WAGE TWO THE SUMMER MIG GAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1926 1- e umner far from the truth a few years back 1when they said that xwomen will wear, ffly~ l* ~ I I t U flU i J he trousers shortly after they get OFFCIA NESPPEROF H~ the ballot. It miav not. be long before' UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN the girls will g;o to college to learn 'AT O SUMMER SESSION th >nl r fbedwrnn hl H Published cevery nmorn"), 2 \cet % oni'3 h gntea -io bea v nnn wil during the L. nix ersity Summier Session by t he l)0y5 Stay home with mother and _ .I11''C the Board in Control of Student 'ublica- learnl to coo0k and care for the chil-i tions. thn. enler to coknoVo ht e have been reading with more The Associated Press is exclusively en- yu araemy 10 ota than a little interest, H1eywood1 titled to the use for republication of all]cnewsBrw'fieya-lvouecld dispatches credited to it or nt other wise'Seio Tng at ih,'wrtn credited in this paper and thle local news ab'Sen hnsa ih, rte fished herein. YOST SC'ORES AGAIN7 when hie was dramatic critic for, if Entered at the Ann Arbor, M icliaaii, A short time ago, a small up-state ur tmemory serves us correctly, the postofIce as seconxd class matter. Itw atdt ul e tltcNwYr rbn. natcei h Subscription by carrier, $ r..so ;bymail, tw att obidanwahei e okTiue natcei h Offics Press Building, Alavnard Street," Plant for its high school. Of course, okw o atclrhl u t tentioni was entitled "A Test for Crit- GRAHAM'S Special Tables of Books of Interest' to Educators GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal Ann Arbor, ichigani. Comm uni cat iotis, irign i s cv lunee o good faith, will hb- putU-Lsid in The Sn 'amer Daily at the d isceilon of lie kditor.-in! signed comiunnicat ions wvill re-ceive no coil-I sideratioii. The signature nmay be nunt t in publication if dceired b), the wrier. The Summer D~aily' does not necessarily e--dorse the sentiienuts ex pressed in the coinmu nca- tions. Telepibonie 4925S MANAGING EDITOR MANNING HOUSE WORTH the usual num ber of react ioni sts op-1 lDosedl it stronmmgly. The mnan at the head of the drive wrotet to Professo~r Yost andI asked him his opinion of at hlet ics. fihe sent a. telegram cn (- .ntiing this bromide: "'athletics in high school teach lpar- I ici lttt s the lessotn of endurance,; skcill, self-sacrifice, and the necessity for conistanlt work in order to excel. At It etics teach the'- student: body I es-j "oils ini loyalty~ to their g roup) and 1 '. beit all ate inmhued wx'ith tlhorouglh ics." It revived in outr minds happy mem- ories of t he ghoulish chuckles we en- joy'edlxwhe-n xx-efirst read of the test referred to, the onie formulated by ('layto~n HIamilton. Mr. Broun's com- ments are pertinent and exceedingly wvittyv. But that it not what xwe start- eti out to say. For the benefit of those who never Camne across All. IHamilton's "entrance requiremnents for dIramatic critics" T hey are- hereint repriniteti Chlai rmnan, Editorial Boa rd. -..Eugeple I1. (otektn st Ciry Editor---------------- William R. lireyer Music aid iiiam~ra---------William C. Lucas W.~oiaiis Editori......------.I lia itl 0 otii N>' lt iEditors Williain Stockwel '[i! drcIIornlierger Paul J.- Kern l r: deriek'Shillito Douglas IDouhlcday Assistants IDona Boyle Nita Kelley W\illiami Finlay Mlarvc Mac1Ilina 1 Frances Gusteu i-oige F. \IeKean Laxwrence Ily man :Margaret Ward dlear in defeat as in vict or y in these ne--ul n te yna ver soAmiens ? (Lays when everyv stratum o1 soc iety iae ntenv fAnes i,; pervaded by gross materialism and 't'xxo--I a xe you ever climbed to the limmorality. We need such xwhol e- -Acioptilis by moonlight ? somle in fluences as athletics to keep 1Th ree 11Havxe youi ever xxalIked with cixilIization from slipping be~hind."'j w't ispmm's into the hiushed presence of This was read to t he cit izetns of the the Frari Madonna at Be1 lin i tow ina, assInetri. Nxt ear Nowxx'suich anrexamination is all he town will have a wonderful newl rightI if you're going to hand it out athletic 1)1ant to hellp keep ci vi lizat ion !to aest hetiucianus. but how about the ft-om cini ,in p*bhin d.I 'Iiil istine, the uncticlal mind? Can - iU SIN E45 STAFFl Tolephone 2121-1 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation--------------------KaetcbI lacer Advertising .. .. ..-... ... lranci> N' 1 '~ Assistants M'abel Chambers Laurence Van'fu}l William F. Cook Mil dred William> Edward Solomon S4ATUI{1AY. J1ULY :Ul. 1926 West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT Ciie' -.Island and 'f1hr Gei and the Faun.- - I ^:e rii Ph ip o tts. f FOUNTAIN PEN SALARM CLOCKS t HALLER'S I SSTATE STREET JEWELERS FOR the student or prof. the superb VTENUS out-rivas all for pe rfect pei tl wor k. i7 black degree -3 copV1in' Amieri'ani Le~adt w t,* for Patronize Dally Advertisers,- Adv.' For the Coming Season COAT S RIKgolden fall day's 4 ad a warm sturdy top- coat! What happier l l coi bination imagin- fi' able, especially when the smart wearer buys her top- e coat here? Of soft English I,! woolens, they are indescribably smart with their trig collars, broad shoulders, large arm holes and swagger belts. In the most ~ flatering of ;fall shades. } {t (d Seconil Floor) t' _ 11i1t11 auIfj7u1}j vr. 111111i. not one go a step further, and provide Night E'ditor-PAUL J.KERtN 'There is no dutty xxe so utn ch underrate as the (uty of being happy. By bing happy xv, smv anonymous benefits uplon the world, xwhich reiain unktioxn eveni to ourselvxes 0o'rxx'e t hey are disclosed. strprise tnoboy so much as the benefactors. "I do not xwisht to pay om' ia mu anywhere but mmpIon the stage ; but I amd prepar'edh 1 deal larigel y in the opposite (omimiodity. ..A lhap- py man or woman is better than a five-pound not elHe or she is a iadliatinrg foct-, of good -wi11: and their -emilrance in to a roonm is as though aniothmem' candille h ad been lighted"'--Robrt Lti is Stevenson. 11IE, IxEAHN 'o cok Aceordimmn to -Nis Lillian N-1. Gil- breth, inidtst rial engineer - a mii othlir of eleven colildren.uIbe1tlen ofm 1 toay are fighting s ard fo' the igt to do the dinner dishes is the voen of yesterday fought for the ballot.. that. American neiare -i m-tling to get. especialy in our- tmiver;im h- Mrs. Gilbreth r-ecent ly addressed the Internmatiomal 1'tderit ion o l'ni- versity WXonien amt, tei r convmm'eiIiou inm Amstem-dam nm the poblemof01'rcon-t cilinig marriage andi a prolesision She feels that husba nd ai-e able amd will- ing to give a hand in thme itebemi adi nursery aF skillfully as their Aowr' ican ivesiX'5are;aolilt-to take pat todav in business. She is of 1.1m0 oiion that Aniemicsaim ILeli aedtl itchen tl- tire more tlan n miv ers ityx 'xu011t0-1 need lirofessionialI opportuit miy She claitms that college miton art- realizig this anmldtret aiir 51stepst) offst thoii diffii(ltyhxy h}taktuing timiss i co- err. "The pr('jimdic e aga inttdomest ic memn is beting ov'ercoime,"' she ad s+ "butm1t11h01 moroninsit-eon -xithm tilehots <;dIiiirl ts oh'the xoomgem- generationi beclor't' tit'll com(e) 0itio thei- lull (lont'stfii iht s. A voimug professoir imst tle'achiiShakespa re all dnay and rad Shakespeare all ev- ening, instead o help~ing Iihis wife with the dishes, as le p refersbe eauis~be-if th e mi'igbors saw himmi xshm ing dishes tht'y mnighti so spclt ham It was not tin aulthority (on Shakes pare. But a clang(- is oming" The stops colege mimen arne taking to overcome the difflty I she dtmon- strates by the cooses miien are t ak - ing ini domestic sience a Pensyl - vania State college. Cornell and Pur- due.I Michigan, s uisoal, is fairbehlmnd its competitors ini the education in- dustriy. f low can imcMhi gan hope to keep its large enrolhm ent if it does not give cotrses ini cooking and baby- care to its etigr sons? Men will have their domestic rights if they have to fight for them. Nothing can keep the American man from getting what he wants. It is a shame if a mian cannot take any career he like.' '"0Mmir chilId m'ii a no su ffring fm-ommfaItouet foth e Babhbittarian traveler? liore is one we have devised. You pa rent itis."-_L. A. St omie. may' take it oim-leave it ; but it wvill / ttmltltmirsars ologr om uqestiomnably raise the standard of - 'At hI eat'hgrlsareno lomget-eomii-tourists Iai(]d -tuce the number of - -cot 11em (TIs of cereished Ed iropeami iilisttittiis to a minimum: IOte--flave you ever sat harehead- I DITOR.IAL COMMEN'I et in the front roxw of the Folies 13cm'- A I I'h I If: ATER Two-oslave'yout exer got sonsed (Tie meTuporia Daily Gatzet te) i aitl theiti ed to climb to the top of A 1 weelk ago The Gazelle expi-essed Ithme St attie of Liberty by moonlight? serious doubt about the truth of tish T qhm'oo -have von ever sat with St o'tes + nmanat inig frmn President hushed wvhisper's in the Cafe de la 'otlidgos soiinel' ('ammil at «"lite Paix and waitedl for everyonie you line-s. Not tha t the President was4 ever knew to pass by? stretching his fish stories but the- ? Pour- -h ave you ever quaffed ale storie that lie xwas catching thiree while sittingt in Samuel Johnson's amid G- tmsoml jil'-souide(l fishy, 11lit' chair at the ('Ieshire Chbeese? j true ik heing a I)lIIIlnp fish butt sel- I Thlose lests, I believe, should be I dltsxx eight1inmg more' hant i)otiuids. mna doa ireqoirmmi emt tfor' everyoneo go- Th hot1hem' (ay TheK ansas 0'iCTim mink i gtotiEuropi- for the set-ond tite.1 It titit od aIt pit ure of Gox'. A1 Sinithi of O1)f comuse, thme first is a safeguartd nv xx-\ t' Ii in - Ib te "pike' mthe Pm'es- agaminst Blithben spim-it s who first tryl idemt had oautght for him nto eat on to ltuiii tli0(' outsidle of 1the if'Kfel Tow- 'Fm-iday. it wxasnit a pikbe at aill; it xwas 01 without the preliminary' practicej j ust, a skinmnmy"old11p it-ke rel, whmih ni m lime Statute of Libert y. tb tsittst it andlt1h ii isgu ided fish t'nii l 99 soi metlimits call "G real Niirthlermtmhike' A VOIC(E FRO )fTHlE BEYOND Imt'alvin Ctiolitdge batd been'tnii r- X Wegot ax wiire frotmiSir Olivei- Lodge dinary dubi fishemnan aid had l uggted the otlier day. Sir Olix'er, you knowv, is his ctatecl into ca mmp up motli in the, ottn of our- Ieadinmg spiritualists. Sincee (;i-i-it Openi Spa ts. xWhero tisil-i-1 tolls i-aimlie comumun Iicationis last ti- li andthguith-s c'- -nt-six swmootom' 1, -iwi-ntmtat.Joe '/ilc-lihad been coin- 1 hi-(i'ami1) took xw ommd have takzen mlc*n~ Imiutilimg xvw ihlpt sons 5still iving dis oat inmmgrlool; at Mi. ('oolidge anidl after his untint(Ay demise, this great kickedi himt oumt of it'e kitceforftm-stinnlemit ol'the occult has been ti-ying bringimng one of' .the-tm damotn snaki-'! to get int tommclm with the- nted dean of off time laike-.I \Michigan's;hbamrber -colege. ', ' ritont S-tmlhintmlhas had il de t c u h bu ha h a it for piosterit y. A ll of wxhich s Al is a xvise- Cathioli- anmdm the- ltie irnotcehot xvi 'n pike Ri's - XXhen .comes that day of days-and suddenly you know you're a Senior, at the top of the world -have a Camel! VP IN THllE ,A11I I{q ''lie I )ilx Ioxwan) II ighnalt itide-s havemxbeemfoundtil o! have a p~sychologicalIreltio tmn to per-tim_ stimality, a'cordntmg to i'eseam't'hmt-s ,ondtuct ed by tbhe schlool of a viationi titemici'm t :MXitt-l-l fiell.Olisei-x'i-m'l hatve' fOlltiih ti hemt ! 1t'mstmtn m'iac-hm-- '5z a mnit itthdeof 12,000 1feet 0o' muoue lim, e tar)-i mumis oftenott ihm ahbtindomn- muent of all inmhibiions amid the ev-el - atio tmmof t hi' tmrtu- rdisposit ionu. Goodl cofii°-- m, lu-v stax. alt-erhit-colmit-irrita; blei'a tit x'iolent, xhile gioomiy m I imi rmis :uoi'lbhth('omit's hetomei- smilinig auI lk atlive. i h e t )I ( ~e o d c e ypla ciing I ho su bijio c .i t lowahm y pl'i'5511 i'iDe n I .o ,'e l(,l GtH l I hie 'lmatniu-r and !art iicially t-ar-ry Iiil) to! Sir i- iver'1s xvirme folloxws: great hieigltts. whi ile thIie watcher-s . S it' Tob y Tiffinil (-_re Rolls coloni biiea th tmehor(d( itary-aim 'aImnd nmolte ehal e hemm trying to get ill tolmell withI irnmt al anmd physicalI reactionis mofI'thn-spiril of JIoe zilch fm ouis dean of sit bjet't--Thin sertisontaility changes, )1 i imums ba rber' colleg-e top No sayys Maj-. .l. Poole,. coin mmanmd anm success so far" stop, Will let you knlow of the school, make)Ime differemnce bu'e if ouf I fiu rt il lier tranlspires stop xx oi-ui a "wxxomnmdIem- anmd awash out'" as L1-oie hi i' as aviatIion is concerned. - Sir Oliver Lodge if time o'hia lges noted by thme air We bayoun't nmch faith ilm Sir' Oli- school a re-of1 a trtist worthy iiatumrie j ver's ability to conjure upi Joe's spirit, alntd truitnmdex to charamcte r ammd per- !but xwe will pu blish all his findings. stomwaityv. then pssibililtlos of tin'he ox«. !iu'resstu re chamtber- art- unlimi tetd. Ev- ! All oftihlie 0)1d1gtuartd has deserted cr eyump1)1oymenit burea i.u, -hool builhi]- us e'xcept Michael. Michael's out hi rF WHEN comes the day that can come but once. And as a Senior you've reached your place at the top of the world-have a Camel! For Camel shares of its own enchantment with life's memorable events. Camels are of such choice tobaccos that they never tire the taste or leave a cigaretty after-taste. Re- gardless of the money you pay, there is no mellower, friendlier or better cigarette made than Camel. So this day as you've safely passed all the hazards to life's sublimest moment--know the taste, the contentment that is the due of the world's experienced smokers. Have a Camel! i i,, police station, andti onie coulId liey etjmipemto asci'mtaim the truocbs.,- ptsitio011of emplloyte-,puiliIs, SmishiectS 'IntIfriends. P erimi-ps thie time is a pproqaching when the aii- pressure in the home will be, adjustable, and can be raised 0o' lowered in kieeping withitime need for' boilstering or subduinig the spiritsf of time family. In such an event the need for scilentific mating will be in- ol'oiimxsl onenowox. The other clay lie semi us a post5 car'd with a purp~le daisy orn (one side anti a foniur limie con- ti-ihmutiomi' in verse on thme othier'. Unfoir-- tunately we've lost the card so we can't.mreprint the poetry. Only eleven mioi'e days. *** Have you started studying for them yeti No other cigarette in the world is like Camels. Camels con- tain the choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. The Camel blend is the . triumph of expert blenders. Even the Camel cigarette paper is the finest -- made especially in France. Into this one brand of cigarettes is concentrated the experience an-d skill of the largest tobacco organi~auion in the world. Our highest wish, ij you do not yet know Camel quality, is thaI you try thiemt. We int- vilte you to comre - Camels with any ciga- rette made at any pric. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Wiustomi'Salem, N. C. /' 0~ 1926 i