ol 4P #umm r x ESTABLI! 4I 1 92 *froAa 1Iatjj ASSOCIATED PRESS t 1 it INIGOHT WIRE SERVICE VOL. XVII. No. 5 ANN ARBOR01, :IVIIIGAN \VlEVN1'S8AY Jr\tNE s, I192 PRICE FIVE CENTS HOBBS EXPEDITIQN League Holds Afi For 111omen Of LEAV S I DAY FOR Legijining July 6, committees of the Tomen' Leagu will be hostesses at J U B LY U I U I Vnoon except Saturday during the Sum- iner session in the parlors of B~arbour GEOLOGY 1)EPARTIIENT SUPPL IES gymtnasium. All women students at- THREE MEMNBERS OF THE I tending the University during the PARTY summer are invited to attend. Margaret Eaton, '26, acting presi- IS PRELIMINARY TRIP' (dent of the League, urges all women at tending the Suimmer session to use the piarlors of the gymnasium as their Hiovemient Of Greenilanid Glaciers To clubroom. Chairs, magazines sub- Be MIeasured For First Tine scribedl for by the League and bridgej This Sumimer tables have been placed there; and the physical education department With practically all details for the fhas equippled the west balcony withi University of Michigan Greenland ex- deck chairs which women are invited pedlition completed the three men to use. from the University who will make the With all interest centered on the trip, Professor William H. Hobbs, Pro- I ,oning League building, it is the ef- fessor Laurence Gould, durd Ralph fort of the Women's league, the physi- Belknap, all of the geology depart- catl education department andl the ment, will leave this afternoon on the D~ean of Women, according to Miss{ Wolverine for Boston, Massachusetts. I At Boston the p~arty' will be met byI the other three members of the expe- dition, Professor S. P1. Ferguson of the ENROLLMENT GINS' united States Weather bureau, Profes- sor J. E. Church, '92, director of the O E IU E Mt. Rose weather observatory at Reno, LJ Nevada, and P. C. Oscanyan, Jr. of, New York, who will act as radio op- iett ni 1iigineteri'iiig ollej es erator on the trip. %rteralyScols'a From Boston the group will go to ShowhoosTh ,North Sidney, Nova Scotia, where the ____ 100 ton schooner "Morrissey", which AL OT E SIC AE has been chartered by the American ALT E SIC E S Museum Greenland expedition for a journey farther north into Greenland, Registraitioniifiures at 5 o'clock will turn in and pick them up. Thea yesterday showed an increase of 170 -ilol fem 'Jxxr nrkover the number enrolled at the same I ernoon Teas L M iMPFDW M Summer Session I HL!IU 6U U Eaton, to make Harbour gymnasium ED IJNAI ID TAFFr the center of women's social interests. All women students automaticallys EDU(CATION (LUBl TO MEET All men in the School of Edu- cation are invitedI to the meeting of the Men's Educational club whlichi will be lheld at. 7 o'clock this; evening in rooms :316-3201 of the Michigan Onion. This is the first meeting of the Summer session and will be in the nature of a preliminary to the program of the club for the term. time of registration. There is no at- tempt during the summer at League organization--no) judicial council or board of representatives as in the win- ter', -but an acting summer president is appointed to direct the summer work which is largely social. Due to the shortness of the Summer .Session general regulations will con- timne ini for~ce. House rules will be in effect whet her the house is or- ganized under a student presidenit or not. The only change in house rules is in the later closing hour: 11 o'clock instead of 10 :30. ANnyone interested in serving on a rt'ague commit tee may eomimimnicatfe with Margaret Eaton either at. Bar- hour gymnasium 01' by calling 6175. SENATE DISCUSSES tillSTUDEN)'>'TS I0, SCHOOL TIO .vr'ri:N 1) oF l i E . IS FIRST IASSEMBLY tilimiker, Brocoks, JIens.en, Ramliiu, Stine, Miniot, Amid Stuart Will (xie 'three MIinute 'lTathis Studenits inl tlie School of Education 1 will nieet inithe= first assembly of the Sumimii' essonat t1:00t o'clock this afternioonin l the auditoriumi of the Untiversity I 11gb school, IThis will ive ( all si odei: S whlo arenewo-x to the I I iiversi ty all opti10~unit y to0 becomte acqualited withi the policies of the ' school and all those coninected with the 'chool or lEducation :ire urged to ' ttcnml. The 'feat mre oft Ihe program inwill he mumher of three' miite otall, by RDil HIBt10NFNDe8 members of t( hittion ITOfarĀ°- olt y w ho arc' new 1to1Ile st aff. The 1101andlldwh ae teaching i --siorrissey" saiieu ifromILTNeoVr, early this week, and will sail from forth Sidnecy on Sunday. Bartlet Captais Ship Robert A. Bartlett, famous arctic explorer, is captain of the vessel, andj Robert Peary, son of the late admiral Peary, discoverer of the Pole, is engi- neer, andi after leaving the Michigan expedition at Holstenborg they will proceed north to the Baffin Bay re- gion where they will collect speci-1 meens for the new wing of the Ameri- can Museum of 'Natural history. The work done this summer will be preliminary to another expedition which will be undertaken in 1927, arnd'Mr. IBelknap, who will act as sur- veyor and glacialist, will drive barn- boo sticks into the ice at carefully; measured p~oints and calculate their inge last year- -3,04-2 as opposed to 2.572 in 1925. Since registration will conltinuel( thr'oughout the week it is estimated inl the Summer session offieI that there will be aln increase of moro Owan 300 Oomi the figurles up to date. Thle (College of Literature, Science and t he arts anrd the ('ollege of Engi - nieeri ng and1(1Architectu re are the only schools which show a loss over last. y ear. 79 more stutdents had registeored( in thbe lit erar'y (colege in i1925 thani this Year: anid the College of Engi- neering and Architecture have so far enrol led 24 students le'S than last. i year. The School of Eduacation and the School of Business ;Administ rat ion show the largest proportionate in - crease with a gain of more than 25 per cent in each school. C'ontrol IReputblicani Party Dl~l des Attention $130,000 IS RAISED tBy Associjated tPress} WASINU\CTON, June 22.---Prohibi- tion enforcemnent in Pennsyl vania awith a special fund raised by the Woman's Christian Temperance Uinion and the efforts of Secretary Mallotn and oilier membler's of htis fa mily to have contr'olling hands in the lRepub- lican pmolicy' in that state dlivided tlho at tent ion today of the Senate cam- pa ign funds commiit tee. Frmom i rs. Ella Al. Cteorge, st ate p~residleit of the t em pem'an ceorgaltiza- I ion, the inivest igators lea m'ned that alppFox ilnat ely $130 ,000f)lhas bee raised to enforce the state new dry law and that Governor Pinchot has set up special machinery withI two (epuity~ attorney-getierals paid outt of lie fund. This jestiinony arousc d mnemb)ers of thle commit tee, some of whoni brought up t he legal right of a private organization to cont ributIe funds(1 to the common wealth. 'Finally Senator Reed, Democrat, M issourli, the chiai rmani, cailledl to t ii' stand Represent ative Graham, of Pennsylvania, who declared he hamd not known of a governor ot' his state accepting funds fo r' law enforcem entf o u h a r a i a i n u tl G v eror Pinchot had done so. Mor'e light on the activities of Sen- ator Mellomi and his nephew WV. ,1. MellIon, president of the Gulf Oil comnlaly, in the free primary man - euvering was shed by W. Mlurray Baker, now secretary and formierly chairman of the Pennsylvania Repub- StSate Senator Max G. Leslie of Pit tsburgh. CONGREGATIONALISTS pf'esvn t sessl are Clay I). Shinkher, jDirector of( ' omnmcrcia I ''dmcat ion ill theo city schlools oa t I)e'M1oines1, Iowa., who is I etich lug r ouine rcia I education ill ttie Sum ii c'rSEsspi on. XWendall Staniton Brooks, a ssist alttcdean of the l oll ege of' Libieral1 Arts of North- v.(str UtnIllIIiver'sityv, Prian k Arthur JTen- ~ell. supel'ilteldi of schools it Rtockfor'd, Illinois. Paul Tory 'Rankin Of tHie H oa rd of Edu cat ion of tDet roit, }1Michiigan.ll'er1na; Stine ot the State 'NorniIcollege at Minot, N orthti I)ako- tam, and .Milo ti. Stuari, w\ho is Priinci- p1 dof .\ r-eua l' echnical Hi 11 Schtool at Ildianalmolis, Indianta. 'I'lr three minute talks In nwich of _tti'so inritilty nIl- h- vvXXill crolistit ute Fthe maoriil portion of the pi-ogi'afl, awhich Nvill also consist of 1e1eSsary ami{loti T'tlielIT send a sholt admess th) a meimier of thme regular facuilty. Org an,"Rvci*al Offers Studen2ts Varied Program fist, w Xill give a prog ramii1of 'gatn mu- IO sic n the('tol mian iExpos-t lon or'gant ire h1ill Auditoriutiithi s O~iI~at torilock{ t'Oil1inelita ry to :stimm1em'StU- dents. 'There will be no adtnission (bcarge and the general public, with -tl' he XCel)tiomi Of sxnaia1childreii. is aliso invited. T Ihe pr'ogramn is as follows: j Faea IIt( Song of Triumph) .. Mat hews Andanute expressi55vo ........igar Sport ive Fauns...............An t alffy t noel ...........................Mlt 1'r'a rac, Ad iago and Fuge in ('. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ach Sketchiin 1) lFlat ...............B ach SAllegro gi oioso................ Dethier I l'ov isi t ion on a fa milhai' melody i march 4 'a nhauser).............agnar TILE SPEAKS ON YOUTH AT GEN VA 'Urh 114119 IIid lStudents Listen 'To President Ini 1'11o Speehes At Conference( 20 CO FROM HERE That(Chiristiauity today offemrs a Ire inendons task for youth but hlt you thi is tbett em'Iprepar'edlthanmiever before to mioot it was the bulrdent of two ripeches by Presidenlt Little at the Lake Gemneva Wiscomsin, studet con- ference last week. Dr. Little spoke io Wenesday anmd'Thursday, June :1G and 17, beoe more t han 1200) stu-' ;lent s fm tthe miiddl e west, assembled at Geneva for at teml day religious con- fei'en ce. M1'oie tha I t wenty Michigan fmcl attendled. 'it coees clear thlit Youth is in a position of great lpossihilit ie,'' sidf the 'esident . If it approaches it , ini hiu miliy imvolving self-denial, con rage developing it to intellectual, maoi'al, andi spiritual leadership, and oleranmce which breeds at permanent anid whole-souleid love of one's fellow rntii-Y\outh may at any moment in- it iate' ameformation in our ideals and pma c~i(' of the Chris tiani religion that eX ill lead us farm'towa rds the realiza - io of o1ur11 tru erel at inship xit' God.'' Speaking onl Wednesday on "The Ba ckground" 1)1. Little outlined the mleuV freedom frontu dogma, the increas- i nmumbers of young people10gowing up w-:ithbout the bonds of denomination, and1( pointed out that in this new ele- mient t here was hidden strength likely to findl itsel1f in new channels. Speak- tug of the college situa tioii le defined thle "higher'' in higher eucatoni as al a dinisioin by those who love youth hmat it if their highest duty to set the stage sip thtit sotmetime in the college cou rse the intellect (of youth my muet its miiiiter- amd recogmizeflini.Th address On Thursday was "The Task" aid em phasizei humility, courage and tolerance as the characteristics needed by moderni youth. SMA~LLREISTRATION REPORTED BY UNION Only 244 muen students had register- ed for nmenmbership in the Mlichigan t'mon late Tuesday nigt The man- a gemmemt, outlining the summter' pro- gram announcedh yst erday that be- y ining met week the doorini Xwouldl ask all men enteri'g the Union to show their membership cards. Sumiter school students desiring suma- 1m' nlmember'ship) may otin camds by showing their tieasrer's receipt at the nain desk. The Union will contimnue all of its ser'vices, with the exceptions of the billiard rooni and thre bowling alleys, thbromughout the summier temn. The mmmain dining room and cafeteria will serve meals according to their regu- =ltir schedule, the library, barber-shop antd shoe-shinting services will con- imue. The swrimming pool is open to Sunday from ie to eleven, to men :'.oily front eleven to eleven. BASEBALL SCORE'S Amrican LIteagliel St . Louis 4.1Detroit 9 Nleelanork3,Whigon New York 7, Washingtoni 1 NaltionalI League Pittsburgh 3, St. Louis 1 Chicago 2, Cincinnati 3j Brooklyn 4, Boston 2 "Philadelphia 6, New York 2 UNVESIYOPENS LECTOU, MUCL AND PLAYPOGRA TWO EXCUrtSIONS INCLUDED~ IN ENTERTAINMENT SERIES FOR THIS WEEK CLUBS MEET TODAY Professor Rollo IV. Brown of Harvard amid Dr. Rlussell C. Haussey of Michligan to Speak Two excursions, two lectures, a con- cemt, a ,lay and the faculty reception to time Summer session students are onm tie University progr'am for the re- nmaindcr of the week. The memn's and women's Educational clubs are holding their respective maccings tomight at 7 o'clock, and at so'clock an organ recital by Palmer' C'hristian is schieduled at Hill audi- toriuml~. "The C'reative Spirit and the Amer- can Public" will be the title of a lec- hure Thursday at 5 o'clock to bogiven. by Rollo VS. Brown, Harvard univer- sity lecturer. Mr. Brown is an edu- ('atijonal authority in this country and in France, where he has spent much tinme investigating school conditions. After graduating from Oho North- er'n university imn 1903, Mr. Brown re- ce(ived ai master's degree from Harvard ini 1905. Ile was in the rhetoric de- paritment of Wabash college for 15 year's, and was later professor of rhetoric and composition at Care- ion college. Mr. Brown is a member of the M~odern Language association of America and other language organiza- tins. In 1,921 Mr. Brown edited "The Write(rs' Art," and previously he had. published two other books on writ- imng. lie is a reguar contributor to ediuc(ational and literary journals. Starting at 2:30 o'clock Thursday wxill b)e the annual Summer session toni' of theo campus and the city, con- (lu('ed this year by Calton Wells, of the rhetoric department, with the o- ep~eramtion of the Ann Arbor Exchange ('lmb. The purpose of this trip Is to aid those in Ann Arbor for the frst imie in becoming acquaintedl with the t'niversity anld the city. In order that adequate transportation may be pro- vided, those planning to take the trip should eave their names in room s,. university hall, before 6 o'clock t onighit. Thre party will board cars at the side of the Natural Science building, and precede from there through the attractive Washtenaw residence dis- t rict. Taking the Glen drive boule- vardi from Geddes avenue, the cars will descend to the river and travel to the Barton H-ills Country club. Fr'om here they will go by way of the North boulevard to Cedar Bend boule- vard(. From the crest of the hill here ani excellent view of the campus, the hospital, and most of the city is af- forded across the river valley. Upon retur'ning to the campus, those who desire to finish the inspec- ion tour wX'ill be shown through the gemeral library 'and Clements library. At the first stop they will be taken through the stacks, order room, and cataloging department and will have explainoed to them all the local lb lib-ravymnethodls. Clements library will he exhibited by its librarian, and the History records which are kept there. The Michiganl Union will be visited before the party disperses, this being the sole op)portunity fom' women stu- dents to make such an inspection. On Friday's program is an illustrat- Ed lecture, "Niagara Falls and Vicin- ity," by Dr. Rumssell C. Hussey, of the geology department, at 5 o'clock in the aft ernoon. This will be especially interesting to those comntenmplating the JUniversity tour to the Falls July 9. From S until 11 o'clock Friday night will be the faculty reception to the students at Barbour gymnasium. At this event, which is an old custom be- inlg revived, the latter part of the evening will be given over to dancing. 'rho excursion to the Detroit News building, the General Motors building, and the lDetroit Public library is the only event on the program for Satur- (lay. This will start in the morning and end at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. miovemenlt when he returmns next year. 'Phie Gmaduat e school enrollmenlt is This is the first time that the move- 749) this year as against 641 last year; ment of the Greenland glaciers was 'While the Medical school anud Law ever accurately calculated. Professor school both shiow slight gains, as Fergusomn and Professor Church will does the College of Phar'mnacy. act as meteorologists, and :Professor'___________ Could will act as photographer, as- sistant director of the exp~editioii, and lfEPT flQ TlI~ geologist.LJU LI VIL IU Id Will Have RbidIo AII 1 1 1FAfY 1 t z 1 1 i 1 7 1 P. C. Oscanyai Jr'. of New Yor'k will HtILL UL dULU I MlUMl be radio operator of the expedition and it is expectedi that commniication; Student Directories will be placed with the outside world will be main- ioni general sale Friday, it was an- tained thrmoughout the rummer. It is ponced by C'alvin Patterson, '27, who quite possible that the letters of the with Thomas Olmsted, '27, is arrang- station will 1)e WPW, wireless pole hug the publication of the Sunmmer of the winds, if the applicatiomi for' school edit ion. The directory will those letters is granted. ; omitaimn the names, Anni Arbor ad- The Michigan party will be pickedl (ld'esses, telephone numiber's and home tip' by the "Morrissey" on. her return townt addresses of all students regu- trip) late in September and expected larly enrolled in th~e 1926 Summer to arrive in Anti Arbor about one weeki school. after tihe opening of school in the fall. The b ook is now being run off on It is expected that piermianent sta- the press; late registrations will be tions will be established in the 1927 limcluded by means of a supplementary expedition.( list t:o be added to the end of the reg-- Iular enrolment list. WASHINGTON-(AP)--Opening of 'Thle 1926 lDirectory will be bound the contract air mail service between betweein blue covers and will comn- New York, Hartford and Boston on pare favorably in size with previous July 1 has been announced by the post. h ooks. The price will be 25 cents. office department.n T Summuer session work in Univer- sity High school, including grades 7, [,9tn 0 il tr ensa imn EINfMPT HrAnl ANNOUNCE TEA DANCE EAO All st udents in the Sumlmer session LECTUREIS ON are nvied t atemidthereceltioii at the Congregational chur'ch. 'There LNJt~ EINN will 1)0 an informal (lance and tea will P rof . Aubrey Tealdi gaive the sec- be served. and( le(cture of the .Summ'rse ries yes - A chiaiige has been made in time erday aft ermnooimi in Na. mma Scienc(e speaker at the student supper on Sun- ;auditorimm. His subject, The Art of day night at the chum'ch. Harry Kipike t~amttscape IDesigni, was treated very 1,;ill lead the odiscussion at 6:30 o'clock ( thoroughl Iy.- He divided land scaipe de- Smiday' instead of Miss Eleanor sigh iii twoX 0pairts, a estlmc('anmidlera- II utzel, iDetroit lpolicewomanl, as p~re-,- monic. I viously announ'edl. morning. rmuly I IIIUL I/LflU I (By Associated Press) et Mai iPARIS. .1 une 22. --The eighth (lay ofI i thle mimiistemrial criisis appar'ently h-as cenled with the new cabinet already to) he intr'odu ced to the public, but held I up by the (difficulty of the financial jsituation. PremieirBmiand has at his disposal eniough men to form a new'I j N government, but seemingly none of them wamt the p)ost of ministetr of I finance. PROPHESIES-I FAIR AiND 101)ERtATE TEM1PERA. Germany's exports per capita are TUIL. more today than in 1910. D)AILY TRYOUTS The Sumumer Michigan D aily offer's practical jour'nalistic ex- per'ienlce, in both its business and !editorial departments, to students enrolled in the Summer' session. Anyone interested in trying out for The Daily is requested to call frmn 2 to 5 o'clock any after- noon this week at The Daily of- fices in the Press building on fMaynar'd street. ' mider m tie aesthetic cer'taini essen1 titil featmres must be observed in the planinrg of