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June 22, 1926 - Image 3

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TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1926



EVOUTONNDRELGIN~New York City September '8T0Oos
IPlans for the S. S. "University," Lionel G. Crocker' is to accompany
Prof. Preston E. Slosson, of the; around the world cruise for college the college cruise as head of the pub- I (By Associ
history department, will lead th~e di- men, are fast being completed. Stu- 'lie speaking department. Mlr. Crock- Behind the footI
cusionat5:3 oclok undyJul dents enrolling in this "Traveling Un- er's wife, Dr. Crocker, until recently pie theater at C1
11,at he tudntsuper n te Cn-iversity" will leave New York city, an assistant of Dr. Bell, will act as Cohans-Jerry anl
greatona curh. rofesorSls-Sept. 18, on the S. S. Ryndan of the women's physician. children, George I
greatinalchuch Prfesor los Holland-American line. This 22,0004 Ex-President Theny of Western Ito- first found theinlsel
son's topic will be "Evolution and i ton boat has been fitted over for col- serve university is at the head of the vaudeville bill.
Religion."I lege work which will be elected by educational division of the trip. He isI On the roof gars
Speakers at other distussions dur-I students representing every state in now in Europe making detailed ar- sonic Temple here
ingth net onh wllbeDea E-ithe Union. Courses in all essential rangements for the cruise. The S. S.$ salary, of $1,000 av
ward H. Kraus of the. Summer ses- I branches of the college studies will Ryndan is expected to return some-' unprecedented pay
sion, Miss Eleanor Ffutzel, Detroitj be given, time in May. Approximately 40 per quartet.
police woman, and Hurry Kipke, as- cent of the time taken for the cruisej And here. at th
sistant football coach.,, wil be spent onI land. The party will j1S years ago, thec
FimIo h oinpcuesrPCUErH divide into groups at the shore accord- "Little JIohnny Jo:
ims sbe s for the nlto itremain-.. MOTION PCU E FR ing to the special interests of the in- g 'eatest fGog
Ices as te TO ~ TI~l~fldividual students.
der of June and July. They are: MOM T NWIUIO'.Tee heeee
TheManWihou aConcince" Those who are anxious to obtain I the life of ani act
June 27; "The Ranger of the BigI further information regarding the lictated his choice
PieIuy4 H~a' le"Juy HLYOD ue2.(P-h cruise can (10 so by communicating I site for the theater
Pns"Bel ;"gnsAlowyte"'Jy HLYODJne2.-(P Th with Lionel G. Crocker of the public memorial to his1
11; "BlwteLine," July 1; and cikn~ftecmeahsbertled~(1~e1~ T
"Red Hot Tires," Tuly 25.,oee speaking department. bsoee s1h
Speakers at the morning preaching o h o hremn tris tozl t-heith (
services will include Rev. John IVW whose names have shone forth from Professor Scott Isno. the tonlyste
Niven of Brickley Presbyterian church, picture theaters around the world, Fo sad
SorEurps old Cohan Grand,
London; Rev. Aeneas J. MacKenzie, started their struggle toward the clue-Sal years ago for- his
Brewster church, Detroit; Arthur E. 1Irole i (ie
Holt, professor, of social ethics at ('lii rf F .Sctoftertop.de G'erCoa c
agThooiaseiayan rf Stages and props which have been Prf}.N ctoftereoi e Whn1ha
H.ago Thalkgelsnr, and Prte hiao. In almost continuous use since Jesse L. par'tment, accompadniedl by his wife,1 1912 he opened it
Theological seminary faculty. I Lasky and Cecil B. DeMille pooled sailed for Europe, June 16, where: ii whose cast,.w
________________their money, rented a barn and started; they plan to spend the summer. Pro- (comeianiii namied1
production a dozen years ago, have fessor Scott will attend the meeting ofI There were snbseq
Identiying M rks ben demlished Famou Playes ,41the British Association for teA- Chnpae u
W ill K~eep Parisian Lasky, bag and baggage, have moved vancemnent of Science, which is to be; playhouse -in "Br(
to their new 26-acre home, held at Oxford, Aug. 8 to 11. He will y'c'ai' after he took
Reporters In Safety Axes and crowbars have ripped also be present at the session of the

MOVES COHNN' Classfied Ads
HISTORIC SITEANTED-Law student for posiU
' in title and trust business. Addre


«FOR RENT-Desirable double rooms,
cool and modern, in a quiet neigh-
borhood. Reasonably priced. 928
Forest or Dial 7370.4-6
FOR RENT--Rooms near Engineering

0 sS

,atd Press) 603 Industrial Bank Building, Flint
tlights of the Olym- Michigan. tf.
,hicago, the Four
nd H deen and their WANTED - Washing and ironing--
1W1 aind Josepjhine--, rough, dry, prepared. Call 2238S.
eves headliners on a 4-5-6
'den of the.01(1d Ma- FORENT
cthey appeared at a -O E'I- 1
week when that was hmsn w
ty or vadevlle blocks from campus. reasonably
pricedi rooms. Hot water all the
:em Colonial theater timle. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 9.
c~urtain first: rose on TWO DESIRABLE rooms in private
oneCs," one of the' home. One double andl one single.
'M. Cohan's hits. Phone 669~2.



Arch. Reasonable.

1115 so. Univ.

(near Goldman dry cleaning).


ants, landmarks in
°toi'-aut hor-producer. FOR RENT.--A. single or double room,
co of Chicago as a! and a suite. For men or married
ar built b)y him as a' couple. 721 Monroe. Phone 7981. 4
famous family, It FOR RENTr-A large suite suitable for
e Four Cohans." It business people. Single and double
is own money, andl
terhe s pertin irooms. Summer pirices. 425 South:
ontest fteIDivision. 4-5-6
which he leased 14
first ve~nture a . a TOKI10, June 21.-In order to listen
<<o. to ant exchange of views regardingr
(I ired the Grandl in Korea, 350 Japanese and Korean'
t with "Offier~I 666,", youths foregathered recently in 'l'okio.
as a likeable young Thie injuredl were removed to nearby
Douglas Fairbanks. hospitals after 120 police arrived to
quenit successes, (quell the riot.
it once himself in the roda-ons hy '- j ( dA
kover tihe hous-e;. LI['Yj J(L 1
tiec 21.-Lee Konins,____________________
of the New Yorkj
anid Transportation,
air of American his- o ritrtfirati Orb
and let t P1's at Sor-

FOR, RENT-One double room. One
single room. 1 block from campus,
410 E. Jefferson. Dial 7295. 4
and portable, ALL MAKES. Your
own terms. Student salesman. 212
IV. Madison. 3912. 4-5-6
A complete line of best grade cosmet-
Approved by dermatologists.
A student agency desired, liberal pay.
Hantington, Long Island, N. Y.
Comfortable, Attractive
and Cool
I3es Fgiiupmenlt for Study with
Individual Desks and Lamps
--Summer Rates-
Restaurant in Connection
One Block from Campus
Call at 615 E. Liberty

PARKS, June 22.-Parisian newspa-
per repiorters may wear high hats when
covering assignments where trouble
is likely to rise. Not as a mal ter of
protection, but of identification.
Instances of reporters being injured:
inl street frays have grown quite com-
mon. not due to the police growing
more ferocious but because they are I
unable to distinguish between rioters
and reporters. French news writers
beginning to appear on the scene ofl
manifestations rather then remaining
behind police lines and waiting for{
the news to reach them-as once wasl
the custom.
A "political revolution, with organ-
ized labor giving united and unqual-
ified support to the Western farmer,
will result from the recent defeat of-
the Haugen bill for farm relief."--
Matthew Stoll, vice-president of the
American Federation of Labor.

dlown the dressinig room w'alls on
which Wallace Reid and other stars of
yesteryear hung their meager ward-
robes. The wrinkled mirrors of the
rooms, lately used by extras, before
which Gloria Swanson penciled her
eyebrows and powdered her nose in
the early days of her stage career,
'have been relegated to the scrapheap.
Gone also are the trappings so fa-
miliar to Mary Pickford whose months
of work on "Rebecca of Sunnybrook
Farm" and "Daddy Long Legs" wrote
picture history.
"It nmay be said without pessimism
fthat we are living in perilous days
which indicate the rapid approach of
the worldl's end."-Rev. Paul Linde-
mann, St. Paul, in a baccalaureate
sermon at Concordia Theological sem-
inary, St. Louis.
'Read the Want Aids

International Press congress at Glen- NEWI YORK,.,Ju
eva, Sept. 14 to 18. former piresident
At the latter meeting he will be the Board of 'rri a
official delegate from the University, bas endowed a cha
and will read a paper on "The Teach- tory, civilizationr
ing of Journalism." bonne univ~ersity,


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Cleaned uand1Repaired
T'he '1') pe ii itA- r and at ionte ry Store

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Portables and

600 E. Liberty St.

Phone 9215

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Ann Arbor, Michigwan

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-the Perfect Dessert.
"'"THIS new ice cream creation has won
~great favor as a dinner dessert. Every-
body loves its wholesome richness,
perfect flavor and creamy smoothness. It's
factory packed in pint cartons for home
use. Surprise your family at dinner to-
night--treat them to this triumph in ice
cream quality. Choose your favorite flavor
De Luxe VManilla, De Luxe Chocolate, De
Luxe Diced Pineapple.
Aski "
Your Dealer
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No smart wardrobe is complete without at least one
of' these glorious prints . Never have they been
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one and two-piece models featuring the new swathed
hips, the large sleeves, tight cuffs, high necks and
novelty pleats so fashionable today. Your' choice of
a wide array of colors and models at $15.

Varsity Regular Service
Operates Thruout
the Year
STUDENTS can re-
ceive the high qual-
ity- laundry afforded
by Varsity service
this summer by
4 2 19
Cor. Liberty and Fifth ,A Pe.





II -


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