Y'AGE FOUR' THE SUMMER MICHIGAN :DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 3,192G TH UME MIHIANDIL TEDA, UGS 3 12 DAILY OFFICI AL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the of-ice of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday). Volume TI TI;ESDNAY, 'lV(GUT 3, 1926 Nubei 119 the recruits in the Bulgarian army were illiterate; in 1900, 31 per cent and at present 17 per cent. Of the recruits of Bulgarian nationality only 7 per cent were illiterate in 1921. It is interesting to note that 98 per cent of the young Hebrew soldiers in the Bulgarian army are literate while only 11 per cent of the Turkish sol- diers in Bulgaria can read and write and that in spite of the fact that Bul- garia subsidizes Turkish schools. 1West Wind lending library I I MAYNARD STREET *a 'I iy~t ~ - d L LiU1ii THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT BOOK BARGAINS MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS lEducation Stuidents: The annual ianquet of the Educational Clubs will be held in the Michi- gan Union on Tuesday, August 3. at. 7 o'clock. President Paul Voelk-r of Battle Creek College will he the principal speaker. The Commiittee. Auguist seniors -- ciicl1of' LdireatioiI: All diplopma aad teacher's cr1 i icate fees sshould be paid before the end of the Sumimer -ession by those students who will have comlpleted the re- quirement s (iluringithis Summelr Seission) for graduation from lthe School of Education. leuhi a ks ay he secutred during office hours at the office of the School ca, D neat ion. Office boors: '_ :2,0-1 2:00C A, Al., 2: 30-3 :30 P. Nl. 4i~retchien Kruig, 11ccordler. August Seniors -Melool of Education : All stioludn v\'i111exp)oct to(compijltetrhe roquirelnents for graduation from the School if Educ1(ation at the eud of the present Sunnmer Session wili kindtly lnonthe 11list ostid ont heiil letin board in 'Tappan H all. Any person expecttg a dcree rm the School of Education whose name does not appear on -t dI s 1i11(1 c,i t heRecorder immediately. Office hours: 10: 30412 A. °O.,:02 t .A GretceneiKlrug, Recorder. 'Teachiers ( cn iili' t*'" lBlankhs for the paymnt tof the Tcelie 's Cclti ic itlees lmay 1now be Se- c'ured al tliii'OiLcc 01f1the Scbiool of Education .All s i 11lent 5 wh1expect to be reconinenei i' fr ;heTe ach er's ( 'rtil cal e sit the eld of Ithe Sn Inl itl*SO', Sion In ust pill- OnI IsA ldret urnItheir' receipts to the IReco rder, schtool of Ed ucati on, beoren h e mlof 1the Summer session. Office hlouls : lo :,0-12:00 A . M., 2:301)-:20 P. M. G~retchen'uiKrug, Recorder. Attention Ilouseholders: All householders having rooms available for mnen students for the first semester 1926,27 are requiested to list their rooms at once with the tffica of the Dean of Sttudents. Call 0115. F. B. Wialir, Asstant Dean. Attention Faculty: Any faculty mem tber who lha: a house to sublet for the college year 1926- 1927 will please call the Office of th1e Dean of Students (6115,) and list, as soon as possible. F. IL IVAir, A'sslstant Dean. Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily WAI ALE UNIVERSITY WV ~U ~ OOKSTORE P.Z . ..., 11 i R R V igu z$ to $1.50 ITHE G ARRICK COMPANY TYPEWRITING «ih NNBARIG PROMP'TLY AND NEATLY DONE The Piquant, W\ityfrench Comedy E 0D.Morrill 17 Nickels "BLUEBEARDS EIIFE 0" D. rcadeNext Week: "Capt. Brassbouud's Conversion"i Trhe Typewriter an Stationery Storeywth ANN H~aRDINGf L COOL -WU ERTH-m cozy TODAY AND TOMORROW d S Bulgarian School System Improves Up to 1" :uii i) X _t , t Ul ; garia was partt i t hiw Turk -I:tEmr- 1 c()u( It int Gree k, TIodiay, ater I years of indepen- Ocacet, 1B1lm9', ra is claimed to have ~better school systemriamid a higher perc entaget of literacy than any other 1) Ikar state. I pire. Through c 'to a ie of >u tjii litn1900 ttIhere Were. 4711 prinary' gation the nation l dt itakh t I V sclis'ooIs n 1;ulga