PAGE TWO 0ij4 untnt> infractions. There is no trouble for *I him to bother over. Air 4 ~i g an B alU I There is a grinm determination about OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE these husky coaches, and an expres-j UNIVERSITY~ OF MICHIGAN lion of let's-get-going with the teach- SUMMER SESSION ers, which is enough to frighten a l'blrshed evecry morning exc-ept M onday~ Juring thre tniversity Summecr Session by regular student into doing some real the Board in Control of Student Publica- Studying during the summer. ions. The Associated Press .is exclusively en-I titled to the use for republication of all news .The difference between European dispatches credited to it or not othier wise ',redited in this paper and tihe local ncwtis pub- w'omen and American women is that. lisped herein, the former are ninety-nine per Cent enrtered at tihe Ann Arbor, \Iichiqan, feminine, while the America woman THE SUMMER MICiUCAM flAITT TWIfn flA ' TAL )' 1 A- AT1"-A A- t.r---. l -w%-- -- I.L L.-71L 1 W I'ru Ax, JUNE 25, 12 :6 music I DRAMA STO-M1ORROW N'IGH'T: Third per-j formnce of Blernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" in Sarah Caswell Angell hail at 8: 30 o'clock. * GRAHAM'S TE T B O SFRDepartments of the University GRAHAM'S L At Both Ends of the Diagonal pustofirce asV second class (natter. is only one per cent."-1-elen Dazu. "PIG Subsripionby crrir, r. o bymai, ____A review, by William R. Breyer. Offices: Press 1Build"ng, NMaynar t ret,! Wa i os ndtsteSm I tiigcnrs otebitr :inn Arbor, Michigan. t'a i os ndtsteSn- I tiigcnrs oteb~tr itier Student Directory should make. 101u8 gayety of "Great Catherine" is C orin iicatonif signed as eviucnce of ColiCambellClemnts'"Sprng"_ good faith, will be published in The Sumumer ' _______ __ - - ConCmbl lmns Srn 13ily at the discretion of the Editor. Jt - It is a sweet, almost saccharine, ro-± Signed communications will receive no con- side'ratioin. The signature may be omitted in EDITORIAL COMMENT \?' mantlc bit about a sailor on shore publication if desired by thre writer. The I li!'l~lr Ieave and a girl. They are attracted Summer D~aily does riot niecessari'y endorsemetn at pr the sentiments repressed in tihe comnmunica- -"_. _. to one another, meig aapr _____________________________~ TH LAN) O TLE RE" ien ch-p resumably on Riverside EyDITORIAL STAFF' (New York Times) Drive -, because they are both "dif- Trelep~hone 490.i President Goodnow of Johns Hop- ferent", twin poetic souls who are MANAGING EDITOR k1s tte itehyarga oin misfits In a cruelly materialistic MANNING HOUSEWORTH world, C hairmarn, exercises, had the hardihood to ques- Editioritmeta lBa rI.. E..'ugeneif. t intek n u The mood of the 1a s etmetl City E ditor............illiam R . Breer ! hdtuhoftertinlAthm(teamnyand calls for restrained act- Music and 1 )t aia.........William (C. Lucas \hni hrceie mrc ste Woman's Editor...........Julia ~Rth Bfroe~wn itnhrceie mrc stelg,- portray al of'aan entirely differ- Night Editors "land of the free." Only in a qui-li-ct calibre fr'om that demrandedl by Wilton A. Siinpson Theodore Huornberger lied sense miay our, country now be Shaw's farce. For this reason the Pattl J Kern Fre'derick Shillito designated, and only in such a sense two actor s make the pardonable mis- Douglas Douhledlay might it ever have geen so ('ailed.' Illvos Assistants For a century. hie implies, wve have ;ai l org 1'Mc Ken, I lit ~~ ilcws 'been teaching our children to sing a.;. - XI iri' /.erding ,Patriotic bit of self-pra ise whlich the THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL BUSIN~ESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD) (rcnlrtion..................-Kenneth taii Advvrti ' i...................l-'rrnci', No r rtiit' Assistants I~dwavrd Slrnr \\iiiain . Cok FRIDAY. JUNE, 25, 1926 Night Editor-TH N. 11OtNBERGER trENTLE1MVS AUEEMtENT Custom does not always suffice-oc- casionally it is necessary to legislate in order to maintain a gentleman's agreement. It has heni heretofore ai unwritten law in Washington that a member of Congress should not be interested financially, in any way, in any legislation pending before the national government. It is trtue that members of 'on- gress often (10 receive remuneration for(delivering addresses between ses- sions, but such proceeure is, how ever, concerned on l with orgniza- ions of a local nat ure. Sen. Jamies A. Reed, lDemocrat, Missouri who 'ap- pears to be the great es ahernt of common-sense and fair-play in pol- tics todlay has brought to light n astounding fact- -the realization that the Anti-Soaloon leagte has man' prominent congressmien on its pay- roll. Men who are hired by any agency tr corporation cannot 1bexpected to render disinterested opinion for they are necessarily biased. Congress- ional legislation is supposedl to be car- ried on by men who, after listening to the facts, will vote according to the dictates of reason. This cannot be the case at the present time - employes are by necessity partial to the views of their employers. Suppose that the banlkr associa- tion or the steel trust paid menbers of Congress to speak ini its behaf. Would such a condition lbe tolerated by the people of the nation? Hardly. Yet the Anti-Saloon league is the only national organization violating the rules of decorum, and it is able to do so because of a sentimental back- ground(. But things inuist be brought down to earth. The Anti-Saloon league must not be allowed to continue this gross-, ly unfa ir practice It. its leaders are not courteous enouigh ti stlbit tJ suggestion, then they mst be whip- ped into line. NOT SO COIA1TCHII Not so gidd~ily collegiate, this crowd,I the student body of the Summer ses- sion. Of stomping heel-plates, of screaming golf hose, of kollege-kut- kloteths, emrodered chiffon, and1 dar- ing scanty skirts, there are few. The downy cheek and the painted cheek have given way before the oened shirt collar, white socks, 16 inch bottoms and cotton stockings. Stiff beards and long dresses betray the stuent who is here for business.j The camptlus is now taken over by school teachers, coahes, the ambit- ious undergraduate, special students. and, of course, the usual allotment of flunkers who must make up hours.I Work-that is what they are here for. Bolts are a thing forgotten In sum- mer school, the professors claim. For why should one bolt when one is here -terrible thought--to go to school? With the Summer session the Dean of Students spends his time on the golf. links or in his garden, for with the passing of the regular session have passed drinking and other disciplinary ywa eddgvsnwrao o y i 3 1! 4 Y j i Y 1 Y . i i 2: t' ,- ; historical facts do not entirely war- rant.. Even the "desperate adven- ture" of the fountders wvas not madle with an idea, of establishing "'the land of the free.'' They wantted to be free to follow the dictates of theiri own conscienctes, but they were niot disposed, with certaln isola ted excep- tios, to give like freedom to those wtho did not agree with them.- After indIependence was won there weas some abatement of the earlier in- tolerance, but the sense or responsi- l'ilitv l'or the social c'ondutct and spirit.- utal salvation of one's neighbors anti the self-confidence of vigorous ('har- acters persisted and tended to make a twilight zone along the borders of the Bills of Flights. andi that formi-' dlable circle which, accordiing to do Tocqueville the majority drew around thought in America in his time. Lord Brve'e believed, when he came to write oht the American Commonwealth,.Ithat this had largely disappeared; but, as President Goodnow observes, even Lord Ilryce failed it prophecy, for he piredicted that in no imaginative fu- ture" was there likely to lbe any at- tempt "to repress by lawc or by opinion the free exorcise and ex-; l)ressioul of representative thouight'' on any matter not within the imme- diate range of current politics. What has been (lone by statue in Tennessee and certain other' States and by opin-- io n oh r n rl to o t e t ahing of the theory of evolution has brought within the actual present what senmed beyond any imaginable future.' lHappily, the annoying attempts to restrain freedom of expression andi soc'ial condtuct do not put limitations! SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW TAKEN ON THE CAMPUS AND AT THE DAILY OFFICE Local Subscription - - - Out-of-Town- - - $1.50 -2.00 is t! (1 S Amy Loomtis take of being, of anything, too sub- (lI t.However, in spite of the fact that their lines frequently cannot be heartd, Amy Loomis and William Bis-- hop do almost prefect work. Bishop, as the diffident "Gob" not ,wholly at one with his surroundings i. adinirably suited to his r'ole. The poinat in thle play where he em- b arassedly, hesitatingly, reads the I ragm cut of verse he has composed is flawlessly done. lie is Willie Baxter init sailor's uniform, without the 'l