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June 22, 1926 - Image 1

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:43 a ttu



Literary College Has Nearly 1,000 In
Attendancie But Fals TIo
Show Increase
Enrollment in the Summer session,
at the close of registration hours yes-
terday shows a slight increase over
the total enrollment of the same per-
iod in the 1925 school. The figures1
for this year are 2,681 or 39 more thanj
the year lprevious.1
The literary school leads all others
t. with an enrollment that closely ap-
proaches 1,000. The graduate school
comes next and then the school of ed-
ucation. All colleges and schools of
the University show an increase over
' last year's figures with the exception
of the literary college. Tfhe School of
Business Administration with a total
enrollment to date of 10 occupies the
bottom of the list but this is an in-
crease of three over the figures for
last year.
In past summer sessions a large
percentage of the enrollment in all
the colleges has come in after the first
day of, the term. This is because of
the late closing of regular sessions in
many colleges and schools through-
out the East and middle West. Last
year's first day total of 2,600 was
raised to 3,200 by late registrations a
correspondingly large increase is ex-
pected during the remainder of the
present week
As soon as the total numbers are
available for all colleges and schools
of the University complete enrollment
figures will be published in the Daily.
Ww,,~ Staff Ifember For 34) Years; IHas
Headed Department Since 1918
Miss Amanda Beser, head of the
order department of the Library, died
on Friday, June 11, at the University
H ospital.
Miss Belser had been in the service
of the University Library for thirty
years, entering the Library in 196.
Her service was first in the prepara-
tion of books for binding, and later
In the order department, in which she
continued until she became its head in
Miss Belser's father was pastor of
one of the German Lutheran churches
in Ann Arbor for many years. Her
brothers, all of whom were older than
she and who are ow, deceased were
prominent in this community and in
FEZ--(AP)-Fez, the "Holy City of
Islam in Africa," boasts of being a city
which owes nobody, has no municipal
or other debts, and has never raised
a loan either at home or abroad.

TO dV LCTRES. C. A. To Give A
-- Vacation At Pathc
Prof. Aubrey Tealdi of the
landscape design department
will deliver the second lecture Ann Arbor' boys selected for the
on the Summer session entertain- ;Fresh Air Camp of the University will
met program at 5 o'clock in the} leave for Patterson lake Friday June
Natural Science auditorium. 25 for the twelve day vacation pro-;
jProfessor Tealdi's subject will vided by funds solicited on the campus
be "The Art of Landscape De- by the Student Christian association.
Isign", dealing with the subject This group is a part of a total of
1in its practical and aesthetic 120 boys from Ann .Arbor, Jackson
(lphases. The lecture will be i- and Detroit who otherwise would be
hiStratedl by lantern slides. 1 unable to have a summer vacation at
______________________________________I The cam p w ill be under the direc-
III ST tion of Egert Isbell and 1Homri
nil1. IIILS IRST Grafton. Swimming, hiking, ntr
Ft fIL C V~iJ Fl11study, athletic games, campfire in the
r~ evening-all the fun of camp life is
SOMM R [E TORE in stre for the boys.
The selection of boys to attend the
SUMME __LE TUREcamp was made fromn a large list of
Hll Describes Geographical And deserving youngsters prepared byl
j i he shool, vaiouslocal organiza-
Historical Aspects Of sland i L ions and the social agencies of the
JOf JUGitICommunity Fund.11
The boys w1 not be mere free
FUTURE TOUCHED UPON1 guests' since the object of the camp is
_________ !given as "training for goolctzn
ciien est erday's lecture on modern Haiti ship" where each boy earns and saves
to pay as much as e can toward
given by Mr. Hall of the geography transportation and general expenses.
department initiated the series of lec-
tures, presented through the summer A T fl
session. Geographical and tolpograph- I 9 Li
ic l f a u e of H ii w r co s d r d 111its historical background related. O HI
F irst claim ed by the Spanish, it l t r p s e in o F nc p s e s on
where it remained until able to at -Crdof304N liSpcO Abt
taro its o }n inde pendence. Due to Codo .040 rn pc faot
unbalanced lpolitical conditions, in ''~Sur ~lsWih(ztlt
1915 United States entered and by liiaStdui
treaty assumed administration which
it still retains. BONZANO OFFICIATES
The majority of natives are found
tilling land, usually small clearings j(By Assciatd 1'rss
on the mountain slopes, where greater CHICAGO, une 21--Pilgrims from
security had been found in the past !all the earth met on the shores of
fi'om brigand bands. The economic l fake :Michigan today in the most im-
possibilities Mr. Hall considered fax- ressive demonstration of religious
orable. Once regarded as the new zeal eve' witnessed in America, if not
world's most valuable island posses- !il the world.
sion it still (displays the fertility that! Defyinzg thIireatening skies and a
made it so. Rice, coffee-the highest ; wind which approached a gale, more
grade in the commercial field, pine- than 200,000 worshippes press~tl it0
ap~ples and, of late, rubber are pro- the great memorial stadium and ex-!
duced in quantity,. Profitable cattle tended along a half mile of lake front
raising might be coductedl but this for the celebration of solemt pont i-
has been discoui'aged bytnsettled deal mass by John, Cadinal Bonzano
political conditions, making property, the legate of Pope Pius X, to the 2th
prey to any ruling force. National Eucharistic Congress. Polie
Native customs and instituItions~ estimated that 350,000 persons throng-
were touched upon. Of the latter Mr. ed the arena of two squardie mies of
IHall emphasized the market place. which the stadium is the center.
The women carry out business details,1 A choir of 60,000 school cildre,
men remaininig neai' their dwellings, a glad ini white and papal gold and seat-
development of the period when na- ed in the vast green mall between tuhe
tives were captured and scourged towering concrete stands, sang the
without warning into military ervice. responses to the altar.
Several anecdotes of King Chris-, The sermon of the mass was de-
the, Haiti's remarkable monarch livered by Archbishop Curley of Balti-
of the past were related in conjunction more.
with discussion of his citadel, accept- After the pontifical blessing which
ed as one of the worlds narvels. ended the mass, thousands of devout
The possible future of H-aiti's people poured into the field froni the stands
occ'upied the final portion of the le- and pressed forward through policed
tare. grounds to the space before the great

Inn Arbor Boys
erson Lake Camp'
liexwill also have aaichanceto teeld
that. they are earning a patt of ihcir
way by various camp diuties occupying
about one and a lialf hours each day
and( includinag crlap improvement
work, t rimming tre-es %washing dishes,
kitchen duty, pumping water, and
other similar tasks.
The select ion of Ann Arbor boys to
attend the Fresh Air camp wvas made
by a committee including Mrs. :Maria
Peel.,lproba tion icf(er; Miss Virginia
II a riwell. supervisor of public health
nnr'ses; AI S. 1\1an de It.Boynton ot the
Family \Nelfa re bu rea 0;1-oiner Graf-
l on, getnera1 d itector' 01:the camp, and
Egbert I sbell. camp) dir'ector.
T 1he dilte hias not been set for the

New members of the faculty
of the School of Education will
each give three minute talks at
!the assembly of the school which
will be held at 4 :00 o'clock to-
mor'ro w in the auditorium of the
University High school. T1his is
Ithe first and probably the only
opportunity that students will
shave to become acquainted with j
the new members of the faculty
and "ll of those connectedl withi
beo school a r'e turged to a tt end.
lM. I'ohicaire Hlds .,lici1To Situt tion

1ater IProdtitions illI Include W. S.
(Hil bert"^ "Sweet hearts" And
F~arce ByItoliere
With an opening at. which Dean
i Kraus and Professor 0. J. Campbell
will miake short speeches of introduc-
tioni the AlIchigan Players will present
George IBernard Shaw's comtedy,

ittI 711cr Se0titiol ''tag

day'' for the


Frosh-I A iicamp fund.I
nrn rr usmai ritnrn

h[ fir In French lrIitical C ircles Great Catherine," at eight o'clock
___ ctordiiig To ilrendr' this evening in Sarah Caswell Angell
,j Hlall, as the first play on their six
INQH I ANTrICIPATE AGR EEM ENTS veeks program of comedies and
' _ !arces, sponsored by the Alumnae
IUefetated ('andidalte 'l'e'.tifie' That lHe PARHIS, June 2I.--Premier Bria nd':s!Iio h ume eso. "ra
W11'a IUnable To Obta~in Hecoiriit lic\V litiiist IVlpossibly Vwill 1whn' a ti zherine''was the most popular of
In A leh'en3 ll uty 011 i t(' tootrocv trnw I 1ooni. A. the nmany successful productions
IBriand -maie this st ateien tItonright staged (luring the past semester, with
SEN. REED PRESI I)ES after lie had further c:onfeences withi a total recoi'd of twenty performances.
_ ~M. P'oincaire and lDounier. Thougrh IDuriing the spr'ing vacation the play
(BY A , _! te ' i' tired, he seemed confident of ultimate I was;ta ken on tour by the Players, the
WA'SI I NTON, lune 21. -A direct1 success, itinerary including such cities as
ciharg e that hIe t'a il ed to get credit for' "I vil1 have at con ference over' Ow j!Tol edo. Grand Rapids, and Detroit.
all the votes east for himl to Penn- I whole matter with a number of lay! The Players under the direction of
svlvallnm's recEnItt $ x:3,000,000itepubli- former' col laborators,'' the premnier ex- obert. Henderson, will present a new
calfl pr'imary Wvais made today before Ida ii. ''I che rish the hope that w pa echwekat8o'lok evr
he sen ate campaign ftrnlds comtilitt cc will agree." I'Tucesday and Thursday in Sarah Cas-
by Ed ward P. fi edle niai, 0deflea ted forI'n1i the cour ise of thle conversationj well Angell Hall. ''Great Catherine"
the goubernaltorial 110111 iarioll ijy .J ohnii(onthe financial situation today, out' is the only revival of the season, the
"S. lFischer. viewpoint got together gradually. Thme remaining plays being new to the
fit, fir'st flie d leman quest ione'd the ba0sis of our combination will b1e laid a m pus. Otheir plays to be presented
rightI of thoecommiittee to ext end its tomorrow,'' M . 1briand asserted. "and are: Rachel Crothier's American com-
inqluiry to the fight for thle gov.er'nor- they wxill bet solid.''f qdl, "'xpressing Willie''; W. S. Gil-
ship, bit (undier' the porsrlas IX>' (it!i(-s- he premier again declared th at he 1,cr's 'Swe-ethiearts,'' Milne's clever
1jolzitrig of thle chit trintz !.seial r Red, as certain the cabinet would bo coni- I come('y, "''elinda,' and the famous
I X-n ocral Mi ssor; , h t I I aWtilngst it uted'tomorrow va fterntoon.lt Iita- 71olie efarce, ''The Doctor in Spite
rttort, t hain 1,000o lit ition-i ' iii t ii''(01 'pears that M. Poi ncai r'eha{1iinot de- of'imLzself,'' which will be presented
ask inrg for thie right to exaii incthe tidued to accept the ministryv of finan cc. in f4ll, unexpurgated, form according
1tllhci:11IrMtfi m'i sheets in ll U((_lol'iibuht will see AIL.IBriand at 9 :3E0 A. A. j o the best tradition of the Theatre
! outty, tOlin iii the jiossessit zf the N omorrowx. If Al.' Dunic r 'soinic Otlier Vieux Columbier. The concluding
con~cot I ~ (:1 III :55tout' is. It o s that por'tfolio, 14._ Poincaire wxill 'mod ultct ion of the season will be Colin
If yo u11ii habeel able to g te et '- likelyv accept the ministry of etluca- tamphu'll Clement's new romantic
turnl she t douothing yo:u could tnon. itc'iodrazna, ''The flaiduc,'' first pro-
hao t'beliazic d the= results '" Senator A71. Poincaire is the key to the ntw iiucd hrb the Gloucester Players with
Hteed a; kecd. combination is' avowed by i11. IBriand . 1, I, rt. HIenderson in the title roll.
"Io't 11 t hink the.re is any quest ion -- ew Players in Comipany


a boou I it.'' 1 iedi email replied.
-Ylll thintk YoouuWtld deserible 'it.as
mrono iration'?' the chairm~an ptrrriic(1.
I (don't.think I hat I Would ptot itam
b roadots t 1hat''"xwas the t'eply.

''I thzink I ird 1not get all of thne
vote(s lthatwire cast, fti' inee in Pe'nni-
sy lv ania.''
I i cd~l ot nvas one of thle six wvit -
n ;essis eaittinl at the morning and
. .110011 ~nsessionis b he clii ommIfittiee
which to runed asidle frot its inrquiry
nto the activLit y of the ant i-:saloon
Ila girl in a first eftor't. to get, at the
.itnsidte stoi'y of thle keystonie state's
ext Iensi ve'primlaries.
Tax Returns Show


i r,,'bile the company includes all the
HHVODL uf EBUeIr1iits Nwho figured in the more im-
I'ort0,,t produc~tionis of last semester,
400Sl SIXTOF401e ral E xr1ntv names are on the roster.
A it FA~ii1Tlt~'cyare Camille Mlasline of the Lab-
' -- oraltory Theatre, Neov York city,
lay I). Sliuker of I)e4 llomittc'l. , it Protices lHoriiie and Alma -Mlerrick of
T'I1' ere 'Oimimre'la~Il dIIL ( I IrellBonstelle company, Detroit, and
_ I+1rith Xleure, also of Detroit. Paul
Si ephenisoni, nationally recognized
Alr C' (lay I). Slinktei', I)irect or ofI ri: vr ih h piat ly
I Conmercial Educat ion, City Schools, j isr ' 'wot.iecYsitor Ware
- 5s, consultinireto. are
1)(!s Aloiues, Iowa lias been added to - tarlet'r, '2i- is managing director.
t e faculty of the sumimer' session11of TI wperf'oirmance of "Great Cather-
he~~~~~~~ owro o dcainamdiwolie'ulll be elaborately staged. New
irig two courses in Cotmmer'cial lEu- !seit iigs ha c'e beeni provided, specially
cation. It is the fii'st time t his brhuIdigdbJuenDvsnc direc-
uf Elddesignedhlsvb.Iuliean Doveiscenic
- ofBdtratomi as 'em I a ght i , te r for tire Chicago Civic Opera Co.
school. The courses =i'e : 1+l151 ;. E~

French mnaval training seaplane crash-
ed into the mast of the Azmerican,
toi'pedoi boat Lainison, lyimng anchored
in the roadlstead here Saturday, fell
across the (leck arid then into the sea.
The pilot was killed.

outdoor' altar. Solidly bankinig the
100 foot stairway leadimng to thle
sanctuary, thotisands knelt in piraye'r
befor'e the tabernacle of thre Eucha ristI
menderinig it impossible to continuitr
with the speaking programr which hail
been arranged to follow the mit es of


League Of Women Voters Holds
Citizenship School At M. S. C.

Imm iense Increase rnilsofCmecaPEuainIhiladelphia. The cast is again
and E 152s. IHigh School Continercial - headed by Amy Loomis as "Cather-
( (;yAswtx ii t'r Pes) Liltcat ionu mIle''and Robert Ilenderson, as "pat-
WAhIICOJte2.Iioe Other new members oif the School -iizi.
tax pa ymnents due Jtume 1,> xiii total oft Education facul ty are : Wendlell
ibt$ h).t !0) aiot 7,0,St anton Brooks, assistant dean of the 10To 4 ve Cu~rtain Raiser
ia t$41,0,0o aiot$000- ,-k featture of unusual interest will be
000 muore than was mrecei veil a yeai' ('ollege oif Libem'al Arts, Noi'thwcstei'n-
r go. 0i1vwas et' inated t odaxy 1)v the liziversity ; Franik Ainthli-i'Jensen, oCeen' Srn",cle '
reasurc. stuperiintendlent of schools, Rockfoi'd, I conro in American," which will be
_______ ___________ Illinois; Paul Tory Ramnkin. Board of 1fe'da uti asr yt m
--KINl 1un 1 rt ; io duaior eri eraSi(,~ Looinis, as ''The Skii't,'' and William
ists froimi 'lientsin r htought a. t, o tf jNormal School. ,Minot, North Dakta;ibso, s'TeGb"tepaes
abue a te hnd ofCliln'st l Milo I.I. Stuart., P rincipal ArsenalI Tickets for the performance to-night
diers which is comsidered one oif t he Technical H ighisschool, Indianapohistd''nsa r nsl tWh'
amdil Sater's Book Stores and at the
mos 0 s~jli titg ii('delts f mce-nt ndina.box office'1fter 6: 30 p. in. All seats
yer. i re reserved, and are priced at fifty
- - roctor IAccepts 'l a -:sventv-tlve cns

American League:
St. Louis 4, Detroit 5
Cleveland 5, Chicagor 2
Boston 6, Philadelphia 7
National League:
Chicago 5, Cincinnati 6
Philadelphia 3, New York 10
Brooklyn 7, B~oston S
St. Louis 11, Pittsburgh 13

IOur WeatherM~i
Prophesies that it 'will be fair and
Cooler today.

Michiigan State College and the
Michigan League of Women Votersi
amre holding their fir'st joint School of
Citizenship from Monday, July 19
through Friday the 23, on the East
Lansinig campus. This is the second
state-wide Citizenship school to be
conducted by the League of Women
Voters in Michigan, the first one hay-
ing beezn held in 1924 in cooperation
with the University of Michigan. C
Thn'ee major courses will be con-
ducted through the week with three
lectures and discussion periods each
day. The course on international re-
lations will be ushered in with an ad-
dress by James K. McDonald of New,
York, priesident of the Foreign Policy
association, oii the opening evening,
and will be carried on by Professor'
1. 11. Ryder of Michigan State college
and Professor Thomas C. Blaisdell
of Pennsylvania. Professor James K. I
Pollock, Jr., of the University of
Michigan will conduct the course on-
constitutional amendments.

The questiomn of a State Constitui-
tional Convention. in 1927 will be dis-
cussedl by Dr'. Lent D. U~pson and Mr.
William R. Lovett of Detroit; Dr.
Blanche M. Hlaines of Washington, di-
rector of thle division adnxihistering;
the Sheppard-Towner Act in the
United States Children's bureau, will
discuss that work, and its relations to
Federal Aid and Legislation will be
brought out in the final eveniing meet-
ing by Deazi Isidor Loeb of Washing-
ton University and Mrs. J. Paul
Goode of Chicago, a member of the
Illinrois legislature.
Dormitory accommuodations are pr'o-
vided by the College. The advance reg-
istration alr'eady gives promise of a
large state-wvide attendance. Mm's.
Emerson Davis of Detroit, State Chair-
man oif Efficiency in Government for
the League of Women Voters, atid
Professor E. Ht. Ryder, Director of
the Summer session at Michigan
State College, head the joint commit-
tee In cbarge of the School.


Rir mantlia's In rgest (Al cotmipany
shoxved a protit of 61;per1centiila-st

p 4


Position In Ohio
Elliott Proctor', fotr the past twvo
years h ouse Manager of the Mlichi--
gait Utnion, has accepted a position as
mmanager of the Seneca hotel of Col-
uimbus, Ohio. HIis work: in Columbls

The ssumzrner Michigan IDaily
offe's hit'act ical journalist itC'eX-
lierience, in both, its business and
edlitoial depar'tmtiiis, to students
en rolled in Ithe Stummr sessiozi.
Amnytnein teriested in triyinrg- out;I
for1 The- Dlaily is mequested to call
from 2 to 5 o'clock any after-J
noon this week at ThencI aily of-
fiees in the Press buildintg on
Maynard street.J

Est ai'ted
y(et his

thte first of this momnthi.
sucocessor has no~t b(een
fomr the next school year.

' Pof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
scienc(e 0,zpartment received an hon-
orary degre'- of Doctor of Literature
frm Amnherst college at the Amherst
c'omminencement exercises held yester-
OI yv
E Pr'ofessor Reeves is a graduate of
Anihe'ist college, having r~eceived a
degt'ee of Bachelor of Science there in
1891. In 11194 Professor Reeves re-
ceived his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins

DETROIT, (AP)--Nearlyr two throus-
and of the estimated 10,000 high school
studenits gr'aduated in Michigami this
mionth received (diplomnas in D~etroit
schools. The pinblic high schools
alone graduated 1,500, with parochial
schools adding to the number.

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