PAGE FOUR Tir TH 1RA;LMM1:7R MY 't-ITAILT nAli V 'Mt T- A TT A TT-TT-- 0 -- A AAA_____________________________________££. . vtvlvAl~A SVAL ..-111xHJI$ I Jd-L TI FRIHDAY, AUGUST t6'-1-26 9 CC Y T_- I_ ' r « r, "West Is Beind Arizona You PYr1928 Senator Tells Actress On Late Coolidge' Honeymoon Tour I)INBUR-H, Aug. 4 (AP. -Con-~ stance Talmadge and her Scotch hius- band, CaptiAistair Macintosh, are 'making an automobile tour of Scot- land which will last for nearly two ~.;hi is MIiss Tralmadge's first visit to S :cotland which is a delayed honey- 1110moon. 1 -- :. .. .,,R . 11 BOOK BARGAINS MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily the Want Ads' W H ' S UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE Read == -, I i r PAI 11 A coopWVER THM cozy TODAY AND TOMOR ROW With K EI a V A milion dollars. A ANNE . golden fop of fash- CORNWALL iOu. fThe wh e a t and a fields of Oregon and Brilliant Cast.t a girl. A tender- Directed by -ifoot. A gild, wild Edward horse. The thrill- Sedgwick ing hurdle race of r r J the famuous Pendle- ton Round up-and Norman Kerry. That's "t7 N1)V R } WLSTERN SKITS" - a big, dra*matic story that will thrill you through and > through. t s That thel R*pu hi icans 0otf "v D1' 5 ~1 ii w. tir(1;i dgefor Iho presidential flomilIial lllill in ' s lh' 1)11111 S;nator aron of Arizona. The sonator e,111roell ta i x1 1'j'i 1 narsn l viit. to the chief exec'utive's Srzti) 11 'a Iljat1,a01w1I b', x orl Photo show,- the president, left; Senat or "'Q1 eow] lFrn i anCooidgo ;s personal friend and advisor. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN It ' ilt illucd from PaI - e Thre Attentioni Faculty: Any faculty maember who ha b ouse >o sublet for the college year 1925- 1927 will please call the 0111 s& of th e ,r . of Studnts (r,115) and list, as soon as possible. F.IL BW~alir, Asi. 5ant D)eani. Women Studenits The Wo en' f(,':u wl ee~ta Fi ]!I vAgt 6i ii from 3:3:0 to 5:00 in Barhon r VI 11 'n ~ Illisk'ill hI'thels1-! ti of the Summer Sesuion. GaeRe~rs ci ~a fWonn ' N. v 1 V CI' .7h1 w7C 17 Li> ... This is not a mere picture-it is a creation-a perfect plot-perfect acting-a jewel which will linger long in the memory like the vision of a perfect sunset. Also- COMEDY IFOX NEWS I FEIX '.r.... Read The Daily "Classified" Columns * SUN, Shh! "Up In Mabel's Room" - - K TYPEWR IN PR2ONlV11 Y AND Nl1A \ E: 0. D MorillArcade The. Type-wtxtter anll -ttiic nest t5W: West WindLe1ing Liary MAYNAR D C: IE THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT G ARR~IcK THE GARRICK CO'%,1rAN1* Y wits ANN IiAl{IilN (iffr'i- The l'iquawi , \Xittc I' eli.'i - "BLUEBEAPD'S EICI ;i "; 1~' text W,-ek (ai.11- ,~' v-- with ANN IfX 'l 17 giving tINi M Y WIT[H JwEconomical 7'rcnsportatio m T 000 ti 1 .d k I I MICHIGAN PINS. FOUNTAIN PE-NS ALARMCLOCKS HALLER'S STATE STREET JEWELS fT O' x° ' z . r . n° k a All t ; LOUISE FAZENDA CL YDE COOK MITCHELL LEWIS 7- . TonTrudi9 reduced toj iTon-'Irud 417 KiIII TAGE. FEAT'URE T va JRosebkuds HARRINGTON SISTERS in- ""7he &Garden of/Song"t Other Features I V I HAIL! r HAIL! ,n Ut w itchb Nt ill b0 ke l t th 111j~g f,1 enthusiasm by every laver of faul less anC I ii s the anlnoucemnt that AHELLNIHT DANCE* Chevrolet trucks have won w-trlA vide accept- ance on the basis of low first cost, lorv operating cost and slow depreciation. This spectacularly grow-. ing popularity has made necessary a greatly t\ creased produ~ction --. economnies c4 which are now being passed on to Chevrolet truck buyers in the form of a drastic prict, reduction. ANOI 91 W =am 4w Im ........ Sylvan ardenst, - Sand Lake IN IllE HEART F h'rlEE IRISH{ KILLS I SSATRDY AUGUST 7 TWO ORHSTRAS "BUD" LANDRY Jean G oldkette'S And His BLUE DEVILS Breeze Blowers from Texas University Chevrolet Sales 102 S. Ashley St. 4 Woirld's Lowest Priced GerhftTruck, i