PAGE FOUJR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 -"-. " + " s. af va ar"ua a a L( f1L J "'"' """ ""'"' ." 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Britain Watches Hostile Egyptian . ... -fill BOOK BARGAINS Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday) I MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS I Volume VIf THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1925) Number 121 Graduaite School: Students expecting to complete the work for graduate degrees at the~ end of the present summer should pay the diplomna fe of $10.00 before leaving town. Blanks for this purpose mazy be secured in the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall. Muth A. Rouse, Recorder. Library Students: The Women's League w~ill be at home to the staff of the University Library and all students in Library Methods, Thursday, August 5, from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock, in Barbour~ Gymnasium. ("'race Rlichards, Actinig Dean of 1Woutem Phi DeltalKappa lPicic : The annual summier icnic of Phi Delta Kappa will be held Saturday afternoon, August, 4, at\Vhitimcre Lake. Cars will leave Tappan Hll at 3 P. M. Notiticat ion mnust be made of e.xpected attendance. Hlerold G. Runt, President. August Seniors---ScIhool of Education: All diploma and t _eacher's trtificeate fees' should be paid before the end of the Summer session by icsuden31ts who will have completed the re- quirements (duiring this Sun~ner Sesion) for graduation from the School of Education. These bl el my be scured during office hours at the office of the School of Educa tion. Office hours: 10:30-12:00o A A~, 2:30-3:30 P. AL Gretchen Kirug, Recorder. August Seniors-School of Education: All students who expect to complete the requirements for graduation from the School of Education at the eud of the present Summer Session wili kindly note the list posted on the Bulletin board in Tappan H-all. Any person expecting a degree fromn the School of Education whose name does not appear on said list should :cc the lecorder immediately. Office hours: 10:30-12 A. Al., 2:30-3:30 P. Ald. Gretchen Krug, Recorder. Teachers Certificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fees may now be se- cured at the office of the School Of Education. All students who expect to be recommended for the Teaicher's Ceiticate at the end of the Summer ses sion must pay their -ees nd retui- ii their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education., before thew end(Iof the Sunuiner session. Office hours: 10:3t)-12:00 A. Ml., 2:30-3:20 P'. M. Gretchen iKrug, Recorder. AttentionlHou sehoders: All househlolders hav-ing- rooms available for men students for the first semester 19:_"'27 :ire reon e t o list their rooms at once with the Office of the Dean of" Students. Call (0115. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean. Attention Faculty: Any faculty memnber who ha:11 house to sublet for the college year 1926- 1927~ will please call the Odfice, of the Dean~ of Stude'nts(0115) and list, as soon as possible. F. II. Wahir, Alssistant Deani. 1Woulen stuzdents The Women's Leagiue will serve tea on Frhiy, August 6thi from :3:30 to 5:00 in Barbour (1 y~in aslumt. 'hi s will be the [lust time of the Summner Session. * (race llicbinrdk. Acting Dean of Women. Read The Dily "Classified" Columns Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily W R' UNIVERST WAHR'S OOKSTORE it ________________________________________._______®___'_ i N igt It - 25C to $15 G ARRIC RRcK ats. Wed.-Sat. 25c, 50c, 75c. THE GARRICK COMPANY with ANN HARDING Offers The Piginaut, witty Frenclh Comedy "BLUE BEARD'S EIGHTH WIFE" [First Time in betroitI Next Wt% ek: "Capt. Brassbouud's Conversiun" with ANN ILARDING e 6h COOL TODAN - W/UERTH Y STARTINC . COZY TODAY iscrimination I -- is a Virtue... And men who practice the art of choosing only the best always in- sist upon shirts that bear the Sea Island Mills Label. This finer broadcloth shirting is } an aristocrat of quality. Soft-lus- trous-and sturdy, its finer appear- ance makes it ideal for every in I and out-of-door occasion. I Ask your college haberdasher. SEA ISLAND MILLS, Inc. NewYork, N. Y. ' t. .f A piantinuin mounted diamuond studded picture of the open A war between wall street Barons and Western Wheat Growers. A first run high class new type of western drana which carries anl unlimited amount of dra - matic appeal and human interest \ , . ;vim a y Fn v-. I i-Iadlov Pa shia, wvEgyptian prime iniister, is being watched by Eng-' ha iid. le has a tremendous native backing, and is said to be anti-Brit- ishi in his sympathies. Santa Domiingo is pushing to com- pletion its program for general im- provemenit of its highways. Al so 91619r r~ji'MTHE BILL COLLECTOR 1 I OX NEWS - FELIX Miss Lally at the Organ Schedule Matinees: 2:o0 - 3:30 IOC 25c 35c t" 'ki Nights: 7:30-9:00 10c 35c 50c N ti i Grey Flannels (imported goods) 595 V..G.iLR&COMPAHIY for TI/en c Snce 1&4&X I Starting Today A 111 .N ILSSON IN "MISS NOBODY"1 WITH Adaped frm LOUISE FAZENDA 7iffaary Wells' slory CLY~D E CO00V ' SHEBO" MITCHELL LEWIS KEITH STAGE FEATURE Tkvo Rosebuds HARRINGT+ON SISTERS - _-in - "'The Garden of Song" TYPEWRITINGRMTYADNAIL O 0}. D. Morrill Ar Ncde 1 a; 4 t. l j rie ry; Nrtvran Stationeriy Store x'----- I DANCE To Phil Diamond and His IIFit 'MICHIGAN PINS '4 FOUNTAIN PENS 1ALARM CLOCKS HALLR'S ! t~STATE STREET JEWELERS lktitroiiize Dally Ai ertisers.- Adv. 4 Other Features Eight of Diamonds At the Uniiversity 's Faviorite Pavilion Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights WHITMORE LAKE A i v _ 11 UE LANTERN ISLAND LAKE Temperature Always Cool and Comfortable 2:00 7:25 3:35 9:00 TODAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Girls are gettin so bold that a man's got too marry for 'Ijertectiozi too feel safe. The pulitzer prize winner for "::g real American Drama. OurGan.i REIEWNWsTeMstro ytr SUN. hh! Up I Mabe's Rom". Autmn Festia * TONIGHT. The Season's Climax 1 Jean Goldkette's Breeze Blowers and Vagabonds y Q 12Entertaining Features 11 ,I I