I P 'ummrr ESTABLISHED 1922 lnfry :4Ia iti ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY A NIGGHT WIRE SERVYICE VO44. 3..V L. Nn 34... V Uj. & 1. IN'U. 'y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1926 ,- i PRICE FIVE CENTS S MITW T O TESTIFR AT TODAY'S SUSR FUND QUESTIONING EXPLANATION OF EXPENDITURE OF $263,000 IN PRIMARY WILL BE OFFERED LUNDIN IS READY Senator Reed May Constitute Entire Committee During Opening Of Session (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, August 2.-Statements from Frank L. Smith, Republican Senate nominee, and his campaign manager, Allen S. Moore, of Monti- cello, explaining Smith's expenditure og $253,000 in his primary contest, will be offered for the second time to the Senate campaign funds committee when it reconvenes here tomorrow to resume its inquiry into political ex- penditures. Both statements will be accepted by the committee, Chairman James A. Reed, Democrat, Missouri, has inti- mated. They have been altered since the committee refused at the outset of the hearings to It them go into the record, and porions regarded as con- troversial have been eliminated. Tomorrow's session may begin with Senator Reed constituting the en- tire committee, for Senator Lafolette, Republican, Wisconsin, is detained at, home by business as is Senator Mc- Nary, Republican, Oregon; Goff, Re- publican, West Virginia, and King, Democrat, Utah, have not attended any of the sessions. King may arrive during the week. Fred Lundin, Illinois political leadrr and a reputed lieutenant of Governor Small's organization, is ready to tes- tify tomorrow, and Samuel Insull, pub- lic utilities magnate, is to be asked whether he made other donations than the committee has learned about. The hearing is expected to be ter- minated this week. Coolidge Ends Third Year Of Executive Life (By Associatd Press) PAUL SMITH'S, New York, August 2.-Three years as chief executive of the Republic were completed by Presi- dent Coolidge tonight. It was in the early hours of August 3, 1923, that Mr. Coolidge took the oath of office by the dim light of a lamp in the Plymouth, Vermont farm- house before his father as a justice of the peace soon after the sudden death of President Harding. No word of comment was made by him today, however, on the anniver- sary as be approached the beginning of his fourth year as the chief exe- cutive. Government business occupied him as it does daily during his vaca- tion in the mountains and there was no indication that he would depart from that program tomorrow. The Rev. S. McDowell, Methodist Episcopal preacher, of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. McDowell were quests of the President and Mrs. Coolidge at White Pine camp this noon. - Other visitors are to be received to- morrow including Harvey S. Fire- stone, jr., so not the Akron, Ohio, rubber manufacturer. He is to report to the President at the executive of- lces of the rubber production possi- abilities in the Philippines as lie has seen them in a recent business tour of the East, BERLIN.-Effective yesterday the duty on flour was 10 marks a double hundredweight. rWeatherMain -regrets to announce that there is a possibility of showers today with. S-temperature change. Varsity Backfield Strength AIDIDGICIPAI PM LooksGoodTo GridgCoaches Possibilities of unusual backfield Knode. Like the present freshmen strength, added to the University of they had to fight for places for the Michigan football team from the lists Michigan veteran backfield at that of the 1925 freshman and reserve time included Frank Steketee, Eddie squads, has brought up the question Usher and Ted Banks, while Franklin whether Michigan in other yeai's has C. Cappon was in the line waiting fo RE HALF OF THOSE received a similar quota of power. his chance at fullback. UNIVERSITY STATION Coach Tad Wieman is inclined to be- This year prospects include "Jack" ARE WOMEN lieve that the squad that ushered Kelly, Alvin Dahlem and HermanAE Harry Kipke into collegiate football ?Miethe as possible quarterbacks, and was of equal value. Kipke, on the George Rich, Paul Cook, Austin M. 43 ARE GRADUATE! other hand, was of the opinion that Hughes, Dudley Black, Henry Totzke the present squad has stronger possi- and Joe Gembis as backs. - l[kigain Leads Regisration With hilitis even lookin back and kn - iu isE P AT AT , Author Dies 1 t a j S 43 l a c { t ulll~lo rvol ,uulu uau alm uuw Hgh1es is the best goal ki.ing Erle-0ioad11ns ing now how the men with whom he prospect Michigan has had for sev- Second and Third was associated realized upon their eral years. Like the first year men of possibilities. Kipke's day, they will have to fight The back field men who won their for places against a band of stars, According to final registration fig- first letters in 1921, Kipke's first year, with Friedman, Domhoff, Puckelwartz tres given out by Dean Kraus's office included Uteritz, quarterback, Roby and Skidmre as quarterbacks and Sam yesterday afternoon the total number and Kipke,, halfbacks, and W. C. Babcock, Louis Gilbert, Leo Hoffman, enrolled in the 1926 Biological station Dean, John G. Searles and Robert T. James F. Miller, Jr.,.John Molenda and session was 75. More than half of ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~--~~-~~~ Walter Weber in the first line of this number are women, 44 being reg- S1 backfield defense. istered. i Not all of the first year men of this In the distribution by states Michi- year's backfield candidates will be gan leads with a figure of 28. Ohio, Iletter men or even varsity men if the Illinois, Kansas and New York come B law of averages holds good, but when next in order of greatest registrations the varsity men are picked, there will with figures respectively of 8, 7, 6, and be some good candidates in the re- 5. Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Work in Water Color, Oil, Charcoal, serve strength which Coach Yost has Oklahoma, and Rhode Island have but Pen, Pencil and Pastel T~o Be said is the real strength of a football one member each. In all there are team sixteen states and two foreign coun- Shown i 1Ionday, Tuesday tries represented. Of the total number who are regis- APPEAR IN ALUMNI HALL APPOINT DEM ENTS, tered at the Station 43 are graduate students and 32 are undergraduate Prof. Emil Lorch of the College of students. There are 5 lassed as stu- Architecture has announced that the TO S O PITentScwhol are f E yet onund eergradates. TheSchool of Education undergrad- iclass in outdoor sketching, a feature ntes number 2. of the architectural school during the Almost one half of the total number Summer session, will hold an exhibi- eittee To Work With National led in the Station have been pre- tion of its work in water color, oil, I Endowmient Board headed By viously matriculated at the Univer- charcoal, pen, pencil, and pastel next Beveridge sity of Michigan. In figures, 28 of the number are former Michigan students Monday and Tuesday in the west gal- Mon Ay uandiTuesd ia in he west galTO R A ISE M ILLIO N and 47 have not been previously ma- lery of Alumni Memorial hail. triculated here. The class this year is the largest Students doing research work in since its inception six years ago, hav- zoology number 21 and those doing re- donor of the Cltiments Library of serhwrki-oay ubr7 ing an enrollment of 27 students who osearh work i botany number 7. have spent the afternoons of the sum- lmin'ricana to the University of Miichi- Among 52 students enrolled in the l mer drawing and painting picturesque gan, has been appointed chairman of a Biological station are distributed 64 spots in and about the campus, in the Nlichigan committee of the American degrs Of these the A.B. is inj Arboretum, and along the Huron lHistorical Association, which is seek- grea lst evidence. 'There are 41 A.B., River. ing to raise one mllon dollars "to 2 B3., 11 B.S., 8 M.A., and 2 M.S. Many of the views shown, according promote American history and his- S Nral prominent investigators to Professor Lorch, will interest resi- tory inAmerica" spen time in the station this year and dents of Ann Arbor and students fami- " ""h" Michigan "o"mittee, of wic according to Dean Kraus these were a liar with the surrounding country be- Dr. Everett S. Brown, professor of most valuable influence to the group. cause of their 'ovel treatment of well- Politial Sienc at the University of Dr. Rtuth Marshall of Rockford Col- known places. Michigan has been named Executive lge,R ockford, Illinois worked on Jean Paul Slusser of the freehand Secretary, will work with a National "Waer Motes." Dr. Minnie E. Jewellj ,rawing department, who is in charge Endowment Committee headed by of the Kansas State Agricultural Col- of the class this summer as in pre- former Senator Albert J. Beveridge loge in Manhattan, Kansas was in- vious years, feels that much of the of Indiana and with committees in terested in "Ecology of Bog Lakes." work to be shown is decidedly merit- other states. A New York committee Two members of the School of Hyg-t orious. has been organized under the chair- ione and Public Health of Johns Hop- With the work of the class will be mamship of Charles Evans Hughes. kins hnive iOsy did work in the Bio-t displayed a group of Mr. Slusser's own Yoriier secretary of state. logical station during the present sum-t water colors, many of which were Many prominent men and wome inmer They were Dr. Francis M. Root painted while he was abroad last will make up the membership of the who worked on "Food of Mosquito year. ,ichigan committee, which will have Larvae and Productivity of Pols in The exhibit will be open free of the support of a large and influential which mosquito larvae live and Dr. charge front 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5 body of Americans. The .merican Ernest Hartman who worked on o'clock on Monday and Tuesday; and Historical Association, founded in "Prol lens relating to Bird Maleria."t the public is cordially invited to in- 1884, aims to embark upon a compre- Of ti e four investigators mentionedf spect it. hensive program of historical re- I the ni st three have their Ph.D. and theS search. One project, already under fourth, Dr. Hartnan has a Sc.D. way, is a survey of history teaching--~--~ Tansley Lecture in the schools. Through this investi- Is Postponed gation it is hoped to reveal the facts so that a nationwide plan of co- Mr. A. G. Tansley of Cambridge. ordinated methods may be framed. RO England who was to talk yesterday "What the Asociation now asks,"RAKUERlk FOR U PSnIUEeI afternoon at 5 o'clock on "The Vegi- says a tatement. explaining th work tation of the British Isles" was un- of the Michigan committee, "is an in- Directors of the Michigan Bell Tele- avoidably detained in New York and c ase in endownent to $1000,000, phone company elected Burch For- so was unable to reach Ann Arbor in with the expectation that the addi- aker of Albany. New York as pres-t time for the lecture. He will deliver tional income thus provided will be dent, to succeed the late Judge Franzl it instead next Monday, August 9. used, not only to scure more certain C. Kuhn, who died on June 16, after ar The lecture will come at the time and adequate support for work al- short illness. Alr. Foraker, who at-t scheduled before, 5 o'clock in the Nat- ready undertaken, some of which has tended the meeting, immediately as- ural Science auditorium. The public been seriously curtailed or delayed suimed his duties as head of the Michi-e is cordially invited to attend. by lack of such support, but also to gan company. make possible certain new forms of ir Foraker comes to Michigan a Cservice.' man of more than 30 years in tele-L Kma n phone work and one declared to bes qualified, in every way, as presidentb (By Associated Press) SUMMER SC[OOL CREDIT of the telephone company that servesk DOVER, England, August 2.-Re- COUPONS TO BE MAILEDI the major portion of a state that has- ports reaching here tonight are that outstepped almost every other in the Miss Clarabelle Barrett, of New Credit for all work done in the union in industrial and population York, at 8:30 o'clock tonight was Summer session in the College growth. He states thatn there wll e seven miles off the French coast in her of Literature, Science and the no change in the Company's olicy of attempt to swim across the English i Arts, in the School of Education { rapid building to provide the new and channel from the English to the and in the Graduate school will additional plant that is expected to be French port. The weather was fav- be recorded and the credit cou- required to meet the service needs of orable. pons mailed in strict accordance the growing state and its cities in the jtwith the blanks on file in the re- years to come. WASHINGTON.-Exports of agri- spective offices of those colleges, The Michigana Bell company last' cultural implements from the United Students should make sure year expanded its plant almost $20,-f States established a new record dur- ; that the correct addresses are 000,000 and is expected to go well ing the last fiscal year, when they given on these cards and that above that figure this year. Late in reached $90,029,469, and increase . of the courses are set down without 1925 the company installed in service $27,323,520, or more than 43 per cent error, its half millionth telephone and now over the year ended June 20, 125. J has in service approximately 530,000. Israel Zangwill (By Associated Press) LONDON, Aug. 2.-Israel Zangwill, Jewish author, playwright and lec- turer, died here Sunday. Zangwill, who was 62, was famous the world over as a result of his plays and lec- tures. Israel Zangwill, who was perhaps the greatest of contemporareous com- mentators on Jewish life, being an ar- dent Zionist and founder of the Inter- national Jewish Territorial organiza- tion, made his literary reputation with a novel, "The Children of the Ghetto," in 1892. He was the author of many Jewish plays, some of which were produced in New York in Englishrand Jewish. Zangwill was born in London February 14, 1864, spending his early childhood and school days in Bristolt and Plymouth. After entering the profession of teaching at Spitalfleld, he deserted it for journalism, subsequent- ly founding and editing the literary journal, Ariel, and The London Puck. Class To Visit Paper Plant Of "Detroit News" Escorted by Howard P. Jones of the Journalism department, the classes in journalism will visit the Detroit News plant this week. The exact date for the trip has not yet been arranged. Detailed attention will be given par- ticularly to the editorial Department, according to Mr. Jones. The trip through the plant will be made under the direction of Lee A. White, asist- ant editor of the News. "The students will have a chance to compare metropolitan newspaper or- ganization and methods wit hthose of a smaller city," Mr. Jones said. "Not long ago they had the opportunity of going through the Ann Arbor Times- News which has a very complete or- ganization and an ample plant equip- ment for a city the size of Ann Arbor. ,Now they will view a similar organi- zation on a larger scale." The class in the "Community News- paper" will make several trips to small town newspaper plants within the next week. PARIS.-Mlle. Irene Currie, daugh- ter of Mme. Currie, co-discoverer with her late husband of radium, is to be married, probably late in September, to Dr. F. Joliet, who has been working in the Currie laboratory on radium experiments. NAPLES.-Two new currents of lava have been started down the southeastern flank of Mount Vesuvius by the present erupti6n, which has 1ontinued a week. TRUCE IS SOUGHT BY CHURCH GROUP IN RELIGIOUS WAR CALLES MAKES STATEMENT OF REFUSAL iN REPLY TO EPISCOPACY CAPITOL PEACEFUL All Catholic Churches Remain Open During Day For Prayer And Meditation (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, August 2.--Presi- dent Calles has rejected the proposal for a truce in the religious contro- versy made by the Mexican episco- pacy. A statement to the Associated Piresi- dent by the President says: "This executive has already made known its opinion regarding the r- ligious situation. Replying to the episcopate's statement, I will say that the federal government will only limit itself to act with the required energy Ito enforce the laws of this country." Notwithstanding the great parade of the regional Confederation of Labor, which required two hours to pass a given point, the day was as peaceful a one as the capital ever has known. While the marchers passed the pal- ace, where President Calles, surround- ed by his ministers stood waving his handkerchief in answer to the cheer- ing members of the confederation, the faithful were kneeling in prayer in various churches, beseeching an mnelioration of the situation brought about b ythe government putting into force its new religious regulations. All the Catholic churches, without priests at the altars, were open for prayer and meditation, except the great cathedral and several of the downtown places of worship past which the parade made its way. The doors of these were closed in the fear that some untoward event might oc- cur. Dispatches from all parts of the re- public indicate that tranquility pre- vailed Sunday everywhere. Al- though there was tense feeling at I some places, no actual trouble de- veloped. The government had made strong military preparations in ad- vance to suppress disorder promptly. The expression of willingness to ar- range a truce with the government was made exclusively to The Asso- ciated Press by the episcopate. It was suggested that it should run for a reasonable length of time to give the people a chance to vote on thi sit- uation growing out of the religious j controversy. Meanwhile, the kpdsco- pate would have the new religious 'regulations and the "antireli gious persecutions" suspended. "On its part," says the statement, "the episcopate is willing to give a solution to the conflict that may save public liberties and at the same time not be unbecoming to the govern- ment." The statement declares that some s Latin-American diplomatists and some high government officials have offered their good offices to me:hate. "The episcopate," it continues, "de- spite its slight hopes for a successful outcome of this offer, has sincerely accepted it, but without any success as yet. However, we are conident, and we desire that President Calles may not be absolffutely deaf to the voice of the people. "The present religious conflict is a needless duel . . . It is a runiouw duel from an economic point of view as the blockade gives promise of being ef- fective. The alleged conspiracy to kill Pres- ident Calles is said to have been head- ed by Miss Dolores Lemus a young stenographer who has a position in City hall, which overlooks the presi- dental palace. Miss Lemus and sev- eral other women and men are being detained by the police. One of the secret service operatives asserts that he was present at meet- ings held by the alleged conspirators and that he once heard Senora Ha- quedano, wife of a soap manufacturer, and one of those arrested, say: "It is better for one man to die than to shed the blood of many." Spain plans to nationalize its auto- motive industry, t ,t i r '', 1 I a G 1 I i I: C t A 1 . T} .T ,C I T BASEBALL SCORES Amerlean League Philadelphia 6, Detroit 0 Philadelphia 10, Detroit 1 Chicago 2, New York 1 Washington 14, St. Louis 11 Boston-Cleveland (rain) National League New York 4, St. Louis 2 Chicago 5, Brooklyn 4 Philadelphia 8, Pittsburgh 3 Cincinnati-Boston (wet grounds) f E i I 1