TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1926 RECL USE AND MONEY VANISH THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL Y 'DAA f m~T?1')Th. ----- - - ---- - - - - A .A . - .Z '.-" L.MLA UN T1 1 I E but t hirtyixyears elapsetd beforioeanyi v-ioscillar ionis of the( oceans from1 that cieti I itt ('001(1 get a ti t'e as to(1 te of the,111ucus of the eart h, if any, ca it :;, si t N obbhl'' Oiaill(,earths's X IS v oro vcthat the nucleus showxs n o about its 1r, :In posit iou. Thus for iore yi win hatever; so thtat its rigidity t han :it hirj! of a tnturvy the tnx'sterv'jx ci as IiwMice that of the hardeostj .ch llli-'1 .i t e ll!,i Iss i i ni.,lv ;ailu steel used in the w\or'ldI. No)wIVI 'iof esi' i'See say:vslie a;auo lt fr lce'1ht~ hp traed he lloionof he art's xis 'As,,the earthiiis Iioxw i{nown ito have to the tides oi'iginaliltg i the ocean} ltilniispihtre wxithiple t he eaan e isted ilquiese°ent equilbriumfo r -tihe Iiditi relief hbeing throuiglhe lillions xf .i>, with lie initerial so~tg uith lof Atistr'iila particles ('evrywilt, ~adjusting them- 11ioh'55(Il Seei'saidi le 1ha(i'e(e ived Iselves nmutuallynuder the eniormlous ceongra41;ttions frontl the leadinlg si- Ipic-. >are acting oil all sides, this great .tit oS(f thle World on the so] lit11oil of iiiitx' of the 1111(;10(11 wtill not sul'- this bewvildlering nmystery. It'rise the expel jetied naitturatl philos- It has5 lit lireto0fore been given ophei'. but itxxwill forevxe r put a stopi out,'" said Priofe'sor See. ''that 1I to afitrtY ttiitr (iScusi5io ll(If liquid in ,fouind that the axverage hleighlt:ttftile the 1111 el for of the globe. It is 'not- tid es, t reated as wo(rld iwaves iin1110o-'toly soli thlroughoult ,hut twico ass i iln, actuailly 'is I wice ilthe average IrigidIas armlorl'a~lte(." hleighit calc('tinted by the equilIiblrium- tieory of Newton. This great ad- il vaflee diiscitoses to us a niewx'law o (f naiiture, not i ('rototom'e eveni suspect oil to ('xist. Thus 1the nexw mathlenmat ital And Remember! 'leory-' will markla it ntable imlprove- We 'ii be ready t nietit ill all d ir e('t ons, and c'lear up comlfplet ely one of the( most (iftii'llt (of Serbs* you again al ii lvi('i80 lyica cei(I. ihen you return? ''()ne (If illi(' gi'ea t'st.1111 pm'ovetnints re latesto the tnewxx' mt hod for calcui- to A nnA rbor. ja tiltg tile rig idiit y of the earthI, xx hit' I fat, on((iu''81percedes Ite iiethods o (f I 1t tINe'vitI, Sirt' (torge Dartwiti7and ;. S. 1Hough. 111ist (ad (If the Itincit us Tuttle's of otur glb(: hixitga rigidity (equal c o that of standa1.rd steel, %ve fired LIunch 1Room1 that thle rigidity is throtinges that;1'1 338 Maynard St. ',te'toforc -a'elipteii. h' odtrefuilly ,>pjta~itig tiii' yielding due to thet tidal_______________________________ MOSCOW,-The council of people's! HAVANA.---Maj. Gen. Enoch H. commiiissars has decided to make ef- Crowvder, the American amubassador, foi'ts to plathte Wrangel and lherald hlas returned to his office after a I slanids fromiilthe umainlanidland hto m nonth inilthe (Camp (Columbia military make them px'oducti'e t'actors in the hospital, wvhei'e lie tunder'xent an oip- 'Soviet Union. oration. 't 1 The Jaunty Tam Effect For all occasions is ne/vly important in Fashion 's Fall mode. $5.00 - $22.50 Swagger, careless chic is in every soft, flattering told of these smart little chai- peaux that use the lines and effect of the tam., t ' " ., / ,__,_- t; For III111 iVy' .1 't iZ(ii-,t Iteigeri'n1set.above. livxetd l5as iwo'] use farmetr oni his place mnea r As Tini. 111. I'llTe hlast (of June1he dIisapIIpear'ed anld has nut11hteetI seen l i ice. It1> iiiitmored lihoIhatd hoardedl imore't hiani $10.000 ill a mil1kocal wh i it'h o iliIll t 110 hit t'iein Nwell of lii t'amlshal~e hom, pIit treti a hoot. Anitlii jl (iijld)odd fotind in Ithe Mississippi, mat' t'air, Ill., lmay pio' x.to be1tht i (Itthe nisili ali l.ut'lttatlttot'itic'S have not aibanldoned tie>aol The ''African Turban" is another of the favorites in tihe close hats for this season, This model folloxws the lines of tile coiffure of the native women and xwas designed by Hine. Agnes. WVe are featuring coplies of this mode in a variety of materials and colors. Shifting Of Caused. Axis By Tides An ilouixi(clint xwas" ma~de', inia re- ce'llnt -f lt'e New 'for i ies, byj C'aptain T'. . .J. See. IPr fcs..or if i:\It hi 11 at c', Ilitt Sta e(rNae'-- eriilecit att'o ifl i'at-Al an}0Island1(, ot tilt tiscov(i'yof nowx'proofs thlat 11hc tides origiatillg ill t'e Pac'ifi cand plc'opa, :tf(' I as a xx (111(1 xwave thllltgh flt I anI Atltaut ie thean-. ac Cla ssifiedAd WA-NTED WANTEDL - fiteses o type. Lotw prices. AL V. II artsuff. 1Phonse, 9337. I8-39-40 '\VANTEI) -- Room or' suit l, bUn i-1 v'ersity Pi'ofessor and c'oloretd stu- dlent friend for tconiinlg cooleoge year. Please. 'tdd . t'" AV'. .Dentton, 4211 Cacography is Sometimeso In 'l'TUhePell the