P'AGE TWO _____________________________________________ITHE__ SUMMER-~- ~ M C I A ..JD~AT Yi~iIAX UN~~~i,1 0 A TT TD TI A'[7 TTTATT nA -^^ "" ^"" " "° 3n irxii n SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1926 j 014r *utnuwr OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published e ery niorain g exel t Monday" during the University Summer Session by the board in Control of Student I 'ublic a-' t o ns. IiD1) 1'()iS NoI E: The following stat enent was received by ']'he Daily from the office of the Conisul General of Mexico in an,,wcr to the statemncrit pubhlishedl in American nlewspapers by M onsignor Cauana, Bishop of Porto y Rico and personal representative of P'ope Pius X\I, after his expulsion fronm Mexico several weeks ago. TOATED ROLLS Liehe, whose first poetic (t'uilin ffor the summer appears lower doNi in the column, suggests the follo)wimg "Don't you thinik," she Writes, "ai good name for a long colyuni (though The; :associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not oinhc wise 1 crdited in thisi papei and the local ne\ s pub- lished here,4. TEXT BOOKS FOR ALL Departments of the University GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal iJUsTIFIABLE REASONS!~ To the Editor: hjntered at the Ann .Arbor , M n-tcan, o i rtr ro eio osg not So interest ing as yours, of (0oui5() posfce as second class iiatter.no Subscription by carrier, $.5o0;lby milno Caruana, Papal Delegate andi would be " The TIreasuirer's R~eceipt? $aOffcs rs Bidn" ~~ s te Bishop of Porto Rico and West Indies,' Yes, Hlebe, we do think:I li&, wouldl Ann Arbor, Michigan. miade to press representatives the be a goodi name. But two) thineg, or (ioinniicationa, if sigiied kv, evi--ince of O statement that feeling free to speakIrahtretinspevtusfo good faithI, will he pulished ini The Sou'ne r. I cagn h aeo ol sy1 l)aiiv- at the discretion of the Editor. '1n- in the United States hie would make,,sget ntefrs lc.RlsI signed comuniicat ions will receive no con- ugs.I h is lcRlsI sideration. Tfie signature may be omitted in { llWashington, further declarations Ianl interesting column, or so we aice publication it desired by the writer. The as to the reasons or lack of reasons led to believe. That's not vanity, Summer Djaily dues not necessarily' endorse the sentimnts expires.sed in the comnifuificR-- which prompted the Mexican govern- either, because we share thl't'condtict- clent to expel him from Mexico. In l ingright s with three other ho morisi s EDITORIAL STAFF view of the several weelks that haei Second, the engraving of at new cut Telephone 492.1 elapsed since these statements were to head the column would be texpetn MANAGING EDITOR sive and there are four cuts wvitI MANNING HOUSEWORTH iimade by Monsignor Caruana and nI~'Toasted Rolls" on them still lintg Edairal oruee i ueus further declaration has been forth- around the office waiting to I , used C ity Fditor. .........William R. Breyer Coining f'ronm him, and in view of uip, If yoti don't believe Its well I'lot Music alld l)ramlya......... William C. Lucas WVomai'- Editor... ...... .Julia Rtlt Brown President Galles' letter to the head of them all some day to prove it. Night Editorsj the Catholic church of Mxio pub- And finally, we haven't ilvy uthio Wilton A. Simpson Theodore llornbergerl it y to c;hange the nia meof' ltol1 s. P'aul J . Kerii Frederick Shillito fished in the press of this cotuntry onl Thnsfrtesgesfo viI D~ouglas Doubleday - June 4, I think it is particularly fit- satme. LoLok hfow miuch Jspace, it I~yxts Assistants1 ~ fl\s~ ting for mne to requst froni you thle ,~lrdit ojl George T, MceKean Mlorris Z!werdling courtesy of your columns to place' * * * before your readers and therefore Th'le c ity elIjust ha eged into ,t In- 111e+Iho'ke 21214 before the Anmerican public the facts five failug at tlie oth. -S:ay. don't we hatve nor 1rofR aIe BUSINESS MANAGER involving the expulsion of Monsignor li(lftd5 PAUL W. ARNOLD ('aruanla. This will be of great help arondhe?"Wewt eitolo. Circulation ...... ........ ....Keimietli haven"Wy" ew tedoko. Advertising'.. . .. .. .......Ermiis N O,,,list ill creating a good feeling between theitsestttIewu 80.l ...... I ~~~~~~Well, i e'n h th v w i Assistants ;peoples5 of Mexico and~ the unitedl anid I). review last imig~lit. amti thlero- Edward Stitloninon WAiliata t'. Cook Sates. wrs in yt ~lbcltro. l The official entrusted with the task it (close lierusali of ,ht, a ri i-Illytt 'Iof administrating the government of )routglt ott 'ip ight., lot he said SATRD Y, JUN 26 1~~26 IMexico have no desire to keep up thea there werelSots of i lent ttate leas SAT____R__A___,_________________6,___1_______ friction caused by the failure of ahlognl-u ierind Night Editor-'AUl-1 J. KERN sm~all group which has always dis- 1 ttnie of The l'layvcrs laol i-ven i t tinguished itself for its rebelliousness cu dl ltiim of combs' ltl'wwordsI l1! TACNA-ARII(_'A in the observance of the laws. But; denijetl it tInt lv T111,e wortd he want (I ini pursuance of the government's pol-Ito u c ova lltdeV ntil lie linlii- With the appareiit indifference oft icy of broadcasting to the whole world tl' StI l)WOit Chie o te et lei(nt ~iOlO5Cl iYthe exact facts of what happens ini the United States commission in the Mexico, I ask the press of the United Ta'NArE boundary dispute, the in-1 States, in the interest of truthfulness; IINI)ONN cldet, s fa asthe nitd Sttesas well as of the amity which should ! A wit of a critical age -iet asfra .h ntdSae always exist between our two peo- lWha> versified niany a p~age, I West Wind lending library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT Hllam u'at S [ose- Doun Byrne ~rey bop Scientifically Selected and preparesd foods 11:30-1:80 r5:00-7:0 FOUNTIAIN S .RVICE AlFTERtNOON and EVENING (plever~y Eveninog except Mvondy 600 E. Liberty Phone 9215 oft O ghe Nw Ar.Ma DESK hre! N- fashionedkno TaHEondrnotshony A Tn srauction, b ut new-fashion ed also as to price. See them. at our Store and get the attractive catalog. Wien Caesar i inet ' O h Henry! "The loyalty of my Legions was un- questioned find now for the first time I'll bare my secret. I Paid them, you ace, withy bars of Oh Henry A Fine Candy I Oc Everywhere Oh eryl is the rgstered trademark of the Wtilt1am- sonan~dy o., Chicgo. MttGalls. H. WiiiIamfloi, Prs. ,4 Gay Hats to Wear Beneath Summer Skies $5.Q0 (.ay in mode auil color. Hats for play hours, for infor- mnal occasions, for tailored wear. New straws, from Bang- koks to the crocheted wvea% es Paris is so fond of. Lo~ ely soft IfeIts in dtusty tones. Grosgrain ribbon hats, whimsi- cal and youthful. Very large hats. Very smiall hats. Atid. snmart in -between sizes. Inte restingly tritntnedl, or with scarcely anly trimming at all. Every type that occu- pies a place in IFashiion's sun awaits you here. By no me-ans expensive, either. (Second Floo-r. ) 224 South Main. Phone 4161. rl is concerned, becomes Closed, atnd South America andl the narrow policy of these Soulthi Anricati diploimats who are ivol ved moust be left to work out its own solution. It is but a short time since the re- stilts of overgrowti niit onl Icon sci - ousnesses and covet oisiOws f(Itela in European lpowers inflictedl itponl (hi' world a horrible real izat ion of (ii,- Idles. for Space in which to state theISot leatrtned lie would hoot facts c-oncerninlg Mr. Caruana's cae, Andt tilt nit his snoot Two weeks ago, as Consul Geneal At grammnar, that's now all the raga. of Mexico, I issued a statement call-i lgattention to the fact that the fas w have nery forgot, P apa 1l egate lad, in his own state- nient published in the press (If this country., made cort an adtmtission, that in themselves justify the act ion of thewMexicanitgovernmnieit inieox peclling him front the country. evils f militariin, atid sookI(ieditoi on to contii rining hits own evil of iliaris, an droh te Iadmission that lie, the apostolic dolie- whole of civi lizedOlsocity thVe lea(il- ization of the futility aiid uselessiies- of that method of settling (ispu t us among nations. Since that great disasteor, aritrit' tion, mediation, and all the other methods of forestalling wars have gained tremendotis prestige, and, al- .._ _..... ,.. __ ,. .._.. ... ., ...f...., ,. ,.. ... ... , gate of the Pope}anthi Ile Bishop ofI P oirt0 Rico andttWes0t Inidies, told the :M exican iaut horities lie was a 't each - 01,'' his decl aration show stliat he wont, muchi farther than lie admiuttIed in his' st atemnent po hiishiet throughout the United States, When asked the qIttes- tion "'do you cotme as a t ouriist or' on business'", the declarationi shows that thn' Bishop of Porto Rico, who has is rhetoric's all gone to pot, # \ hen his natne we do sing-- Moest ironical thing, t'Joa n dtone it'' is not a lion mot. When all other sports have bye-n for- gtit. U. there is one whi-h will still survive. It is i nevit nblt' tht Y' h Iltattice of suinittitig antit ans \v-,Al qute, itlttito i'5will live- untii Ait iuilit ltn Swheti, iy the very nature-"I' !that lotng hoilmedforMv, the liabbitvwill Cea . JThevse' qui'stiotiiaius tra c' P, i lslou- and ittportalic' All the way free the A'rny Alpha antd Bittet iittcligec :- test; to the cllitillaad y itsgtiilet but ntuch tuore treqlueni tquery of _' ; : N is xour favorite fruit. flower, 4hnrncrh nnna flf" f}IPTTI AIID1-02(''11 DO I'- statedot sinice he left Mexico that he fection, they are gestures it the right WeOtW there for the pu11rpotse of ma kiit g direction andI foreshadow a more pro-; an investigation for IHis I lolilless, vgalc~~ rnwppr mising future. Great powerOis all ovei' Pope Pius X1, replied that he('wats Such a questioinnai re hiar now '-ortn. the world have recoignizedl this do- going to Mexico just as a "toturist.-'' to otir lailtd itti the forin of an Asso> velopmentt and pub~lic opinion in a The declar'ationil dso shows that citdPrs d ic leut , n whmeni this prelate oif the church in ai ekod u oorhbto eti, great many of them has a pparenitly Saihsekn onrsc s iwa ripedtan albitol~lw t li reached thelpoint where it would con-ProRoish sandighont r, Itclias ni-mn Itipet i eoi 'm l sifdeortoyRcoiisrandwhooisbrrak Itfalaanwith a go befor-e we open 1it. 'lie >story siderbly inderthe ut brak origin, was asked if lie knew any-'11h nit oth- ou 11 h'ttIle(le if it did not prevenit it out irely. i conhans onglishtioo repliedh Apparently this tendency has ntot "oe" We tcm oteqe t ion of the adlvantages (If t ts'm nitbe-- laid hold very strongly on the South tIoni h elrtoa oI 5 atnti(b) the protliemo(of maImeitt American republlics as ye't, for the iou creed," thwelaeI its economic phases liy the students? frankindirerenetofflat'Chilan go-- gof Adrian College. frak idiferece f te Cilen gv aerect''"Protestanit.'', erninent to the decision (of time tirli- The facts here setfotl seakfo Incidentally we have discovert'd tration tribiunal is to all practical theseles.Inview of the fac th t toutgh this atile the an sw or to) lie purposes a threat oif open conflict, ooehsee been ket u o MxI oento~us tquest ion of: WVho atrc the- when we remember that Chile has theiahcusofis r e m-igts favoi'ite moilvie' actors (of lie students- largest navy and the most efficient creed, the clainm of a Catholic prelate;I of Adrian College? The anis wer'is army in South America. The Spanish that he was a "Protestant" is sonec simple. The mammoth masculine in- American nations have progressed -e thig that Monsignor' Caruana will tellect s at that flourishinug institut ion great deal iln the short space of time 'have to explain for himself. But we of learning are strong for Fairbanks, since their independence but the think the answers set foritht in the in-, Bat'ryrnore, and onte, as5 the' dispiatchij selfishness and utter lack to the will migration declaration do explain the so quaintly puts it, little known play- to co-operate, such as evidenced in failuite' tp to the present time oif the ci', whose name is not mentionedl. the present controversies, can itetio none iyBso a- Bitt what we want to say is, what's. hellp but brinig forth an expre'ssioniluana at the bordering toiwns oIf Tex-I the advantage (If these questionnaires? of frank disgust from the Amnericanl as, upon his ireturn to the Ulnited l They're amusing, and all that, but dlo government. I States, to tiake ftiither declarations they prove aniything? Now we in our The United States has always at- regarding his expulsion fromi Mexico. ttirn want to subiit one. Blanks fot' tempted to help her weaker southern In the interest of a healthful uin- illing it outt may be had onl request neighbors to progress, although at derstaitdiiig cutybetwteen the ie peoples of (personal r~usta s eas times she may have appeart.Ied to) be :i Iny country and the United States, I we're all outt of postage stamps) at wolf in sheep's clothing. Btut inl spite aill submrittinig this statemient to the this office. Here goes: of at grabbing tendlency oce ini press of this country in connectioni 1. Do you approve of qutestioni- whie, he as.on he hol, min-with the Monsignor Caruana's inci- naires? If so, why? tained an attitudle of benevolent tol- dent. stnetoward Latin America, and 2TR . IA, , 2 If not, to what lengths would ARrROM.nceS you be willing to go to see theme abol- even the present incidett wiIlilt- 1 Consul General of Mexico ait NOW ished? Would you stop at murder? If doubtedly be overlooked on the York, grudIfieprec.Hwvr not, do you prefer poisoni or a meat- grounds o n x e i n e o e e ,__________________________________________________axe? if this attitude is to continue, south Amrc nher part, must mtake ev "The Prohition law is the biggest The results will be publislied in cry effort toward realizing and cair- success of aniy law that ever came ROLLS of July 4, a nice celebration rying out he esponsilbility in egards dlown the road." Rt. Rev. Hughes, for the sesquicentennial anniversary to world peace. Methodist bishop in Chicago. of the signing of the Declaration of In- dependence. Ylfiiif. A church at North Greenfield, Mo., A boy and a girl in Long Branch,I asanPefesig { SYLVAN GARDEN SAND LAKE t PARK PLAN DANCING J i NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY. Featuring the Famous Orchestra- " THE BREEZE BLOWERS 3 A JEAN GOLODKETTE UNIT Novelty Nite Every Friday Matinee Sunday Good Roads all the way via Saline and Clinton recently paid off part of the mortgage IN. J.,. won prizes for collecting the with money raised from a hugging so- greatest number or cigarette butts oil hnvi -sPrm 15 to 75 ce~ntsiDer from the streets in a gi1ven time. ie' "Why should I place burdens upon the shoulders of the poor? I am my- self onei tof them."-Daivid ILlovd 11