WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY .r..- . .. ...."r" Labor Class Idol Calls Lady Astor Liar In Commons 2f ( jd f() A ,o i X ig n P~arliamnit, is noted for her direct and breezy nra tica iet vIe In Com- Find Evidences That Pueblo Tribe Split Amnerican -Indlan Citizeii Coin cts Investigation of Settleniei' CHEROKEE, Iowa, Aug. 3.--(A.P.) that the Pueblo tribe of Indians on se ,eral occasiionls split up) and a p)0r- ion of it lived at one time in w est:ernl Iowa and eastern Nebraska. sete An investigation of Pel ete mlet ruins in several eounies Was r- ported to J1ohn A. IVI irabel, Ameincan lIldian. citizen of Taos. -N. M_ .a nal a Pueblo auithori. IHis conclusionis suggest the tpresence of an agricu'l- tural1 people a ntedatin g the Indiansj wh are native to this section ol' the cohnry. This may be of significancre j oaroogl1istsandi anth ropolgist s IHIe a sse rts there i som e Puelo connlection between I ndi ais now re si- dent near. Oma ha (probably tIii Omnahia ) andI 1lie IPuelblos 01' t he fsouthiiwest. He has referri'ied to ph H olo- gist s the languages of the two tribeis, ha vinig first, noted a similarity. if is disco veriles also may seret ft~ideniztily the "'mound 1buiders", Ayhlo never have been traced is to time of occuipa- tion or cause of disappearance froic~ the middle west. j Ar. lMirabel said: "Our people, the Taos, have a, tradi- tioii that at. oiel(-1ime they lived onil the eastern coast of the United Stat es anld head a l arge pue (blo) on an isl anid at tie nmouths of twxo rivers, and that they left thede because they were attacked b~y a malady. These people are lbel iev- ed to have divided into groups and separat ed, going to ma ny parts of the continent. Later, the majority of the groups became united in the sonuthi- wve st, but aga in became scattered, the pioint of divergence being at Ranichos de Taos, Abique, Oji ( 'aliente.t "One branch of the tribe treked 'Chinese youth c GiCves A Million ToC t oii m-- - To Catholicism , ,1 '., 9387. 1 < : YWANTED . + Please( s ']Third't, issified Ads WANTED >- - Theses to type. Low AT. V. Hartsuffl. Phone 38-39-401 PAGE: TIRhM& -- Room or suite by Uni- Professor and colored stu- lend for coming college year. adidress \'WW, Denton, 4211 Dletroit. tt I Fermenting foods Inillolls o ard ofthe a"vance- na-nt of thle '-athollic- church. thte a cutlnlul at ion of household tria sh inl hu1genmounds; brokenl hits of pot- l ery, shall last t uncles, and general refutsc of t he pueblo It ole en tl into0 these mounds andi have served to pjer- 1)1ex the a rcheliol ogist andl to iden tify the t'iwith iworks of mound builders'.'', Mounids such as ilirabel de scribled ar1e' to hbe found 1inthe Section. GRlAND RAPIDS, Aug". 3. -tlat probably will be the first shi pment of t furnituric ever made by airplane wilt he staritsed fronm Grand Rapids Wed FOR SALE j OlR S:A L Good suit. 3t5 'hest. $15.i I wo pair of Pants arnd little wxorin Ol d clothes dealer not wvanted. ('tll i9,853. 41 PA RI S, -The cabinet today ap)prov- edl Pr lemier I 'oincare's proposal for an alitonotnous repayment fund for na- t ionld defense bonds. I PROMdPTLY A\I) NXATI.V DOI h 0. D. Morrill 1 T Nickelsad TI'IteType w 'it cr ar Stationeryx Store G'RI K Nigh t'.- Ctoa$1,5 THE GARRICK COMPANY wtANN IIARDINC; The Piquant,\\Witty t-renchti Comledy) "BLUEBEARO'S EIGHTH WIFE" 1'First timin DeiJ)troit) N c xt U tek ."Cats. rassbUouit s Conv ersiou" wvith A NN H ARDINix A Demand Filled Beyond Expectation I Barber for w oulteiir F or appointments call 9616 BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels Arcade 7 if Cross-section of a tooth, showing Acid Decay at The Danger Line. --that have lodged in the tiny V-shaped crev- ices at The Danger Line form acids which attack the teeth and irritate the gums. Acid Decay results. You can prevent Acid Decay and strengthen your gums by using Squibb's Dental Cream, made with Squibb's Milk of Magnesia. Your dentist will tell you that Milk of Magnesia is a safe, scientific means of counteracting the acids in the mouth which attack the' teeth and gums. Hence the great value of Squibb's Dental Cream. Buy Squibb's Dental Cream, made with Squibb's 'Milk of Magnesia, and use it regularly. At druggists. Sq ir f DETLfRA A uj.wti qib ik fMgfi E. RSQIB ONNe ok-hmst to the Medical an~d Dental Professions since 1858 mops the other day, she xa oin-, east to find the island where it form- ne sdlay, the G(randc Rapids Chattir Co . ijii itg onl the ' dole' wh Ici nup ]'ose I erly lived, bunt were unable to fined iihaving priepa red a (-olsignnoenl 1of Jack J ones-, idol of thla botrite ('lass-it, and so settled In Nebraska. Tra-1 goods to be)inmovedl to Detroit by lii e's and shouted. "You'rea lina'."' Lady ditlon says this was near Omnaha. I ;Stout Air Service Inc, think the Indians thtere speak a sinmi- Nancy' understood b)othI his eltio s ' lar language to ours. Our version Is ! Many chlId ren of IDennmark ar c olh- andl his mneaning. hbut hter party feb-- that in comxing back from the coasti pelted to go wit.1bout bacon this year lows s demanded a} n alpologxy fromthLlese Indians built p)ueblos and lived because of the ,hilti prices of lbhe Jones. So Jontes changed hiis charge for many years in them. The ruins mneat. to one of "terminological iexacti- metntioned were probably left by them. - tutde.''"piteblo domestics s'ience embraced 1i atrnIze Rally Advertsers.- Adv'. (C 1925 i1i_ i "_"'f ti 1, FREEM AN' Dining Room, 809 East V' ash tugton 'Street (One Block from Hillt Audtoumn) Final Clearance ..Sale.. OF SUMMER DRESSES One group of over otie hiundred dresses of crepes, georgette:, tub silk, printed silk--all beautiful col- ors and styles---all sizes, 'x17.95 and $I9.95 values, .sale pric w $10 One group of' seventy-five dresses of the better kind, materials of georgette, crepe, tuh silk, rajah silk--all sizes and Colors- 25 anud ~3o values, sale price 0 Y 7 U I1*0 ._ - Final Clearance of Coats All Coats reduced below cost for quick clearance. $10 'I5 '25 r6 5, f Tl.c Gener-al Electric Coin- party, as of Decmber 3, 1924, had 37,716 stockholders, oft whom 45 per ce-nt we-re women. The average nlum- ber of common shares held by stockholders was 55. In ownership. policie's, past and present activities, G-E is tun- selfishly dedicated to the cause of electrical progress. A new series of G-E adver- tisements showing what celec- tricity is doing in maniy fields wilt be sent on request. Ask for booklet GEK-1. This giant hydro-electric unit weighs 750 tons and consists of a vertical shaft hydraulic turbine attached to an electric generator delivering 52.0 00 kilowatts at 12,000 volts. Bigger Germiatrs - Cheaper Electricity A 70,000 horsepower hydro-electric unit recently installed at Niagara Falls utilizes the same amount of water as seven former 5,000-horsepower units, yet does the work of fourteen such units. And it saves 700.000 tons of coal yearly for the nation. As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger and more economical generators are installed. At the power plant, as well as at the consumer's end, important chan ;es and startling developments have steadily reduced the cost of electricity for light, power, and heat. And wherever electricity has blazed its trail --in towns, cities, industrial centers, and rural communities---comfort and progress have come to stay. Generating and distributing electricity concern the technical student. But- electricity's application in the betterment of industry, the professions, and home life concerns evc:'y edu- cated person. Cheap electricity means many startling achieve- ments today, but countless and unbelievable possibilities tomorrow. 1-9mm e 4 r A 5 323 SOUTH MAIN ST. GENERAL ELECTRIC gQmIPANY, Sty II C A1)'X N$Ew XO K , . 1 ..... Fa*troulze Dolly Advertisers,- ad-v. Patronize Dially Advkrtsers,-Adv.