ESTABLISHED 19 P # ttmmrr s f r A :4 IaitIk ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND1 NIGHAT 1 I SERVICE VOL. XVII. No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1926 PRICE FIVE CgNTS EDUiCATION SCHOOlL HISTORY I1EN BY n~uir A I fAnnrii Bach, Schumann, Wagner, In First Summer Organ Recital By W. C.L. Palmer Christian, University or-' R "ganist, opened his summer series of organ recitals last night in Hill audi- PROFESSOR POINTS OUT THAT torium with a well balanced program MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT IS which! included the ever fascinating U rYS jDET Bach Toccata in C. This number COUNTRY'S OLDEST N with its exacting requirements of or- gan ensemble proved almost too SCHORLING SPEAKS much for the venerable Columbian organ, but the Adiago and Fuge, New Members of Faculty Give Three which followed, served to illustrate Minute Talks And Oilier Members Mr. Christian's remarkable technique, especially in the upper registers, and Are Introduced in the long rhapsodical melody sug- gestive of those slow movements for At their first assembly of the Sum- the violin so distinctively and incom- mer session, students in the School of parably Bach. Elgar's "Andante ex- Education met yesterday afternoon at pressivo" seemed undistinguished in 4:15 o'clock in the auditorium of the comparison to the succeeding num- hers, d'Antallfy's "Sportive Fauns" University High school. and "Noel," a selection from Mulet's Professor Calvin 0. Davis of the__________________ colorful "Byzantine" group. Both were played with expressive warmth, and with that full understanding I which this organist seems always to infuse in his descriptive numbers. Schumann's "Sketch in D Flat", more familiar in De Pachman's arrangement for the piano, was played with a lyriciam of effect that is rarely en- countered in organ music. There seems always something lack- ing in Wagner in the hands of the organist, something that only the full symphony can define. The Tournament March from "Tanhauser", played as the concluding number, sounded somewhat blatant, even for a march. Perhaps the condition of the organ is in some measure responsible. At any rate an organist of Mr. Christian's calibre deserves a better instrument. There will be a second concert next 1 Wednesday evening. Dry Organization 1 WHEELER DETAILSCounsel Testifies S III XUSO LEASUE FINANCES 'SATURDY TO VISIT IN SENATE QUIZ, DETROITBUILDINGS School of Education pfesided at the meating in the absence of Dean Whit- ney, who is ill, and also spoke on the growth of the department of educa- tion in the University from the time of its inception in 1879. Professor Davis pointed out that the. department of education in this University is the oldest in the coun- try that has had a continuous exis- tence, and that for twenty years, from 1879 to 1899 there was only one man on the University staff who taught the subject. At the outbreak of the World war there were five men on the faculty in this department and the rapid growth to the present time is best illustrated by the fact that now there are about 50 on the faculty of the School of Education, who are di- vided with about 15 teaching the reg- ular courses, about 15 engaged in the IPRESS CLUB PLANS WASHINGTON HOME Site Of Famous Hotel Chosen For New Capitol Skyscraper By Press Organization WILL HAVE THEATER (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 23--On the site formerly occupied by the historic old Ebbitt House, a fourteen story struc- ture is being erected a a monument to the American Press. The National athletic department and the coaching Press Building will house office rooms school, and about 17 in the University for newspaper correspondents, news High school. associations and the permanent home Made School in 1921 of The National Press Club, which is In 1921 the department was made erecting the edifice. a separate school of the University, The lower interior portion of the Professor Davis continued, which Luilding will house a 3500 seat theatre makes it, with the exception of the leased to the Fox Theatres Corpora- School of Business Administration, tion. A feature of the theatre will be the youngest school or college on the the lresidential Box, to be reserved campus. at all times for the President of the During this period, also, there has United'States and his family. been a remarkable growth in enroll- The street floor otherwise will be ment; the first year there were about given over to stores, applications for 100 students enrolled in the school which have been filed by merchants and during the year just closed there representing many lines of business. were about 500, with a graduating The second to the twelfth floors and class of 121. This summer, or at noon half of the thirteenth will be divided yesterday, there were between five and into office rooms for Washington cor- six hundred enrolled in the Summer respondents. Telegraph offices will be session of the school, which is an in- Iopened on each floor. The remainder crease of over 100 from the similar of the thirteenth floor and all of the period last year and which places it fourteenth will be the home of the third among all the schools and col- National Press Club, whose plans in- leges on the campus in the point of elude an auditorium of 650 capacity, size. library, club room, lounge room, main With the addition of about 300 grad- dining room. private dining rooms, uate students who are studying edu- reception room, barber shop, writing cation and about 500 literary college 1 rooms and a guest ladies dining room, NE[ TAX REDUCTION BILLS INTRODUCED Democratic Sponsors Base Proposal On Treasury Surplus Reported At Annual Budget Meeting OPPOSE COOLIDGE PLAN (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 23.-Introduc- tion by the Democrats of both houses of Congress today of bills proposing immediate tax reduction brought to light a somewhat nebulous plan among members of the minority party for a complicated drive for a general lowering of taxes at the short ses- sion next winter, The Democrats sponsoring the bills said their actions were prompted by the estimated treasury surplus an- nouiced at the budget meeting Monday night. In placing the surplus for the current fiscal year ending June 30th, at $390,000,000 and that for next year at about half that amount, Presi- dent Coolidge at that meeting took the position that further tax reduction should be held in abeyance until the new revenue law can be given a thorough test, T'he three Democrats taking a differ- ent view, who introduced the bills for further tax relief at once were Repre- sentatives Crist of Georgia, Jacob- stein of New York, and Senator Cope- land, Democrat, of New York, Crist, a member of the House ways and means committee, which has ini- tial jurisdiction over revenue legisla- tion, proposed a reduction in the cor- poration tax from 13 1-2 to 10 per cent. Jacobstein and Copeland offered sini- lar proposals calling for a 25 per cent refund of personal income taxes and an investigation looking into the elimination of automobile and amuse- ment taxes and a reduction in the cor- poration assessment, "Great Catherine" To Play Saturday Due to the increased demand for seats an extra performance of Ber- nard Shaw's "Great Catherine" has been announced at 8:30 o'clock Sat- urday niglit in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. There will also be a regularly scheduled performance at 8:30 to- FUNDS ACCOUNTEID FOR DID NOT INCLU)DE MONEY SPENT ON POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS ON STAND AGAIN National Prohibition Cost The Drys About $35,000,000, According To Counsel's Report (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, June 23.-With Wayne B. Wheeler again facing him across the Senate campaign funds committee table, Senator Reed, of Mis- souri. today began turning the spot- light on the Anti-Saloon league fi- nances. From the general counsel and legislative agent of the league the committee learned that the cam- paign to bring about national prohi- hition has cost the dry organization of the country about $35,000,000 and that expenses during the expensive years of the fight immediately preceding enactment of the 18th amendment amounted to $2,500,000 annually. Wheeler, who took the stand after a long private conference with the com- mittee, had no detailed figures for these years, but produced reports and receipts of disbursements during the six years following enactment of the prohibitory law. Incomes of the na- tional organization amounted to near- ly $1,000,000 in 1920, $848,174.88 was the exact figure, but after that it de- creased gradually until 1925 when it totaled only $370,220. Disbursements this year almost reached the total in- come, the money going for salaries, speakers, publicity, organization, and law enforcement in the states. The dry leader explained that funds accounted for did not include money spent directly in political campaigns, that there was a separate campaign conittee of which Andrew Wilson, of Washington, is treasurer, and that it makes reports directly to the clerk of the House of Representatives as re- quired under the law. New witnesses in the Pennsylvanian inquiry summoned today included .Justice Kephart of the state supreme court, county commissioner Walker, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, A. Nevin Tetruch, of Harrisburg, and Milton Wilson, of the state treasury depart- ment, Harrisburg, all listed as sup- porters of Senator Vare. Some of these witnesses are expect- ed to be here tomorrow, but Mr. Wheeler probably will occupy the witness chair again at that time. His examination is likely to continue over Wayne B. Wheeler This is the latest informal portrait of Wayne B. Wheeler, General Counseli of the Anti-Saloon League of Ameri-G ca, whose verbal duel with Senator Reed during testimony in the Senate Campaign Investigation Committee ist providing the peak of interest in aA long series of quizzes.; Medals W ill Be Awarded To Winners In Siiigles And Doubles iatch Competitiont FEE WILL BE CH ARGED Tennis enthusiasts enrolled in the Summer session will be afforded an opportunity tocompDete in an all- campus tournament, according to an onnouncement nmade by Dr. George A. May, director of Waterman gymna- sim, yesterday. Entries may be made at Moe's sport s'hop located on North University avenue, and will be accepted until thep end of next week. A nominal entry fee of 25 cents will be charged for each individual competing in tcll- singles and doubles competition. This fund will be used to defray expenses of the tournament and to purchase Prizes for the winners.c Medals will be awarded to bothl first and second place winners in the aingles and doubles tournaments. In addition, George ioe has offered aE prize for the singles champion and one for the winning doubles team. CHICAGO--Joseph Lo Pa Hbung, a, - . V f ni n~u " lvA-219 DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL BE COVERED BROWN TO LECTURE First Excursion Will Leave Librr At 2:30 This Afternoon; Hussey To Talk Places of general interest in De} t oit will be visited Saturday by those taking the second University excur- sion on this year's summer program. 'he party, under the direction of Carlton Wells, of the rhetoric depart- ment, will be shown the Detroit News building, the General Motors building, and the Detroit Public library, leav- ing Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock in the morning from the corner of Packard and State streets. The News building, six stories high, occupies a city block, and is called the largest and most complete news- paper publishing plant in the world. Some of its features are its mid- western architecture, its renaissance lobbies, and its art department. The building contains a broadcasting sta- tion, WWJ, the first newspaper sta- tion. At noon the group will have lunch at the General Motors building and in- spect the interesting parts of this edl- flIce, and later will be escorted through the Detroit Public library. This lib- rary has more than four hundred thousand volumes and contains many works of art. The first excursion will be held to- day as previously announced. The party will meet on the steps of the Library at 2:30 o'clock, for a tour of Ann Arbor and its environs. Automo- biles furnished by the local exchange club will be used for this purpose. The group will then return to the campus for inspection of the General library, the Clements library and the Union. At 5 o'clock today in the Natural Science auditorium Prof. Rollo W. Brown of Harvard university will speak on "The Creative Spirit and the American Public." Professor Brown Is the editor of "The Writer's Art". While in Ann Arbor he will be the guest of Prof. Thomas E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department and secretary of he Summer session. 'ussell C. Hussey, of the geology department, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Niagara Falls and Vicin- ity" at 5 o'clock tomorrow in the Natural Science auditorium. I ' 'NEWS. 1'rF.NFRAi, lrafr W.1i imn 1 students who are majoring in educa- tion, the subject assumes a position of major importance on the campus. Schorling Speaks Following the address by Professor Davis, Professor Raleigh Schorling, principal of the University High school for the summer, spoke briefly of the opportunity that teachers will have of observing classes in the high school. After this address three new mem- bers of the faculty were called upon for three minute speeches, Milo Stuart, principal of Arsenal Technical High school of Indianapolis, Indiana, Wen- dall Stanton Brooks, asssitant dean of the College of Liberal Arts at North- western University, and Clay D. Slink- er, director of commercial education in the city schools of Des Moines, Iowa. Several members of the regular fac- ulty were then introduced by the chairman, and the meeting closed with the singing of America by the whole audience. Ou rWeatherMan The National Press Building Corpor- ation was organized as a holding com- pany, The directorate is made up of the officers of the corporation many prom- inent newspapermen, business men and brokers. Enrollment Total Increases By 123 Enrollment figures in the Summer session office were 3,117 at 5 o'clock yesterday, an increase of 123 over the enrollment at the same time last year. The registration in each college is as follows: College of Literature, Science and the Arts, 1,053; College of Engineer- ing and Architectures 307; Medical school, 225; College of Pharmacy, 34; Law school, 155; Graduate school, 782; School of Education, 549; and School of Business Administration, 12. M. S. C. Head To Sail For Europe (By Associated Press) EAST LANSING, June 23.-Presi- dent Kenyon L. Butterfield and Dean Eben Mumford of Michigan Stdte col- lege, will sail from New York, June 26, their principal objective being an international Rural Life conference to be held at Brussels during July. President I3utterfteld is president of the American Country Life asso-. several days, especially if the com- Chinese pilgrim to the Eucharistic mittee eliminates its afternoon sos- congress, has been termed one of the sions after the farm league bill has world's greatest Catholic philanthrop-A been voted upon in the senate. ists. i Legion (By INDIANAPO starred hanne shing may ag of France at t army that wem j years before. Groups with are planning Pershing nati Urges Pershing To Lead Holding its first meeting of the Peace-Time Army To Convention Summer session at the Union last evening, Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary educational fraternity, elect- Associated Press) Soni eMilitary Obstacles ed officers and perfected plans for )LIS, June 23.-The four There are several obstacles to ad- the summer. Harold C. Hunt, '23, was r of Black Jack Per- vancing Pershing, however. Legion elected president; Russell Thomas, officials poiytongIthisrkads'24, vice-president; and Richard he head of a peace-time officials point out It is known heSriner,24, secretary and treasurer. nt to battle with him ten will not enter a contest for the office, Dr. Raleigh Schorling of the School of nor will he permit his name to be Education faculty is club sponsor. in the American Legion used if it will divide the Legion. Th" club will hold its first lun- to elect General Joh'n J There also is a feeling that Pershing ' cheon next Tuesday noon at which onal commander of the time the summer work will be out- t the Philadelphia con- typifies the professional soldier, and i The place of meeting will be fall. If successful, he that his election might indicate the announced in The Daily tomorrow. the American Expedi- general staff was attempting to exert All members of the club, both Michi- would lead the Legion- an influence in the organization. gan' and other chapters, are urged to r pilgrimmage to France Pershing is said to be intrigued by attend. r the veteran's annual, the thought of leading the same men night. Seats for both nights priced organizationa at fifty and seventy-five cents, as well vention- thisf as season tickets, may be secured at who directed Wahr's and Slater's bookstores and tionary Force, at the box-office after 6:30 o'clock. naires in their _____ next year fo A racing car with power supplied convention, in a peace-time venture. He sees it as by the pulling of levers by the riders Would Elect Him Commander a means of improving relations be- c recently attained high speed on a track Elevating Pershing to the highest t ween the United States and Europe.w in Municb, effice in the Legion has been the ambi- Would ]le Only Nominationb -_ tion of infuential members for several Legion leaders could not assure years, officials in national headquar- the general that he would be without I)AlLY' l'BSC1IBEItS ters here declare. His name first was opposition, as every state delegation is. j mentioned at New Orleans in 1923, but entitled to present a candidate. It is If there is anyone who has at that time he was chief of staff and considered likely that a caucus will be subscribed to The Summer Daily wholly engrossed in reorganizing the held the night before the convention who is not receiving it regular- army. opens on October 11, and at that time ly he ma adjust the matter by Again at Milwaukee and Omaha, in an effort made to induce all states to calling the business office any the succeeding two years, Pershing's waive their right to nominate so that j time between 9 and 12 o'clock in name was mentioned. He still was Pershing's name would be the only inthe m rngor n d 5' k busy with government affairs. Now, 'one to go before the delegates. in the afternoon.Ithey say, Pershing may be in better The general is a member of a Wash- BUS. UAN. position to devote his- time to Legion , ington post and the District of Colum- I Construction of connecting large and reserved for being discussed. speedways directly cities of bermany high speed cars is BASEBALL SCORES American League Cleveland 3, Chicago 5 Washington-Philadelphia (rain) National League Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 6 Chicago 5, Cincinnati 3 Philadelphia-New York (rain) Brooklyn 6, Boston 1 , Brooklyn 6, Boston 4 47 Predicts cloudy weather for today, with probable showers or thund. wratnrm a