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June 26, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL.. XVII. No. 8




j Waterman gymnasium will be
open at all hours of the day for
the whole p)erio1 of the Summer
Isession. Any male student may
use the gymnasium and the
Ilockers are available now for any
who desire thene. Over 200 of
the lockers are already taken.

With Barbour gymnasium trans-
formed into a grove of peonies and i
palms, the annual reception given by
the faculty to the students in the 1
Summer session was held last nightft
from 8 to 11 o'clock. More than 1,500 1I
students attended the affair.l
After the reception a dance was
held and refreshments were served.


Sunday Programs At Churches'POESRHSY
First Methodist Church church (of Christ I)seipies i rP UF.9AI r T ii nr
Services begint at 10 :30 o'clock, and Dr. Bowen will speaf: tofliori'ow - I U Ir .i*

t I
t h

W Rev. Stalker's subject for toinor-
w morning is "The Blessed." From
-12: 4 5 o'clock Dr. Stalker will mleet
e ;students' bible classes at Wesley

Hall. The Wesleyan Guild meeting is
held from 6-7 o'clock at Wesley Hall.
St. And~rew's Episcopal C'hurch

D)emocratts Wish To Bring D~owni All
T rifIates; Outcoe Itis Will HOLD SOCILg[
Not Visible
Stud(enIIts and (IFat' II t3 iMembers fleet

(By Associated Press) hi G(ynlhiaslui Of University
WASHINGTON, June 25.-The Sen- N~igh Schiool Tonight
ate was thrown into a quandry today
over wh'at to do about farm relief IS AN ANNUAL AFFAIR
after President Coolidge had formally}
Indorsed the Pinchier credit bill and! Students and faculty members of
'Nrithe School of Education will hold their
supporters of the defeated MNr. annual social and reception tonight
measures moved to lay aside all agri- from 8 to 12 o'clock in the gymnasiumi
cultural legislation and proceeded to of the University High school. All
other business.I students and others connected with the
At the same time the Democrats be- school are invited to attend.
gan an agitation for a reduction ini The social is an annual affair, hav-
ing been held last year with marked
tariff rates. success, and it affords an opportunity
The outcome of this triangular con-j for the students to meet the members
troversy was problematical when the of the faculty, who will be there with
Senate recessed tonight. The situa-I their families, and also to become ac-
tion offered a threat even to the House' quainteI 'with the other students in
cooperative market bill. After con- thcol tafrstesuet
ferences today the western propon-I who are jnew to the school an oppor-
ents of the rejected M'Nary bill lined, tunityv to make acquaintances, as well.I
up in opposition to the cooperative The programn for the evening will
marketing proposal which had Secre- include music and dancing, games, and
tary Jardine's endorsement, on the refreshmeitgs. iViss Mc(' rmlck, of
grounds that it was a makeshift plan the High School staff, has charge of
and would be changed to the account the program and there will be both
of farm legislation. new dances and old ones, such as the
Developments came thick and fast Virginia reel. :Professor C, 0. Davis
during the day. They started with a! of the School of Education is generalI
breakfast conference at the White! chairman of the affair.
House with senate leaders to urge More than 400 students and faculty
President Coolidge to declare public-} members of the School of Education
ly for the Pincher plan which hadI attended the affair last. year and an
been offeredl in the Senate by Senatorncran ,,r......t~ ,-- ---1~

Amog te mmbes o th fault I ay morning. The Rev. Lewis will
who received the guests were Dean hold the morning pirayer and service
Edward H. Kraus of the Summer ses- at 11 o'clock. A musicale for stu-
sion an(d Mrs. Kraus, D~ean John R. I (tents and members of the parish will
Effinger of the Literary college and be held at 4 :30 o'clock in Harris Flal.
Mr's, Effinger, Prof. Joseph A. Burs- ! First Bap1tist ('Ieiirh
ley, Dean of Students, and Mrs. Burs- ;IDr. Sayle's will preach his sermon,
ley, D~ean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Grad -I toimrrow morning on "'When Thou
uate school, Prof. George WV. Patter- ! Hast Shut thy Door." Professor
son, assistant Dean of the College of Stevens will meet the studlents in thej
Engineering, Registrar Ira M. Smith, church au}ditorium it 11:45 o'clock
Prof. G. Carl Hulber of the Medical for' conference as to summer work.
School and Mrs. Huber, Prof. Clifford Uimnittrhiii Church
C. Glover, secretary of the College of ~Pi eiino hra"i h
Pharmacy, and Mrs. Glover, and Prof,
Calvin 0. Davis of the School of Edu- title of the subject upon which Dr.
Robins will p~reach tomorrow morn-
eat ioni.
Committee members of the Women's g h emn eisa 04
league, headed by Miss Eaton, served ocok
ac hnrcFirst (eimre~rratiojial %'hirch

l 1

m norning on "Has the Rainbow Lost
its Pot of Gold ?" The sermon starts
at 10: 30 o'clock. Services will be
held each Sundlay(luring the sumimeii r;
visitors are welcome.
First Presbyterian Ch'urch
Church school is held at 9: 30
o'clock. Morning worship with the
sermon b~y Dr. Anderson, who will
talk on "The Greatest Discovery of
All,'' takes place at 10:45 o'clock. The
Young p~eople's social hour is at 5 :30
o'clock. At 6:30 o'clock at the Young
people's Society meeting the subject
for dliscussion will be-Rlesolved : that
there should be a revival of religious
education in our schools.
First Ciurchi of Christ Scientists
The regular morning service will be
held at 9 :30 o'clock on.."Christian
Scie~nce.'' Sunday school will follow
the mnorniing service, beginning at 11:-
45 o'clock. The testimonial service is}
held every Wednesday night at 7 :45
o'clock. The readling room, 10 and 11
St ate Savings Bank bnuildi ng, is open
from 12 to 5 o'clock, daily, except Sun-
days and legal holidays.
Soul T'Jerra(e Tou Serve As Outdoor
Dhiing Itoom IDuring, Baltajices
Of The Summer


Act urer is To Accontpa ny Group That
Will Visit Falls, From The
1'nIirersity On1 July 9
Before a) group of more than 300
s ammoer sc hool students, D)r. Russel
.C. liuss'x-, of the geology department,
Pave mn ilustrao ed lecture yesterday
aft ernoon in the Xi oatral Science audi-
! toriure on the siib~ecu, ''Niagara Falls
atnit the Vicinity.''
1)r. iluss; ey fir'st gave a brief sketch
of the geogr a phical history of the formn-
tion of' the di ffereint stratus of rock. In
the fir'st glacial stage the deposition
of th Niagarat lime stone took place
while in the se~on~d stage, the glacial
st4age, the stage in which all of the
a rea of ('anadaz, the Great Lakes reg-
ionl etendiig ig s 1fr south as the
h1ito river. This glacier caused the
co~urse of the iakxs toI) le changed at
(differeint stages, there being two out-
lets to the th ree upper lakes, these
omit lets were the, Trent river and the
!'ouite by way of Pt. Huron. This
second glacier also (limini~hed the



S"aly L ucas Jean maid Dr. Kiefer Will

Xta 10.4 5 o'clock Mr. Jump willI
p~reach his last sermon before his va-
cat ion. A stud~ent supper and chat
will be held at 5: 30 o'clock at which
Harryx Kike, star football player will
speak on "Some Athletic Experiences
of MHine.'' The motion picture service,
"Klan Without a Conscience", is held
at 8 o'clock.

TaikTo ummer Studentis f i r irin T
On Hygiene TopicsUH U DL r
Three lectures, to be given by Sally!" LOCATE STUDENTS
Lucas Jean and by Dr. Guy L. Kiefer.
were announcedl yesterday by the de- f Summer School Positions Secured 'By
1lpartnient of Hjygiene and Public! University- Bureaiu'Nutmber
Health ats additions to the program of M '7 To Oute
Summer lectures already schedutled.
Miss Jean, who for eight years has LESS TH-AN 1925 FIGURES
been connected with the teaching of_____

size of the lakes considerably.
GENHERT HEAD WAITER 1"Geologically the falls are still in
heir infancy," stated Dr. Hussey,
being slightly more than 20,000 years
Broad changes in the policy of the of age."
main (lining room, with the obje ct of! Dr. I1lussey pointed out the places of
cateing to the sunmner tradle, have liecial inerest as the slides were
been announced1 by the management Projcrted, stating that those who are
ofthe Michigan Union. The screened (conitemplating taking part in the ex-
cm l rion should be stire to witness the
terrace on the south side of the build- s:e sshot \Iin the slides. The
ing, which looks out nc on tl awn. ! <-~ .,,;1_ , ___._.,_ -


uc u va -cu Aliac uca.c y >'7u . Va I en iarger n11 III [O' r'is exipectedto ge uil uic-'''i" ' c 'no 'I IIUf t 4 ar~ .Jia wi o ,aI.." ' "' " 1 ^1 etL u vt tt cwl.I
Fess, Republican, Ohio. night. There will be no receiving line, hais revolutionized the methods for its Sulit oth ule f 17will be used as anl outdoor dininzg
Late thePreiden caled n Sc isr have been placed In remunerative po-
Latr te Pesientcaled n Sc- ince thle gathering is intended to bei1 teaching, will he the first of the two, sitions by the Student Employment room for' the remainder of the sumimer.
retaries Jardine and Hoover for ad-! in the nature of an informal social, speaking Monday and Tuesday, June ueusneteSmmrssin tehgICieelnen rn
vice. Soon after the President began( The gymnasium will he decorated( 28 and 29. Her subjects will be,onbra ic h mrsson h ueCieelners fo
his conference with various Senate with palnms and flowers from the bt the 28th, ''The present trend of healthopxdacrdn toMsSurtli 'TckeToD th,194 nonpr,
factons hichstared cucuss i charge of the Bureau. This is far be-'
anca adnadtces hc r dcto sorpublic schools" and,( I which have long hung in the al
the anti-rooms that continued through- priced at 35 cents, may be obtained at Ionl the 29th, "School health programs lthe tt number ssonhl a te up-ngirooailerogdn lceofthe
out the day almost simultaneously, the door fox' those who have not al-hruhotte old"MssJanwslicait s for psit ions may ra sonably ipeotlgt. heabe wilb
with the assurance by the president ready procured theirs. for several years at nurse il Baltl- leepceltorietenmer!1l etsuIle ihfeF lwr n
of a formal statement advocating pas- ___ ____mre lpublic schools where she had the wht2csuet e' eue n rs rsne oec aygetb
sage of the Pincher bill, Senator Wat- care of more than 20,000 school chiit- Max Genhartnhtadwaitmeer The1se5'
son, Republican, Indiana, offered a! nierit rator k it1(11 cinder' her charge and since 1918 sitions itt. the summeraite.ofh1925.
(Jniersty C ntet ha ben coneced wth ubli lxen I The majority of the studlent pos'- 'ice wvill he impi'oved and the tables
motlon totla aside allbermnlegfislA- fPlacjes In Co ts'l~ ~ l netewt ulchat ions desired are for board, rootm or bne yplsadiltts
ton and Seao1oetoo r propoaganda ntepublic schools all (bobcand acordinltosMr.dMaplh''ts.
kansas, the Democratic leader, press-, Iover' the world since that time. Linder Sur oiin naltreo hs eiI l o dwiei
ed his proposal to have the tiff Coj mpeting in the national O ratori-he1r (irection arid revolutionary meth- ' ambitios to make Union service eualI
duced. cal contest on the Constitution of the od iehalheua o ht kIi classes are still available for anly Stu- that of his home hotel ini Switzerland,
United States held Thursday night in dents who wish to secure thernid Irtun by the Gehart familyfogera
Los Angeles, California, Philip Krasne, gretSrdsa the subject today, have the proper hours vacant for' thetds hc aesfx ag ubr
All women students attending the ''27, of this Univrsity took a fourtthi a suedanmotncehtivor.Sea't~i une 3 ifrn of tourists every sumnmer. Gerhart.
Sum m er session w ho are interested n I ac . Seven orators com peted t the n vr had befor e. She is p erm anent firm s aworik.t s h v rit n i h s e n i he i nt d S at s f r lv
hae3 rte nrn a e'retaryo h elhEuatnda eti h ~ie ttsfrfv
joining the rifle class may register for finals of the contest, all of them hay-iyo h elt'Etcto i to the Bureau offering various pos- Iyas
vision of the American Child Health yais
the class at 4 o'clock any afternoon at' ing won local, city and state champion- sscitin.It ons to) students who wish to help ---________
Baburgmasu.shp reiu t h fna cmeito.earn itheir way through college, N
aburgmasu..sisprvos ote ia cme itin. The othetr lecture of the series will Sxi I'iyunstl ' ust r o- ') r'h'eaitnrY aI
h le given by Dr. Guy Kiefer, whose sub- (tSomeavey uupho rqessnes I~t e po- O U ' ,L
]I a v A ev co r e ?.ferdB etwilb Terlainbtwe ih ment office. Recently, fox' example, a
practicing physician and the (elepart-woadeidthsrvcsfsm-
Physical Education ID epatt enf t ment of P'ubicr Health." Drm. Kiefer is one wo was immune from poison ivy; ~
a G + ' a member of the State Board of Health her bc yard was infested with' the/
and was formerly chief physician for plnrn h eiedsmoet i
Courses offered to women by the arrange for this by seeing Miss Mc-( the Michigan Bell Telephone company. it out.. 'Fs-I
department of physical education this Cormick at heer office in Barbour gym- He will lecture on Thursday, July 1, -
summer are so varied as to appeal toi nasium. i Both the lecturers will speak i the Tm tdntEnlyeitBra-
g ame under the direct supervision of L
all. Classes in swimming are held at Miss Hodgson is also in charge of amphitheater of the Dental building the University five years ago, it being I1
the nio poo evry mrnig, c- basketball. These classes are held at, three programs.stuedi aeHloth uextSs:tatihi pIiitmevalr
ceI SaudyIt9ocok nio n 'lc al n r lCiI_________ Christian Association, before that willI be fair today, and cooler.
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 10 o'- eseilytjhs h xett time. During the years under Uiver-
clock. Instruction is given (uii h teach at camps or schools, although IS c n iycnrliiDa usc' fieI
morning hours by the Misses Jessica all who are interested are urged to I U iest a xaild nuly ,3}tdnsA~~U~(~L~III~
Nixo aecopEd ofaosthr.advancedand Casesi-clgig rtnerte Excursion Popular; inu ihM ogo.were secured positions luring the ' Ifiere i u rin gi
Nixreon poan d orur aDoter.vThed cl as sign sup tithcloMing aHodgs nder t- schmool year, 1925-26, amd of this n m
beesoorgnizd Asyet More than 30 had signed up last er 326 were entirely self-supporting.
bgnigsimr.Tit-iew-upriinoMisHdo.AsytInight for the excursion to Detroit Dr. Alfred Cyril Ewing. of Oxfordr
me-aearayerle nteeI nyoegophsbe raie which leaves this morning at 8 o'clock WASHINGTO.-Shiermaxn J. Low-
classes which begin Junie 2. Stu- wichmeets at 1 o'clock Tuesdays cornrvofractrdaniSouhneloof NwhYokeaderalareBrnar
dents who have but one morning hour I arid Thursdays, but Miss Hodgson will from the universitykrd is oneh ofl, thee YorevexEdgrlBena-
free are urged to come that monnerag lse frbgnigada-IState streets, Carlton Wells, of the hBrosshrdl,.of Utah, have been nominat-! change professors who comec to the
for instruction and practice Wednes- ( acdsuensi!hr i eadIrhetoric department is in charge of ed by President Coolidge to be mi-, Ann Arbor campus for thet 1926 Sum-
day nights. It is possible to procure for them.I the trip, which is the second Univer- ers of the tariff commission. Bimer school. Dr. Ewing is a graduate -
swimming tickets: 25 for $5.00 0o' 10 Miss Ruth Price has charge of both slty excursion. .' of University college, Oxford, and is
for $2.00. natural and folk dancing. For the Te'at ilvstte Jeri
News building amdi ts broadcasting !IBASEBALL SCORES the author (ifta philosophical volume
Golf, under the instruction of Miss foi'mer, the beginners meet at 11 o-
Ethel McCormick, is another of the (lock daily, and the classes for the station, WWJ, in the morning. After I -- nitld"Kn''TetenifCaul
courses offered. Twenty girls have al-i advanced students is held at 4 o'clock lunch at the cafeteria of the Generalr National league ity."
ready signed up and aretaigteIdiy Th adaclcas in fk Motors building, anl inspection tour of Cincinnati 9, Pittsbur'gh 3 i Dr. Ewing's courses at Michiganmi 1
fundamental work at Palmer field. (ancing is held at 10 o'clock, while tie Detroit Public library will be INwYr ,Boky are in the field of political philosophy,c
Those desiring instruction are urged l that for beginners is at 2 o'clock ev-i madle. finishing at about 3 o'clock. it Boton 7, Philadelphia 8 Itie first dealing with the contract i
to go to the department of physical ed-; cry day. Chicago-St. Louis (rain) I theory and the rights of the individual, js
ucation and confer with Miss McCor- D~ue to the number of courses of- MEXICO CITY (A.P.)-Orders for I American LeagueI Mill's idea of liberty, Rousseau's coi-
Mick. fered there should be many who take the extermination of bandits in the Cleveland 2, Detroit 1 (game I ception of will and the idea of the jI
Instruction in tennis is given byI advantage of this opportunity. All state of Vera Cruz, headed by Vidal t aled in 2nd, rain) ' states; his second couse is a seminar ni
Miss Pauline Hodgson. The classes those who are interested in these' Tenorio, have been issued by Gen. 1 St. Louis 11, Chicago 4 J study of Kant's "Critique of Pure l
are held at 3 or 4 o'clock daily. If( branches of work should sign up for Arnulfo Gomez, military commander( New York 12, Boston 2 (Rao.
any girl wish to use the courts at I their respective classes at Barbour of thme state, after a conference with New York 11, Boston 4I Prof. Charles E. Chapman of the o
7 or 8 o'clock in the evening they canf gynmnasium. 'President Calles, ______________________f University of California is at Michi- ii

sight wichi wouild give thme excursion-
ists tOW( ''g1eatest Ithiiill'' lie said,
wVouldhiob thmeir' visit to time cave of
Dr'. Iussey will aceompanmy thme
gr'oup Idat is to inake a three (lay ex-

c ii n 'joito
aImd wiii

time falls starting .July 9,
(l12('rihie andl expllain time
of this natur'al wonder'

:m'onlgeological hpoit of viewx:

lxincr 'lt d demii in Ifor seats has
mad, 11-ii araiy thle scduinmg of the
tI ird periformnmce mthis week of Ber'-
inard Shaw's "(great ('athierine" by
''The layer's at 8:.'3 o'clock tonight
i a Sam'ali Caswell Ang'ell hall. This
i,i 'selittiolm will be the 23rd showing
of' the Shaviaii faircetby players of the
Unmiversity si ne it's initial production
last <laxxuary.
"Great Cathei'ine" will he preceded
by a curtinl-raiser',(Colin Campbell
Clementms' 'Sprixng'',Nwith Amy Loomnis,
'22, and " William C. Bishop, '28.
Seats for' tonight's perfor'mance, as
ex l as season tickets for thme entire
group) of plays to te preseinted, may
be secured at Slater's and1 Wahr's
b~ookst (lies, a adl at the box office after
6 :30 o'clock.
;or's Teaching
Summer Sessirn
gan for the snilnin cv while Prof.
ArthIur S. Aiton of this Univer'iy
gosto the WesteiOimstituition. r si ii, n mrcnI Hi-
to iy.
Work in iii ediev'al history is being;
offered by Prof. A. C. Frey of the
univer'sity of Minn( sotai. At the meet-
ig of' tfme Amierican 1 listorical asso-
ciatiomi he're last D ecember'Pr'ofessor'
'They wais a ppointed chairman of the
comnimittee to stud(y the teaching of
mist ory andi other social stud~ies in the
Other visiting history Iprofessors are
Prof. Frank If. Andersom of Dart-
mouth college and Professor Arthur
C.Cole of Ohio State University. The
atter's work is laeing done in the line
of Anmeric'an social history and po-
itical parties.

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