PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pu blicat ion inlh1311 liI t~iu iis constr1uct i vti ce to all members of the University. Copy received[ at the office of the rummer Session until 3:30 p. 11 :30 a. in. Saturday) v~olumie TI llhi),ky. it411 :::i. U1; f Number 187 Faculty and Students: An informal reception for the faculty and students of the Summer Session will be held this evening in Barbour Gymnasium from eight to eleven o'clock. Edward H. Kraus. Excursion No. 2: Detroit News Building, including WWJ radio broadcasting station and the Detroit Public Library. Luncheon in the New General Motor Motors Building cafeteria. Party leaves Packard and State Street station at 8 a. mn. (not 8:15) Saturday, June 30. Trip over at 3 p. m. Total expense about $2.50. To increase adequate car service into Detroit, names should be left in box, Room 8, University Hall, by Friday, 6 p. mn. Carlton Wells, Director of Excursions. Bureau of Appointments : All students who are actively enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments and who are attending the Summer session should 1111 out location blanks as soon as possible. Candidates from the field who are back for the sum- muer should also bring their records up to date. Margaret Cameron, Secretary, Niagarai Fails Excursion: The annual excursion to Niagara Falls will leave Ann Arbor, Friday afternoon, July 9, and return Monday morning, July 12. The excursion is open to students and friends. All interested are please asked to see either Dr. Hussy, room G 127 Natural Science Bldg. or Dr. MacCorthy, room G 223 Natural Science Bldg. Morning hours 10-11. Afternoons, 2-4. Arrange- ments should be made at once. R. C. Hiussey. Rhetoric 202s: Studies in Literary Types and Forms will meet from now on in Room 2208 A. H. ilarris Fletcher. Prospective Teachers: Students who desire the services of the Bureau of Appointments in se- curing a position for next fall who have not already enrolled with the Bureau should call at the oftice of the Bureau, Room 102 Tappan Hall, at once. Margaret Cameron, Secretary. Physics: The lectures in the course on Molecular Theory of Matter by Dr. Herz- feld will be given the following times: Monday, 3 to 5; Wednesday, 4 to 5; Friday, 4 to 5. The first lecture is on Monday, June 28 in Room 1041, New Physics Laboratory. It. X. IRandall. Phi D~elta Kappa Liucheoni and Registration: Tuesday, .lune 29th, at 12 noon, in the Lantern Shop, corner of South University and Willard, the first luncheon anti get-together meeting of all members of Phi Delta K~app~a will be held. Registration of members of Omega chapter and any other chapters is requested at Room 106, Tappan hall. Russell Thiomuas, V ice-President. .Notice to Cinese Studients: Everyone is cordially requested to attendi the :social meeting in Wesley Hall, corner of State and Huroni Streets, on Saturday, June 26, at 7 o'clock p. M. K. Ho, President POWER OEVILOPMENT IS5Echng DELATED BY FISHERMEN1 'jioel,~ (By sscite Pre'ss) club, a large par ty ILANSING. June 2.4- Protests studlents toured t11 against the recent action of the state countryside yester( conservation commission ordering route coe e th ale faot2arsongsrite'ltiof 1the awuCl lahd saleofg haserAarqeotate v (' n tv b111 t~\N',.1 t1'~25'. 1926; h~'5k ~ -t the Library at 'toAli o o U '11100 vas the last hasir'e >hi SO o. ti riii1, of mo ii'Ithan 20,000) volunms 1Mul1th e sources oft noirai [ist ory, Ili original gift, to the University. STo this abhout $1 5,000 wvorth of mateor iiOi is wdi'(l1manualliy. AS most Of lhb o naf cii is in) Lat~ini or Italian, it s chief appeal is natu rally to the grad- oia e Iui dit. The library conitains -ev oral valuable colle ctionls of let- Serti, iilding. manly by .1ohn Adam, Blenjamin F'ra nklinl, anid others. Soni, of eilie oAtiitif eretinig are codle imies- sages betwceei Arnold and Andre, dis u. s lii g- the contetmpllated treason of (;etieral Arnold. A recent addition colosisi s of some 1 1,000d(oc:umenits of the i nith-isi c neral, Sir Henry (Clin- I E~IJi7 E8 IRNS i BY Nwo' "zd e rss) for the development telegram from Mason of Power. A I fl . county sports-! Next the partyi 15 ~j1]I-,-ll-giving Up 1; r..~jo tbo habit, if the fig- tza i"oF L )C -4~twio munici pal 1)1; 0 Neu 2 1 Subscribe iur 'I'lie sttmmer Paily.! PROV IDEmNCE- -Research in mental hygiene will be inaugurated at Browu university next year under the direc- tion of Dr. Arthur 11. Ruggles, head of the Butler hospital. Associated with him in this work will be Dr.' Charles A. MacDonald of the Harvard medical school and Dr. Paul Ewer- hardt. course. The former wii] deal with the basic course and the advanced i!aval gunnery and construction and tire principles of navigation, Iparalell- ing the preliminary work in military traini-ng The advanced course will beG offered only to those who have coin-I lleted the first two years' work. ...... ...e, Hotsy -T7otsy 1i'o's Rss Or' llesin.I n Su.-,-" Old Lo . 'ves art~id Y_ ' II I LEg+i JSTON Y a I MAT 2:00 3:30 NlI I i Frl 7:, io 1))) W c, 3:>, 5()c 1 . __ - : ,t. ~ r< - --- IOWA CITY---Among the plays PRINCETON- -In a recent issue of :scheduled for the rummer term at the The Daily Princetonian is a facsimile l'niversity of Iowa by the Out-Of- of page 1 of the first issue of The !lBoors players are Claire Kummer's Princetonian, dated Jumne 14, 1876. ! Rollo's Wild Oat" and Shakespeare's The Princetonian at that time con- ;"Th Tempest." sisted of 12 pages and was published, once every two weeks. In an article' PRINCETON-Secretary of the Navy in The Princetonina of June 19 of:r Curtis D. Wilbur commended theH this year it was brought out that the ;study of mathematics in an interview late President Wilson, as the third with The Daily Princetonian here re- managing editor of the paper in his undergradluate days, was largely re-, sponsible for placing the affairs of the sheet on a more solidi foundation.j CAM HRI DGE---A new department has been added to the curriculum of Harvard university. Next fall a naval reserve officer's course will be offered to studlents, to be administered by the ne9w departmtent of naval science and tactics. The wvork will consist of four years' training to be divided into two parts, tently. "The attitude of the student ini higher niatliematics is that there is an answer to his problem, and with this in mind, lie can solve with readi- ness any that he may have,", he said. WASI IINGTON.--- The Norbeck billi, increasinig the penfsions of veterans of Owe Civil anid Mexicani wars and their 'widows and widows of veterans of the{ wvar of 1812, was passed Wednesday byJ the Senate and sent to the House. ReaO the Want Ads; NOW PLAYING A Story of Today_ MAE BUSCH FRANK MAYO LEE MORSAN ELLIOTT DEXTER EVA NOVAK Comedy--" Buster's Mix-up" Felix Cats Coming Sunday RIN-TIN-TIN IN "THE NIGHT CRY"5 And "FIGHTING HEARTS" No mlvaucc iii prices I s H:' " ' . : L , 1 . t ti ^, ': K y : ; , r ,,'.wr ; _, .- . r t , ,. rj . 4 j ' { Y p}ry KF" 7 q pe i . ' W f r1 1 ' ., s ; ; rj w t ' 'i aj t , .. .ts N EL IT 6,.cS ROB4 . " KXOI l a. l -s ''- .,c t Y : _.....__ ri. .. ®T ____. I y WITHI VA~NNLP1I3.A~ '~'M~"7. Ix~ flOC/~'Ll IT F I.AOt, J ( 1)1 L' V ~ u''iJ5h A R E C H O R U S G lf L -5 W I D IN THIS NILA71OU Qhrilo e ontzc g~ S1it 1£A t' Sun.,- AN LOCALS 1 VIIIV ii "The Blind Goddess" (I IA' l K °' i(4O1I ; " ' t ; 9lm