g rt~
:1Iat Ij
Candidetes For Football Team
Receive Good Scholastic Record
Prospective candidates for the 1927 field men reporting for spring prac-
Michigan football eleven maintained tice, received two hours of A, 10 of B,
an unusually high scholastic record and two of C. Miller, substitute back-
during the spring semester, according field man of the 1926 eleven, also
to a scholarship chart issued by Elton maintained a 1 average in 16 hours
APPARENT HESITATING OF NEW E. Weiman, assistant director of in- work.
CABINATE IS EXPLAiNED tercollegiate athletics, yesterday. I'wins Duplicate Grades
BY PUBLIC oPINION A group of 63 athletes, from which The twin Weber brothers, Howard
I___t_ he football invitation list will bel and Walter, duplicated each other's
CON ERT NVONV RTSAREMAD jdrawn bite this summer, received 63 i scholastic irecord, each receiving five
CONVERTS ARE MADE hours of E grade, giving each can- hours of A, eight of B, and three of C
(idate one hour of failing grade when grade.
Oimewkis Say That New NegotIations distributed over the entire group. One of the severest blows to the
Will Be On Basis That New Seventy-one hours of A grade were charnpiouship aspirations of the Wol-
Points Out Ignorance of health Rules
In The Nursing Classes And
1 School-rooms
Wins In FloridaJ M
Primaries Race
". .. . t ALLS FRI.
?i tagraTrip Conducted By Dr. Hussey
To Iiclude Side Excursions
,} }V"And Other Features
Evidence Is Found recorded, with 282 hours of B, and verines was received with the an-
.98 hours of C grade. The dhart is nouncement of the ineligibility of
(By Associated Press) still incomplete, ten hours of incom- Carl Th'isted, letter man for last sea-
PARIS, June 28.-That the new gov- plete work having been recorded at son's team. Thisted won fame in the
ernment wants to get the debt settle- the end of the regular session in June. first game on the Michigan schedule
ment ratified, was the brief comment Gabel Has Highest Record I last year, playing in Captain Brown's
made tonight, by the spokesman of Norman Gabel, star guard of the place at center against Michigan State.
the French foreign office with refer- Wolverine championship eleven of the Several of the outstanding candi-
ence to opposition to the Washington 1926 season, maintained the highest dates are attending the Summer ses-
debt accord manifested in different record, receiving 12 hours of A grade sion in order to work off minor schol-
quarters and various rumors as to the for the spring term. At the mid- astic difficulties. Bo Molenda, full-
official attitude. term report in February, Gabel 're- back of last year's eleven, is enrolled
The cabinet is understood to have ceived 12 hours of A and three hours in the summer course, removing a
agreed on a policy of early ratifica- of B grade. deficiency in honor pbints.
tion, although the decision will be Howard Jackson, who is considered Captain-elect Bennie Friedman re-
made to the public only after it has a candidate for the 'team, maintained ceived five hours of B, and 10 of C,
been communicated to Parliament. better than a B average, getting eight while Bennie Oosterbaan, all-Ameri-
Hesitation Explained hours of A and Seven of B. Paul can end, is credited with five of B,
The apparent hesitation of the new Cook, one of the most promising back- and eight hours of C grade.
cabinet to take a position in the mat-
ter, it is expalned in official quarters,t
is due to the fact that public opinion LIJ
ratification. There is good authority
for the supposition that M. Caillaux,
as well as Premier Briand, is firmlyR
convinced that the settlement must
be approved as part of the scheme for
stbilization of the franc. Literary school Shows Decrease; "The Religious 'ractices of the Batok
Government Confident All Remaining l'epartments Of Sumatra" Is Title Of
Converts among the senators and Register Gains Afternoon Lecture
deputies who have been hostile to the
settlement, are being made, it Is as- 3326 ARE REGISTERED LANTERN SLIDES USED
serted, and the government is con- _
fident now that a majority will be When registration for the Summer That the religion of the Batak of
found in its favor in both houses. The session closed last Saturday the total Sumatra is largely animistic, and es-
time when the question may oppor- enrollment in all schools and colleges . bc . .
tunely be brought to a decisive issue had reached the ecord mark of 326. pecially interesting because it is typ-
remains, however, an uncertain quan- This is 180 more than the previous cal of the religious development of
tity. The government will not risk high mark of the 1925 Summer ses- their particular stage of civilizatign,
defeat by precipitation matters; neith- sion. More than 1000 women are in- was the thesis of Prof. Harley 11.
er will it allow the vote on the accord eluded in this year's figure. ; Bartlett in his lecture yesterday after-
to be put off indefinitely. To date the literary school has 1117,1 noon. Prof. Bartlett took as his sub-
It was explained that France ac almost a hundred fewer than last ject "The Religious Practices of the
cepted its loan with the understand- year. Of this number, 448 are women. Batak of Sumatra" and after a short
lug that the United States could sell There are 315 in the engineering and introduction showed profuse lantern
French obligations given in payment architecture school, including five slides illustrating the life and var-
for it. The first Liberty Loan act, women in the latter part of the school. ious religious observances of the
under which was subscribed a loan to The medical school has 253, an in- East Indian people he has intensively
France, also provided that foreign ob-!crease over last year, with 2' women. studied.I
ligations could be taken in payment The pharmacy school has gained 12 The Batak,, who occupy the north-
and sold to this country, over last year, making a total of 35, ern part of the sland of Sumatra.
If present negotiations are reopened1,.r. 7".... v . 1.ta" """ '" +"... 'n'
That the school-room is the most
important influence in child health in
the community was the topic develop-
ed by Sally Lucas Jean, health con-
sultant of New York City, yesterday
afternoon in a lecture delivered in the
auditorium of the Dental building.
"Practically every school in the United
States has hygiene instruction," says
Miss Jean. The school-room has been
called the "house of health", and all
schools should strive to deserve this
Miss Jean compared the practice of
health habits to that of dressing.
We observe a certain regularity in
the fashion of dress but neglect this
in the selection of our food. The
school lunch is a great factor in teach-
ing the child health habits. In a
Florida school the children make out
their own menu for luncheon. Each
child in this way learns to select a
well-balanced meal. He is also
taught in a pleasant way to eat un-
familiar foods. To support the school
lunch is one of the happiest ways of
bringing a communityatogether in the
interest of child health.
Shows Health Ignorance
Miss Jean went on to show how as-
tounding is the ignorance of health
practices still existing in the school-
room and nursing class. In a survey
of one of the teacher's colleges it was
found that many did not know such
things as what are the starchy foods
and that disease germs are taken into
the body by carrying the fingers to the
mouth I.
The correction of child defects is
another probem for the schoolroom.
Some of our country schools have in-
stituted the "blue ribbon" project, aj
plan which consists in interesting theI
people of the districts in the means of
securing attention for the defective
child. Although this project will not
work everywhere, all communities
should adopt some unitary plan for
this purpose.
"Until we think of the child as a
whole," says Miss Jean, "we cannot
arrange the best possible school health
program for him." Doctors, nurses,
teachers all must work together.
Each individual in the community;
must do his best.l
Dawn of New Era
It will be many years before all
teachers and nurses can be scientifi-
cially educated, but that does not pre-
vent their having the scientific point1
of view,--to at least be familiar with)
authoritative opinion. The new era
I }Two more excursions within the
- next two weeks are -on the program
$ for the Summer session, parties going
to River Rouge to the Ford plant on
r Wednesda*; July 7, and to Niagara
falls on Friday, Saturday, and Sun-
(ay, July 9, 10, and 11.
The annual trip to- Niagara Falls,
FWilliam J. Sears has won out in the which will be under the direction of
Florisat primaries for congressional Dr. William J. Hussey of'the geology
representative over Mrs. Ruth Bryan department, will leave at 3:30 o'clock
Owen thedaughter of the late Wil- of the afternoon of July 9. on special
hiams Jennings Brmyan. Despite a nar- cars, either interurbans or busses. The
row victory Mrs. Owen has not con- party wi 1 go to Detroit, where they
S-std the nomination, will take he boat for Buffalo, arriving
there on Saturday morning. From
Union To Open Saturday morning through Sunday the
party will be at the Falls, leaving at
PI ool To W om en 6:00 o'clock Sunday evening and ar
riving back in Ann Arbor at 11:15
Is A nn Ounced Monday morniAg.
----Allof the side trips and sights ot
the journey will be available to those
Due to the prlesence of such- a large making the trip; most of the side trips
Number of women i nthe -physical edu- inged trih; mastogthe sd ts
secluded, will be made ~together 'by tiEe
cation department, the Union is giving iwhole party. One of the special fda-
all women summer school students tures of the excursion will be the tour
an imediates m bers o eam- of the Niagara Falls Power company,
ilies of members of the faculty and, of one of the largest electric power coin-
Uion maembers the frequent itogaonpanics of the world, which will fur
t lie club 1)ool. In order to gain I ns ca
adimissioi to the h- shspecial guides for the conven-
adzissonto hepool the women stu- fence of the University group..._
dents should obtain admission cards WilnSeeeodel of Falls
which may be obtained at the office of 'The excursioists will have the op-
the dean of women, the others should Ihe excursingt hm el o' thp-
procre hes pasesat h-edes inportunity of seeing the model of the
rocure these passes at the desk iUinFalls made exact and in miniature by
theis f the Union,.astudtn the power company. This model is
Miss1 essicatNixon, rastudent in- xtremely mteresting in that it al-
physical education, formerly a meim- lows a man with rubber boots to wade
ber of the Detroit Athletic club swimn- out into the current of the water and
A. eam.,2ho4lder or the CntralsIshut it off at different places, showing
A. A. t. 220 a d 440 yard recordls, what would happen to the Falls in the
member of the D). A. C. National Jun- evnfanosrcto4nth.ie
ior ela tem i 192, nd ichganevent of an obstruction in the river
for relay teamin 1922, and Michig and what will probably happen if It
', pi years ('20,' ,is ever dammed and completely used
'21a d ' 22),sim m ng apoin ru te f e for power. A special representative
guard' andl swimminig instructor for of the comnpamny will . lecture to the
women. Miss Nixon will hold three 'i iversit y group and very phase of
classes daily, the first class, which is the great plant will be open to them.
open to beginners, is from 9:00 to t ra ln ilb pnt hm
OPC~ to iegnner, i fro 9 0(1ioii addition to this trip there will
9:30; th-e second for intermediates
r I be opportunities on the excursion to
from 9 :30 to 10 :00; for the advanceds vii~ it great industrial plants, the
students there will be a class in ad- ;Shedegrea tranypansthe
vanced swimming and diving fro Shredded Wheat company and the Car-
sxxmmmnn fluuivfng.ron Iborundunm factory.
with France, officials said it would
have to be on the basis that new evi-
deuce has been found for a change
in the settlement. The United States
government has not been afraid of
any new evidence.
i I
of Whzc!
Six A
Law sc
sion en
uate sch
of 85 ov,
total ha
of Edu
more th
are wor
The b
has eur
last yea
Addressing the Women's Educational woman.
Club last night at the Pi Phi sorority
house Sally Lucas Jean, noted author- Mexi
ity on hygiene, said that the new note cent im
in child health education is the in- repealed
spiring of interest of the child in the basis o
practice of health habits That it is price,
recognized today that not knowledge
but practice of health habits are es-
sential in teaching child health was
the point stressed by Miss Jean. It
is particularly important that the par-
snt be interested in the carrying out Cleve
of the health program. St. l
Muiss Mabel C. Bragg, assistant sup- Wash
erintendeht of schols at Newton, Mass., I New
gave a short talk upon the subject of !
child health teaching in the schools. Chical
Miss Bragg stated that in a survey of Pitts
Massachusetts schools the number of Bosto
children who were underweight in a Phihi
group of 8,000 has been reduced from
24.9 per cent to 4 per cent. This was
done largely by placing personal re- I
sponsibility upon the children to aid (
in removing physical defects.
"Qreater child health means a hap-
pier physical, mental, and spiritual I
life for the child," she stated.
a 'i are women.
women are registered in the
hool, which has a Summer ses-
rollment of 156. In the grad-
hool there has been an increase
ver its 1925 number, this year's
aving reached 850. The School
cation shows the biggest gain,
588 this year, which is 138
han 1925. Of this number 374
business administration school
olled 12, which is 3 more than
ar, and which includes one
co has repealed the 10 per
port tax on automobiles, The
d law placed a tax on the
f weight rather than factory
American Leaguej
land 8, Detroit 4
ouis 0, Chicago 7
hington 2, Boston 6
York 1, Philadelphia 7
National League
ago 11, St. Louis 3
burgh 1, Cincinnati 6
on 2, New York 3
delphia 9, Brooklyn
by India but in times now ages past.
Prof. Bartlett commented on the adop-
tion of three of the principal Hindu
gods into the Batak belief but stated
j that their adoption as the sons of one
of the principal indigeneous gods
pointed to a strong native religion be-
fore the Hindu influence.
Similar to Indian
le also pointed out that the Batak
Eanguage as now written is similar to
ancient Indian writing and appears to
have been adopted by the islanders
I not later than 1500 years ago. The
Batak were cannibals as late as 1907
10:00 to 10:30. A mninimum fee will
1)e chairged Lorn the lessons. IMay Take Any Tour
Teh rgeoura w hthles o mn hAll of the regular tours will be open.,
The hours at which the women have
to the party, included among them the
s little boat the 'Maid of the Mist", a
Mondlay, 'Puesday, Wednesday. Thurs-Itradition of the Falls, the Cave of the
day, and Friday from 9:00 to 11.00 ,wl
i Winds, and the Gorge route which w-11
A. M., also Wednesday evening fromb.
be made in a body by the Michigan
i:00 to 11:00.
7: e tolioenttmmbgroup. The trip will be made in a
Theon 1)00 1 :0p A.o Memb o f11t00e special car and will go down the.
Umiion from 11:01 A. M. to 11:00 . .
river on the Canadian side and at .the.
P. M. every day except Wednesday ofteGreadndilrui
top o h og n n ilrtr
night. On Saturday and Sunday theto fthGrend andtwilAen-
_ - -. -!through the Gorge and on the Ameri-
nve peen Jinn111uenI1caU ,'CL retextent I
nd were probably the only cannibalis- has dawned. Not only the unusual pool is open from 9:00 A. M. to 11:0 s-
tic race with a written language of child but all children today have an P. M. The hours for 'juniors' are ransid. Stops will be made at va-
their own. equal chance for health." from 11:00 to 2:00 each' day and 9:00 i ious points along the trip, such as the
Prof. Bartlett described the essen-;to 11:00 A. M. on Saturday and Sun- whirlpool, in order that pictures may
tial part of the Batak belief in spirits day.be taken, and a stop will also bg made
PL91f[fffTIrl T l to allow those desiring to go across~
as their conception of an all-pervading Irbf HfflS All members should obtain member- the Gorge on a car suspended from a
life principle, sometimes translated as ship cards at the desk, these are nec- j cable, a feature that * promises many
soul-stuff. This soul-stuff is, the essary in order to gain usage of pool thrills, according to Dr. Hussey.
Batak believe, the essence of power or in order to enjoy any of the Union Anyone interested can go on the ex-
and greatness; a great man has a privileges. cursion, and the trip will not cost over
great deal of it, a weak man little. "Expressing Willie", Rachel Croth- - __1-$30. probably much less, according to
This conception -is at the root of ers' modern American comedy, will be , Obbs Sales On the opinion of Dr. Hussey.
many of their practices, including the second production of "The Play- 1
cannibalism, which is thus only the ers." It will be presented at 8:30 Greenland Voyage
renewal of power by eating food o'clock tonight and Thursday night in Robbins Away
strong in soul-stuff. Prof. Bartlett Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Tickets News of the Hobb's expedition to
mentioned that the missionaries who are priced at 50 and 75 cents and may Greenland was received Monday morn- Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to
translated the Bible into Batak used be purchased at Wahr's and Slater's ing at the office of the President. Six number of women in the-physical edu-
the conception of soul-stuff to fill the book stores and at the box office after members constitute the party which vacatioh in Westfield, Mass. West-
place of the Holy Ghost in the phrase 6:30 o'clock on both nights. has left Northsidney, Nova Scotia for field is Dr. Robbins' home town.
"the Father, Son and Holy Ghost", Players appearing in "Expressing the North.
thinking perhaps that the idea roughly Willie" who also made up the cast of The telegram from Prof. W. H.
corresponded. "reat Catherine" last week include Hobbs, organizer and leader of the ex-;DAILY TRYOUTS
ilave New Religion Amy Loomis as Minnie Whitcomb, I pedition which is paving the way for a -
The Batak have very recently de- Robert Henderson as Willie Smith, larger and more extensive work to be There will be a short meeting
veloped a new religion comparable William C. Bishop as George Cadwal- carried on in 1927 read as follows: of all tryouts for the editorial
with primitive Christianity. This has lader, Camille Masline as Dolly Cad- ! "The University Expedition with ex- side of The Daily at 5 o'clock
come about through a long succession wallader, Warren Parker as Reynolds, cellent equipment and party of six today in the Staff ' rooms of,
of priest-kings to whom many mira- Richard Woellhaf as Simpson, and sails in one hour for Greenland. You the Press building on Maynard
les have been attributed, including Frances Horine as Frances Sylvester. may hear from us by wireless." street. Any additional students,
the seventeenth century version of an New members of the company tak- - _men or women, who are interest-
immaculate conception. Prof. Bart- ing part in "Expressing Willie" are ROME (AP.-Pope Pius conferred ed in trying out for The Daily,
lett said that this development is quite Eric Klewer as Taliaferro, the artist, the red hats upon ,Cardinals Cerretti, also are requested to report at
typical of religious development else- and Alma Merrick as Mrs. Smith, i Perosi and Capotosti. ata public con- 2!this time.
where, Willie's mother. ' sistory.
_ ..
BENTON HARBOR, Mich., June 26.
-(A.P.)-M, L. Ward, dean of the col-
lege of dentistry at the University of
Michigan, won the 50-target handi-
cap of the Michigan championship
trap shooting meet which opened here
yesterday and continues today.
-in his
s opinion it will be warmer