING THE TOWN TO ACTION IN THE PATH OF A RAGING FLOOD-THE GREAT- EST DISASTER THIS COUNTRY HAS EVER KNOWN. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BlANK Corner Hlain and Huron Sts. 707 N. Unikursity RESOURCES OVER $61000,000~ -Co NiDY-F- "PLAYING THE SWELL" FOX and~ NEWS 4 F, . A