PAGE TWO OFFICIAL NEWSPAP'ER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHTIG~ANI SUMMER SESSION Published every m nl lng eael t Monday, Juring the Univer sity Summer Session byI the Board in Control of Student Publica-1 tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en-( titled to the use for republicat.ion of all news dispatches credited to It Or not othek Wise! credited in this paper and the local newvs oub- lished herein. Entered at the anti Arbor, %I ichieant,1 postothece as second class platter. Subscription by carrier, cia3o; b mail,, $2. 00. Offices: Press lBuilding, MIaynard i trh i,' Ann Arbor, Michigan.1 Cominnnicatlo us. if :2igi n'd is eicv hce Of good faith, will be ptihlished fin The Su'nmer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. ")n- signed commnic lations wril receive no con- sideratio n. The signature may be oi ied in publication if desired by the writer, The Summer D aily' doesrout necces-sari'y c Jorse the se ntimnents expre Sed in the 201111 lmiva- tioils. EDITORIL L 'FI TIelephlone 4 1 MANAG;ING EDITOR MANNING HOUSEWORTH! Chairman, Editorial Board ...-... Eugenelie. I utch o ns' City Editor. ... .. .......... William RI. Dreyer Music and Di aio---------\ill jam ( C. Luas Woman's Editor. ..........J)ulia Rth B~row n Niht Editors WVilliamu Stockw'.ell Thef, dre H uruergcr Paul J. Kern Fjredceric 1.,.uhI' Douglas Doubleday THE SUMMER M JC-xwv fAI N VTn hA V TTTT Xi' Mn 1Q90, So throughout the years of his life I ect has been exhaustively treated by thus far, people had led him on. They Prof. Herry Elmer Barnes in his book,{ accepted him and his deeds. And "The Genesis of the World War," page still his own congregation is behindj 609 ff.; also by F. Avernarius, "How himi. They are "in Jesus Christ." the War Mgadness. Was Engineered." They, his flock, know what it must Any attempt this late day to make a meiant to a. mnan to be in Dr. Norris' plea for sincerity in connection with circumstances. European war propaganda in the Unit- But another "they," they of the ed States is utterly futile. dlistriet attorney's office do not realize, Professor Slosson states that we his helplessness in the case. They~ went into the war because of the mur- would go so far as to imp~ly that he der of United States citizens on the shot this mnan just as other men shoot high seas. May we remind the read- men. Ah, they cannot understand, jer that the Lusitania case had been the infidIels. What do they know of disposed of long ago. But as the facts God anti the Church and the Spirit,I in the case may not be generally the heathiens? Alas ! These men ofi known, I submlit the following: "Four pubtllic office are not ''in Jesus Christ.''!dys efore the Lusitania sailed, Pres- -- --I idlent Wilson was warned in person "Pesonally Poincare is unpop~ular', by Secretary of State Bryan that the for he is cold, tl'uthful, meticulous' Lusitania had six million pounds of aTnd utterly lacking in that demagogy ammunititon aboard, besides explos- whlich the crowd adores, hut at the Ives, and that the passengers who saetinge- he is respected universally, proposed to sail oil that vessel wereI for every one knows that he is Intel- sailing in violation of a statute of this ligent, hard working and scrupulous- ('ountry, that no passenger shall tray- lv honest." -Paul Scott Mowrer, el upon a railroad train or sail upon _______________ -a vessel that carries dangerous cx- "Mn . Coolidge in his quiet way un-I plosives. And Mr. Bryan appealed to burdens hinmself each year of Wordsl President NWilson to stop passengers S'nough inl public adldresses to fill two from sailing on the Lusitania.'' (From lair-sized novels, and preserves mean- a speech by Senator La Follette of while a reputation as the silent mamn Sept. 30, 1917 in St. Paul.) in the Wh'ite hlouse. Silent? So I.s Professoni' Slosson rightly attri- S)t'. 't'iic f" - Charles Merz. hutes the present difficulties of France and hier neighbors to bad finance and "W\omnen in the House are now treat- heavy armaments. The costly yen- edi as a mlatter of coutrse by meni memin tues of the wars in Syria and Mgor- hers, who arc just as rude to thema as occo should also have been mentioned to anyone else."'' Ellen Wilkinsin, M. 1in this connection as well as the vast I'.rums of money France has loaned to ____________Polanid andl a number of members of the little' Enetente. Moreover, if I Any medieval king would have be-reebrigtythinaonfte headed \V'ill 11ogers just for the joyrmelr ihy'teinaonfte Ithur co~st Franc'e more than she of itea ti lg what he woulId say when 1iin'db t he felIt the n xEi. ''rinc e of Wa! te s I ______Professor Slosson also analyzes cor- j rectly enough the reasons for the at- we hae leaned atofshoolsrhaslbeatnItitude of Europe towards the United we hve eared t scool ha ben'.States ond their "outcry" against the foirgotten: that i sa good definition of Icet set tlements in England, France, edtucation." -Duch( 4s of Atholl. and Italy. Now if this were merely an "outcry," there might be some i~wis mlade a farce when insanl-1 justification. There is no doubt that ity \-r (lfetis are permitted preced- without the intervention of the Unit- , ovne over just ice."---Mayor Dever. led States the Entente could not have -- won the war. Although from the Eu- -Xeither the fishermnan notr the fish ropean point of view it may be hum- i s inte rested in sporting possibilities iliating to admit it, yet this is the when the catch is business." naked truth. The United States ---- brought into the war the weight of its '.[liberty or death was a fine p~hrase, enormous economic and technical re- but co-operation or p~overty is more sources as well as the weight of its accuraTte now."- --M4ussolini1.I enormous resources of man-power. ______-When Germany once realized the force "( ndut, ot ord, i th mot'of the TUnited States that was back- convincing; evidlence of patriotism."-, ing the Entente she gave up all hope Htrook~ Fletcher.t of victory. Suchl being the services _________________which we have rendered to France and the Entente, we may well ask Z r, rtra. 41,.-".... i A To . f o w-- -- a '4 ../!i .8 1.P.ttltlfl.I, J1ULJ I 6U, I1~ U GRAHAM'S Special Tables of Books of Interest" to Educators GRAHAM'S At Both emds of the Diagoal "What awhale of a difference just a few cents mae!t" Donia Boyle WVilliamtn irla\- Frances Gusteni Lawrence Hymian Assistants -Nita Kelle y Mary \lacl )nald t corge T. lMeKean Margaret Ward BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 1221 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation .................Kenneth h aven Advertising.................. hr nciy Nortj i't Assistantsa Mabel Chambers Laurence VanTuylI William F. Cook \l ildred \N1ilii, Edward Solomon F ILIAY, WIN. 30, 192(; Night Editor --'U. lit I IORNBIjR IER THE MODERN (RUSAIWII Revt. J. Frank Norris, gospel sales-} ob t-all the differene between just an ordinary cigarette -and -- FA TsIM A , the bl nd ' i is-o- man way down end of trouble tle scrape God in Texas, is having uto 'getting ut of tOe lit made him shoot him- self into. A. .\l r. 1It. C (hipps; had come ito his 0111Ce one day andti re- fused to lea v- on111 r. Norris' invita- t ion. Tlhen God, through his mled i m, Dr. .Norris, reached intro his dInawet, where a pistol happened to heo, Fol- lowinI9 --in the cfr10 sioft'tho p re- ferred blonde, i orel ei Mr. ( 'lipps 1 .. ... ._ . became shot. Mr. Chlep s was k illk in fact, for there wecre 01010 >than ton of the lead pellets.I Somie pc-oplo hliv' be'-rttverY cciie in thteir opirilts ablout tl&hitlia ttei They insist that bwcanse Drv. Normi is a dlivinte that lie should not 1h,1 dlone this. .ITest as t mlit a Iniuiist( of the gospel ist't hIi man' !Just: though Dr. Norris, bt .eause of h. ('hurch position, ioes ii have pa ssion andl ilt pukies andilweak inonierits' 11 is only a vic~t im of circeo Instance- that is all. In his pious life he-ic cumulat ed st i man repressio 105 tha when the (dain broke, it really burst Jfust circuinsto nces, drtI t-is all. human soul caught in life's -iganti whirlpool and led where he had ii w~ill to go. P'eop le played upl to hint they made himinw iiat he is today an( now t hey a rn t. sat isfiedi with t hen own fabrication. His life histor: shows this--shows ho(w one thing lee to another lie was a ble to do thi awful thing. Scene one goes way hack to 1912 H-e had a chutrchl at fort AVorth. One day it became butrnit down. They% in- dict ed hire or pilerjur'y anl i soi But, as he stat ed in his seroon aft er M .C i p h a e o n ki l d "T eeis no0 (ondem nnat ion to 11h e1a w hich arc' in Jesus Christ." Scene two was durming t hat great W orld war, which tore and ripped thlai n f t e e rt l p fn o r and sidewayvs. The Y. M.\- A., thlit sup posedly Chr iist ian group, hil dboon giving cigarettes to oilt- soldiers, tihe crcami of tihe Il t ci Statlos' dairy. thle flower of C)oirt Iiat ionlI reenll 01151' Meal i'igaretes! Not cotielbs. Thiey had tobacco in them! 1n his pro- test against this a: ria'it y Or. Norris again c'aime before li5 spubtilc. his pubh- lic which is iiow divided a go st lion, -which would turn on 11111,Ah, the faithlessness of the whole affair. Scene three is in a New York pull- pit in 1923. It is Sumnlay morning. The birds are singing, the sune shines above, and the little Sabbiathtishrntbs are all in blossom. Dr. Norris of Trexas is filling that pulpit that morn- ing. It occurred to htim1 that.t this Sodomic city where he was praching could not exist. Hie announced this in ioracular rhetoric to his congrega- tion. Within 60 minutes the city would be demolished. The 60 minutes 'passedi and only the clattering of s ur- face cars disturbed the peace. Peo- ple did not condemn him for this, and yet they are turning on him now like II. n E, WIel i ~ ~ei 01 1'~.ek.i.S) whether the Europeans are justified l.1a11 ole ^grdaesmry-R in holding us up in their newspapers t5 e " Phillips. and reviews as Barbarians and Red- I- sinswhether the French are justi- ''opportunity is not the pessessionI tied in attacking and manhandling of tihe favored few." ---RepresentativeAeiatorssnthsresad is on the b~oulevards of Paris. 7s- That "an impoverished debtor will e CAMPUS OPINION never love his prosperous creditor" y Anonymonscomnmunications will be (Professor Slosson) is quite true, But ii-regarded. The names of communi- ;btenlvadhtrdhresa - '-n- wiflt, however, be regarded as~ tenloeadhtedteei at r(flirPtttial anonl request.} slight difference. WVe do not ask for love. All we ask for is ordinary de- IA'1l01PE'S REAL A!I'7TIUIE; cent and polite treatment, since the a A WVORD) TO PROF. SLOSSON Europeans have ever-y reason to be is Tlo the Eiditor : 1 grateful to us for having saved them io .Xcortling tioati article in tiheAMich- from the yoke of Germany. t,'igan Summer D~aily of July 27, Profes- That the European nations are very A slr it'osson thinks "the implication badly off is too well known to need l' i hat the Untited States was entrap- further comment. We may well sym- y Pi)A iic the Great war by British andI pathise with them in their misfor- Ii French "propaganda" is as much of tunes but. are they not themselves to s, an insult to American intelligence as blame for their present misery? it is to hlunopeami sincerity." (See last: Among other things, was it not possi- ?Suiday's editorial in the Summerl ble to end the war honorably to both e, Daily.)j sides in 1916? But no, the Entente - M1y study of the history of the preferred to continue the slaughter t., Great war, covering several years,! and destruction for two long years r ladls nie tio the conclusion that byI mor'e. in other words "to fight to the eskilfully manoeuvened war pt'opagan- bitter' end"--and, is there any exag- d"ca not only the United States but geration in saying that the war is not some0 of the Euirop~ean nations as well over even nlow as the result of the twere entrapped into the Great war. Treaty of Versailles in which the e A Frenchman, D~emar'tialI, is the au- rights of minority nations are utterly -thor of a book, "Hlow our Consciences1 disregarded? t WVero Mobilized," in which he proves i Finally we may ask what is the un- ithat the French themselves were derlying cause of the present evil ec- hoodwinked by secret. diplomacy and; oomnc plight in Europe. The answer wart' paPgat(Ia. If the intelligence Ito this question touches upon the very . ' insteaid of the consciences of the vat'-! bottom of the whole matter, the Great r ions nations had been ihobilized, in wiar. Those who have not studied the other wvords, if then had known dlur- subjiect of war guilt will profitably i ig the wart scare what they learn- read "La Victoi~re," by Alfred Fabre- -ed since, I he IEuropean world would. Luce, which has recently been trans- be very different fr'omn what it is now. lated into English under the title of, a In view of the foregoing and the "The Limitations of Victory." The revelations whichl have come to light book contains, among others, the oft- during the past five years or more, I en cited, well known passage: "Ger- - (Io not see why the wholly justified many and Austria made the gestures assertion that the United States wVas which made the war possible. The entrapped into the Great war by war Triple Entente made those which ren- itpropaganda should be considered an dered it certain." La Victorie also tisult to Anmeric'an intelligence, contains a chapter on methods of war As for European sincerity in mak- propaganda and the "story of the evo- ing propaganda in the United States,( lution of historical opinion on the > need anyone he reminded that war problem." Many authorities agree in proi)a^1iuda and sincerity---- European, placing the primary responsibility for or other- do not go very well togeth- the outbreak of the Great war on Rums- er. The Entente propaganda in the I sia and France-to be more precise, United States far from being sincere, on Poincare and Isvolski-without, Swas not only one-sided, but consisted however, minimizing in the least G'er- for the most part of false allegations, many's share of guilt in the great ad- Its sole aim being to get the United venture. ?"t~Personalc Sevic JULY CLEARANCE. SALE Greatest Value- Giving event of the entire Season Coats Capelet, Fluring and Straight Line Modes Values to $125.00 at ..,..... . ....... $49,50 Values to $49.50 at ....,............ $24.75 Values to $35.00 at.... ............ $16.75 Suits Style-Right and for Every Hour Price-.Right Fashions of the Feminine day f1 ValuesI Values1 to to $125.00 at.. $59.50 at,.. $39.75 at.. . $49.50 $24.75 .$19.75 Values to Afternoon and Evening Frocks Attractive 'Models of Printed Crepe, Georgette, Chiffon, Taffeta, and Printed Silks Values to $75,00 at $39.75 Street Frocks Values to $45.00 at ...........$47 -Dainty Summer Frocks One is tempted to use superlatives in describing these lovely frocks. They're up-to-the minute in style. -- $9.75 and $16.75 r a " -a -'C 1. ' i .. t n C, 1 . v < We Close Saturdays at 6:00 P. M. 11