PAGE TWO THE SUMMER )HANDI' TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1926 0i4P 'LLIuner Fbut inmproved stand.ard of morality.1 Punblice adoptio011of re0volutionary ideas tu , i-gan ail may be avcom lp1ished without, utiterly OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE eto ;piilshadd ow1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN o from the past. A process of adapta- SUMMER SESSION to will 1e the means whereby the Published every morning ec,\( C0 Monday ilbn't during the University Sumner Session by 11111(bl illFCft the Board in Control of Student Publica- It is unwise and hardly fair far one tions.' tc,('eldentit, with out a thborough un- The Associated Press is exclusively en- dlrstxtndinr of thle problem. Men titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwisei whose horizons are only a few feet credited in this lppe and'the local new s putb- a l a v canImot be expected to render lished herein. intelligent opinions. hnldOg-,deu Stewart, of haddock Sand the p~erfect. fool fame, has said oneo swell wise-crack. And it is as4 cleant as a new born babe. One youI cani tke your lunch, sweetheart, andj faiiIy to, without bluslhing to the r Special Tables ot. Books of Interest" to Educat4ors At Both Ends of the Diagonal Enteredi at thc Anni Arbor, Michigan,i postoffice as second class matter.-I Subscription by carrier, $.50; by mail, Offices: Press Building, dayna: d Streel,E Ann Arbor, Michigan. Communications, if signed as eviaence ofF good faith, will he published in The Sntuer Daily at the discretioni of the E'ditor. Un- signed coninum icat ion s wilt receive no con- sideratio n. The signatitre may be omttcd in publication if desired lby the writer. The Summer Daily dtoes niot necessarily e..dorse the sentiments expressed in the cominunica- tions. . . "The Spectacle of Ch'rist ian nat ions* * s~might ering anttd butcehering each oth- rT in t his enlig htetted centn rv bew ild-!I Or'a 1Haziac iwould haYe exiressedl cred and cuhockel'pagan' Asia.''-Ki. it, a w ise-crack of goodly proport ions, Kx. Ixowalwanit.j(delicately flav ored, .is new as the sunt in the mtorning, withI the glitter in- -To l earnt IHist ory tor howe to (1e- cielided, a true wise-crack of deli ;ht, late during ones scool life is far a i 'ia wleea*I htmei E1)LTOJRIAL STIA FF Telephone 492,) MANAGING EDITOR MANNING IHOUSEWORTH Clhairman, Editorial Board ...Eugene 11. (-: tc''"isr City Editor............... William 1<. Brcy-%cr Music and Dramia......... Williain C. Lucas Woman's Editor....... ....TubaL Ruth Brown Night Editors William Stockwell TFhecdorc Itornberger Paul J. Kern Frcelrick Slilito Douglas Doubleday . I I bettIer as at ro I(cirn fo( oVan. IEDITO01 I'ii. prepa rat iontfor liffe tan laugigtas a robber dotes Ithe( gat lois, it at ball." --- alltes, W. Doll- dev ilishly droll w4ise-crack, a iat iitl-M aly enticing' little wiise-crack, ai wise-3 -_---- crack w hich gives Won e edesire to -~ - imake a new one just as good In order RIAL COMMENT , to perpetunate ill this lower wiorld the glorious it arks of God. D)AY OF RESII)L'E I Detroit P're-e Pr'ess) As the coltd adage goes, things of val- htaljust a few 0 Dona Boyle William F inlav Frances Gusien Lawrence Ilyinan Assistants N ita Kellcy Vary Macl)onald George TI. McKean Margaret Ward 4 BUSINESS STA FF Telephone 21,214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation ..... . ............lS.Cnnt Hhaven Advertising ..... ........... Francis Nor quilt Assistants Mabel Chambers Laurence Van'Puyl William F. Cook Mildred Williams Edward Solomon Night Editor- --F. .IlSI1LI ITt) A BOON 'TO TI'EXAS The entire Nation re-ardlcd the TexNaS gubernatorial pritmary withitat'ea:t deal of initecrest, beca use it Was an ,. - ent of t remen dotts si-iicance. Thle vot ers olTexas may ble t:oil- grat ulat ed lor' oust itt g "Ma''"Pergu - sont. They elected itert' only to have the state run byv htr husbanld. The loyal wife is a godthlittg for te home, but she is out of )Ilaco in Ithe role of governo'. Mrs. Ferguson Itas bei .tl deh'ae notbec'a use of her sex. but Ii('(amlse of hter disappointirig record as hold- er of the state's ? ; 'I- ottice. She has been govetrtor' i ini only aiid ill thin ti jsii sititte as splottsot'c a. gtreat deal thiiat il: contrt'a r to thew interests of Texas . Ieor' Ho ti tderill senseless adnittist rat iont at last, sttin- ulated the des ire fot' stable go0re 'n- nment. Texans are tired of being "thet goat.'' Da tt 'Moody, govx tlo -'elect f'or all praticPalIpurtposes, ts a soulec of c'onsolattiott thii'mghott the stte'. Ilis constant op~position to Mrl s, F!eri- gusont, t oget her with ltItis polities of fair-play anti cottm10)0n-sunis'' are enough to end orse hIm.l It is Ia niet i bi that the na tioni's first wom1an go Verin o' has b011cit so much of a failur ie.110 wexe r', inittellig- ent citizens thtroughtotut the coun11try will not al lowxx this fact to caiuse tibent to discriminate againtst a iitdidtlte on a basis of sex, FATHER (11,11S SPEAKS I IFoirmerly G. Bernard Sha xNN xxasj i( commonttly cotme in stealIIpackets. clever anid conceited, the coitceit be-* * }t itit pa rt ti lobvious115pose. The FTe Wise ('rack ge-nt lenwII 's latest effusiont, his r'eply )It-. Steirt visited H ollywood. to a message of birthtday congratula- Wh1,ile1 tere, Ihe sa's lie iietmniy tnfront the (German fore-ign linist - iev iteestng ele~P4, who later" er. HIerr Streseiann, lae the die- turned out to be Lonu(Chaney. pressing implressiton that atbotit all Th'ere'Iyou3 have it. Sic It ur ad hat remains of the equii Ptit iIof Mr, t~t ra. S51mw uplon the cotmpletilonlo)1'three * * * scoi't and ten vear's is thW conceit, xwhi ch has tnova-becoiu a. ha bit and is i 't isi wise-cratck possesses u locall no lounger a