FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1926 THE SUMM ER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE r#r, 'flrntnar, -4rmn HOUGHTON RECALS FIRST IRON CLAO) 111ge Lathe In -Northern Peinisular Foundry Once Used To Build Faniiois Monitor CITY INVITES PRINCE (By Asociaed Prss HANCOCK, Mich., June 24. -Recent dedlicationl of a monument in Washing- ton to the memuory of John Ericsson, the Swedish-American who won last- ing honor during the Civil War by in- venting and building the battleship Monitor, the first all-iron fighting ship, and the first revolving turret, has brought to mind the fact that the great lathe used by Ericsson in turn- Ing out and finishing the parts for the famous little gunboat is at the Carroll foundry plant in Houghton, where for years it was used in the foundry turn- ing out mining and milling machinery. The fire which some time ago de- stroyed the Carroll foundry did not hurt the great lathe, which has benuj carefully protected from weather and rust and is in perfect condition for work today. Efforts are being made to have the C'rown Prince of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, and Princess Louise, now touring; the [Uited States, stop at Houghton on their way to Duluthi, Minn., long enough to inspect this piece of machinery, the invention of a Swedish-American; a machine that (id its part in bringing the Civil War to a close. An invitation has been sct to the Prince through the Swed- ish (consul1 at Chicago. Wash tenaw Medics Elect Delegates Delegates, for the State Medcal gathering to be held during Septem- ber at Lansing were appointed by th Washtenaw County Medical Society at their meeting yesterday. The society entertained guests from Jackson at dinner at 6:3~0 last night. after an afternoon of golf. Rtrhthre beaautye I e$card? rna r: Fe k olr ' ) / 7!L Mrk IU.r3 ' ed f p / f are the Interacollegiate C;olors T HIS classic pen with the JHand-size grip and Over- size ink capacity has become so thoroughly the Inter-collegiate Pen that Parker Duofold's black and red combination have also become the Inter- collegiate colors, as it were. No style of writing can disi- tort its 25-year point. This beauty is awaiting you at all good pen counters. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Factory and General Offices JANEiSVILLE, WIS. Wi1rt2 2i YtjrJ'oint Dunofold Jr. $5Lady Duofold $5 Intermediate size Witt, rig for chatelainte Briti. Ilen ges Franc > ' Jassfied A ds '.1 i,ud al f'ls. 1)bositiess ..ddrv.; s ,r} I ,lr 1l~d I nk 1 l tildillg , 1Flint D TwiI '\()Io obs',\ auited at (luCk r, Nv r.l: I', rom atGit ( 'Chu rch 0111y -a 11erhou re tis ''' D VP) oiing andhe alIt hy men (i41iig1,50 )potunIs or mior'e to act asbood d outers at the University I ~i~l.applly at thle I louse: w-Aian's Office. 7-8-9-10-11-12 WA \TEI-Partl titsl ework li a.(c01-, 0 ~-t uilo I i. Twor tii. rehours; ,i.~.t :aooii. (Care of children; 1 u tworkT. Address Box 106. - :11 _I Tom~pson, twvo FOR RENT FOR. RE T-.Rooms- 337 Thompson St. As low as two dollars a week for a student. If two in a suite or room. H1ot and cold water. Best of furnit ure. Dial 6292. 7-8-9i -01ICE Ii E WSTI R (%OS.METI('S A coulplete line of best grade cosmuet- i Cs. Approved by dermatologists. A student agency dlesired, liberal pay. I IREWSTER LAB3ORZATORIES Iiant ingt on, Long Island, N. Y. 4-5-6-7-8-9 LOST LOST--GOry bill fold at Summer ses- 5101:)iroom . Name printed in guilt on the inside. Call School of Mus- ic or 13~28 Washtenaww. Dial 8327. R~eward. 5-6-7 iRcad the Want Ads (i7'?t'. ,'{; ...-'i1? . t ... 4 3 l . S t n)1 1 i put; reasoniably - a U at alltheMICHIGAN PINS - -- -i-Y-- ~ -- OUNTAIN PENS uiuan two ap 1'f LARM CLOCKS I~v IP 1-'. 6 - 7 alit. 14 JEWELERS t 2)711 1 u 111 .! ,1111i+1 ' t t ll f or. t+- - ' I E, l ~bp Suietiti all '~ ci . s; 600) E. Liberty L m ,.,..._ . ac,,._. _,s " _ . tr . M? It '~v 'j~' gj t~i >1 ,'i~ .s~ 'I ~"t~ ~ 4 i,,:11,fI i , k,' )tt I A!ad 4~1 '~ i 'P. I~ ~ IX.l~t' f ., I ,, 'I - N,,1 r ' -s / -, :- -mo t ~1' (4 ~ -~"~; All kinds, W7all Tents, Umbrella, Tents, Mos- (J~ti()ad Cl~dren's Play- Tents. Fles, Canvas l ; cl's. a1nd AUTO-TOURO TENTS 4j "I" r'" %-'-~ (j )c cA) C* Tol .Lo~ or Touring-Folding Cots, $3.75. Stools Xi \ ' -~Slwig ags, NAvy IH-a r,,o cks, stoves, \Q I ( .:k Vitn Buckets, Blaikes-iii fact, ev ery- l'7 f N r/ Ni i .t:,ciays A. 6 C OCB+CALCr n, Adn .. Yout WllBeSeve - v S, ail kinds. j~ 1 coi duroy, Wool Plaids, etc. the Pusuit of Thirst a callfo:Coa lashappy 1~ tre I ) I' It .' I j > 1Uj 1Cm 21 3 North Fourth Ave. IT H-AD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHlERE IT IS -"- 7 MILLION A DAY iI'4@~V~~ >WA~~NU 4 (mM L ."7; '.'. rkti-t-.24,°fr ' Ys4 91+ 'P'11 4 !A:tl. i., 3 a 1' F r1' / .. it ' J . _ ._.L x ' + r 1.8Ad' ti d, .._ . .. UPrice 250 E F' ?4 I ^. ¢> ''! 1 ^f .rt J : ' l _ 1 _..". i 1 w. c;?. 00 r k r l A) .- t , r N } k : ;; rf ' h wLh~'-. a t " 1 'c4 i . ' 4^ry r, T : i J ka 1 i Y h yr_ , o r, ?s tia , ' SFr .. t"1. VQ . tr< _, ; . e }^ ^ F sou Prie IJLLI