FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1926 THE 5UMMEh MICHIUAN DAILY PAGE THREj FRIDAY, J'ULY 30, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHRZAN DAILY _________________-I Fifty Picked Marines Guard White Pine Camp Classified Ads WANTED{ WANTED-College girl desires room in private home for coming college year. Phone 9758. 33-34-35 ' WANTED - Room or suite by Uni- versity Professor and colored stu- dent friend for coming college year. Please address W. W. Denton, 4211 Third, Detroit. tf WANTED - Teaching position by1 Post-Graduate student. A.B. degree. 2 yrs experience. References. Ad-I dress Mich. Daily, Box 111. 33-24-351 FOR RENT FOR RENT-- Overlooking Cavanaugh . Lake, five room furnished cottage, screened porch 30x10, fire-place, half acre on hill, good bathing, nearf beautiful golf course. From Augustj 14 for one year. Enquire 1315 Cam-1 bridge. Phone 3047. 33-34-35 FOR RENT FOR RENT- Two apartments. One especially suitable for business wo- men. Furnished or unfurnished. 324 E. Jefferson. 33-34-35 fR ALE s Y.b r ry with water softener. Double gar- age. Steam heat. Built for home. Priced $2,000 below cost. Call 6584 or see owner at house. 34-35-36 LOST LOST-In FOR SALE - One 1925 Fronty-Ford Gotham Roadster, 8-valve overhead system, Finder1 Bosch ignition, racing wire wheels, iWashten fully equipped, just over-hauled. ward. Will sacrifice for cash or terms. T Michigan Daily, Box 112. 34-35) LOST-As er pleas4 FOR SALE-House at 1625 Granger phreys, Ave. Owner leaving city. Ten 8227. R rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, large attic. Four pairs French doors, stone fire place, light laund- Read lavoratory of Library man's wrist watch. Spring strap. please call 9117 or at 1617 naw Ave. and receive re- 32-33-34-35-36 large Amethyst ring. Find- e return to Margaret Hum- 544 ThonipsoAt St. Dial Reward. 34-36 the Want Ads WE NEED TEACHERS FREE REGISTRATION MANY VACANCIES WESTMORE TEACHERS AGENCY 7t6 Old National Bank Blgly. SPOKANE, WASH,