PAGE TWO THE SUMMER lr X AN DAILY 7PAG TWOTHESUMMR MK-3CAN QILYWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1926 _________U 01 4 P i~~~~~ u m m r i ~~~Il IIII lIIII~tIIIIIiII111lIIIIII111111t III 1lI 111111f ra n 43 a iC M U O P NNM uc Ad ~U 1 V Anonymous communications will be disregarded The names of communi- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THR cants will, however, be regarded aar m UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN confidential upon request. SUMMER SESSION-- 111111l111lIIII1111111111. Published every morning except Mondayl LTE ~iIP'S ATTIT'UDE during the University Summer Session bye1ItE0 EI3Y the Board in Control of Student Public- IT h Eio:"TlE SHIO W-QI F" tions. TotheiEdtor When George Kelly's amusing con- The Associated Press is exclusively en-I st be hoped that the reader edy of middle class life, "The Show- titled to the use for republication of all news will not take it amiss if the discus-i Off," is presented Friday evening by dispatches credited to it or not otherwiseT reditcd in this paper and the local news nub-i sioit regarding Eur'ope's attitude to- the play production class in Univer- lished herein, ward the United States has assumed siy hall auditorium, the dramatic ac- Entered at the Ann Arbr, Biia, larger Proortions than the present tivites Of the Summlrer session will postoffice as second class matter. asn WOIi em to wrnt toac5. Subscription by carrier, $.5; by mail,OI'se ol em 0wrat olet lie $2.. However, I take it that friendly dis- Included in the cast of this comedy Offices: Press Building Mynard Stret,Icsinmysretclaupctinre aywhhveadosdrbe Ann Arbor, Michigan. csinmysret la pcranaemn h aehdcnieal disputed points in a most intricate experience in amateur plays. The Cmmurnications, if signed as evience of sbet leading prt of Aubrey Piper, "the. good faith, wil e publishcd in The Sunnir~stj~. Daily at the discretion of the Editor I-! I fully agree wyith P'ofessor Slo- Show-Olt," is taken by Cary B3. Ga- igeda communications will receive rno con- sieration. the signatre noy e omittd in ';s't lwe he statue that the snlking ham, gad, who will be reiembered publication if desired by the writer The Io,> the Lusitania ws the most dram-j by those who saw the one-act plays eSumsetmentls os o eesriyc-os the sertiments cx r nsscdcin the mcoummunica Ut iC icdet Of a long Campaign Of last summer for his outstanding work cions-. litdrt tsea lBut halI it not een as the condemned prisoner in the one-- EDITORIAL STAFFfo this culminating dramatic inci-ace tragedy. "The Valiant." Mr. Gra- 1&'l'Ph~i*~ 9%'idet ini addition to one-sided and l- hai shows his versatility ii assun- MANAGING EDITOR ig Ithurop'tI war proaaganda in the ing the difficult comedy role of Au-- MANNING HOUS7EWORTH t Uinted States, it is doubtful whether- brey. Mr. Graham is a teacher of Chairman, Bor -Egn L naknt vesho(uldl have one into te war,Ipitbl ic s peakinrg in the Cent ral Hi g Editorial Boahool..ofuColumbuGut Ohio. City Editr---------William R. ireyr 'As rega rds the I1 usitania, the factsscolfClubOh. Music and Drama--------.Willam C.- Lucas} of the in-se shouhd have kept us Out The part of Ms. Fisher, Aubreys Woman's Editor -........Julia Ruth Brown; Nri~t B~rto0of hic war. nttvttlOf gttngus into Unsetimaenta, vitriolic othr-in- Willim S Nckweliteodorei nere t. 1ivopinion IS hlased on Senator law, is taken by Mrs.FEmmna R Hutch- Paul J. Kern Frederick shblito l.a Follette 's spech of 5tniltt 30, 197, is, a woman of considerable experi- Dougas Doubleday !the relevant passago of whith I quot- ence In amateur danat ics. Mrs. Assistants eoi in Ithe Da ilv of July %0. The gist Fsl is n) hypocrte and her frank Dona Boyle Nita Kelley of the passage is as folos: Tlhe I ext eSiors of opinion regarding her William Finlay Mary MlacDonald b'g ~' o-nlwtr tl1C8o Frances Guisten ~eorge . MeKean LItsitatni;t had six million poundl fbagr o-nlw aesucs of Lawrence lyiam Margaret Ward niuuiinabad erie xpO achiamusement. yes. a m hel asengrtheopr- tle- zieng' dugher, A'yandTeephni-o2- Mrs. E tse Fisher'stat esedaughtersplye repAmyvlyb andm BUiES LF psdtosi oiht eslwere Caa r lydrsetvl yAm Telphoe 2214aiing n volaionot sttut 01Stiner sand orothy Hilliard, Miss BUSINESS MANAGER aln nvo~to fasaueO PAUL W. ARNOLD this cotltry. etc. if the sinkinig of Steuler's portrayal of the sentimental Circulation---------------Kenneth havea the Itisit iflt, con1sidered ti a iol- d aught er who marries "the show-off" Advertising .................Francis Aortist ion of international Ilw( whcil irein is rich in human appeal. Miss Hi- Assstants aliht wa"s rnot) ws ac rsefor d-dard, as the practical Clara, contri- William F.o Cook Mildred Williams arneilms ', e 'lring war on Cermany, why (id we butts t cOarvery interesting and covic- Edward Solomon Inot declare wvr on England1(1Tor r jinzchrctrzain lag anui searching our shis? Other membrs of the cast include In the Summer Daily of Julyv"7, Arthur Farrell as Joe, the son who is Professor Slosson dwelt very briefly an amateur inventor; Virgil Baker as WEDNESDAY, AUiG STl -1.7126 on the injust ice of E9uropean atPtacks Mfr. Fisher Richard M. Johnson a Nigt Eito--W NI 13 STCK~a.L }on us. What I did was to deelop rank Hyland, Clara's husband; Henry _______________________________________more fully not merely unjust foreign ( . l ingel, as Mr. Gill, the factory comtmnent, but freign treatmient of worker; and Frederick J. Cox, as Mr. TIL L AYERSi 1'American tourists, mroi- especially Rogers, -an insurance agent. Each of The University Players hace finish- In te streets and oil the boulevards thSe people has had previous ex- ed a suce ssful season of sunmmer ; ofParryi, impljlying that such treat jplerience in dramatic work and brings plays- successful both in a financiall int was disgraceful in view of our anl individuality and consistency to way and fit the way of furnising a t services r endered to te T tenn dr- jtte playing of' a minor role which con-- high grade of amusement for the stlt-ti in the Great War. The fact is the Itributes in no small degree to the mner students srandled in an Other-i Entente owes uts everythung-, not1 total effect of the play. Reserved seat wise dull city. They have netted very; tn-i-v- its xWar deobt to us, bll anl Itickets, priced at 75 cents, have been close to a thousand dollhars for the (-atucu-lalle mortial deht since we say- sell jg rapidly at Wahr's and Slater's 'Women's League, which is to be uised1edl the nations composing i frontI State Street ook stores. The sale will toward the coutstruct itmitof the greatly faling intlo te clut ches f Germianyj continue through Friday. Genera needed League building. I ~rarexeith Professor Slosson in admission is 50 cents. There is little doubt t hat the sum- 'Viymtattliiiig with the sufferings of e a * mer season was inaulgurat ed by The the Euroeans. HIowever thre dstinc- LAST PLAY PRAISED Players more as a Ia otatomy. :a place t ion bet ween the government oif a toncerning the last play given by to try their wings. thatn as a financial cotrytt cv n its indi vidutnl c(it izens The Players the following are some help for the league. lu t theylihav'e does not gettts Very far when da~lti of the press comments bestowed on succeeded in noote Was;than they iiotns of inhabit ants, thle tlt imate the product io. had anticipated.,IquIestioni resolve. itserlf into this: The- San ra uisco Chronicle says: There were many faults to be t "hallII t I- A me ricani tax -pyer makes H.. Ia idueii 1)rill iant play. . t is rich found wiet i e coin pan y, lbut t hiseiWi' z( ad t he tdetst rucit-ion in to whbichP am - in color antd characterization.'' must overlotok, The cast ing was not bilious, rd intigu in g stat esment haver From the c olumtn of Walter Pritch- dlways lperfect nit, to tbneliking of itugeti Lu rope? Wond sutch ation arid Ea ton- in the New York Herald the aui' nci te it few lperson:,l catriedoilnitottr part ceate ainmore peactefuI"Full of color, passion, and tintagina- all the wvork . The piofesiona I i Europe, or would the mtoney thus say- Ii e appeal.' of the acting xwas often t ouchetd withj ed hotIbe itscod for fitrthli-i'arniamens ? The Newx York Wold's comment: a bit of lie amtateur isli ut oflt-at that l-ii.'t Ily, wxoulI theIto 'lt iopt-ais t reat '"- a glorious it of color from the helped to give the play addetd fresh-( s with more consideratit after- wve Capathian Mountains, vivid and full ness. It xx'as amiazing that thle liarits! Pad IiaTi itSteil once tin i our gen- IOf action - - . - a dat-ig ut well sus- were carried asa well as they worete; it? -tosity to atemt? sainedt symbol of spirit of rebellious shoxw That ti, re was a lot Of hard (As for the genetal quest ion' of war'outh'' work and close co-operation on the re csposibility, nyreading leads tee to part of the entirie cottpany, thteiconclultsion that Russia through writers mentioned dwell upon and The repert oire itcx s eliosen xxwithP s okliai antdt lFrancec ttiouight I oincare condemrn in the severest terms the consuina to skill in ani endet-orto -ilre primarily to lante for the ou)tt- secret diplonmacy and the Intrigues of get as great a variety of plays as tlreak of tihe Great War. I am tunable j Poincare in collusion with Isvolski possible anid still mainttait a high ar- o change ity opinion until few (-ud- Moreover, these writers prove that the tistic standard. Anni Arbor has been c-mnee arises ~tt convince mre that I am secret plottitgs of the protagonists sadly neglecteti in the realm of dram- wrtong'. ?Fy sources are basetd excl' n ust inevitably have led to war If atic art until a year ago the 'sum- g ive ly on rench looks and lamph- itis is true, and there is no reason rner season sents to be a fittitig cli-I lets whicht in their turn are hbased cA1 to doubt it, then the chief guilt falls max ftr thle d'MIiti i sasiitm on the docunents found in the archivces of upon the plotters. campus. We have alw xays nededRuss