THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIUA.N DAILY PAGE THREN ..: - THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 192G THE SUMMER MICHRAN DAILY PAGE THR&z~ [DECIIEN NU~ A~ KendrickCOn Tour Bedouins Called AlayorW. li eelaiid Kendrick, of 'So e sC ne MONKS T1(OO nnnHrSPhiladelp~hia, who is the ipresident o Mh VNS I iiVJLCD S w85ui-(>i)tennjalExiiionA s AL I1 II )j Djehl Pruse3, Aug. 4.--I NICE, Aug. 4.-A desire to escape tour of the Midwxest to extol thte vir-, agile as theazelle, andI more than all the unsettled problems of post-war tues of the large-scale celebration and of tlhem free and indep~fendet, is the France is driving scores of wealthy observance of the one hundred and d cpio hc teIeoun o fiftieth anniversary of the signing of of the (desri . applies t~o himself. and prominent Frenchmnen to take re- ! "True as aIle,"' is an ad dition which fuge in the monasteries of Proveo.teDclrinofndenence. Na u li Bey, onle of thele 01 owerful EvenUthe monast eries which demand I E I \.ox -AXmmo rial momo1n Hern t hip Esof the? odou in I ribhaie n, in that the initiate take life vows are re- in hon or of the (Chief Noondaty. an t ''i lr aiiitoldlk-ohv ceiving more applications than iii oy ta wa Indian associated witlhi'e* u in OI 'rd i to1 0hledescriptionl can care for. seh iin the war of .1812, will he till-'uiaisit ldnishv The monasteries which permits lay- N oiled and de d icated Iat 1 'ii evill 1) 1col i i',e iii_ on heir n eig~hbors. I mnen to enlist as monks for indefinite t ownshipI next Shudiay aternoon. Il 10 1) :i o s rand spa ring no mw. 'Rh Iruses thiemselves, great periods are being besieged by men who -wishi to eseape the cares of the NEW\ YORK. Seven hulhindreid poirstatte re eeieIe ,world. The Monastery of St. H-onor- sons (ied in New York; front i oison )hlet i. isiL ronm thle flying horse-1 ,,t, situated on the Lerins Islands two liquor last year. J1. W. Quilled n i 11k1 miles from Cannes, has not had a vac- chemist of the Bureau of internal Rev- )\L(N hgal i i heeeo ant cell for 18 mrnths. This is the i nue, said. IAI tN 'giidi nteeeo first time since 1720 that the monas- Ii on O e istop revialisbuythe r i- tery has been full. Patronize TDally Ndvertier.- A u-'. t ihp ) ajbit h ___________________________:'Doke_____<0__ a :a recent meeot ing of the Classified Ads IVANTED NVAN ED) - Room or suite by Uni- versity Professor and colored stu- i dent friend for coining college year. Please address W. W. Denton, 4211117l Third, Detroit, t TWO OLDER students desirsqit,4ol Idea s i .it room iinl al priva tefam ily! relativelyV ~nar calinpus Ehdt\ rtrl Alae~e.41-421~ FOR IRE \'.1 1,OR. RENT - Two ap~artmenoits. 10)16 C hi u r c h . S t. E u c li 4 r o o im s a ni d b a th . t z e i v l f u n s d . O e e a t to care or1 'furnace'. 41-42-4:3-44 FOR RENItT -S. I+. sectionl, for coiming schiool year--niicely'1furished room0011 in pivate 11011e. Rca solnable uent. I'hone 5035. 41 I'atroujize Daily 1d ertisers,.Adv.1 -- Thi ,OOO,000,000 ANNUAL LOSS-- rough Fake Investment Schemes- -- I. t lilrh ttissvma hI-. I '~in (4 7'la Stcha(lii5 t5 to servo a A_ i \;~ untl j r4 by (>v,_. liiriank A. West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for ]RENT I Astounding as it may seem, the American public is yearly mulcted out of more than one billion dollars through fake investment schemes that have little or no chance of turning out successfully. This is exclusive of highly speculative securities which have perhaps ani outside possibility of being successful, but which should be avoided byn all except men with plenty of money to lose in ease of failure, for tihe sam ke o1 possibly great profits. T'he pity of it is that a great share of this loss is borne by people of modes t circumstances who can ill afford the loss of their savings, accumnu- lated, perhaps, through a life-time of toil amnd(deprivation. High pressure salesunen part themi from iheir itioney, leaving in its place gold-stamped certificates, masterpieces of the engraver's skill, but of no other value. WVe have blue sky lawxs to cope with the evil, but they are either inef- fectiv ely administered or insufhectently stringenit to deal with the situation. However, there are two safeguards of which the individual should avail himiist-f. They are, 1st--Dealing only vjtil a house of recognized stand- Iig, anld 2ndI-Consulting with his banker before parting with his money. If a house is reliable it will doubtless be recognized as such at once. If not, a few inquiries will quickly appraise clue of its standing. The banker is called oun every aday in regard to securities and he miust of nlecessity becomne fainlili< ,;-with a great many aslpects of investments. While not infallible, Dais j udgmnent istof great value. His services are free. They sladll t availed of Wn every case, ... 1 i i cl it tl t ll ,8 ii t ll __ _ - Bue Books for those I l xc c l f 111 3 i i i r U .i 3 Coming Exams at Swv*7ift's Drug Store 534 31'. State Street Phone 3 i ~THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK-- it 4 'i In 3 seconds a11- day comfort- after shaving! 'Spossible- with Williams Aqua Velixa. For IAq ua Velva is a new preparation designed to continue all day that velvety feeling of comfort that your skin has at the end of a shave with Williams Shaving Cream. Men say there's nothing like it. Big 5-ounce bottle, 50c; at alt dealers'. FOR BETTER SHAVING-WlLLIANIS LNO R h i t o.w r :.Ytl wI ._Y. l/ ,{+(ss " / r q? 1, ,r t UI ',-t -.. . .," _. ° . - .- ,,,_ - ' ' ly ;_ . .. ,,. . ,, y ; f . r , r ....., ....... -, /., ti - , 4 TI ,' . r r f, u _ ij _ ' The sign of It coes to school Unnumbered thousands of American students will enter the classic portals (slam, for front door) proud owners of "Lifetime" pens. They are rapidly buying them, from better dealers everywhere, not only because they have nibs that are guaranteed for a lifetime; or because they are made of green, jade-green radite, a jewel-like material that is beautiful and practi-' cally indestructible-but they are buyin, them because of their dependable performance. Pr'ice, $8.75 Student's special, "$750 Others lower -Lifetime" Titan oversize pencil to match, $4.25 Sheaf]hr Skrip--successor toink-makes ail pens write better' 31-I EA F FE / 1,,; i/ r-.' , ilr >jtd , :71 IL \; \ i ' t' :,.r4' . , a;t,''' t w Men are partial Men agree, who become acquainted with Lucky Strikes, that they have a flavor of their own, distinctive, unique. A costly extra 45-minute pro-. cess -- toasting - develops the hidden flavors of the world's finest tobaccos. beCcause thaswh "Luckies" taste so god